The Divine Hunter

Chapter 20 Goodbye, Squirrel Party

"God-level Demon Hunter ()"!

"Findabe, I'm sorry, we're late." Ain Shedi, the leader, jumped off the wall and looked up and down at the elf lady with concern. "Fortunately, you're fine."

"After so many years away from Bretanner, is everyone still willing to accept me? I..." Aveline's voice was choked, her eyes were red, and tears were flashing.

"Which young man has never been rebellious? If it can take a few years to recognize a complete mistake, it is not too late." The elf comforted, "Everyone still believes in you, and the top of the mountains is willing to accept children who have lost their way and returned home. ," The elf took a step closer to Evelyn, "The Blue Mountains and Baihua Valley will always be your home, and we will always be brothers and sisters."


"Roy, Cantila, I'm here to introduce you," Aveline swept her palms one by one over the elves in front of her, recalled for a moment, the strangeness in her eyes quickly faded, "They are my brothers and sisters on the edge of the world, Friends who grew up together..."

The World's Edge usually refers to the blue mountains that span the entire eastern part of the Northern Realm.

"This is Serge."

Evelyn pointed to the elf who was talking to her just now.

A short green vest over a loose green satin shirt, and fitted woolen leggings tucked into riding boots.

The witcher mused, remembering where he'd seen a similar style.

"This is Vasili..." Evelyn pointed to a middle-aged female elf with long eyelashes and unusually pale skin.

Around her neck there were many belts, strung with strips of golden birch, and she carried a birch staff with intricate patterns in her hand.

A touch of magic flowed between her slender fingertips and birch staff, and there was no doubt that she was an elvish sorcerer.

"This is Toruville..." An elf girl with a petite figure and a somewhat rebellious expression holding a worn lute. Her long, jet-black hair draped over her shoulders, with two thin braids tied around her temples, dressed like a minstrel, but with a colorful cloth around her waist that hung down to her knees.

"This is Kensafa..." A male elf who greedily devoured Huvelt and turnips in both hands, his face was cold and stinky, like a resentful debt collector.

After listening to Evelyn's introduction, the witcher nodded to the four of them, but his eyes subconsciously observed the surrounding environment.

Thinking about tactics.

The elves on the Blue Mountains have always been unfriendly to humans because they have been fighting with humans for the ownership of the Valley of Flowers. If there was any conflict in such a narrow alley, he would undoubtedly be at a great disadvantage.

He also noticed that the four unfamiliar elves were all thin and pale, as if they were malnourished. More or less, he has a few battlefield skills such as one-handed sword specialization and bow specialization, and obviously he often participates in battles.

The other side is also watching the witcher and Cantila.

The elf girl holding the lute was the first one couldn't help but wonder, "Sister Fantabe...cough, cough...I understand this girl from Resekania (Zerikan), is Cantila right, it seems to be with You suffered together. Who is he?"

"Roy, one of my best friends," said Evelyn.

"You didn't tell everyone in advance that you have to bring an 'ape man'." The elf girl stared at the witcher, her black eyes suddenly flashed with doubts, "No, he looks familiar..."

"Where are you familiar with?" the indifferent elf man asked, taking a big mouthful of carrots.

"His ears, the outline of his face, look carefully!"

The elf maiden fiddled with the strings of the lute, trying to shout at the witcher, "Queglosse? Quel'enpaviennell'ea?"

"Nell'ea." Roy responded immediately in skilled archaic, "T'enpavienn Ain Sheidi."

"That's right, guys, see..." Toruviel turned to look at the gluttonous elf man, "This ape can speak his native tongue! Ahem, ahem, he's an Ain Shedi! No wonder I didn't smell it. The stench of most humans!"

"Ape-man? That's how pure-blooded Ain Shedi sees humans?" The witcher found this adjective amusing. He could already clearly feel the gentle attitude of this elf girl, because of the same elf blood.

"Isn't it Roy, you look young, but your body is quite strong, much better than most of the sick men on the mountain. The family just needs a dynamic young man like you, come back to the blue with us Mountains."

"Okay, Toruviel, don't fool around!" Searle glanced at the witcher's dark gold eyes and the pendant between his neck, "This Your Excellency can't come with us. Don't you see it? He is a A witcher who abandoned his identity as a son of the hill and chose the path of mutation... You expect a witcher to stand on our side and fight against humans?"

"Witcher, a human bastard who collects money to work?" Toluwil suddenly pouted, thinking of an unpleasant past, and completely lost interest in Roy.

"Don't say that..." Evelyn hurriedly explained, "I owe Roy a life, he rescued me from the dungeon, otherwise I can't wait for you."

"A witcher saved an Ain Shedi..." The four elves exchanged surprised glances.

Sel paused and bowed to the witcher, "My friend Roy, I apologize for the offending words just now. You saved Findabey, that is the friend of the Son of the Hill, welcome to the edge of the world, Dole Breitner is a guest, and only needs to report my name to my countrymen. But this time is short of time..."

Searle turned to Evelyn and said, "Lord Filavanteri is still waiting for you at the top of the mountain. If nothing else, it's time to leave."

The elf lady nodded and turned to face the witcher and Zerekhan's companion, her eyes complicated, as if a grand farewell ceremony was brewing.

"Don't worry, a few." The witcher interrupted suddenly, "I'm very curious, how did you get in touch with Ai Fulin in the Baihua Valley, thousands of miles away?"

For nearly a month, the sea scorpion has been strictly guarded by the soldiers of the barondom, and it is reasonable to say that there is no chance to contact the elves of the Valley of Flowers.

"Let me explain Findabey," Searle said, stepping forward. "She carved her name on the stake in the square, in her mother tongue, and our people just saw the mark. Pass the message back. the Blue Mountains."

"Your people?"

"You don't think all elves hide in the mountains, do you?" Sayre smiled confidently. "There are brothers and sisters of Ain Shedi all over the world...and there will be more and more!"

"So, are you all going to bring Evelyn back to Breitner?" Roy's suspicious tone was filled with dissatisfaction, displeasure, and disapproval.

"That's right, is there a problem, witcher?" Toruviel said impatiently, as if he couldn't stand the witcher's dawdling attitude, "It's a shame I spoke well for you before. You have to stop a hill now. The son returns to his hometown?"

"Toruville, be patient! Then, Mr. Roy, what advice do you have, Fantabe shouldn't go back?"

"You're right!" The witcher glanced at the four elves and took a step forward. "Returning to Dole Breitner is definitely not the right choice."

"Why do you say that? You have to give me an explanation, Roy." Evelyn asked, looking at the witcher, her pretty face collapsed.

Roy took a deep breath, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, before laying out his draft.

Now, he finally understood why Searle's outfit gave him an unusual sense of familiarity.

The green color on this Ain Shedi is clearly the color of the notorious Squirrel Party in the future. They were also exploited and oppressed by the humans of Aden, and driven to the Blue Mountains. Compared with the real Squirrel Party, Only a squirrel fur decoration is missing.

But it also reminded the witcher that Dole Breitner was one of the Squirrel strongholds.

If Evelyn follows back, there is no doubt that she may join the Squirrel Party in the future. When the southern empire blows the horn of the northward march, she will inevitably shed blood on the battlefield with her compatriots.

What happened to most of the Squirrel Party in the War in the North?

Because of Francesca's deal with Emperor Emhyr of Nilfgaard, the Squirrel Party, which originally aimed to resist the cruel exploitation of non-human beings, changed its style. Countless elves and dwarves formed assault groups to attack the armies of the northern kingdom, even mercilessly wielding butcher knives at human civilians.

But they were eventually betrayed to Emhyr by their queen in the saddle, and Emhyr tied most of the Squirrel Party officers to the Northern Kingdom to conclude a truce.

Squirrel Party, pitiful and hateful.

In the end, less than one-third of the Squirrel Party could survive until Francesca regained the Valley of Flowers and established a living area for elves.

He didn't want to see his old friend jump into the fire pit, but he couldn't tell the future.

"Look at them, they are so thin that there is no oil or blood on their faces." The witcher put it another way, "If I'm not mistaken, your four friends lived in Dole Bretanner. It was bitter. At least not enough food to eat."

The four elves suddenly fell silent.

Kensafa, who was eating vegetables greedily, opened his mouth and stopped chewing.

The witcher was right, the environment of the Blue Mountains was not friendly to elves, food was scarce, most Ain Shedi could not have enough to eat, and they did not have the talent for human farming.

Roy continued,

"The Valley of Hundred Flowers is firmly occupied by humans, elves can only hide in the blue mountains, but no millet will grow on the plateau, and your proud elf king Feila Vanderi is unwilling to trade food with humans. Evelyn goes back You will inevitably suffer from starvation, and you will have to face the torture of the extreme environment in the mountains, in case you get sick..."

The demon hunter was very popular, trying to describe a miserable prospect to Evelyn, "The elves have a long lifespan, and you will live a long time in long loneliness, watching your compatriots become less and less, more and more weak, and more and more more painful."

"In the end, there are only some young elves with old eyes and desperate despair, and emaciated and sick women like Toruviel."

"Cough, cough!" Toruviel, who was named by the witcher, coughed inappropriately, then held back his breath, his face flushed red,

"Ma'am, I have a piece of advice for you because of the same bloodline." Roy said sincerely, "Your breath is full of tuberculosis. If you don't treat it as soon as possible, you won't live long, and you will still be infected. more companions."

"Not only that, in addition to tuberculosis, in the hungry blue mountains, anemia and scurvy may all end up for you!"

Roy said plausibly, "So... Aveline, I advise you to think about it carefully. You may not be able to live in a human city as well as those wealthy businessmen and power classes, but if you have enough food to see a doctor, absolutely no problem!"

"Enough witcher, shut up!" The elf sorceress with a birch staff suddenly shouted, and the staff suddenly pointed at Roy, the latter's heart skipped a beat, and his instinct was to remember the group's shock. Sword owl head.

But suddenly realized that these few people are friends of Ai Fulin.

He killed several squirrels in Mahakan, but today, he has a trace of elf blood in his body, and he is not a mortal enemy.

"Forget it, give Evelyn a face."

So he stopped the counterattack and let a transparent palm cover his mouth, temporarily aphasia.

"Witcher, where did you find out about this situation?" Searle gestured to Vasili with his eyes, and the latter dismissed the spell gloomily.

"White wolf Geralt, and Dandelion, they went to the edge of the world... And I just happened to listen to them talk about that unpleasant journey." Roy glanced at Toruville in a daze, The other party seems to be still entangled in "tuberculous", "Did you grab the worn lute in your hand from Dandelion?"

"It's not a robbery! Cough...cough..." Toruviel retorted with difficulty, "I paid him a new lute!"

"Dandrian? What a bard with a big mouth. He should have been dried in the fields to dry him as a mummy!" Serge sighed, "Roy, your words are embarrassing... on the blue mountains. It's really hard to live... but it won't last long, when His Majesty regains the fertile land of the Valley of Flowers, all suffering will end."

"And you think Findabey doesn't know anything about these basic facts. Can this rhetoric influence her decision? You're thinking too simplistically."

"Roy," Evelyn continued, looking at the witcher with a complicated expression, "thank you for your concern and advice. But I'm sorry, Serge spoke my heart. The Valley of Flowers is my hometown. , The Blue Mountains is where I grew up. I have lived there for decades, and I naturally know everything. I didn’t leave because of my poor life... I just didn’t like the extreme attitude of my tribe to humans.”

A resolute flashed across Evelyn's delicate and beautiful face.

"But I've changed my mind now. During the time I was in the dungeon, I thought for a long time and understood a lot of things."

"Why did the sea scorpion come to this step?" Aveline's pretty face was tense, and swollen bloodshots appeared on the edges of her eyes, "Obviously she just wanted to earn a living honestly, but was caught by the baron... tied to the square during the day, Let the common people of the territory be viciously cursed, abused, and spurned; locked in a dungeon at night, starved, and tortured by that executioner Dylan!"

"We were innocents from start to finish! And Baron Baron, even if he finally understood his mistake, just pretended to send a bag of Oren, and drove us away like mice, without even saying a word. Both consolation and apology are unwilling to stay."

Aveline shook her head lightly, her face full of sarcasm.

"Roy, I really don't want to continue living in such a 'deformed' place... As long as the human nobles still exist, on this land, Ain Shedi, Zerekans, other non-human races, and even humans Civilians ... will never have freedom and respect."

"What's more, Noamekend, (not my race, its heart will be different)"

"When I thought I was going to die in a dungeon, the last thought in my mind was that I had to go back to the Blue Mountains, to my hometown, to stand with countless compatriots, and fight for freedom for the Ain Shidi people and dignity!"

"Do you understand, my choice?"

Roy sighed. Now that he has finished speaking, what else can he persuade? Persuading a pure-blooded Ain Shedi to turn his back on his homeland and his people?

"I see, Evelyn...Sister. Take care of me in the future...I'll take care of Dylan's executioner."

"Leave me the chance for revenge... When things are done, Cantila will come to see you tomorrow. Finally—"

In the gentle but firm words, Evelyn took a deep breath, stepped forward in a hurry, stood on tiptoe, raised her pointed chin, and kissed gently.

The black-red hair brushed his cheeks, and the warm breath disappeared as soon as it touched the corner of the witcher's mouth.

The elf lady stared deeply, with a trace of nostalgia and reluctance, as if to be engraved into his heart.

"do not forget me."

The voice fell, and the graceful figure instantly completely disappeared into the alley with three body bags and Cantila.

What is this, a parting gift?

Roy touched the corner of his mouth, and his expression was melancholy for a moment - the elf lady who stepped on the graceful dance steps completely walked into an unknown path of destiny because of her own intervention.

Returning to the edge of the world, soon to join the Squirrel Party, throwing heads and blood in the War of the North?

His only hope is not to meet again on the battlefield in the future.


"Findaby, the baron gave you a... a compensation?" After walking out of the alley, Searle said hesitantly, looking at the dense pedestrians on the street.

"I understand what you mean..." Ai Fulin folded her hair and said calmly, "The brothers and sisters in the mountains are all starving, so naturally all the money will be donated and brought back with supplies, but before that , must bury the three old friends first, and then—"

Aveline glanced at Cantila, the latter's eyes lit up, and there was a hint of ferocity on his face, "That bastard in the dungeon has entertained us for more than a month, it's time to 'repay' him."

"We'll take care of Baron La Valetti along the way?" Kensafa put down the carrot and made a wiping gesture.

"Killing a noble at this time, at the border of such a sensitive two countries, I am afraid it will disrupt His Majesty's arrangement and expose it in advance... Aveline, how about getting that dog baron next time?" Serge glanced at the towering castle , gnashing his teeth,

"Can't wait too long, not only him, all human beings will repent in blood and fire, with their lives!"

end of volume

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