When it comes to mages, most people think of towering mage towers, neat libraries, wonderful automatic magic props, elegant mage robes, beards and reading glasses that represent wisdom.

But in fact, I have basically never seen the above points, no, I have not seen a few mages who just keep the room clean.

In fact, most of the mage laboratories I have seen are in disarray, with messy books piled up in mountains, and unwashed experimental utensils exuding a disgusting smell. Strange or something, nothing more than normal.

"Isn't there a broom that moves automatically, a puppet that cleans the shelves automatically?"

"If the thing is powered, it will require a lot of mana for daily maintenance, and it is very expensive. If it uses one-time energy, plus the cost of materials, it will be even more expensive. Those things are just a public appearance for the kingdom of mages For private use, whoever uses it will know."

"But since he is a wise mage, it is not difficult to clean the room by himself. If it is not possible, hire someone to clean it."

"A lot of things are very dangerous for laymen to touch, but it's not safe for an insider to touch them, so I can clean them up by myself? I can't wait to spend 26 hours a day doing research. I don't have time. So, I'll leave it to you , By the way, remember to water the garden in the south once a day, you don’t need to water it yourself, it’s enough to enter the core area and open the valve... That’s right. Help me find a gardener if you have time, he didn’t come out three days ago , I don’t know if I ran away with my wages, should I not pay wages in advance, this is the dozens.”

In a sense, the Master Academy at that time was quite similar to the current academic institution, and the disciples learned from their mentors. It can also be regarded as a part-time job for the tutor. Since the tutor is inconvenient to ask outsiders to do chores, it is normal for the disciple to act as a chore.

Back then, I was doing research with Senior Sister Emily as an apprentice, so I had no resistance to being a handyman. And the first mission completely overturned my impression of the profession of mage.

"Mage's robe? That thing is inconvenient to move around, so don't use it at home. It's convenient to get magic materials? Hehe, it's unnecessary at my stage."

If the kind senior sister back then was just subverting my common sense at first, she was unexpectedly close to the people. But the task of cleaning up the laboratory after that almost killed me.

Don't think that there will be any welfare plots such as beautiful tutors' spring leaks and private portraits. I have accumulated two rooms of private servers. I will die, and the task that gave me the biggest "surprise" is to water the plants in the garden. water.

That daily task made me completely abandon the beautiful illusion of Amyra. It can be regarded as seeing her true face.

Speaking of which,

I'm afraid everyone understands.

At that time, Amyla was not cruel enough to plant the seven virtues in her backyard, but I have enjoyed the predation of piranhas, the entanglement of magic vines in the black forest, and played exciting wild survival games and biohazard. Back then, there were still two brushes, and it was probably hanging inexplicably like the previous gardener.

And the subsequent study is mostly such an experience. I kind of understand why this well-known senior sister always needs new apprentices......

Swinging the sword to kill the familiar deformed piranha, I roared from the bottom of my heart.

"Follow that guy to become an apprentice. Without the strength of a Juggernaut, I can't survive at all."

"What are you yelling all of a sudden! You're deaf."

Well, I accidentally yelled out the grievances in my heart. I really can't blame me for being confused back then. Maybe that guy didn't have any malicious intentions back then, but I had the strength of a sword master at that time. Also wandering on the edge of life and death several times, don't blame her or anyone else.

Thinking about it this way, it was a good thing to cheat her when she left. At least there will be fewer victims in the future. Like those missing gardeners and apprentices.

"Oh, that's an exaggeration."

The reason why I brought up the past is just the scene in front of me. Why is it so familiar? It is a forest overgrown with weeds. There are as many piranhas as weeds. The highly poisonous fragrance of flowers permeates the sky. The big mushrooms are actually swallowing each other. The most outrageous thing is the pumpkin carriage being dragged around by big mice. In short, this is an absolutely dangerous area where all kinds of dangerous plants run amok at will.

Ever since I got back to Carol, I heard that Amyla hadn't left, so I almost guessed.

"There are other places that are more suitable for mischief than here. Without the country's supervisory committee and law-breaking investigators, you can try all kinds of prohibited experiments."

Should it be said that she lived up to her expectations? When she arrived at her temporary residence, she saw such a scene. Obviously, if she hadn't planned to write a description of the experimental accident with hundreds of thousands of words, or she had played off again.

"I suggest turning around. Since Amyla didn't come out by herself, she is probably trapped. Any one of her 'virtues' out of control is an unbearable pain."

I immediately turned around without hesitation.

What? Worried about Amyra? The scourge lives for thousands of years. Measured by this standard, it is not difficult for Emira to live for ten thousand years. For her, no matter how big the game is, it is just a momentary play, and she can deal with it by herself.

"Didn't you say you were going to invite her to your birthday party? Anyway, she's been trying her best to help you recently. It's too unkind."

Dead cat... It seems that it's time to call dead loli now. It grabbed my clothes and refused to let me go. Looking at his face, he seemed a little dissatisfied.

I have a bit of a headache. Since her resurrection, Heloise has been a little too emotional. She seems to be a little cuter when she was still a dead cat. At least most of the time she has no interest in things that have nothing to do with her, unlike now she has become a cat. Curious baby, the mood changes extremely fast, and the sharp teeth change more and more smoothly. My head was accidentally injured.

"If you don't make me angry, I will bite you? Don't guess, you didn't say it, your face is so obvious, who can't understand? By the way, why did you suddenly want to hold a birthday party and invite guests everywhere? You don't even want to pay attention to birthdays and other anniversaries."

"In your eyes, I should probably keep a straight face as a whole, planning a conspiracy behind the scenes, preparing some backup plan one, two, three? And then do something. Do I have to have a series of conspiracy?"

Well, this fake loli actually dared to nod vigorously to me, you just wait for my revenge, hmph, from next week onwards. Your breakfast, lunch and dinner are all gone. You can either go to the wild with me to make the God of Cookery achievement, or give me the test product made by Amyra... It seems that if you choose the latter, you can still be that terrible God of Cookery Achievement.

"Rose is dead, and the big names on this list are crossed off first, so you can be happier."

Heloise nodded slightly. On the hatred list she gave me, this elf true god who was once ranked in the top three is the target of her determination to revenge.

"How can you say that you have life again..."

"If you persuade me to give up revenge, don't even think about it. Even if I come back to life again, the past hatred will never be resolved!"

"Don't get excited...I'm not stupid enough to advise you to give up revenge, but just look forward. Live a better life for yourself, and there is no conflict with revenge."

Some words have been kept in my heart for a long time, and I hesitated, but I finally said them.

"Actually, I'm the same. I'm all haunted by the past. No, it should be said. We can't let it go. Over the years, the scene of the destruction of the royal city is always recalled in nightmares, which is unpleasant. ah."

I paused, holding back for too long, I didn't know how to express myself.

"I will not tell you to let go of the past, let alone say nonsense like 'hatred is meaningless', because this is just an insult to us who take revenge as our goal in life. But just as Rose's death It makes you feel much more relaxed, and it is also a relief for me that the land of mist has been revived in another way."

I am a little embarrassed to say this, but it seems that it will be more embarrassing to stop, so I can only bite the bullet and continue.

"If you can't forget the past, let's look at the future. Anyway, now we are not lonely avengers, we are barely a family. If there is trouble, let others help .At least I am determined to pay attention, even if I fail in the end, I must hurry up and enjoy what I missed before.”

Well, when it comes to this, I feel a little blush.

"So, it's normal to have a small birthday party with a few friends, and I didn't know they would make it so big."

"Don't Eliza and the others know your birthday?"

"Kelly probably forgot, it happened hundreds of years ago, who still remembers it clearly. As for Eliza...in Sulfur Mountain City, we all have birthdays. We have our own anniversaries, or I invented it."

"What happened then?"

"They are all undead. The day of death is a new beginning. We all celebrate death days. I happen to have a few death days, so I just don't bother to pass them. It's normal for them not to know."

Hearing this, Heloise was speechless, and said that she would not enjoy life. When she was in Xiluo, she never heard that the undead had a death day to commemorate the day of her death. Really know how to play.

"Wait a minute, those high-ranking undead in your legion all died in one day, don't they all celebrate the anniversary of their death together?"

"Well, that's why we call it 'Day of Destruction' again. We will continue the grand celebration ceremony, have a city-wide parade, and make a big mess. And in order not to scare people, we will even put on ridiculous heavy makeup. Sometimes Dressed as a wandering circus, sometimes it is a stage play of an epic story, sometimes it is simply naked, and then there will be a market and float performances. Gradually, in the mouths of the living, it becomes a strange undead Pay homage to the signature tourism festival of Sulfur Mountain City—the Ghost Festival.”

When it comes to the past, it is always inevitable that people will settle in the memory of the past. When I fell into the corridor of memory, Heloise nodded thoughtfully.

"You really have a conspiracy, can't you just say it outright?"

"See it?"

"I've heard what you said, it's so obvious, I still can't see it. I'm afraid your hounds probably already know it."

"Well, even if I don't say it, they will understand. In this era, since the land of Lan has been resurrected, it is too pitiful to go to the ghost festival and the celebration of the day of destruction on the country's death day. From now on, only There are 'Peace Day' celebrations that represent victory and peace. Since I myself intend to step out of the shadows of the past and look forward, I naturally expect them to do the same."

"...You are really capricious and selfish."

I shrugged my shoulders, but I didn't deny it. I was still self-aware.

"Every year's celebration ceremony is different, but I believe that since my meaning has been expressed, my knights will never let me down. Best's ball rolling performance is the finale of every year. Then , Here comes the question... Cough, the beautiful Princess Heloise, would you like to walk around the celebration with me, a selfish fellow? It should be very pleasant."

Bowing slightly and lifting the hem of the skirt lightly, the young golden princess performed an ancient palace lady's salute with a pure smile.

"Of course, dear Prince Roland, it is my honor to be your partner at the ceremony." , is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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