The Devil’s Cage

Chapter 1451: deceitful

Chapter 1451


Of course, Luf knows what the great lords are best at.

Success is justified because of their perfect plan.

If you fail, you have to pay the price because you have destroyed their perfect plan.

Therefore, after raising his disciple Aiden, Luf did not stop for a moment, so he took his disciple and ran outside the Aiyah post.

Outside the Aiyah post, he hid two good horses.

Enough for him and his disciples to return to the Yote Plains as quickly as possible.

Of course, the Yot plain is not the end.

There is no wealth, but there is no guarantee.

Farther north is the real safe place.

There may be bitter cold.

But it is better than death.

As for the South?

Don't be kidding. After a terrible change in Navija, ordinary people who dare to go to the South alone, it is really looking for death.

"Old, teacher, where are we going?"

Aiden’s mouth asked for a leak.

Compared to the annoying look that has just been disguised, Aiden at this time is not even disgusting even if his mouth is leaking.

On the contrary, there is a sense of cleverness and intelligence.

“At least to the Smack hills, the safest thing is to cross the Weiss Valley and enter the Linda Mountains.”

Luf’s footsteps kept explaining.

"Smack hills?"

"There is a house of bandits!"

The young man with a leaking mouth was exclaimed.

"That is better than going to face those monsters, at least..."

"People can communicate!"

Luf said that he stopped and his eyes looked far away.

There should be two horses in there.

And now?

Nothing is empty.

Obviously, his intentions were discovered.

However, as he said, as long as it is a person, you can communicate, and there is a possibility of tumbling.

"Which is an adult?"

"I just thought that the unarmed old man, and Aiden is just a young man from ordinary people, we don't have any force."

"You don't need to be careful."

"On the contrary, I will bring you a fortune."

After Luf took a deep breath, he shouted like this.

With such shouts, in the remote corner of the Aiyah post, a tall man came out.

The other person's body is more than a common person.

Moreover, not only is the high, the other party is still very strong, the arm muscles exposed outside the leather armor, a root, a strip of knots on it, as if it is the root of the old tree.

Looking at the arm that was thicker than his thigh, especially the face full of scars, Aiden couldn't help but swallow.

However, the young people are still subconsciously in front of their teachers.

"It turned out to be the adult of Ill."

Luf patted his disciple's shoulder and thought about the other person's information.

Duyil, who was once the leader of a bandit in the Smike hills, but in the fiercely competitive Smike, after two years of scenery, he was quickly destroyed by the rising star and became the dog of the family. However, The other party was in a difficult situation. It was one of the masters of the swordsmanship of the 'Tailor Collar' who was in a good mood at that time.

The other party is tyrannical and greedy.

People are afraid.

But Luf definitely doesn't mind the other party's greed.

He wants to be like this.

"I have a lot of savings. If I am interested, I can give you all."

Luf said this.

"How much is your savings?"

"If there is enough, I can make you die a little faster."

"If not enough..."

Duyir’s smile, the ill-intention in his eyes is simply obvious.

"Of course, enough."

"At least twice as much as you can get."

"You took the task, but you don't need to do it in the true sense, or... you can get double the bonus."

"The Lord's adult, and mine."

"Of course, if you want a third copy, I can give it to you."

Luf clearly understands how to deal with such people, and Il is obviously interested.

"The third?"

Duyil looked at Luf.

The other party will bribe him, he has already guessed it.

Just as he didn't mind getting two rewards and killing the other, he didn't think there was a third.

Unexpected third.

"You just took my two horses. Under one of the saddles, I hid a map, which is the treasure map I got."

"It comes from the Smack hills."

"It's the treasure of those guys!"

Luf said very seriously.

"Is those guys?!"

Duyil blinked up.

The existence of those guys in the Smack Hills is only one share, letting him become the dog of the family.

But right away, what I think of.

"How come you have the treasure map of those guys!"

"You lied to me!"

"The guys won't have a treasure map at all!"

I thought that I was deceived, and the angry ones stepped forward. I opened the young man and took Lufu to the collar and grabbed it.

"In the eyes of the world, those guys come and go like the wind is like a ghost, and the choice of goals is different."


"They are also people. They also need food. They also need to rest. They also need to leave their own way back. They just want to cover up."

"Even for the sake of incomprehension and fear, they will not move the property on the spot, but the most valuable part of them has already been taken away."

"Leave it, just to let you watch."

Luf explained the tone as clearly as possible.

Or, it’s a well-organized trick.

What he said is of course fake.

For those guys, he just heard that the guys will not be able to live every time they move, but they don’t move their belongings.

He used to be very curious to study why, but nothing.

However, it is better to use it to fool the eyes.

Looking at the blinking eyes of the other, he knew that the other party was hooked.

"Do you know how big the treasure is?"

"It's enough to make us spend a lifetime."

Luf began to throw more bait.

"Then why don't you come out in advance?"

The instigated Duy asked.

"Because I can't disappear without cause."

"And, I am missing a strong helper."

Luf said the answer that he had long thought of, and he patted the other person's flatter without any trace.


"I will take you away, but if I find out that you are lying to me, I will definitely make you die!"

"Now, come with me."

"Your horses have been placed elsewhere."

The other party said, turned and left.

Luf immediately followed.

It is natural for the other party’s greed to smother two good horses without returning to the camp. This is also a key point in his plan.

Because, this will give the right to have a feeling of mastery.

In fact?

The Ruff sleeves behind the other side shook slightly.

A bottle of potion was twisted open.

The faint, almost odorless gas began to spread, and all of them fell to the ground after about a dozen steps.

"Take his sword, smash his armor and see if there is anything worthwhile, bring it, this is our toll."

After speaking to his disciples, Luf began to follow the traces of horses left on the ground and ran towards one side.

Soon, he found his own prepared horse.

But before the war horse stood a person.

A young man who impressed him.

The young man who used his scabbard to remove his teeth from his disciples.

Looking at this young man, Luf immediately revealed a harmless smile of humans and animals.

"What do you have about this adult?"

"If I can, I have a treasure map to be dedicated to you!"

Lufu said in a sincere manner.

The young soldier gave the answer by lifting the sword and slamming it on the other's neck with a scabbard.


After the muffled sound, the wise man fainted to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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