The Divine Hunter

Chapter 15 All Variations

Southeastern part of Nuocheng, a slum.

An old bungalow with red roof and white walls.

Dim yellow oil lamps illuminated the simple and unadorned hall, and a witcher on the blue cloth sofa who was immersed in his studies.

Roy got the Book of Shadows from Cohen again.

However, compared to a few days ago, the dark book cover has become unpretentious. The Book of Shadows has lost all magic and even magical transcription ability. The knowledge about Kelda and more than 60 Griffin witchers, Along with the destroyed Horcrux core, it disappeared together.

There are about 2,000 pages left.

The vast majority of the book uses the northern common language.

At the beginning of the book, Elam had established Kael Sirens. But there is also a small amount of content written in Archaic and its variants.

Roy browsed the Book of Shadows roughly, each yellowed and wrinkled title page was filled with dense notes, obviously not a few witchers had browsed it.

The book is mainly divided into several parts: the elaboration of the purpose of the Griffin, swordsmanship, the seal, the secret method of the Griffin, the knowledge of alchemy, the knowledge of secret magic, the study of monsters...

Each part is divided into more detailed subsections. For example, alchemy includes common potions, magic potions, decoctions, bombs, sword oils…

Basically every page can see an example that combines personal experience and explains in a simple way.

For example, when the monster chapter introduced the crab spider, the author Elan listed his experience of fighting it - using the mutated Igni and Arden, continuously burning its fang-filled mouthparts, and destroying the crab spider's family Three bites made a barbecue.

At the end, Elam warned the younger generation that the highly poisonous claw meat can be safely eaten after being heated at high temperature for ten minutes.


Roy just flipped a few pages at random, and was attracted by Elan's unrestrained fighting style using various mutant seals.

Except for swordsmanship, every witcher's knowledge and theory recorded in the Book of Shadows is more complex and profound than the "Biology" and the narration of the members of the witcher brotherhood that Roy came into contact with.

The Griffin Party digs to the extreme in preparation for the battle.

But Roy went straight to the point—


The pages of the book flipped rapidly under the light, and he came to the last part—the three secret methods of the Griffin faction.

Look beyond the double seal.

Straight to the section he is most interested in - the "roar" of the world spirit that gave birth to the mutation of the seal.

Kelda's heroic figure facing the Griffins alone is still in sight, and he longs for Quinn and Helios who have that kind of group shelter.

And the invisible chain-like Arden.

The book reads:

"The spirit of the world, the elves of the elements, the master of chaotic energy, with the roar that contains the mystery of the law, summons the mighty power of wind, lightning, flame, and dominates nature... The fourteen pioneers of the Griffin Sect have spent decades in deep meditation. The void and the four realms are constantly spying on the spirits of the four elements..."

"At the risk of life, I summed up four mysterious voices...for future generations to study."

"But remember, the student must have extraordinary talent and will."

"One successful attempt can screen out the eligible."

"If you fail, you can't force it...otherwise you will suffer huge sequelae."


Roy took a deep breath, pinched the upper right corner of the page with his index finger and thumb, and turned it gently.

On the yellowed pages, a paragraph of ancient characters and an illustration of Shen Yun Tiancheng came into view.

Commonly speaking, voices can only be communicated face-to-face, or recorded with magic.

However, the predecessors of the Griffin sect took a different approach, using ancient words that also possess magical powers.

Combine several basic letters.

By chanting in one go, the "roar" of the world spirit is simulated.

However, this secret method involves more than just vocalization...

At the same time as the voice, a distorted rune must be clearly meditated in the mind, the shape is similar to the flaming flames, blue water droplets, unpredictable clouds, prismatic rocks...

Yet there are innumerable differences.

It's not difficult to imagine, but the difficulty is that every detail is vivid.

Roy first wrote down the letter combination of the corresponding water element...and the rune.

I tried to read it for a while, and it was extremely sloppy.

It's like a few completely unrelated letters that have to be pieced together.

He crossed his knees on the sofa, calmed down and cleared his mind.

five minutes later.

He suddenly took a deep breath—



A calm and powerful roar echoed in the empty hall!

Outside the window with the wooden railing, a warm breeze was faintly sent.

Roy closed his eyes and felt for a moment.

The magic within the body does not move at all.

There is also no new information on the template.

He frowned.

Obviously his pronunciation is not standard enough, like a babbling child.

And for the first time,

The water element rune he imagined only had the shape of water droplets, ignoring the details of color and edges.

As if covered with a veil.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple! A seal actually requires spatial imagination. No, maybe it requires elemental talent."

"The real source of law can quickly meditate on complete runes. And I, relying on the thin ancient blood bonus, is still a little short of the source of law." Roy shook his head and smiled, not discouraged.

He has prepared for a month and must overcome the difficulties!


Roy spent the entire day at Cohen and Ignatius's place.

Progress has been extremely slow.

Until the orange ball of light fell into the western sky, the Griffin sent the witcher home with his girlfriend.

The rune was still indistinct.

Cohen noticed the dull look on his face, and said thoughtfully, "Dude... are you trying to simulate 'roar'?"

Roy nodded, "The syllable corresponding to the water element."

"Don't worry... Back then my..." He took a deep breath, "My teacher... It took three whole days to meditate on the complete rune, learn the first type of 'roar', and make the seal mutate smoothly."

"And it took me a month..." Cohen laughed mockingly at himself, "But when I succeeded in making my voice heard, I was only in a coma..."

"The violent air element... raging in my body, directly knocking me out!"

"After I woke up, I put out my thoughts about the mutation of the seal."

"This is fate." He shook his head and sighed.

Roy smiled confidently, closed the Book of Shadows again, and glanced at the couple in front of him,

"How did the first day of your new life feel?"

"Are you still used to it?"

"I've visited Novigrad, and I've visited such a busy city for a long time..." Cohen said, a trace of relaxation flashed in his eyes, "It's more prosperous than Ron Seth and Pound Venis... and Norman The people in the city are friendlier than I thought. The witcher brotherhood's publicity plan is very successful, at least the local people in No City won't discriminate against us so much..."

"I also went to the bulletin board and solved an easy task. I helped a widowed old woman find the lost cat and earned five crowns."

"It's like picking up money," Cohen exclaimed.

Roy nodded with a smile,

"Man, trust me, you'll love this land even more when you stay longer!"

Then join the fraternity.

"Where's Iglesia?"

The girl's face flushed with excitement in an instant, and she danced, holding Cohen's hand and turning around in a circle, the white lace dress swayed in the wind, and the dance steps were a little jerky.

"I, I love this job, I love this place!"

She chirps like a cheerful sparrow,

"No need to step on pickles, no need to feed chickens...Dancing, singing, listening to lutes, poetry readings, and listening to music!"

"This is the life I want, I must be a city man!"

"Didn't Dandelion say that the work in the dance hall is exhausting?" Roy said amusingly.

"I'm not a pampered eldest! These jobs are trivial for a country girl!" She even spoke in a lame rhythm, as if imitating a bard, "than the heavy farm work I do at home. Much easier!"

"That's good..." Roy glanced at Cohen, who was old and solid, and Igsena, who was excited and yearning for the new world.

There is always a bad feeling.

This is a world full of temptations.

"The Book of Shadows is here, you two have a good rest, I'll come back tomorrow..."

"Where are you going, Roy," Iggena seemed to be not planning to go to bed tonight and invited, "Let's go to the second floor to watch the moon together later!"

"You better stay with Cohen..."

Roy declined with a warm smile... The woman who lifted the blanket and hooked at him, with a pretty face in secret, appeared in front of him.

Can't keep her waiting too long,

"Tonight, it is estimated that it will be another sleepless night."


The next period passed very regularly…

During the day, Roy studies the "Book of Shadows", diligently trains the vocal skills of "roar", and meditates on elemental runes. Learn the seventh Witcher Seal - the Kramp Seal of Illusions.

At night, either with the old Moore couple and Mino, or with the coral to spend together, occasionally in the room, laboratory, and sometimes back to the wooden boat at sea.

For a variety of reasons, he began to feel fortunate that he was a witcher who had undergone a second mutation, otherwise something would definitely happen.

During this period, Dandelion, who was "dressed up", and Oaks, who had put on fancy new clothes, left Nuocheng on horseback and set off to Toussaint, collecting scenery along the way and participating in the harvest festival celebration.

Oaks got another address - Heshan Castle in Toussaint.

He went to explore the path first, and fixed a teleportation coordinate by the way.

Vesemir also ended his brief honeymoon in Ossenfurt and returned to Noah.

The old man was shocked to hear the news of Kelda's death, so he asked Shan to open a portal and went to Kel Siren to pay homage to his old friends.

But Vesemir didn't show too much sadness, and Roy even felt that he was faintly happy for his old friend, a little envious.

There are no regrets for the witcher to leave after a great victory.

Vesemir took great care of Cohen. In addition to teaching a few blacksmith apprentices, he always liked to call the last descendant of the taciturn Griffin Sect to Gawain's house to convey the care and greetings of the elders.

Cohen gradually became less repulsive to the Gawain House, and occasionally took the initiative to visit the orphanage, but he was still stubborn in some aspects.

This is a good phenomenon, often faced with children in orphanages, one day, he will be moved.

Ignatius, the country girl, has made remarkable progress.

Maybe she does have a little talent for drama... She has already started to perform on stage, although only in a supporting role, but her hard work has been well received by all the actors in the dance hall.

Everyone likes this little girl who loves foul language but has a straight temper.

Roy was also pulled by Cohen to enjoy her performance... um... she played a vicious daughter of Cinderella's stepmother.


A week later, Cohen's room.

The white light filtering through the window revealed a handsome, serious face with a hint of nervousness.

Roy closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground, opened his eyes abruptly, and a gleam of light flashed in his irises.

The five fingers of the left hand are outlined in front of him, like flying catkins, making a complicated gesture in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, he took a deep breath and swallowed!


The roar containing ancient mysteries instantly detonated the chaotic energy in the air,

A gentle airflow centered on the witcher blew open the curtains nearby, and the dinner plates on the table were blown all over the floor.

The sea-like blue magical light flickered, and in the blink of an eye in the air, a slender figure with a slender figure, wearing a flying lion monster armor, black hair, and a strange-colored iris appeared.

He jumped in front of Roy, imitated the movement, and sat down with his knees crossed.

There seemed to be two witchers in the room at the same time, with the same appearance, body, and clothes.

However, the difference is that the former has an expressionless face, while the latter frowns and falls into thought.

Roy in the back stood up, turned his neck, moved his wrists and ankles, and there was a crackling sound of bones.

The one in the front repeats the action in sync.

It's as neat as a projection on the wall.

Roy breathed a sigh of relief, sinking into the template.

"You have mastered the seventh witcher sigil—

Kramp (formerly): Dispels magical illusions, or creates an illusion. Illusion duration is related to Spirit and Sigil level. "

Kramp Mirror Image (mutation): You listened to the roar of the water goblin (simulation), the seal mutated, the illusion you summoned is no longer a mere decoration, it will inherit some of your attributes and passive abilities, and can obey you instructions to work for you.

The illusion will disappear after a certain attack, or you can cancel it voluntarily.

The duration of the illusion and the inherited attributes are affected by the level of the seal and the spiritual attribute.

After the Dharma seal "flaws its wings", the water element in the surrounding environment will be highly concentrated inside the illusion. When the illusion disappears or is broken, it will unleash a blast of frost around it.


Sixty seconds later.

The vision in front of him is like a broken reflection, scattered into the air.

A large area of ​​pale frost and freezing air overflowed, and the floor was actually covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

Roy squatted down and wiped it, and the skin of his fingers immediately stinged like frostbite.

"Well, if you are hit at close range by the impact of frost, not to mention how much destructive power, even if you can't freeze the target, you can at least slow down."

"The illusion lasts for a minute, and the attributes are comparable to that of a normal adult man. It inherits most of my passive curing abilities, but it's a bit dull and can't use the seal. It's a little tasteless in the fierce battle."

"But after flapping its wings, it has strategic significance... A human-shaped ice bomb can move at my command. Maybe it can be used as a control skill? In some special occasions, it can produce unexpected and miraculous effects."

Was there a phantom bomb attack?


Roy's mind turned to another seal.

The roar of "coax" corresponds to the two seals whose element attribute is water.

In addition to the newly learned Copland, Axie also mutated.

Axe (Formerly): Throws the Sigil into the pupils of target creatures, temporarily controlling their thoughts and actions. The effect of the seal is affected by the spirit, the level of the seal, and the target's willpower.

Axi Puppet (mutation): Use Axi to control the thinking and actions of the target, the duration is greatly enhanced, the control is deeper, and the instinct of the controlled person is reversed to some extent...

After flapping the wings, the water element in the environment will strengthen the effect of Axhi, you do not need to put the seal in the target pupil, the seal will also take effect. And the duration, the effect doubles.


Roy rubbed his chin, "The direction of mutation is not the same as the group hypnosis shown by Kelda, does it specialize in single targets?"

"Reversing the instinct... Maybe I can make people commit suicide?" He raised his eyebrows, and a thought passed through his mind,

"Or make him have the wrong gender perception? Male to female, female to male."

"Hi... both dangerous and perverted, it's just a kind of inhuman torture..."

Roy suppressed his restless mind and began to familiarize himself with the pronunciation of "coax" repeatedly, and experienced the power of the mutant seal after flapping his wings.

He made new discoveries quickly, with at least five minutes between each "flap".

Otherwise, the chaotic energy in the environment will devour itself and hurt itself.

Bleeding from seven holes like Kelda.

Time flies in a fulfilling practice.

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Within a month, a major incident of "the following crime" occurred.

With the support of Carl, the four reserve apprentices headed by Monty kept their mental stamina, imitating the witcher to tie the training sword behind them, and protested to their teacher——

The training time has been more than half a year, why not let them take the pro-drug?

It's a long way from the grass trial.

Of course, the protests were ineffective, and the apprentices were ruthlessly suppressed.

Each person is punished to wash the toilet for a week.

Roy tried the newly learned Axie Puppet, and hypnotized the most "powerful" Carl, who took the lead in making trouble, into a "little girl"... Put on a beautiful floral dress, put on pigtails, and meet Vicky and Renee. A girl jumped rope for an hour.

Since that day, the five children have become obedient and sensible.

As for why they were not allowed to take pro-drugs, the reason is very simple. Rita Ned found that the job was more difficult than expected after she began to improve the herbal decoction... She even tried to weaken the transformation effect of the potion to improve the survival rate.

But the results are still far from satisfactory.

Therefore, before the sorceress makes a breakthrough, Gawain's house will not conduct the grass trial for a short time.

After all, the thinking of the witchers at this stage has changed, and they require their children to "have no less"!


This month, Gawain's house was running in an orderly manner, and Roy's own practice was step by step, except for riding Goerfen on the way, accompanied Cantila to the nearby forest to hunt a bloodthorn corpse.

The rest of the time is in the city.

Maintain the speed of learning one "roar" every week... The seven seals mutate in turn.

The second week of mastering the field of fire element - "da", Igni has mutated into raging flame when he was in the elemental ring of Kaer Mohan, but after blessing "roar", after flapping his wings, raging flame will absorb the fire in the environment Elemental, the power is doubled, and the effective range of 20 meters becomes 40 meters.

It's not inferior to the fireball technique that the warlock chanted and rubbed.


In the third week, he learned "Volt" in the field of earth elements, and the corresponding symbols of Kunn and Helios were mutated.

Quinn Shelter (mutation): Continue to summon a spherical shelter with a radius of up to five meters centered on your body to protect yourself and nearby comrades, mainly from physical blows from all directions.

After flapping its wings, the earth elements in the air will gather around the shelter, greatly enhancing the protection.

Heliotrop Sanctuary (mutation) is similar, but for magic strikes!

After mastering these two mutant seals, Roy's auxiliary ability was further improved in group battles.


In the fourth week, he mastered the roar of the air element field - "Luo", the corresponding two kinds of seals mutated smoothly -

Alder Tremor (mutation): You can now mobilize the air element in your body, causing it to rub at high speed, releasing a bolt of lightning that burns and paralyzes targets within 20 meters.

After flapping, the air element in the environment responds to your sigil, and a second electric shock will drop from the target's head.


"Tsk tsk, I thought it was a continuous air bomb, or a range-shaped shock wave, but I didn't expect it to be connected with lightning. After the wings are flapped, the continuous electric shock, if it continues to strengthen?"

Will there be lightning storms in the future? !

Roy shook his head, eliminating these unreliable distractions.

Today, he has three long-range strike methods, Igni Fury, Alder Tremor, and Hand Crossbow.

He has even thought of a set of attacks.

First, send Kramp Mirror Image to grab the enemy, and then detonate the freezing shock, crossbow bolt stun, Alder tremor paralysis, Igni Rage flame explosion...

Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.

He seems to have the potential of a fortress mage and a shooter, but it is not very durable. Throwing about twenty fireballs, electric shocks or stun arrows will dry up his mana.

He is not like the real source of law, which continuously extracts chaotic energy from the air until his body can't bear the magic backlash.

But he also has the advantage that his spell attacks don't require complex spells and gestures.

With just a roar, launch the seal. The frequency of his use of spells far exceeds that of ordinary warlocks, which can be called a chain bombardment like a blast of lightning!


The mind sinks into the last seal.

Arden Halo (mutation): With itself as the center, summon a circular binding halo with a radius of three meters for five minutes.

The halo reduces the speed and reaction of entering the enemy, and extremely restrains monsters with virtual body and teleportation, and the halo will move with you.

After flapping, the slowing effect, range, and duration of the aura will be doubled.


"Well, although it's not as good as Master Kelda's invisible chain, the magic circle is finally no longer rigid and stopped at a fixed place." Roy thought for a while. With this halo, the demon spirits who are close to him will not stop. want to disappear.

At that time, he stepped on the Aden's halo under his feet and carried the "suppressed" tentacles on his shoulders.

Both take effect at the same time, which is equivalent to applying a double negative effect to the enemy.

The opponent's movements were slowed down, and he was immobilized after a few moves. Just thinking about it made him vomit blood.


So far, the seven witcher seals have all mutated.

The degree of improvement is beyond Roy's imagination.

The key is that he initially envisaged two combat systems.

Long-range Copland Mirror attack, detonating frozen impact to limit the target, and then connecting with stun arrow, electric shock paralysis, and fireball explosion.

If you are approached, there is a "suppression" combined with "Arden's Halo" to deal with consumption, or a "shocked" combined with "gluttonous" Sword Qi Slash to quickly solve the battle.


In this era, in this world, except for the great master Elan, who is ignorant of life and death, it is estimated that he is the only one who has reached this level.

Roy looked at the last skill he obtained from a month of penance.

Griffin Sect Secret Technique lv5: At this stage, you have mastered the mutation of the seal and the flapping of the seal.


The three secret methods are now only missing the double seal.

But if he draws the seal with both hands, he cannot use the long sword and hand crossbow.

As a witcher, you still have to be a bit of a witcher.

Melee and long-range, switch at will!

Roy is in no hurry to learn the double seal.

And after a month of retreat, the time has come to mid-August 1262, and he should continue his next move.

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