The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 335 Undead Emperor (Part 1)

What are undead? If someone asks this question, I am afraid that everyone has their own answer.

"Immortal villains, destroyers of order, should be purified by the Holy Light." This is a standard Holy Light answer, and it is also the mainstream view in this world.

"The miraculous creation created under certain conditions is completely opposite to the existence of the living with life energy. The main conditions for its formation include two, one is sufficient negative energy, and the other is the fragments of the soul..."

This is a mage's standard answer, there are comparisons and assumptions, and if it is a professional necromancer, it will probably add a lot of comments, such as the type of undead, necessary requirements and so on.

"I like the term miraculous creation, but let's forget about negative energy. The first dead don't have the slightest negative energy. They are often noble and unyielding fighting spirits."

As the first undead, Iyer once mentioned that the first undead were born naturally, and they were brave men who were unwilling to die. Only with an immortal will that is firm enough to resist the call of reincarnation can they walk out of the cemetery and become immortal Heroic spirits, um, are also legendary natural undead.

Everything comes from the soul, and those who can resist the sweet long sleep bestowed by death with a pure soul are all remarkable historical figures, and there may not be one in every era.

And the undead after that are degraded substitutes made by the demons after studying the origin of heroic spirits. In order to make the undead bodies that do not meet the standard of heroic spirits move, they are filled with negative energy from the lower plane. Negative Energy. Over time, there is a special term - the power of death.

And this kind of power itself comes from the abyss, but it has a bloodthirsty, crazy, and chaotic nature, even after a wise archmage is transformed into a lich. It will also become crazy and incomprehensible under the loneliness of living alone and the erosion of negative energy, and the low-level undead who only rely on negative energy to drive their actions are killing machines full of bloodthirsty desires.

Speaking of which, when it comes to the classic undead created by the negative energy death road, I am afraid that we need to talk about positive energy and negative energy.

Positive energy and negative energy are two major types of energy that are relatively offset. Positive energy includes many types, the most common of which are holy light and natural force. Many angels and envoys in the upper plane can use it almost instinctively, but the reason why it is called positive energy. In addition to being generally linked to the source of order, what's more, this energy is often beneficial to the living, and can even heal the wounded.

And the opposite. It is negative energy. Although due to the rise of the undead and undead magic, today's negative energy is probably equated with the power of death of the undead, but this kind of energy that is harmful to the living just by touching it is the undead. The most important nourishment, the so-called plane of death, is the place where negative energy and the power of death gather.

If an ordinary mage,

This level of research is probably enough. After all, offensive spells such as exhaustion rays, curses, mental retardation, and negative energy contact only require you to create specific types of negative energy according to the classic spell model. Then throw it in a specific way to hurt people.

Since negative energy is the most fundamental source of energy and filler for the undead, it is not enough to just stay at the level of ordinary mages. It can be said that most necromancers have a lot of research on negative energy. Cursed master of attack spells. It is also the most famous offshoot of the Necromancer.

But interestingly, it's still the same negative energy spell. It is a very aggressive damage spell to the living, but to the undead, it is a healing light. Is life and death so opposite?

Perhaps, in the eyes of other mages, this is just a natural phenomenon like rain after dark clouds, but I am very interested in studying "the reason for the formation of dark clouds" and "the formation process of raindrops".

The body is still a body, the soul is still a soul, and is the difference between life and death limited to whether it is driven by the force of death or the force of life? Does life and death represent two completely different forms of existence?

Why are some heroic spirits stronger in life, while the general strength of the undead is not mentioned, and their development potential is greatly restricted. What happened between life and death?

"Everything comes from the soul (!)"

At the craziest time, I used to do insane experiments. Every step of the transformation between the living and the dead was entered into a table. Hundreds of precise experiments made me come to a very strange conclusion.

In a certain world, the mass of a person's body will decrease by 21 grams after death, and in this world, this mysterious 21 grams still represents the mass of the soul, but unlike that world, there is a soul in this world, There is also necromancy that allows the soul to return to the body... The conclusion is that after the incarnation of the undead, the weight will return, but it must be less than 21 grams!

"The returned soul ranges from 1 gram to 20 grams. In other words, in the irreversible process brought about by death, the first thing is that the soul will be broken, and at least part of it has disappeared without a trace."

But after that, I used my enemy to do a series of life-death transformation experiments, including allowing the states of life and death to coexist at the same time, allowing the living to directly transform into the dead amidst the wailing of extreme pain, and the heavy weight Changes can still be measured, and it is inevitable that all the souls of the dead will lose some mass.

Even knowing the lack of soul quality, what's the point? Hehe, for mages, knowledge itself is power, and it depends on how it is transformed.

Not only did I get first-hand information on soul transformation, but I also unexpectedly discovered a conclusion that the lower the level of undead, the less soul quality they can hold, usually three to five grams is enough, no amount of soul fragments It seems to be the so-called negative energy that dissipates naturally and fills up the deficiency.

"Then, is it possible to make a hypothesis that the undead with a complete soul is more powerful, and perhaps the reverse is also true. The grade of an undead determines how much soul and wisdom he can retain."

Such research results. Undoubtedly in line with the reality that low-level undead are stupid, and high-level undead can even retain the wisdom and memory of their lives, but it's just the result. It still couldn't meet my research expectations... so I made a hard vote.

Well, I was indeed crazy at the time, or I wouldn't have kidnapped the two heroic spirits of the God of Light, and then conducted various ** experiments on them.

Dissecting, taking out the soul and putting it back in, testing the carrying capacity of the body of the heroic spirit to the soul of the low-level undead, etc. have come in turn. Before the souls of the two heroic spirits completely turned into broken parts that cannot be put together, I have obtained enough experiments. data.

The conclusion is very surprising, and the soul integrity rate of Heroic Spirit is shocking. Instead of 21 grams, they were 23 grams and 25 grams!

And after dissecting two living holy steps. I've confirmed that all the living beings are 21 grams, which will not change due to the difference in strength. Then, the only possibility is that the weight was increased when the soul sharpened into a heroic spirit. Since the reduction in quality represents a decline in strength, does the increase in quality represent some kind of evolution and sublimation?

As for the spirit body of heroic spirits, compared with common souls, they have obvious advantages in all aspects. They have natural magic resistance ability only by virtue of their souls, and they can also enhance the upper limit of the strength of the physical body itself, and they can even repeat it in each body. Replacement without dying from broken souls...well. I seemed to have tossed too much back then, and even the sturdy soul of the heroic spirit became a spare part.

Then, the conclusion and the experimental goal came out... If I can also increase the quality of the soul. Is it possible to create "undead" stronger than heroic spirits?

So, the premise and experimental method are determined...Heroic spirits are often the sublimation of ordinary souls, so, in that sublimation, what happened, what makes a heroic spirit a heroic spirit?

Only the sublime can accomplish heroic deeds. Was chosen by the gods to become a heroic spirit? Facing the set of the church, I laughed. I'm not a theologian, I'm a science... Mage, as long as there are enough experimental materials, this kind of nonsense can still be turned into real experimental data and conclusions.

So, I set my sights on a few famous heroes, and let them die at the brightest moment of their lives through all kinds of tempering, conspiracy, and brutal fighting , and the priest numbered 219 actually succeeded in sharpening into a heroic spirit, and I also recorded the whole process of sharpening.

Sacrifice, in the face of despair, in order to protect his companions, he ignited himself, the glorious wall cut off the invasion of the undead, and at that moment, he also died...

World recognition? Noble spirit? No, no, as I said before, our mages never believe in those rumors, enough data and samples allow us to ascertain the truth behind those false slogans.

"Spirit and consciousness of sacrifice? Virtue, or obsession, to be more precise, should be 'strong emotional fluctuations, strong enough to interfere with the world'... Unexpectedly, it is actually the same as the birth of natural undead thing."

Although there are results, as a rigorous researcher, it is natural to be careful to verify, so...

"Unwilling to die" "There is still work to do" "Is my sacrifice really worthwhile?"

When I use undead magic to pour these strong consciousnesses into an individual repeatedly, causing it to burst out with intense emotions before death, theoretically, I should be able to obtain artificial heroic spirits.

In the end... I failed, I got the craziest evil spirits, they crazily attacked everything in front of them, and this also couldn't explain why the soul would increase in mass, after all, even if the strong obsession guaranteed the integrity of the soul, how much Where does the quality come from.

So, I repeatedly recalled the successful No. 219, and completely simulated that environment, but canceled certain conditions one by one, hoping to find out the key point that was overlooked... I am afraid that during those two years, the Holy Church The church is definitely wondering why seven or eight heroic spirits who haven't seen each other in ten years jump out a year, and then there are ten times as many elite priests who suddenly suffer the fate of death.

And finally, when I canceled a key point, the man-made heroic spirit could not succeed no matter what, and the lost orb was also found.

"His heroic deeds are carried by the world, and his descendants are proud of him... It turns out that the point here is that the heroic spirit must be perceived by people."

The ode to the heroic spirit is also another proof of my research results. Letting deeds be known, preferably witnessed before death, is a necessary condition for becoming a heroic spirit.

Well, a false legend with a hypnotized "hero". Can I become a Heroic Spirit? If I can, it seems that my conclusion is correct.

And the result, in my wild laughter. The first man-made heroic spirit in history, the "King of Dragon Slayer", Sven, was born and became the heroic spirit of the God of Light. However, five years later, during the second meeting that was deliberately arranged, I conducted a second experiment... that The unlucky guy who was dehypnotized by me turned into a holy firework in an instant when he realized that he was just a despicable murderer. But it also proves the necessity of the heroic spirit's "obsession".

At the same time, it also proved the interpretation of the Holy Church on the soul and the heroic spirit. It's all bullshit!

Finally, after more experiments, I came to a conclusion that is probably the closest to the truth.

"It's no wonder that the world of mental imagery distorts the real world. In this world, human nature, cognition, belief, and obsession are also part of the power. They can become the nutrient for the soul, making it complete and resisting burdens. The erosion of energy, and after reaching a certain level, it can even sharply transform into a heroic state and start using positive energy!"

This also explains why those canned cans with chivalry all over their heads, even if they turned into undead. They can still retain their morality and wisdom, and the intransigent knight virtues protect them in a sense, while those lonely archmages. Obviously IQ is very high, emotional experience is completely blank, and the so-called beliefs are regarded as a joke, naturally under the erosion of negative energy, I gradually lost myself.

While obtaining the results of this experiment, I also clarified the nature of Heroic Spirits. For mages, knowledge is power. My Diffin, who never falls, also has the ability to temporarily evolve the undead into heroic spirits, which is absolutely unique in the world.

If it only reaches this point, I am probably just the biggest heretic and blasphemer in the millennium, and if I add a hypothesis derived from this conclusion, I am afraid that I am the biggest heretic since the creation of Ashe.

"Perhaps, the so-called gods are the next stage of evolution of heroic spirits who have gathered the concepts of so-called beliefs and priesthood... Ha, that doesn't mean that the so-called lofty gods are just a different kind of undead. , is already dead? The rest are just soul fragments kidnapped by faith and priesthood?"

Well, if this research result is thrown out, I am afraid that half of the true God believers in this world will be busy calling me nonsense, while the other half will be busy hunting me down.

But I have experiment worked! !

Yes, the Sleepless! Even in the eyes of a bigwig like Iyer, his successful ascension to God is just my fluke, but only I know that this is the last verification experiment of my theoretical body shape—artificial god.

Sometimes, I also think about what will happen if I spread these truths to the whole world. After thinking about it, I give up. After all, most people will believe it. If someone really believes it, I am afraid that the destruction of the world is not far away. .

[Don’t go any further, you’ve already touched the root, go further down, when Pandora’s box is fully opened, your research results, the damn structure of undead is likely to destroy the whole world. 】

"Heh, since I don't do anything, this world is destined to be destroyed, and if I continue to 'possibly' destroy, let me continue to do it."

Therefore, there were the Seven Deadly Sins, and their materials were not considered excellent. Best was an ordinary domestic dog, Adam was a group of corpses randomly collected on the battlefield, jealousy and even a warship with inorganic substances as its main components, and greed itself The material is just ordinary undead slime, but...

"Everything comes from the soul (!)"

Praise the source of all this in a low voice. For the undead, the physical body is not as important as most necromancers expected, and the soul is the root of everything.

My undead structure, perhaps called soul evolution, replaces the beliefs and beliefs needed for the evolution of heroic spirits. What I give them is the obsession in my soul.

Heroic spirits and gods? What is a fool who is kidnapped by beliefs and other people's perceptions? ! In the end, this continent must be controlled by intelligent life with flesh and blood. What I give to the seven original sins is a free self, the most fundamental human nature, and a more complete soul than the Creator!

In this sense, they are indeed my children. My blessings allow them to have endless potential for evolution, allowing them to evolve into soul essences that surpass heroic spirits, and they will always be a part of me, accompanying me to the end of the world .

"Seven original sins? Hehe, those are also the most fundamental human nature, rage, anger and judgment against the unjust, gluttony, desire for physical evolution, lust, excessive love, jealousy, desire for other people's strengths and possessions , arrogance, longing for superiors... children, let me see, after possessing a soul more complete than gods, how far you will go."

"Although the great undead emperors are all lunatics, but dividing your own soul and treating yourself as a test subject, you should be the most insane one, Roland... Your Majesty."

The only one who has seen my real research results in this world is Heloise who is bound to me. Now, I need this assistant to serve me. After I provided these materials, she rarely used them. The honorific title of the next undead king to the undead emperor.

"...On this point, I'm still not as good as you. But I won't lose, I also have my own understanding of undead magic! One day, I will also rely on my own research results to become the emperor of the undead!"

"Hehe, I am looking forward to the research results of the omniscient, but now, please help me, I need your knowledge accumulation and experimental data."

"Help you? A camp full of undead? Oh, you plan to create undead creatures! Original sin level?"

"No, no, it's just that there are a lot of materials to make some interesting little things. Although it is not original sin level, it may not have the destructive power of original sin level."

I'm afraid, all the undead don't know that their super trouble is coming due to someone's whim decision. to be continued

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