The war was not smooth, and it should be said that no one would have optimistic expectations for this battlefield.

The main strategic goal is the pier area of ​​the main battlefield, which is now at least tens of meters underwater. It is called the Dragon Falling Land by the Sea Clan. The demigod-level nine-headed dragon blood drips here, and the remaining dragon blood is harmful to ordinary people. It is highly poisonous to life, but it still has an irresistible attraction to other sea beasts, and a large number of sea monsters gather there.

And to get there, at least more than ten blocks of the Sea Clan had to be killed, and once they got into a stalemate, the support of the Sea Clan would probably arrive soon.

Therefore, for this war, Dasos and his staff have also done their homework. Among the more than 60 previous counterattacks, at least ten chose to break through this direction. This is not just for the real assault collection. Intelligence, eradication of threatening targets, and psychological warfare to paralyze opponents.

"Dragon Meteor is being attacked again? I really don't know why humans like to fight there. Whatever they do, let those sea beasts deal with it themselves."

In fact, for the current Sea Clan, the number one strategic point is their royal family and temples, while the second is all kinds of entertainment facilities. As for the original pier where sea beasts the Sea Clan need ships? There are still pigs... let's raise sea animals.

In the previous five raids, two of them chose this direction. Perhaps the Sea Clan's dispatch was still timely, but the soldiers on the front line had already keenly noticed that the opponent's reaction had begun to be slow. At least the reinforcements from other places were already stronger than before. It was 30% late, and the number of reinforcements was reduced by at least half!

Now that the Sea Clan has become paralyzed by such an attack, the time is ripe for a real counterattack. "Dawn" came.

The warm sun has more than an hour to light up the world. Most of the Sea Race is still in a deep sleep. They won't wake up until after nine o'clock, and now is the time of day when they sleep the most.

Unlike in the dark deep sea, the sea people who felt the warmth of the sun also began to imitate the schedules of other races, but perhaps they were doomed from the day they thought they had won the victory in advance and arrogantly gave up the initiative in the war. Will encounter today.

As the callers of war, the people of Oran stood at the forefront without hesitation, amidst the battle and civil strife. Their main fleet suffered heavy losses, and all three major fleets were disbanded. However, in this counterattack, the cumulative number of participating warships and newly promoted warships still exceeded 30 heavy warships and 100 medium warships. Boat.

This is the strength of a super-empire. Once it enters the war, a large number of civilian and commercial industries will be transformed into military industries. If they cannot be smashed in one face-to-face, their deep-rooted industries will drag any opponent into a protracted war. hell.

And obviously.

The original warships could not fight in such an environment, the water here was too shallow. The waters are too complicated. Even in areas with deep water, the spiers of a house that used to be on land may become a deadly reef, but fighting the sea clan in the water is absolutely impossible without a boat.

Originally, the people of Oran were caught in a dilemma, but after obtaining the technology of floating warships, they finally had a solution. The precious information from the North has been spread to every shipyard in Oran, and all the boatmen And the designers haven't rested since that day, and the Orans have concentrated their efforts on refitting their own ships.

Complete floating is still not possible at present, it needs a little bit of design, material selection, enchanting, and assembly starting from the keel, but if it is only installed with floating engines, reducing the total weight of the ship and reducing the draft of the ship, it can be done arrived.

Perhaps this seems meaningless, but it actually provides a possibility-full metal transformation of the bottom of the ship.

If the ship is light, it will have extra buoyancy, so can't it be equipped with heavy armor? So, with the help of countless blacksmiths, the thick protective armor patch was put on, and in order to ensure the armor strength enough to crush the reef without wearing out, the Oran people frantically used precious magic metal. But ordinary adventurers are reluctant to use treasures to make weapons.

According to post-war statistics, the enchanted metal used by those ships reduced Oran's treasury by one-fifth, which was enough to rebuild the capital of Kagosi.

When the ironclad ship technology is still immature and the engine technology is still not up to standard, the shipwrights of Oran combined the floating technology to create a semi-finished ironclad ship, which is really amazing.

Unlike its close relatives on Earth, the ironclad ships here did not consider defending against similar cannons at the beginning, but the piercers from the bottom of the ship and the "reefs" that might be encountered.

And once the engine technology is conquered, the real heavy ironclad ships will inevitably come to this era, but now, these modified semi-ironclad ships are enough.

Compared with the prototype ships, they have even more amazing defense capabilities. Due to the configuration of excess anti-gravity engines, they also have the ability to float in the air for a short time and can deal with various ground lines. (Dasos: Not enough buoyancy? Let’s make more engines, and replace them with new ones if they are overloaded and explode. Bring enough boatmen to the boat, we have mages to provide magic power, we have enough industrial capacity, and we have money! Wayward !)

People from outside the world are not stupid. When the intelligent race is pushed to the limit, all kinds of modifications that seem to be wonderful and wonderful ideas are likely to achieve miraculous effects that the regular army will never achieve.

Of course, if the Oran Empire hadn’t crushed the industrial level of other countries in metallurgy, especially in alloy forging, even if they had an idea, it would be impossible to realize it. Well, the more important thing is that they are rich enough. War is a competition of comprehensive national strength. As super local tyrants, they became willful.

In order to conceal the fragile wooden boards without armor, and to cooperate with night battles, these warships are painted with black heavy paint. In the near future, these black fleets that always bring doom to opponents are also called "funeral fleets" by the world. "

This is undoubtedly a trump card, and even when the battlefield is the most dangerous, even if the flesh and blood of countless soldiers become the meat targets of the sea clan in the water, these remodeled warships are still repeatedly improved in the warehouse, and they are not sent at all. Battle plan.

"Such a remodeled battleship can achieve miraculous results when it first enters the battlefield... What kind of trump card is it if it can't enter the battlefield at a critical time and obtain the strategic points that determine the outcome of the war?"

as an emperor. At least in terms of cruelty. Dassos is clearly exceptionally qualified. At this time, many sacrifices have achieved results, and the long-hidden trump card has achieved amazing results.

When the black fleet traveled through the dark night, no one could stop them, but the huge hull was extremely sensitive, and once it hit the rocks, its short-term floating ability was even more incredible.

There are no "reefs" in the waters where these heavy warships have passed. There are not even any large sea tribes left, and the solid hull is enough to flatten everything.

When the alarm bell rang quickly and they had just stepped onto the battlefield, the sea clansmen couldn't deal with such a battleship.

Dig through the bottom of the boat? The protective deck made of magic metal coating and steel plate is enough to deal with artillery. Although the sea giant's rust anchor pierced through the periphery, it was actually embedded in it, and the whole person was dragged away.

Throwing a huge wave to drown the opponent? Those warships are so stable that they can actually adjust the draft automatically, so that they can submerge these big iron blocks whose weight can be adjusted with the anti-gravity engine. Ordinary water spellcasters can't help it, so please use the forbidden spell.

Cannons attack the weak points of the upper body? The Sea Clan doesn't have artillery. And the duel between the mages was actually suppressed by more than three times the number of mages on board.

Oran's advantages in metallurgy and forging are too obvious. The patented technologies such as the alloy armor of the whole body and the explosive magic alloy have already explained everything. These coatings mixed with magic metal are still the alloy technology that Oran blacksmiths are good at, let alone The cold weapons and hands of the Hai Clan are useless, even ordinary five-ring magic is useless.

The attitudes of the two sides towards the war are completely different, which naturally makes the results completely different.

But it is a pity that even if the time and people are on the human side, even if the advance is relatively smooth, but in the first half an hour of the war, there is still not much advantage. Although the advance is still smooth, it has not produced the most expected spoils— — Widespread casualties of the Sea Clan.

Such a special battlefield is destined to be unable to occupy the territory, so the elimination of the opponent's vital force naturally becomes the first element, but the result is very disappointing. The opponent's casualties are not many, especially the high-ranking sea clan.

reason? Saying a thousand words and ten thousand is still the original one-geographical advantage.

Yes, the sea tribes have nothing to do with those big ships, but big ships are not the same to them!

For the sea people, as long as they dive into the deep water and escape to a distance, what can those big ships that must stay on the water do? The speed of these big iron blocks is extremely slow.

Hit with artillery? Even the most stupid commander would not make such a choice.

Magic attack? How much can the mage's precious magic power gain through the sea?

Shooting a large harpoon from a bed crossbow? This can play a role, but the Wisdom Sea Clan is not a stupid fish watching the opponent's attack. As long as you keep your distance, this effect can be almost ignored.

Send people into the water to pursue? This attention is simply too good, for the Sea Clan... this is almost a stupid way of collaborating with the enemy, this is simply taking the initiative to give the Sea Clan extra food, the Sea Clan has waited too long for humans to launch into the water to pursue them!

On the flagship of the fleet, the battleship "Evil Shark", Dasos was also secretly anxious. He did take into account various situations during the battlefield deduction, but the opponent's losses were still less than he expected, and the strategic goal of reducing the opponent's vitality was completely If it is possible, then even if the dock area is captured, the subsequent counterattack will be amazing.

And such a modified battleship is not invincible, as time goes by, weaknesses will be discovered.

Among the floating battleships in the clouds, Renee and the others also looked at the battlefield in shock.

Perhaps it was the continuous victories that gave her confidence. She didn't think too much of the Oran people who had been beaten repeatedly by Roland, but today, seeing the sudden rise of battleships, she finally knew what a superpower is.

The Principality of Donglan is also building ships, and just in terms of technology, it is even ahead of Oran, but in the whole of Donglan, there is not even a decent shipyard to be found, and the metallurgy and forging techniques are extremely backward, or else Roland will not be forced to use undead magic to create battleships.

But even so, the resources and funds needed for a giant battleship are astronomical. Even after it is built, the maintenance and maintenance costs are not low. The Aurora is a living battleship, and "jealousy" will devour evolution to restore the wounded. It will not eat up the entire Donglan treasury. And the next few big ships. Roland didn't think about Dong Lan's manufacture at all, and directly threw it over the undead empire Xi Luo Empire to manufacture it.

A technology requires countless processes from drawings to real objects, and all aspects of materials, craftsmanship, and manpower must be tackled. Thanks to the acquisition of forming ships, skilled workers, designers, and equipment, well, Roland has obtained a whole industrial chain from Oran. This is the only way to directly digest this top-notch technology, and it is precisely because of this. Now Donglan is still the only country in this world with mature airship technology.

And even if Dong Lan sells a part of the technology, it will take several years for the airships of other countries to form combat effectiveness. Renee has always regarded this as her trump card and is vaguely proud of it.

"White wolf knights with full silver strength are rampaging in the human world? Oh, our Aurora Knights are all gold! Oran is famous all over the world for its alchemy, forging, and metallurgy, but it has not been able to conquer the technology of floating battleships until now." , it seems that Oran is nothing."

But now, those "funeral fleets" shattered her self-confidence, just relying on this industrial potential. And the potential brought by the vast land, rich resources, and massive population is enough to easily crush Dong Lan.

"Once the two countries go to war..."

as the leader of a country. Such an assumption will never be superfluous. After all, in the exchanges between countries, there are only absolute interests, and there are no absolute friends. There are too many things where yesterday's allies become today's sworn enemies.

Inexplicably, she remembered Roland's answer when she asked Roland why he insisted on rebuilding the industrial system when the country was still troubled by people's living problems.

"It's not that I'm a war fanatic, and I'm preparing for war as a whole, but that war can't be avoided. What? You said that even if you plan to win the war without a complete industrial system, the Northern Light is enough?"

"You have underestimated those big countries. Maybe their individual ships are not strong enough to deal with our advanced warships, but we only have one out of 10 of them. They are not afraid of being damaged in battle. They can be built again, and it doesn't matter if the soldiers die. They can be recruited again." , us? All of our possessions are so little, without an industrial system means lack of hematopoietic function, and without building a complete industrial system, it is impossible to deal with a protracted war."

"The current Donglan Principality is actually on a volcano. It looks beautiful, but it is actually roasting on a volcano. A big country can fail countless times, and they can afford to lose, but we can never get up if we take one wrong step. I don't want to gamble with the country."

At this moment, facing the harsh reality and thinking of Roland's seemingly meaningful words, Renee finally saw the gap between Dong Lan and the mainland power. At least for now, there is no comparison at all.

"It's just a quasi-superpower..."

Renee is not a fool. When she discovered the gap, she adjusted the entire strategic thinking, and then discovered the true meaning of someone who has been integrating the entire Northland.


Yes, if it is only Dong Lan, it is not enough, but with Sluwell and other seven countries in the Northland, the situation will be different. Roland has been integrating and deploying it economically, politically, and commercially, and has actually already prepared for it. .

"Brother Roland should not only think about that, but what else is he planning to do. For Lanmeng, the Duchy of Kasomi, which is a vassal of San Antonio, is too uncomfortable, and if you want to pull out this nail, To get San Antonio back from the north, you need the support of other superpowers..."

"It's no wonder that Brother Roland not only invited major countries to military parades and ceremonies, but also gave them a lot of discounts in terms of technology exchanges. By the way, there are also envoys from major countries, who were actually picked by Brother Roland, who has always been too lazy to take care of things. The letter has actually been read in person.”

"The matter of the northern dwarves and elves is obviously difficult to deal with, but he took the initiative to catch it. In addition, the recent diplomatic exchanges with the northern countries, the obviously difficult Lanmeng unified cancellation of tariffs and the free movement of residents' proposals, all countries are very dissatisfied Cold, he actually insisted on talking. Also, he always corresponded with Sister Gelina, and then the two countries made a joint political declaration. Although the matter itself was irrelevant, it seemed to indicate a common position. And that Things... how many things did he do in secret!"

For his companions, Roland did not hide what he did, but now that he can understand Roland's strategic deployment from individual incidents, Renee is taking another step towards a mature leader.

And when she correctly understood the positions and strategic decisions of Roland and Dong Lan in this world, she also knew what she should do.

"Originally, I planned to go to the theater and let Oran and the Sea Clan fight for both sides to take advantage of it, but now it seems that doing so is fine for individuals, but as a representative of a country, it is too petty. Now What we need is to prove our strength to the world upright, and to win too much support, so that the Oran people owe us more favors and give us more rewards in the future. Well, now that the battlefield has reached a stalemate, It is the most suitable stage for us to break the deadlock."

The icing on the cake is nothing like giving charcoal in the snow, grass on the wall is always annoying, since the determination has been made, why hesitate.

"Aurora Knights, Silver Cross, dispatch! Aurora Borealis, drop new weapons." (To be continued..)

ps: Well, we figured it out, instead of being stuck to death in order to catch up with the plot, it is better to write slowly and try to write better...


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