The current Donglan Principality is no longer the small and impoverished country in the north. With new ethnic groups, new legions, and new religions, too many changes have brought about a sharp change in the country's fundamental structure.

The main body of the nation is composed of northern humans and gray blood elves. There is no specific statistics on the ratio between the two, but even if the number of people is quite different, the gap in overall strength should not be too large. The strongest country is far stronger than Donglan, the weakest country, and the individual strength of the elves is far superior to that of humans, and their high-level combat power and background are even more incomparable.

In order to avoid the accumulation of conflicts caused by the long-term relationship between the two parties, I rejected all the advice about routines and practices, and forcibly implemented the mixed living model of co-location.

Perhaps this will lead to friction and trouble at the beginning, but it is far better than each going its own way, accumulating conflicts with misunderstandings and differences, and then accumulating conflicts into an explosion under the guidance of people with ambition and ambition.

The Lan nationality is originally a product of a multi-ethnic composition. It is a national concept formed culturally. Perhaps, as long as it is handled properly, it can completely achieve cultural identity and condense into one voice in the future.

The national composition is probably the only multi-racial country in the north, but what is more special is the unique superstructure of the state system and the principality. Opening up a new territory for a big country as a pioneering knight, gaining financial and strength support, becoming the lord of one party and then surrendering to the monarchy, this is the common development track of those emerging countries.

But Xiare took a long time. After Dong Lan successfully established the country, he tore up the dozen or so subordinate covenants. Yes, that girl was lying to people from the beginning to the end. He actually asked for aid and surrendered to more than a dozen countries at the same time.

Of course, it was later discovered that those big countries had been tricked by him, but as a result of Shire's footing on more than a dozen boats, under mutual checks and balances, no one benefited, and the Donglan Principality rose up instead. In fact, This process is extremely complicated and arduous. Geographical advantages also play a huge role.

But the side effect is probably that his own reputation is so bad that even Donglan Principality has not had a good reputation since the founding of the country. Not to mention being regarded as a barbarian by the countries in the Central Plains, his reputation has fallen to the bottom. But in the chivalrous age of the feudal enfeoffment system. These aristocratic lords with heavy armies shouldered the heavy responsibility of protecting the people and the territory. It is indeed the backbone of the country, but now. For me, it's a hindrance in a sense.

At least my government order has been blocked not once or twice, I know this group of guys are difficult to deal with. There are a lot of reasons and excuses, and the conflict between the central government and the local government will never stop. Especially since I am consciously carrying out centralization reforms, I have been treated as a target for siege by mobs. Every month I receive several letters from the local government. The report letter sent by the lord to Renee, accusing the treacherous officials of deceiving the emperor and making the people miserable.

And this time I arranged the elves in the new city under construction and the territory directly under the royal family, the territory of the princely family nobles,

It also made many nobles complain. After all, everyone knows that elves are a lot of wealth compared to their artwork and magic products.

This is also the reason why I dare not completely disperse the elves. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the lord is the sky on his own land. I can't expect every noble lord to have a high moral bottom line, and make more evil things If this happens, the spooky elves will be threatened again, and any long-term goals of mine will be ruined.

But this kind of situation where the lord is the big one can never be delayed forever, maybe because I was used to centralized power when I was in Yongye and the underground world, and I was very dissatisfied with this enfeoffment system from the very beginning.

At that time, just opening up the free circulation of citizens caused huge backlash and resistance, which made me determined to carry out reforms.

But I also know that forcible change has touched the interests of all nobles and lords, which is no different from causing a civil war. Therefore, in this regard, we can only boil frogs with warm fire and kill people with slow knives, step by step.

The newly-born Donglan Principality is a country that combines politics and religion. The God of Law, the Sleepless One, is the state religion. There are two nominal supreme leaders, Her Highness Renee who holds secular power, and the other one is naturally the supreme leader who holds theocracy. The bishop has snowed his hooves... When I think of the top leaders of this country, one is a brat and the other is a bastard who is often chased and intercepted by urban management, I have the urge to have a heart attack.

Well, when it comes to this, someone has probably guessed how I plan to take back the rights of the local nobles. The struggle between theocracy and secular power is endless, and the irresistible knife of theocracy can also make local lords invincible. There is nothing to say.

Now that the Church of the Sleepless is the state religion, isn't it too much to establish a cathedral and branch churches in each territory?

Now that the doctrine of the God of Law has been recognized by the people, it is not too much to let the judges, justice knights, and magicians patrol the entire Donglan area to preach, right?

Since the priests of the Church of the God of Law are humble and good at fighting, and have been welcomed and praised by all walks of life, then consider in the long run. Expanding the scale is inevitable, is it not too much to earn people in your territory?

now that……

Under a series of "if", when the influence of the Church of the Law in the locality continues to increase, it will inevitably lead to a result in the end.

"Since the teaching of the God of Law stipulates that everyone is equal under the law, then it is not too much for you nobleman to have committed a felony and cut off your head!"

At that time, I, who holds the divine power in my hand, will naturally be equivalent to taking back most of the secular power and completing the centralization of power.

In my plan, if Lan League is a huge giant, then Dong Lan must be the giant's vital heart and punching fist, as the first country to recognize the God of Law as the state religion, as the God of Law The location of the church headquarters. Every step he changes will be borrowed and imitated by other parts. It is absolutely impossible not to make it the best template in my mind.

"With the development of new technologies, civil airships and engineering vehicles going back and forth between cities will become a reality sooner or later. When transportation and transportation are convenient, then the mobilization of troops will be convenient, and the lord's obligation to protect the people will not be over. There is no need for the system of one territory, one country."

certainly. It's still far from the day when it will be fully realized, but at least there is hope, isn't it?

All I have to do is sow the seeds. Just wait patiently for the day of harvest.

"Well, it's definitely not that I want to be lazy."

But in a sense, my identity is very embarrassing.

I am Dong Lan's nominal ancestor, so my status should be higher than that of the current king, of course. This does not include real power. After all, those overlords in history didn't do anything anymore, and if they abdicated, they still wanted to do something big. The country is not far from turmoil.

So, in terms of secular kingship. I am in a difficult position, in a sense, for any vassal who is loyal to me. They are all betrayals of the current owner of the royal power, but fortunately, Renee gave me complete trust, and gave me the status of "Queen's Mentor", and gave me support in all aspects, so that I will not be in the palace sequence. As for being too embarrassing.

But there is still a problem with this. After all, people’s hearts will change. Even if Renee maintains her trust in me, the people below will have their own ideas and interests, and when Renee will marry and have children, there will be a day when she will abdicate , considering the future king's attitude towards me, I still have to make plans early.

At least, I have no intention of interfering with the internal affairs of the palace at all, and I have also expressed my stance that I do not intend to be involved in this area.

And in terms of theocracy, my position is as embarrassing as ever.

I have the identity of an angel of the sleepless, which is equivalent to the representative of the will of the sleepless, but I did not return to the kingdom of God like other angels, but stayed on the ground. He is the supreme leader of the church, the agent of the true God on earth, and I am also the agent of the will of the true God. If there are two agents... well, why am I always in such an awkward situation.

But since Snowhoof was brought out by me, the current high-level members of the Law Church are all my people. At least in the short term, there will be no problems. As for the high-level replacement of the Law Church.... There will be no more problems with my relationship.

Sleepless is always the core of my plan, how could he have problems.

As for military power, my status is even more embarrassing.

With the establishment of countless new legions, the original system of the Royal Knights and the city defense army is obviously not suitable. Dong Lan has newly established a military department to coordinate the affairs of the whole country.

Yes, the whole country, including the various local lords...

Don't start these conspiracies that are destined to cause struggles. Even in the current military department, my identity is also embarrassing.

In this era, there is no separation between the military and the government. The supreme leader of the national army is definitely the owner of the royal power. Renee is the king, and the military department is also an institution that serves it. As the nominal supreme leader of the military department, I am also the representative of the royal power.

Well, I also know that it is very troublesome to act on behalf of the past, but people in this era like to talk about it. If it does not conform to its legal principles and unspoken rules among nobles, it will have no authority. Without authority, the people below will If you play tricks, you can't do anything.

"That's why I hate these primitive elm heads, what a nuisance."

Cough, back to the topic.

The situation in the military department is also the same as that of the government. Renee is the one in power in name, but since the newly formed legion is in the hands of my knights, and I am her agent, all the generals obey me. Assignment, the military department is equivalent to falling into my hands.

This is obviously very abnormal, but what is even more abnormal is that everyone takes it for granted.

The final conclusion is that although my identity is embarrassing, in a sense, I am the number one person in Donglan, which is somewhat similar to that in Sulfur Mountain City back then. Lite manages the daily government affairs very badly, but the real person in charge became me, the prisoner.

But such a system is obviously not what I expected. I have a lot of things to do, and I will not be less in the future, and it is very possible to be away for a long time. If they really develop a mentality of dependence, there will be more trouble.

Therefore, I want to take the initiative to disappear, cultivate their initiative and sense of responsibility, so that it is the same if I am there or not.

"Having said so much, are you still trying to find a reason for yourself to be lazy? Since you know that you may be very busy in the future, can't you show your rare diligence first? Your office has been crowded with documents, the living room and kitchen It’s all full. Where is your sense of responsibility and initiative?”

Because of the magic pet contract that connects the two hearts, even if I sneak away, I have to take this dead cat with me, which is probably the source of my unhappiness.

Cough, don't listen to Heloise's nonsense, I'm not doing it to be lazy, I... I'm doing it to train the abilities of my subordinates so that they can be independent as soon as possible!

"Do you want to exercise your subordinates' hide-and-seek and catch-and-seek abilities?"

"Have you found His Highness Roland yet?"

"Just now the urban management brigade reported back, but now it's gone again. Damn it, His Highness actually hid there."...

Now another group of knights passed by, hmph, actually using the royal knights to carry out personal search tasks, this is the private use of public power, this is too outrageous, I must talk about them when I go back.

"You actually have the face to say to others, how much administrative cost you can save by staying in the office obediently."

"Damn cat, shut up! Otherwise, I'll turn your meals into dog biscuits."

"...Do you believe it or not? I'll find a chance to be like you, first shout 'I'm Roland', and then dance in the square and sing Little Apple? It's still the old-age Yangko version."

Instantly thinking of that terrible scene, I shuddered immediately.

"I surrender, please don't."

Considering that Heloise is absolutely as shameless as me, and the result of fighting for the lower limit is definitely a lose-lose for both sides, I immediately relented.

"Hmph, that's about the same. By the way, there seems to be a caravan from the Kingdom of Aris in the market in the south of the city. Their pickled cabbage candies are very famous. Why don't you try it. By the way, there is another game at three o'clock in the afternoon." The operas of the Ciro Opera Company, their ace singers and backbone dancers are elves."

Well, the meaning of this is already obvious, this is almost a direct extortion of bribes...

"Come on, let's book tickets now!"

Where to hide away... Where to go on vacation is not a vacation, since they are all the same, let her follow her.

ps: Well, let’s take a rest today, so let’s write more and add updates..... ()

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