"Be careful of your back, the spider's fangs may appear behind you at any time."

This is the customary gift of the gray elf rangers who have betrayed Rose when they parted. They reminded themselves and their companions in this way that Rose, who is extremely vengeful, will never forget the slightest grudge, and she may send dangerous minions to end it at any time. The lives of these traitors themselves.

Although a relatively stable alliance has been formed, the underground world is still an underground world, and wars between them cannot be exempted. However, for some reason, the dark elf forces under Rose's command have not been very smooth recently.

Due to some inconvenient exchange of contracts, the agent of the devil in the underground world, Alur, disappeared inexplicably. The human dungeon under him began to move closer to the Sulfur Mountain City. More and more, Anne's underground dominance became more and more stable.

Among the four new overlords, the dragon queen Ainmethius, the fire phoenix Anne, and the underground beast emperor An Liya have extremely close personal relationships. Their strengths cooperate frequently, and the dark elves are squeezed out intentionally or unintentionally. up.

This is just like market trade. If a few large chambers of commerce occupy more than 70% of the market share, and they have the pricing power to play monopoly prices, small merchants will easily go bankrupt. When the situation develops to this point, when various The low-tax customs clearance agreement was signed, and many business activities began to be played directly without the dark elves' cities. This obviously dealt a fatal blow to the dark elves' economy.

If this was the only situation, the dark elves would have already started to act.

"You won't sell me? I'll rob the head office. How dare you suspend the trade? Believe it or not, I'll kill your whole family tomorrow! We are dark elves, not black charcoal heads with long ears!"

No one would take the threat of the dark elves as a joke. As one of the few distorted races who regard looting and fraud as virtues, the lower limit of the dark elves has always been very low. Even if they don't say it, they still have to be careful of the deadly revenge and attack.

"The underground covenant was established for the peace of the underground world. Anyone who initiates a war will become the public enemy of all parties in the covenant. The underground overlord is no exception! No, the underground overlord should abide by the peace agreement, otherwise. She will be punished by other underground The hostility of the overlord!"

If someone shouted this sentence a year ago, everyone would think that his head was broken. When Annie, who had vaguely won the support of 70% of the forces, made this declaration, no one would dare to say the so-called The peace agreement is a joke.

Moreover, it is already self-evident that the underground overlord it targets is that, and some gray dwarves and underground dwarf cities that were originally forced to seek refuge with the dark elves due to the threat of force. When they realized that the dark elves really didn't dare to use force, they also seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change their flag and get rid of the harsh rule of the dark elves.

The economy, politics, and military are completely isolated by other forces,

The power of the dark elves naturally began to shrink in an all-round way. Some dark elves who believed in other gods even began to choose new superiors. Rose's authority was fully challenged.

Facing this circumstances. Naturally, Rose couldn't be in a good mood. Her god-born illegitimate daughter died inexplicably a few days ago. A new agent has not yet been selected. In a blink of an eye, the Dark Elf forces have been suppressed again. Now. Even the sphere of influence and believers have been reduced, how can this be tolerated.

Due to the sharp decline in the number of pan-believers. It had a direct impact on the divine power. Rose was furious and directly executed several mistresses of the big families, but the result was that the dark elven city's fight for the underground supremacy became more intense. Incidentally, in a series of Amidst the turmoil, Matron Victoria of Menzoberranzan made several steps forward and became one of the three most promising candidates to reach the summit.

Moreover, due to certain past relationships, if Rose finally chooses to coexist with other underground overlords, she must be the best candidate for Rose's highest priest. Shining star.

Under such circumstances, after my letter was forwarded to Anne through Eliza, and then Anne passed it on to Victoria through a special contact method, even if it did not have my signature and seal on it, the weight would not be light.

Of course, Rose, the Spider Queen, was famous for being cunning and greedy. It was not an easy task to convince her to switch to the camp.

"...if the gods of order finally win the holy war, all the existing elf gods will fall in this holy war, then, facing the future, the elf gods must also have a veteran elf god to control the scene, obviously you It is the most suitable candidate.”

"Think about it, if you still stay on the side of chaos, do you really plan to work with those guys who exiled you? Do you think you can fight them alone? If they finally come to power, will you be exiled again? No, with the lessons learned from last time, they will definitely not leave trouble behind, I think they are probably looking for a reason to let you fall out of the game directly."

The future Elf Lord God, this is the verbal price I offered Rose. Staying in the Chaos camp will do no good no matter whether you win or lose. This is the status quo I analyzed for her.

I never tell lies, but these "truths" can touch Rose's suspicious vigilance even more.

"Besides, I didn't expect you to directly raise the flag of rebellion. You see, the elves and gods are still on the side of order. Isn't it natural for you, the true god of chaos, to attack them? What's more, you already have a deep hatred, and you don't want to take revenge. It doesn't fit your personality."

"The current situation is so chaotic, as long as you don't make clear your banner and position, you can make a second choice at any time. This is a great opportunity for revenge without risk. If you miss it, I will feel sorry for you. This is really a once-in-a-thousand-year event, if you miss this time, do you still have the confidence to wait until the next millennium?"

In the language of the dark elves, betrayal is a virtue, and Rose's virtues can be seen, and this can be used as a fool. Shicheng can also be regarded as the suggestion of the elf master god, which can naturally hit her heart.

And in order to increase the persuasiveness of the letter. At the end of the letter, I also added the divine power marks of Ayer and the Sleepless.

With these two imprints, it is equivalent to proofs from two true gods of order, and one of them is the big brother Ayer. I am afraid that in the eyes of Rose, this letter has been upgraded to two grades, and it has directly become a letter from the order camp. Official poaching.

Well, the truth is that the gods of order don't even know about it. Just for convenience, Iyer has long since given me full agency...  

After receiving the letter, Rose did not express anything, but the silence let me know that she was moved, and the fact that she appointed Victoria as the highest priest after hesitation gave an answer from another aspect.

But since Rose also took the initiative to enter the game, the next thing. It's not something I want to manage or can manage.

"Humph, you will have to pay back sooner or later. The crimes committed by the elves in Sluwell, the dark elves will only go too far. I don't believe that the backyard is on fire, and the elves army can still fight humans. Go back and eat dogs." Bar."

But even so. My current trouble is still not small.

"Fimul Caso is truly a rare talent in the world who can bring his family down like this."

Leaving aside the internal chaos caused by long-term reckless disregard of government affairs, and because the orcs mobilized their main force to attack Red Maple City, Antuen did not suffer any irresistible pressure after the sudden change of flag.

But when the royal financial adviser's treasury revenue and expenditure statement and the military's strategic report were all brought up, I found out that Sluwell had been defeated by Fimmel to the verge of bankruptcy.

‘All new entertainment facilities are suspended. The Royal Garden Project granted me eternal seal, and all slaves were released as civilians. Those beauties in the harem..."

Of course I want to say the words of a man's dream like "I accept everything in the harem", but considering my pretty good image in the eyes of the world, um, and the shining silver ring on my finger, I can only Helplessly shook his head.

"All of them will be dismissed. Those with rich families will be sent home directly, and those with poor families will serve as hospital nurses, volunteers, tailors, etc., so that they can support themselves. Those who don't know anything will be thrown into restaurants to wash dishes. Well, the severance pay is sufficient. But make an agreement with them, the royal family will not support them in the future."

In fact, these financial and state affairs problems can only be regarded as small troubles, nothing more than the chaos caused by the guy Fimmel who is drunk and doesn't care about anything, but the local lords in the country are very difficult to solve. problem.

In this feudal era where magic and sharp swords were intertwined, the cruel living environment and the herd of monsters made most ordinary people choose to live in relatively safe medium and large cities, and the inconvenient transportation made the communication and transportation of various city-states inconvenient. I am afraid this is the truest portrayal. It is not uncommon for the authority of the royal family to only extend to a few surrounding counties.

Of course, rights and obligations are often relative, and it is definitely not an easy task to protect one's own people from various natural and unnatural threats.

On their own territory, noble lords even have higher say and authority than the royal family. This is extremely common in this era, and the royal family often turns a blind eye to it, but if Fimmel treats the big nobles He was completely offended, and even a few local nobles had admitted that they did not take Femul seriously. There were quite a few of them who hadn't visited Antuen for ten years, so it was really not a trivial matter.

"For the sake of a famous woman, the guards were actually sent to rob the lord's noble lady, and the evidence was caught more than once or twice. It's really lucky that this guy was not overthrown by the rebellious lord."

In fact, if the orcs hadn't suddenly invaded the south, I'm afraid that within two years, there would be many lords meeting to rebel.

In the back of this corrupt king's mind, he is probably a demon who escaped from hell. Since he may be expelled back at any time, since the wealth of this country is destined not to belong to him, why not hurry up and enjoy it? What serious consequences? In his eyes, "after I die, I will manage the flood", how could he have the slightest concern.

Sluwell's current situation is not limited to these. In the event of this all-out war, the royal family should take the lead. The major lords were summoned to organize coalition forces to fight, but it was clear that the orcs had already figured out the human system. They simply did not give Fimul a chance to fulfill his royal power.

But even if Fimr really fulfilled his royal power and issued a conquest order, it is still a question of how many great lords will respond.

Today, the main force of the royal family is divided into two parts. Most of the main force guarding the border are blocked in the now meaningless border fortress, while the guard army and reserve army of the royal city are only dealing with the siege of Antuen. It has been damaged a lot.

As for the legions of the lords. Most of them were restrained by the scattered raid strategy of the orcs to their own territory. The inaction of the royal family chilled the hearts of the loyal people, but it also made some people think carefully. , It seems that the difference is very suicidal.

And even if Fimmel has gone too far, even if I am only a temporary acting king, it is still difficult to stabilize this position.

Even in the era of feudal lords with decentralized sovereignty. Rebellion is still a technical job, and the orthodoxy of kingship is the bottom line that is pressed in the hearts of all citizens. If it wasn't for Fimmel showing his demonic nature when his life was in danger, if it wasn't for me, I would be the legally orthodox descendant of Lan. I'm afraid I will take over Antoon so easily.

But this is obviously taboo. It is destined not to satisfy the lords, even I am not very satisfied with this situation.

"Using this reason to take the opportunity to take away Sluwell's royal power today, isn't Dong Lan and Chawen the same as Lan's descendants? At that time, they will also be taken away. If even the royal family's royal power can be taken away, we lords rights is not just a matter of words.”

Obviously. If this state persists for a long time, I will be crowned as a careerist. I must have received a lot of taboo eyes, so my own blueprint will naturally come to naught.

blueprint? Well, I have a series of plans for the Northland, but there is absolutely no ascending to the throne by myself. That would be tantamount to tying myself to death, and it would cause countless people to be on guard. The loss outweighs the gain.

"You need a member of Sluwell's royal family, even if it's a puppet, it's much better than me directly representing the royal power."

But obviously, this has encountered a new problem. Like those kings who ascended the throne, Fimr Caso did a great job. There are three brothers and sisters. It is said that the eldest crown prince was killed by him. Also suffered "misfortune" and were all killed in a carriage accident.

Now, even if I want to find a puppet to erect it, I can't find a candidate.

But a sudden news shocked me.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince once had a young daughter, Galina. Thirteen years ago, before Femul took the throne, she was not found when the house was ransacked. She should still be alive."

"Lamp of life?"

I couldn't help but think of the dagger with two pearls, Sluwell's royal family should also have this kind of secret method.

"Besides, the lights were very dim at first, but since more than three months ago, the lights have suddenly brightened. It seems that Her Royal Highness has returned to the Northland, and if she really comes back to take revenge, she may already be here at this moment. The city is incognito."

The words of the royal steward shocked me, so I immediately issued an announcement, but the parade knights ran all over the city, shouting hoarsely, but still no one took the initiative to stand up.

"If she is really in this city, she has doubts about me and dare not come out. No matter what, let's find him first. Does she have any other characteristics?"

The old man frowned and pondered for a long time before he could utter a word.

"She was a little girl back then, so what are the characteristics? She's just an ordinary little girl who doesn't like to talk. By the way, she has two moles on her right chest and a mole on her left buttock, which should be her characteristics!"

The moment I heard this, I covered my face, and I almost guessed what was going to happen next.

[Ding Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering a sudden mission—a well-loved welfare plot, mission objective: Find Princess Galina, don’t hesitate, she is within your reach. Mission reward: Since you can control the country through her, it can be considered that the kingdom of mist has recovered part of it again, let Roland's sword complete the first stage of artifact evolution ahead of schedule. Mission failure: The evolution reward is permanently cancelled, and the favorite welfare plot is transformed into the favorite Shura field plot. 】

"Crack!" I slammed my fist on the table. I was really afraid of something. Didn't this kind of reward and punishment force me to do my best!

"Does that mean we're going to take off the tops and skirts of all fifteen and sixteen year old girls and examine their boobs and butts? It's so unethical."

The old man shook his head with a wry smile.

"Considering that in order to avoid the pursuit of the false king, she may have to make a disguise. The age and gender are not accurate. It is also possible to make up a cute boy."

I opened my mouth. If I really order all the young girls and cute boys to be stripped naked, I'm afraid I will enter the history books again-in the name of the whore king who surpassed Fimmel.

Finally, after thinking for a long time, I activated the special contact effect on the ring, and then explained my ins and outs clearly in a few words.

"......If you plan to order a strip, I will pretend that I don't know you from now on. Perverted master, why are you telling me this mess, is this your new way of sexual harassment, or is it intended Check me first?"

I shook my head.

"No, I'm just asking for help from you."

"Ask for help? How can I help you with these things... oh, I see, you mean him?"

I nodded sadly, if possible, I don't want to find that person either.

"Yes, we need expert help, which is beyond the scope of my personal ability, please inform me of that expert."

"...I understand, but I suddenly feel that it is more appropriate to order the whole city to strip naked. If that man is dispatched, maybe you will all be hung on the pillar of shame in history."

"Do you think so too? But unfortunately, we have no choice, I have made up my mind...Give me, contact me with that man, contact Sad Wind Arrow! We need him and his Help from companions! In this situation, only real gentlemen can help us!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian () to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest Motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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