The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 109: Was shot down

Bian Renbaqian really wanted to cry without tears.

My biggest savior, insisting on ten minutes of hope, was stunned by his grenade.

算 What is this?

不是 Isn't this grenade killing range of five to ten meters?

Sui Ning Chen was 14 to 15 meters away from the killing range, which was so unlucky.

Bian Renbaqian feels that everything is not going well.

Sui Ning Chen Chen was also a pitman. He put on the shape for so long that he was stunned by stray bullets. Where's your sword? What about your masterful style?

Ren Baqian began to seriously consider whether these wolves would chase themselves or drag Ning Caichen directly if they ran away.

"唉!" Ren Baqian finally sighed. In the end, his heart was too soft, and he was embarrassed to drop Ning Caichen directly.

Fortunately, the wolves seemed to be frightened. They quit to go far, howling and whispering from time to time, as if communicating. It seems that he has some buffer time.

There was only one wolf still standing there staring fiercely at Ren Baqian.

The other wolves have retreated, and you will not retreat if you die, how hostile are you to me? Ren Baqian looked at the wolf and raised his hand and aimed at it.

Tongtong, the wolf went straight down.

"I haven't fired yet, what are you doing?" Ren Baqian carefully discerned for a long time and found out that this was the one he had shot with a crossbow with anesthetic at first.

I just have a little slow medicine.

Picked up the water bag and poured it directly on Ning Caichen's head.

After a short while, Ning Caichen was awakened by cold water. "What happened then?"

Qi Ren Yaqian said silently, "Can your sword still come?"

Chen Ning was not lucky to have been concussed.

"Interrupted, but it should not be too far away, I'll call again." Ning Caichen still had blood on his head, and now this posture is like a martyr. He got up from the ground and continued to pose, one hand Chaotian shouted and shouted, "Sword is coming!"

As long as the eight thousand long-term anger was out, Ning Caichen was fine.

But I'm more interested in Ning Caichen's sword. Does this also have precise guidance?

And it only took ten minutes to fly from Daxia. Is this supersonic?

I did not see that there were such advanced things in this world.

的 The unknown in this world is increasing.

Now, he finally relaxed a little. The surrounding wolves have no intention of attacking, and they are far away from the outside.

Just look at Ning Caichen from behind.

I thought that Ren Yaqian here would also put the last grenade back in his bag.

After a short while, Ren Baqian heard a loud noise coming from the sky, as if the sound of a fighter flying in the air.

A joy on the face of Cai Ning Chenchen: "Sword is coming!"

Anyone with eight thousand moves, such a big momentum? You have to know that this is a sword, not an airplane. Other airplanes have a powerful engine, so how did you get such a loud momentum?

At the same time, many ancient people in the mountains looked up into the air.

Quan Yonglin and Quan Yonghe were sitting in the open space in the forest. Not far away from them was a pool of smashed flesh and blood, and the fangs broken like swords can be seen from that flesh. The identity before this beach of flesh and blood was the wild boar chased by Ning Caichen to the sky.

"Are you stupid? How many times have I told you? Now you smashed the black fat like this, what do you go back for? Why take the tail or the two teeth? This time you will be laughed at again, this is all your fault!"

Yongquan Yonghe poked his fingers at Quan Yonglin's head with the appearance of gritting teeth.

Yongquan Yonglin was taught with his head down, and there were a few more wounds on his body. The deepest one was on his waist, and almost opened his belly.

At this moment, a huge sound boom came from the air, and both of them frowned and looked up. What is this?

In the depths of the mountains and forests, the red line sat on a stone with its eyes closed, with a long-handled sword at hand, and none of the dead beasts around it were intact. However, these Babes are much larger than those seen by Ren Baqian.

After hearing the voice, Red Line opened her eyes and looked up. She was puzzled first, and then remembered what she had heard, and she was a little surprised: "Is this a sword slave?"

There are many people like them. Du Changkong is chopping skin of a large snake with the thickness of his waist. He pulls out and hums the small song in the mountain. He hears the sound of the airburst and looks around in confusion before turning. Find the source of the sound.

Under Laoshan, many sergeants also looked up ...

的 The dudes from the other three countries came out of the carriage one after another ...

The maidservant originally ate grapes on the hoe, and when she picked one before she put it in her mouth, she heard this booming sound and frowned suddenly.

"Noise, bow."

He took a simple but quaint longbow and leather quiver delivered by Hung Ho with one hand and got out of the car, looking up in the direction of the sound explosion, his eyes seemed to see the roar in the air through the night. That long sword is average.

He threw the quiver back, and Hung Hom quickly caught it.

The empress was bowing and arrowing with a white bone arrow between her fingers. A majestic breath rose from her body, everyone at the foot of the mountain felt the breath pressing on everyone's head, making everyone subconsciously bow towards the empress.

Only the brothers of the three countries and some guards tried to fight.

The sound of 噗 "噗通" sounded, and several people couldn't resist kneeling to the ground.

Except for a few who have confidence in themselves, others also know the current situation and empress the empress.

At this moment she is not only the Emperor Dayao, but the seventh in the world-Qi Zixiao.

I bow to the seventh master in the world, this is a kind of respect from the heart.

The concubine drew her bow full, and her body stretched straight, like half a month. Then she let loose her hand, and the bow string came back to everyone with a huge buzz.

箭 But the arrow was not seen by anyone, and there was no sound, so it disappeared directly in the hands of the empress.

A huge sound came only a few moments later, and the arrow seemed to burst the air, and a series of explosions in the air.

The emperor stopped looking at the arrow after shooting the arrow and turned back to the car.

At this time, there was no fancy in the air, just a simple green unknown leather wrapped sword hilt flying at high speed, shaking while flying, forming some resonance with the surrounding air to create a huge sound wave. The light groan of joy seemed to be joyful to summon himself.

I am like a young girl in Huaichun who is going to see Qinglang.

The next second, a long bone-shaped arrow appeared in front of it, and it was too late to dodge with great inertia.


The two wanted to make a crisp impact.

The long sword flipped in the air after countless followers, only to see it fell to the ground before shaking and stabilizing the body ~ ~ while wailing and shaking steadily towards Flying in the mountains, compared with the momentum before, one is the gap between a young grandmother who returned home after being married to a local tyrant, and a young woman who was mad at a civilian in a civilian area.

Li Renbaqian was waiting for Ning Caichen's sword to fall from the sky with his Huanghuang sword energy. He was already considering whether to hold the big thick leg in time.

他 In his opinion, this Ning Caichen is the protagonist.

However, at this time in the air, a series of explosions were issued, and then the sound boom of the long sword was gone.

However, the long sword that was expected to fly with the Huanghuang Jianqi was also missing.

"What's wrong?" Ren Yaqian asked subconsciously.

Yuning Caichen was also confused: "Strange, why haven't you come?"

"Pit goods." Ren Baqian could not help cursing.

Cai Ning Chenchen raised his head and his face was completely confused. What happened?

Fortunately, the wolves around them had no intention of attacking at this time. After waiting for a few minutes, the two finally swayed a long sword in the air and flew down like drinking too much.

"This is the flying sword with precise guidance. But how can I always feel wrong? It was so loud before, even if there is no Huanghuang Qi, anyway, it ’s a bit of cold light flying out of the sky? Why is it like drinking too much?" Ren Eight thousand thoughts came to mind.

Chen Ning Chenchen held up his hand, and the long sword flew into his hand. When he saw a few cracks on the sword, his face was filled with two words of heartache.

Suddenly the long sword fell into his hands and wept lowly, as if crying about his tragic encounter.

Sui Ning Caichen immediately burst into tears.

Seeing how sad he was, Yaren Yachi couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

"Luzhu said, it was shot down!" Ning Caichen cried with his fist in one hand.

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