The Divine Hunter

Chapter 25 The Last Night of Kyle Mohan

winter morning.

The red brick and green tiles are exquisite and elegant in the small town of Osenfurt, and the sky is snowing.

Crystal snowflakes fell on the colorful wooden pointed roofs and the narrow and neat marble pavements.

It landed on the silent street, a woman passing by with a black umbrella.

She strolled along the long street alone.

A graceful and luxurious dark dress with intricate patterns covered her emaciated figure.

She wears delicate and gorgeous jewelry earrings, necklaces, rings, and a black lace veil top hat, but none of them can hide the fact.

Years have passed, her skin is no longer smooth and elastic, and crow's feet and nasolabial lines have destroyed the beauty of her youth.

Hair no longer gleams with an attractive black sheen.

Gray and withered.

At this moment, the lady's expression under the veil reveals confusion and a trace of sadness, and her mind is filled with sad and touching past events——

It lasted for over twenty years.

Her husband, who was several decades older, left her early and failed to leave her a child.

And she became Osenfurt's loneliest woman, Countess Marina Minor, an old woman with no pity.

The huge manor is empty and eerily quiet, in order to escape the suffocating loneliness.

Every morning, she would go back to town in a carriage from the suburban estate, dismiss her personal servants, wander the long and narrow streets alone, or go to the auction house to buy some snacks.

The inheritance left by her husband is untold, enough for her to squander for several lifetimes.

At some point, she would fall into an inexplicable melancholy again - thinking of twenty-eight years ago, when she had not left the cabinet, as a young lady who was not familiar with the world, she met the first man who opened her heart.

The mutant beast has vertical pupils and has a very unique temperament. Even at his advanced age, he is still fascinating - humorous, bold, and unusually strong.

He and she were like thunder and fire, and the first sight they looked at each other burst out with fiery passion, and the two began a lingering and dewy relationship.

But it has been twenty-eight years since then.

She can only keep collecting weapons and armors that match his identity one after another, and talk about it.


Marina walked past the Posodi auction house, looking through the open door to the sparse crowd in the hall.

Wondering if there will be a rare collection today, such as the weapons of the first witchers?

Suddenly, a boy rushed from the street on the left and broke into her line of sight.

Out of breath, he leaned in front of her.

Bow down respectfully.

"Good morning, are you Countess Marina Minorle? The boy's name is Tobio."

The cloudy eyes under the lace veil glanced at him, and Marina was different from other duchess, and nodded at him with a gentle attitude,

"A master told me to bring you a message."

"Do you still have that antique armor set from 1234, the antique armor of the wolf school?"

"What armor?"

The woman didn't seem to hear clearly for a while, and asked suspiciously.

"The soft armor of the wolf school," the boy repeated.


The cold morning wind howled across the long street.

The veil under the woman's top hat was lifted.

Showing an elegant but wrinkled old cheek, at this moment lost the calmness of a lady.

The lady covered her mouth with great gaffe.

Almost screamed.

"What's his name? What does he look like?"

The boy thought for a moment,

"He didn't say his name, but he's already an old man, very old. He said that if you'd like to return your armor, you'd meet him at the Golden Sturgeon Tavern on Ossenfurt High Street."


The woman put a crown in the boy's palm.

No longer caring about restraint and temperament, he carried his skirt and stepped on high heels of iguana skin, and trotted down Ossenfurt Street for a while.

But five minutes.

The panting Mrs. Minole came to the door of the Golden Sturgeon Tavern.

Memory reflow.

That night, he took her out of the manor and drank blueberry wine in this tavern for half a night, paired with half a night of unremarkable love words.


The woman took a deep breath, tidying up her grooming, hat, and skirt.

Bring them back to grace.

Push open the door.


Magic lights on the ceiling illuminate the resplendent hall.

In the pub in the early morning, apart from two or three men who had been drinking all night, there were not many customers in sight.

But just before the wine cabinet, a striking back came into view.

He was dressed differently from ordinary people, with two long swords on his back, a tall stature, and an old but well-maintained gray armor. He also wore a rather comical top hat, a style that was especially popular decades ago for men of all ages on the street.

But now, such hats are basically unavailable.

The man seemed to feel something.

He turned around suddenly.

In the tavern hall, two vicissitudes of eyes meet.

Ji was shocked.

Minole saw his face clearly.

The gray hair was well groomed, waxed, and the beard was neatly shaved.

The wrinkles on his face are still the same as they were thirty years ago, and the years seem to have not given him too much harshness.

His mental state was like that of a young man.

The atmosphere is calm.

The corners of his mouth rose visibly, revealing a bright and hearty smile.

The grinning wolf-head badge between his neck swayed gently with his smile.

Just like the side we first met twenty-eight years ago.

Minole's emotions were up and down, and he couldn't help himself for a long time.

"Vesemir, you're not old at all..." They looked at each other for two minutes.

Minole walked over to the high stool beside the man and sat down, putting his hands on the wine table and taking off the lady's gloves.

Withered palms trembling visibly.

The old man patted the table and poured her a glass of low-alcohol wine.

Her favorite blueberry wine.

"Marina, you haven't changed at all, your beauty has remained the same. You're still a heartthrob."

The woman was silent, but there was a smile that could not be concealed in the corner of her eyes, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his face was wrinkled, at least that person did not despise himself.

"Vesemir, where have you been all these years, can you tell me?"

"Kyle Morhan of Kaldwin...a castle on the edge of the Blue Mountains, just wasted time." Vesemir smiled and said directly, "Not long ago, a young visitor accidentally mentioned it to me. You. I just found out that you're single now..."

"At that time, I suddenly realized that I had deeply let down a person and I had to come back to see it." The amber pupils slowly turned to the woman's nervous eyes, and asked warmly, "Marina, how have you been all these years? ?"

The woman's breath suddenly stagnated, her throat was sore, her fingers intertwined in a cramped way, and her face lost her usual grace and calmness.

But she stubbornly raised her chin slightly and squeezed out a forced smile,

"The days are very leisurely, there is no need for work, and there is no shortage of money to spend. The daily schedule is entirely up to one's own wishes... happier than most people in the world."

"My biggest hobby is spending the most famous Posaddy auction house in Ossenfurt, buying everything I like...but because of the wolf pie breastplate you left, I'm not interested in hunting. Demon's weapons and equipment have generated strong interest..."

"So over the years, I've collected a lot of armors and weapons from the auction house, from snake witchers, wolf pie...hanging the armor stand in the manor, in the weapon cabinet, and I'll bring it when I have time. You go and see."

In front of the person she missed in her heart, she gradually forgot her grief. The expressions on the face became rich, sometimes giggling and earrings clinking, like a young girl in a puzzle, full of joy and ramble about daily life.

Gradually piece together the fragments of the past that have accumulated in my heart into a complete form.

Luxurious, regular, but lonely.

Vesemir smiled and listened quietly to her story.

The light in his eyes is getting brighter.

"Then you, how long are you going to stay in Niubao this time..." The woman turned her head and asked in an uneasy tone.

"It's up to you... if you don't have someone to talk to by your side, and you don't hate me as a bad old man," Vesemir suddenly stretched out his hand, the warm palm resting on the back of her dry, rough hand after years of baptism , he felt her body tremble.

"I'll stay with you, Marina, until you get tired of it."

Countess Minole silently shook the witcher's hand.



In the hall of the ancient castle, the atmosphere is hot.

The jumping light in the fireplace casts seven figures on the mottled wall.

At the rectangular table, seven witchers are sipping on a table of delicious food, bragging about the wine!

"Guys, can Vesemir succeed in coaxing the old lover back?" Lambert shouted happily, finally catching the mentor's shortcomings, he wanted to mention it every day, "I decided to open a Handicap, bet whatever you want, ten to a hundred crowns, betting on whether they can make it up."

"Have you been a master for three hundred years in vain? It's just a countess who has been lonely for more than 20 years. It's a trivial matter." Oakes swallowed vodka, bared his teeth and took out a small bag of crowns and put it on him On the right side of the table, "I'll bet fifty crowns, he'll be fine, the old tree welcomes spring!"

"This guy Vesemir seems to be related to Iskar, and he will be clumsy when facing a woman he likes," Serrit rubbed his chin and analyzed seriously, "and he has failed that guy. Madam is nearly thirty years old, and it is not so easy to be forgiven... I bet one hundred crowns, they can't make it, at least not this time!"

Sitting comfortably in a chair, holding a huge mug full of drinks, Escal, who was listening quietly, elongated his face, why did he suddenly get involved with him.

"That's because you don't know him..." Geralt muttered, referring to his decades-long impression of his mentor, "The old man is not as rigid and slow as he seems... His mind is flexible!"

"Although he never mentioned his emotional experience to me, I have an intuition. He must have been a powerful man in the past, and his method of picking girls is definitely not inferior to Dandelion." Geralt mentioned his old friend with a certain look on his face. With a little relief, "I bet, this time he will be able to coax Mrs. Minole well and establish a fixed partnership."

"After all, we are often not in the castle. He is old and needs someone to accompany him. A reasonable single noble lady, the right one can't be more suitable... So, I bet a hundred... no, I bet fifty crowns."

The bald-headed man nodded again and again, silently put down the crab in his hand, and also bet fifty crowns.

"Enough, you guys! The old man finally found his home. Not only did you not celebrate for him, but you talked about it later, and you still respect him as a senior?" Roy slammed the table on the table and took a bag with an angry expression. Krona threw it to the right, "I bet a hundred crowns, the old man can do it!"

"..." Lambert stood up from the chair as if his butt was burned by the fire, and threw the money back to his companions!

Then he gave Roy a vicious look, and gloomily took a big mouthful of the troll's favorite vodka.

"Hiccup... I'm not stupid enough to bet against this cheating kid! Let's talk about something else!"

"The specific arrangement of the Brotherhood?!" Roy asked tentatively.

"Shut up!" In an instant, six pairs of fire-breathing vertical pupils glared at him, and the six big men looked serious and solemnly warned, "We agreed a long time ago that we will not talk about work and those troubles on the last day!"

"Just talking about entertainment."

Roy smirked and stepped back.

"The entertainment between us, apart from Quint, is only for women." Oaks rubbed his hands and smiled slyly, "We talked about our romantic experiences last time, this time, let's be sincere and direct, let's talk about the type we like. "

"Guys, when you arrive in Nuocheng, there are beautiful ladies from all over the world!"

"Especially in a place called Spear Cave."

"Are there any with long horns?" Escal asked, and after Roy said that last time, he became interested.

He is a pragmatic person. Since he is destined to like women with horns in the future, he might as well just let it go.

"Wow... Female Night Demon?" Oaks whistled, and everyone's eyes lit up, "I can't see it, man, you are really secretive, and your taste is unique. Although there is no spear cave, but the Nuocheng Look around and you'll definitely find it!"

"A toast to you in advance, I wish you victory!"

Oakes drank a mug full of vodka and flushed.

The tone became more and more excited,

"Escal likes women with horns. It's my turn, I like petite blond beauties! The sorceress of Arethusa, Kayla Metz, is good." He shouted spittle. ,

"Cheers! Whoever dares not to drink is looking down on me!"

"Gulugulu..." The cups were staggered, the hops splashed, and the seven people touched a cup.

The difference is that the six big guys drink high-strength vodka.

Roy, on the other hand, was drinking a low-alcohol wine made from fermented potato peels and added honey.

"I like slim bodies," said the bald man. "It can't be too plump to look like a man."


"I like... hiccup... black curly hair with obsidian stars wrapped around a velvet belt," Geralt said, drowsily staring at the glow of the fireplace, his face reminiscent. "The sorceress smelling of gooseberry and lilac..."

"Cut! You white-haired and sweaty! Sure enough, I didn't forget that sassy woman!" Lambert said disdainfully, "It's been so many years, why bother to put a hot face on a cold ass and hang yourself on such a tree?!"

"Lambert, it's not right for you to say that!" Escal helped Geralt retort.

"Hmph, you were also caught in that woman's masturbation technique? You don't know good people, cheers! It's your turn, Serrit!"

"I like women who are reasonable and knowledgeable..." Serrit frowned and said seriously, "Never scold street shrews!"

Everyone nodded.

Lambert took a deep breath, "I like something a little more special, let's talk about it first, no ridicule and abuse! I like... um... other women..."

"Huh? Dude, be specific if you want to say it!" Oakes shouted in dissatisfaction, and the glass of wine slammed into his mouth, "What is another woman? Don't explain clearly? Fine for ten drinks!"

"Other woman."


There was a terrible silence in the hall.

The eyes of everyone looking at Lambert became strange, gloating, and a little bit of precaution.

Their bodies moved a little to the side, slightly away from this "low moral" guy.

Roy suddenly realized that the unreliable guy Lambert, according to the original history, seemed to give Geralt a green hat in the future.

Really not a friend!

"Hey! What are your expressions?" Lambert shouted in dissatisfaction. "The rabbit still doesn't eat the grass! Am I that kind of bastard?"

Geralt and Escal exchanged glances and nodded at the same time, "Lambert, in order to maintain our decades-long friendship, you must get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible!"

"You two guys, do you still have a sense of trust?"

Next, everyone's eyes turned to the youngest and most handsome little brother present.

Some are encouraging, some are joking.

"I..." Roy licked his dry lips, rolled his eyes, and proclaimed proudly, "I like... like my woman!"



"Little Slicker!"

"Are you chanting tongue twisters?!"

"It's called mutual love!" Roy argued rationally, but he didn't know that his words stabbed the hornet's nest.

"Just say it, brat!" The bald man had a disappointed expression on his face that I had seen through you. "You like plump, mature sorceresses who are older than you! Rita Ned!"


"What are you, you are still vague at this time, so you can't be sincere and frank! Don't you treat us as your own?!" Oaks put his hand on his forehead, grief-stricken, "You must accept the punishment!"

"That's right, punish him!" With the taste of alcohol, a group of big men filled their hearts with new hatred and old hatred, and they all remembered the process of being fooled by this stinky boy.

At such a young age, he has such sharp teeth and sharp mouth, and he doesn't know how to respect his seniors at all. How can he be able to let it go?

Anger from the heart!


Roy was locked by a bunch of round eyes that flickered with dim light, and ran away when he saw that the situation was not good.

Lambert unceremoniously knocked Alder down from behind.

A group of drunken men, like wolves and tigers, swarmed up and grabbed his hand, foot or neck respectively.

Lift him up, hips hanging in the air.

The young man hesitated whether to teleport to Golfing and escape?

After thinking about it and giving up, the grievances of the demon hunters will be vented sooner or later, and the accumulation will be even more terrifying.

So he did not resist, he was tragic.

The crowd carried him by his limbs, like a group of lunatics, roaring and laughing around the bright hall of Kermohan, and then slammed his dangling parts against the dark, hard stone pillars.

One, two, three...

Until Roy's tailbone hurts.

Then, some over-the-top guy shoved a wooden funnel into his mouth.

"Grumble rumble..."

Five bottles of super strong vodka mixed with White Seagull poured slowly.

Roy got drunk involuntarily.

The young man who was facing upwards, as if bumping above the clouds, the light in his eyes began to draw away, the decorative lights on the ceiling became three, and the cheeks of the seniors who were red and laughing split into countless pieces, and his expression gradually became dazed and drunk. misty.

There was only one thought left in his mind.

"Damn, get revenge sooner or later!"

On the evening of January 25, 1262.

Kyle Morhan's last night.

The witcher of the Snake faction, an honorary member of the wolf faction, Roy by Lake Vizima fell asleep in a long-lost intoxication and had a wonderful dream.


end of volume

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