The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 364: Night attack continues (middle)

With a blast, Nandaying quickly became messy.

People can be stiffened by shelling, and continue to shrink, but not grain.

Without the forage, Da Yao didn't need to attack, and this army would have to starve to death halfway.

The Daxia army immediately responded the same way, and the soldiers and soldiers around it were also ready. They all knew that the attack from the ancient tribe was coming.

The first thing they ushered in was not the Riding Charge, but another round of artillery shells by Ren Baqian, a series of more than a dozen rounds, spreading from the thickest position to the side, most of which hit the thickest The position, and several shells also disturbed the position of the flying horse to attack.

Then, near the river, a thousand flying riders emerged from the darkness. As each blade of light flashed, a fence fell down, and Feiqi posed in a conical formation and rushed towards the opponent.

Just like a knife-cut butter, the Daxia army that had not recovered from the chaos was cut directly. The tip was inserted first, and the subsequent flying ride widened the crack.

Whenever the front segment was blocked, a few people jumped out from the rear to the front as the knife point and continued to penetrate deep, killing from the edge to the middle in just five minutes.

The flying rides on the periphery spread directly outward, like blooming flowers, or stretched out from a fist into the palm, and the soldiers in the middle of the Daxia Army array fell down in rows.

At the same time, some people set fire to the ground, overturning the food truck to the already burned position, so that the fire became bigger and more food was damaged.

Li Qianqiu jumped up and down and then jumped up and down in the dark to observe the movement of the Da Xia Army. Seeing that the two meters below his feet were half a meter shorter than other places. It made Ren Yajin look away at him.

Under the command of Li Qianqiu, Fei Qi killed directly from the weakest place in the north before being completely wrapped into dumplings by Da Xia, kicked the fence, and fled from the small open space in the middle of Bei Ying. Quickly disappeared into the night.

If it was said that the former Da Xia Army in the South Camp could also reduce the losses by separating the grain and patting them with a quilt to extinguish the fire, the raging fire at this time let them directly break this thought.

At least half of the forage has turned into flames.

In the middle of the Daxia army formation, the former middle-aged general looked at the huge flame in front of him and his face was iron blue, and the light of the flame formed a strange red on this face.

"Get water, save fire!" He squeezed two words out of his teeth.

"Sir, they are afraid to wait outside. The riot in Beiying was that their forage was also burned, but the barbarian did not attack Beiying." Someone immediately reported.

"Blades and shields prepare, gunners prepare, archers scatter for three rounds outside, and God Crossbow Battalion prepares." General Daxia ordered.

With the mobilization of a military order, a total of 20,000 people formed a military formation on the side near the river. The front was the Sword Shield, followed by the Shenhuo Battalion, and then two rows of pikemen, and then Three rows of archers.

When they moved, two people went up and down in the darkness outside the camp ...

"Is there any other way?" Ren Baqian sighed in the air and sighed. He jumped on that one like a spring bed. The whole person was bad.

"For the first time, you turned out to be a genius!" Ren Baqian sighed while rising in the air, and fell again after reaching the highest point.

Damn, if you die in the future, you will be stupid.

Also, why are you setting up a tent?


"Sir, the crops are half recovered, and the other ones are too late ... would you like to fetch water?" Said one general, pointing to the huge fires in front of them. These were watering and could not be recovered.

Because the flying fire was too good when Feiqi came in, Ren Baqian also wanted to attract them to get water to fight the fire. As a result, they immediately gave up.

The Nanying master overflowed his face with a murderous look, and said, "Make a look to draw water, send some people out to test, if the ancients are outside, immediately put arrows."

With his command, the already-formed army moved towards the river, stopped when it was twenty feet away from the fence, and the archer scattered three rounds toward the outside.

Under the command of Ren Baqian, the ancient soldiers who intercepted outside were lying outside the fence, which was just impossible to shoot.

The arrows fell into the river with the sound of air breaking in the night.

Then hundreds of big Xia soldiers holding buckets of faces rushed out, and then screamed.

"Release!" Da Xia Jun in the camp said nothing but three rounds of arrow rain, this time there were many sounds of arrows shooting into the human body.

When Da Yao fought against Da Xia, the biggest casualty was this kind of coverage shooting outside a certain range. If the two sides entered melee, the casualties would be much less, and the casualties of the opponent would rise straight.

Ren Baqian and Li Qianqiu watched Da Xia's round of arrow rain in the distance, slightly puzzled. "It seems a bit wrong."

When he was puzzled, the other party sent out hundreds of death squads and rushed towards the outside. When the killing sound sounded, there were several rounds of arrow rain inside the camp.

"Fuck, they're not trying to fight the fire at all, they're fishing!" Ren Baqian looked at the motionless army standing in place and immediately reacted.

Originally, according to his thinking, if the other party wanted to fight the fire, he must have pushed the army to the river. At that time, he was out of the camp and was far from the Daxia army in the middle of the camp. Swallow these 20,000 people.

You must know that the camp of 80,000 people must have a radius of at least dozens of miles, like this Nanying is Kuansili, Qiubai.

From the middle of the camp to the gate facing the river ~ ~ only two miles.

But now the tail of this army formation is only one mile away from the middle of the camp. The other party stood still and did not move forward when killed. Instead, they sent hundreds of people out twice, and immediately covered and fired when the shouting and screaming sounded, not even their own.

"MD, this is not what I thought before." Ren Baqian cursed.

The distance between this army and the other large Xia army in the middle of the camp is much shorter than the distance expected before Ren Qianqian. If it rushes now, it is absolutely impossible to evacuate before the other party comes to the rescue. It was against the idea of ​​less damage he had thought of at first.

However, the other party was not a puppet, how could he act as he expected.

"Can't get on?" Li Qianqiu asked? According to him, now the army directly kills the past, and the other reinforcements come and kill them together, afraid of an egg! The six thousand strong army plus one thousand flying riders, facing the 80,000 Daxia army, can be said to have a sufficient win rate.

The only problem is that the losses will be a bit bigger.

"Up, with conditions, overlords bow hard without conditions!" Ren Baqian spit and spit, and then said, "Others are preparing to withdraw, and Feiqi is in position. I will first fire a round and Feiqi assaults in , Kill two back and forth. "

After Ren Baqian made a hard shot, he still didn't feel the need to fight hard. There are still seven days left. This road is long.

With the troops, you have to go to Yunguo to grab a gun!

However, thanks to the flying rider of the female emperor, this elite, no matter whether the charge was launched against a 100,000 army, or a quick decision at this time, or night harassment, long-distance attack, nothing could be done.

It is a pity that first went to Daxia, and this time the war. Now Feiqi has changed from fifteen to a thousand people, and even eight thousand years have begun to feel pain.

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