The Empress’s Gigolo

Chapter 834: Teng snake

Two guards and a Ministry official were holding torches and looking at what was painted on the wall.

Ren Baqian and the Empress came over, and the three gave way: "Your Majesty, this is it."

Then the torch waved forward: "All the way to the front."

Ren Baqian and the Emperor stopped and looked up, and saw that the wall was carved, about half an inch deep, and the edges were smooth.

Tong Zhenye scratched his finger along the trace above, then said: "It was carved by a finger, and the finger is about 30% narrower than the minister. It was painted by people outside the ancient clan."

Not surprising.

After all, it is only more than 70 years for the ancient people to walk out of the 100,000 mountains.

The construction time here is at least in the middle and early stages of Laos, even longer than Laos, but there is nothing that can prove the time. Here it has been sealed for too long. After 300 or 500 or even 1,000 years, it is distinguished Not coming out.

"You look forward!" After Ren Baqian ordered the Ministry official and the two guards, he looked up at the mural.

At first glance, like a child's graffiti, there are small holes, or arcs, or irregular patterns on the walls.

And a thin trace meandering from the beginning to an invisible place far away.

Everything on the wall is messy and irregular. It's a mural. It's better to say that a person just scratched the wall.

But if you look closely, it feels a little different.

"What do you think it looks like?" The Emperor suddenly frowned and asked softly after a long frown.

"Noko ..." Two voices sounded at the same time.


The empress immediately appeared beside Tong Zhenye, pressing the big bald head directly to the ground, the whole brain was pressed in, and cracks were everywhere around the ground.

"Your Majesty, this white jade is to be used to build a palace." Ren Baqian was distressed, mainly because he himself told the truth just now.

The empress never hesitated, and stomped again on the head of Tongzhen's wild field, and then said coldly: "If you keep your mouth open, I will put you ... on the head of the city, so that people from all walks of life can look at the Ministry Lord Shang Shu. "

Then he turned to look at Ren Baqian, and found that Ren Baqian's eyes were not moving up and down his chest, and his face flashed a flash of red, but his eyes flashed a dangerous light.

Ren Baqian is already thinking about whether he will take the initiative to put his head on the ground, so that it won't hurt when pressed.

"There is a door here!"

The sound came at the right time.

Ren Baqian felt that they should be awarded a Dayao Peace Prize.

The empress gave Ren Baqian a look of "you wait, and then turn around and teach you again", and then walked forward.

There was a rattle behind him, Tong Zhenye pulled his head out and patted the dust, and glanced at Ren Baqian quite resentfully.

Ren Baqian gave him a "we are different" smile.

After walking along the passage for more than forty meters, everyone finally saw the so-called "door".

The whole body is dark, and I don't know what metal it is, reflecting the cold luster under the light of the torch.

On the iron gate is a winged snake with its tail hanging to the ground, its head close to the top of the iron gate, and a pair of wings gathered behind it. Different from the color of the iron gate, the whole looks grey.

Ren Baqian felt familiar, and immediately asked, "What kind of beast is this?"

Tong Zhenye shook his head to express ignorance.

The empress was unresponsive.

It seems that neither of them knew it, but Ren Baqian saw this picture and thought of the snake in the legend of Hua Guo.

Ren Baqian always feels that this world has something to do with the earth. Although the words are different, the world also speaks Chinese, and there are dragons and phoenixes, unicorns in this world, and even a unicorn in the palace.

It's just that praying for water is not as powerful as the legendary beast. It can neither fly to the sky nor smash the ground. It is the strength of the supreme heaven that is far from myth and legend.

But Qishui is similar to the unicorn in the legend of the earth, even with the same name, which is beyond doubt.

With these commonalities, it doesn't seem too surprising to see another Teng snake in the Chinese myth in this world.

However, Ren Baqian did not say the speculation.

The emperor reached forward and pushed to open the iron gate, but when she touched the snake, her face changed slightly, and she stepped back a few meters to stand just before Ren Baqian.

"This is true!" The Empress's words surprised everyone.

Everyone thought that the beast on the door was a sculpture, but did not expect it to be a real beast!

However, as the emperor touched the fierce beast on the door, cracks began to appear on the surface, and then fell off one by one and fell to the ground. The crowd discovered that the fierce beast had long since become an empty shell.

Suddenly, the beast became a piece of ground.

However, the emperor's eyes flickered, and she picked up a gray bead, about the size of a dove's egg, and rubbed it on it.

"What is this?" Confusion arose in everyone's mind.

Whether it is this ferocious beast or the bead, it has never been seen before.

Ren Baqian reached out and wiped it in the emperor's palm, and the surface of the beads was still a little elastic.

Ren Baqian immediately made up the common plot of martial arts, condensing his life's strength into a bead before he died.

But what exactly this bead is, you have to study it carefully.

The emperor fiddled with it and didn't see the role of the bead, so she didn't care about throwing the bead to Ren Baqian, who quickly picked it up and put it away.

Others just thought that this was a fierce beast that had never been seen before ~ ​​ ~ but Renrenqian looked at it as a legendary beast, and it would certainly not leave anything ordinary.

"This fierce beast is the guard of this door?" Ren Baqian gave a guess.

"It's possible!" The Empress nodded. The passage was not damaged before the crowd came in. This beast was either previously hung by the body on the iron gate, or stayed here and died later. of.

Everyone is more inclined to the latter possibility.

"This ferocious animal hasn't left here until it's dead. I don't know what the owner is."

The empress said softly, and pushed the door open.

If everyone was right, the guard here is the weathered fierce beast, then there should be no organ at the door.

But just in case, Tong Zhenye came forward to stop the emperor: "Your Majesty, let the old minister come!"

Tong Zhenye put his hand on the door and increased his strength a little. It took eight minutes of strength and his face began to turn red. Then the door squeaked.

"Open!" Tong Zhenye gave a loud shout, and with both hands full of strength, the door began to be pushed a little bit.

Everyone was on alert until Tong Zhenye pushed open the main door, and nothing like the organs appeared.

However, a stream of air swirled, and the torches in the guard's hands first swayed, then suddenly went out.

Everyone also felt a little stuffy on their chests.

"People lit candles and ghosts blown the lights. This torch was extinguished and withdrawn!" Ren Baqian pulled the emperor and turned away.

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