A sharp-tongued woman from Hujiacun fell at Li Yu's feet and begged with tears in her eyes: "Girl, please let my head go. Our whole family depends on him to make money. If you send him to the official position, my family will be punished." No food, girl, you are kind-hearted and will never see my family starve to death, so just do a good deed and let them go! Please, girl."

Li Yu coldly watched her cry with tears and snot flowing together, and said firmly: "No, I will let you go today. My family will never think about Ansheng's life in the future. If you leave, you must report to the official."

The old man came out again and accused Li Yu tremblingly, "Girl, are you so heartless? With so many people begging you, can't you just be lenient?"

Li Yu was unmoved at all and scolded: "Don't just stand there and talk because it doesn't hurt your back. It's because I didn't steal into your house!"

A man in Hujiacun whispered: "This woman is not easy to fool. In my opinion, let's not waste our time and rush over to snatch her away."

The man next to him glanced at the man sitting on the ground and said with some fear: "She is so strong, she can even lift Brother Sheng, can we do it?"

The man glanced at him and said, "Agui, you have forgotten that the last time you were caught, it was Lao Wu and the others who got you back. You have to be loyal. No matter how strong she is, there is only one person. We are There are many people on the windy ground, let’s see which one she catches. Let’s go and take them home first.”

Agui could only nod, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Let's all rush together to see who she stops."

The other twenty or so men all nodded in agreement.

The man who suggested rushing to rob people rushed towards the cowshed with the men from Hujiacun.

Li Yu shouted: "Get ready, they are going to rob someone."

As he spoke, Li Yu jumped over, grabbed the leading man, pulled him over his shoulder and threw him. The man was thrown to the ground with a "bang", and then Li Yu kicked him over with a "click". The man heard the sound of his foot bones cracking, hugged his feet and howled like a slaughtering pig.

Ruyi stepped forward and kicked one man away. With one hand on the ground, he spun his sweeping legs and knocked down another man. Uncle Zhao rushed up with a stick and hit the man on the ground.

Other servants also took sticks and joined in the melee.

Chen Yaohui arrived with the men from the village. When he saw the fighting started, he waved his hands and shouted, "Hurry up, the fighting is starting. Everyone, hurry up and help, kill these thieves." Everyone shouted and rushed forward.

The people in Hujiacun were all knocked to the ground in a matter of seconds, and were beaten and kicked by everyone.

Chen Gui shouted while beating: "You came to our village to steal things and were caught on the spot. You are still reasonable and dare to bring people to fight and rob. I am a group of people who are not even afraid of the bandits in Qingfengling. They are afraid of you." "

"Yes, we are justified in beating them to death. They must have stolen my chickens and the clothes I dried," one person shouted.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old man from Hujiacun quickly bent down and clasped his fists, saluted the men in Fengming Village and begged for mercy, "Everyone, stop fighting. It's our fault. We will pay you whatever compensation we have."

Several women kept kowtowing and begging for mercy, "Don't fight, don't fight. We will never dare to come to your village to cause trouble again. Please don't fight."

Chen Yaohui felt that this beating must have frightened the people in Hujiacun. He winked at Li Yu, walked to the middle and raised his hand, "For the sake of this old man and these women interceding for them, I See, they have realized their mistake. Let’s stop!”

Seeing Chen Yaohui's help, Old Man Hu said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, we realize our mistake. Please be kind and gentle and stop fighting. If you fight again, someone will die."

Seeing that everyone had stopped, Chen Yaohui said to Li Yu: "Xiaoyu, old man Hu said they were wrong and was willing to compensate your family for the loss. What do you think?"

Old Man Hu hunched over, walked up to Li Yu, and begged in a low voice: "Girl, it's wrong for them to steal things, and it's also wrong for us to rob people. Please have a lot of Sir, let us go this time, please." ”

Li Yu held his head high, "No, as the old saying goes, it only takes a thousand years to become a thief. There is no thousand years to guard against thieves. After I let you go, my family will have to be busy catching thieves every day. Then I can't survive?"

The man who was lifted up and thrown to the ground by Li Yu lay on the ground and shouted: "Uncle, don't beg them. The worst he can do is go to jail for two days. It's not like he has never been in jail."

Old Man Hu looked at the men who were pinned to the ground and unable to move by Ruyi and the others with a look of distress on his face, hesitating.

Li Yu said to Ruyi: "Ruyi, go get two cars and drive them over, and send those cattle thieves and those who come to rob people to the Yamen."

"Yes, girl." Ruyi bowed in agreement, then turned around and drove away.

"We can't send him to the Yamen." Several women climbed up to Li Yu and cried non-stop. "Girl, it's our fault. We shouldn't have come to steal your cattle and make trouble to rob people. I know that we people in Hujia Village We have a bad reputation and you all dislike us, but we really have no choice! We used to work honestly at home farming, but for a year our stomachs were not even full. The children were so hungry that they got up in the middle of the night to scoop water from the water tank. Drink. Every year, more than a dozen children die in the village. We really have no way to survive, so we start this shady business, but we have never harmed anyone."

Li Yu felt uncomfortable when he saw several women crying heartbrokenly, but these were not the reasons why they could not steal and rob people arbitrarily!

When the men saw this, they shouted, "Sanniang, don't beg her, these rich people never treat us as human beings."

Upon seeing this, Chen Yaohui said: "Old man Hu, if people in your village steal cattle, we only need to report it to the official. Once they are caught in the Yamen, a cow will be whipped for at least a hundred times. There can be more than a dozen cows in this cowshed. Those men can't do it." Even if you are made of iron, you can't stand it. Old man Hu, we all came from a hard life, and we all know that unless we have to, who is willing to do such a thing that embarrasses our ancestors? No matter how hard you men from Hujia Village insist on denying your mistake, I have no choice but to let it go. My niece has filed a police report."

When Old Man Hu saw Li Yu's look, he understood that she really wanted to file a lawsuit. He thought that if he didn't let go, the only way would be a lawsuit. Then it would be his own men who would suffer. The Ye family would definitely not stand out. To help, it would be better to surrender the Ye family in exchange for the girl letting him go.

Old Man Hu bowed to Li Yu and said, "Girl, as long as you let go of the people from my Hujia Village, I, Hu Dashan, swear here that no one from my Hujia Village will come to Fengming Village from now on." Get a straw. Besides, we didn’t come here to steal your cattle for no reason.”

Li Yu was stunned after hearing this. They didn't come to steal the cattle for no reason. Could it be who ordered them to come? Could it be that the Ye family is causing trouble again?

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