The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 217: 10 times yield

There are a lot of people behind the Empress. Any one who recognizes it is Shi Qing, a senior veteran, and Kou Hai, a young veteran. He is still late in the book, Gu Qing, secretary of the Taifu, copper earthquake field in Shangshu Several others.

The sunglasses that Ren Baqian knew and bought for 20 yuan were wearing the brand's sunglasses. One by one, like the gangsters, stood in a crowd like a chicken and stood out.

His Majesty came here with so many members of the DPRK and China, but it frightened everyone in the Beast Garden and did not know what had happened.

"Your Majesty! Your Excellencies." Ren Baqian saluted everyone.

The emperor nodded, and Tong Zhenye smiled. After all, Ren Baqian is okay now. The glass factory and other things that Ren Baqian said can continue to work. After hearing that the Emperor and Ren Baqian returned unharmed, he immediately let The men had found all the things said before Ren Baqian, and even the coal was brought back for three cars. Although a car can't transport much at this time, he can also see his importance.

Therefore, apart from the emperor, he is the one who cares most about Ren Baqian's life and death.

In addition to Tong Zhenye, what surprised Ren Baqian was that Shi Qing, the senior veteran, also smiled at him kindly.

In the minds of the people of Dayao, the seniors and the red martials are like pillars and pillars, but they are indeed the same.

Hongwu has been guarding the border for many years, preventing Daxia from entering, and even playing a huge name in the northern capital of Hugo.

However, Shi Qing has been standing in the DPRK for many years, and has done many practical things over the years, benefiting not many civilians, and has a high reputation in Da Yao.

In a cold face, such a character showed him goodness and surprised Ren Baqian. Coupled with Shi Qing's old-fashioned status, she always holds the power, the momentum on her body, and the pair of sunglasses immediately make Ren Baqian think that the big guy in the Hong Kong and Taiwan film patted Ma Zi ’s shoulder: , I am optimistic about you. "

"Renfuyi, what about the sweet potato you said?" Asked the Empress. Bringing so many people on the one hand is indeed a major event, and on the other hand is to give Ren Yaqian a strong momentum. If something goes wrong, the emperor's face can't stand, Ren Yaqian will be unlucky.

"Your Majesty, it's mature. Now you can dig it out and weigh it. Before that, the minister also dug out some to make the kitchen cooked. Adults can taste it."

"Okay, let's get started."

Now let's see how much this acre of land yields.

The crowd waited quietly while they were digging in the beast garden.

Before I heard from His Majesty that he was looking at new crops, the details were not clear to everyone.

However, Dayao is not a big agricultural country. The diet of the ancient people is mainly meat. It is far less important to animal husbandry than crops, and everyone didn't care too much.

A new crop is just one more dish on the plate.

However, those guys wearing sunglasses think more, after all, everyone saw the solar stove stone last time, and I always think that what Ren Baqian made should not be ordinary.

With the time of everyone, piles of sweet potato tubers were dug out of the ground and stacked aside.

An old man dressed from Sanpin Guanfu didn't care about the dirt. He picked up a few sweet potatoes from the ground and looked at them ...

At this time, some people also delivered steamed and roasted sweet potatoes, two potted.

"You guys, try it, this thing still tastes good." Ren Baqian said to everyone, first he took out a roasted sweet potato, opened it from the middle to expose the red-golden interior, a sweet smell was tangy, far away Can smell it.

The crowd stood in the chapel all morning, smelling this taste more hungry, looked at each other, and set their sights on Ren Baqian.

Ren Baqian presented the broken sweet potato to the emperor: "Your Majesty."

The emperor took it and looked at it. The skin was not so clean, but it smelled sweet and sweet, which made people appetite.

Generally, the food that the empress eats is given to her after someone has tried it, but she did n’t care about what Ren Baqian handed over. After all, no one tried to poison her when she was on the earth. Not much preparedness.

Qing Qi Bei took a bite, and there was an extra touch of color in his eyes. This thing tastes really good.

The crowd couldn't stop it. Seeing that His Majesty had eaten so much, his eyes turned around Ren Baqian twice.

"Old man try." Tong Zhenye said nothing, his majesty ate, what are you afraid of poison?

"Have one for the old man." Shi Qing greeted him behind him.

Instantly roasted sweet potatoes were caught by a bunch of big hands that stretched out. Others had to get steamed sweet potatoes.

Everyone took a bite, and nodded with sweet potatoes in their mouths: "Yes, yes."

This thing smells good, it tastes good, the mouth is soft, sweet and delicious.

A group of big brothers in the middle of the circle were holding sweet potatoes like a bunch of veterans, and nodded in praise, the scene was extremely enthusiastic.

"What's the name of this thing?" One person stopped after a few bites and asked, Ren Baqian noticed that he was the minister who was looking at sweet potatoes just now, and he had some guesses about his identity.

"My name is sweet potato, in fact it should be sweet potato." Ren Baqian said.

"How long does it mature?"

"Three months ripe, and without picking up land, you can plant a piece of land on the hillside and it is easy to take care of." Ren Baqian said.

"How much can an acre of land produce?" The man asked again.

"Wait a while and you'll know." Ren Baqian said. "But you can't eat more of this stuff. You have to eat it with other foods, otherwise it will be easy to burn your heart."

The man nodded, no longer talking, a pair of eyes staring at the sweet potatoes piled up there. From the current point of view, the number would not be small. There was a guess in his mind, but he was not convinced.

After eating at this time, looking at the pile of sweet potatoes that were dug up, others began to look forward to it.

According to Ren Fuxuan's words just now, this kind of thing can be planted everywhere, which is very important. With other foods, the days of those villagers in the Sixty Thousand Mountains are much better, and ordinary people can have a good food at the dining table.

Soon, the sweet potatoes in the fields were almost dug. Some people moved the scales aside and packed them up.

Ren Baqian originally planned to help with calculations in the past ~ ~ He was too confident about the mathematics level of the ancients. A group of ten or more people who need to hold their fingers to count can you believe it?

But he stopped when he saw the people in the household.

The Ministry of Households should still be reliable.

"Three thousand one hundred and sixty-three pounds ... three thousand seven hundred and fifty-two pounds ... four thousand eight hundred and sixty pounds ... five thousand nine hundred and twenty-five pounds ... six hundred and four hundred and fifty pounds ... "

Every time a number is spit out from the population of the Ministry of Households, everyone feels a jump in their hearts, for fear that they are wrong, they all look around.

Even the people in the Ministry of Households were shaking when they sang the numbers. He had some doubts as to whether he was wrong.

Too much, too much to dig.

No one had thought of so much before.

Now the rice per mu outside the city yields only five or six hundred kilograms, and this thing is more than six thousand kilograms, ten times, ten times!

I can't believe it.

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