Lao Zoutou and a dozen people scattered around the field to check. As they continued to look, they found traces of corn seedlings being dug up in other corn fields. As they continued to check, they estimated that at least hundreds of corn plants had been stolen.

Old Zoutou and Uncle Cai were angry and afraid. They were angry that so many corn seedlings had been stolen, and they were afraid that if Madam found out, she would blame them for not doing their duty and drive them away. It was not easy to find stability. The days are gone.

Old Zoutou rubbed his face vigorously and sighed, "Oh! It's useless to be angry. If Madam doesn't drive us away this time, we have to guard the corn seedlings in the field to prevent others from stealing them. So be it! You guys Let’s cut some bamboo and wood first and build a shack. Dashui and I will go back and tell the steward to take us to apologize to Madam.”

Ah Cai nodded, "Okay, let's build a few shacks first, and we can take turns coming out to keep watch at night."

Da Shui was so angry that he kicked away the clods of soil under his feet and said angrily: "Bitch, if I catch him, I will have to break his legs."

Old Zoutou stopped Dashui, who was getting angry, and said, "Let's go! It's useless to get angry here. It's better to go back to Zhuangzi first and tell Madam about the stolen corn."

After Lao Zoutou and Dashui left, Ah Cai frowned and thought for a while, then said to a short and thin old man: "Brother Wang, think about it, he stole so much corn from us, he can't plant it in the yard, right? "

"That's right! There are hundreds of corn seedlings! After we finish our work, we will go to the next village to look for them. We should find them."

"Yes, let's do it quickly and look for it after we're done."

Lao Zoutou and Dashui returned to Zhuangzi, found Awei, and told Awei about the stolen corn seedlings. Awei was very angry after hearing this, "How did he know that it was corn? And he stole so much." , You are too courageous! You guys wait here and I will report to Madam."

Ah Wei reported the stolen corn seedlings to Li Yu, "Madam, the villagers thought it was strange that they could only dig up two plants and take them home, but this thief stole so many. I think he must know corn."

It shouldn't be an ordinary family that can recognize corn. Even an ordinary family will know who owns this village. These people will not steal the corn seedlings. It may be relatives of these people, or people who are attached to those people.

Li Yu thought for a while and then told Awei, "Awei, take someone to the village next door to quietly investigate, especially the powerful families in the village. Remember not to disturb the people."

Awei patted his chest and assured, "Madam, don't worry. I often accompany the old man to the nearby villages to treat the villagers. I am familiar with many families in the village. I will quietly inquire with them."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "Okay, you go and ask first, then go out and tell Lao Zoutou and the others that there is no need to apologize. The thief is beyond their control. Let them remember to be more careful in the future."

"You don't know that the corn seedlings have been stolen. They are worried that you will drive them away and are preparing to build a shack to keep vigil."

After hearing this, Li Yu somewhat understood their feelings. He had finally had a stable life as he got older, and he was already worried about gains and losses. When he encountered the corn seedlings in the village being stolen, he was inevitably worried that he would drive them away.

"You tell them that Zhuangzi is their home. As long as they don't do anything that colludes with outsiders and harms the interests of Zhuangzi, I will never drive them away. It doesn't matter if they want to build a shack to keep vigil, then thieves will also be there I am worried that the crops will be ripe in a few days, and the wild animals in the mountains may come down to steal the crops, so I asked them to take the time to build a fence at the foot of the mountain."

"It's madam." Ah Wei withdrew.

Lao Zoutou and Dashui waited anxiously for Ah Wei to come out of the inner courtyard. When they saw him, they rushed up to greet him and looked at Ah Wei with worried faces, "Little steward, what did Madam say?"

"Madam said that Zhuangzi is your home. As long as it's not..., let me say it! As long as everyone does their duty, madam will not scold us. I have not been beaten or scolded once since I was bought by madam, but I also Be obedient." Yang Wei smiled proudly after saying this.

After hearing this, Lao Zoutou and Dashui burst into tears, and knelt down towards the main courtyard with gratitude, "Thank you, madam, thank you, sir, we have a family."

Ah Wei quickly pulled the two of them up and said, "Old Uncle Zou, Uncle Dashui, get up quickly. Madam doesn't like us kneeling down all the time."

Lao Zoutou and Dashui wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes, "We won't kneel anymore, Ah Cai and the others are still worried! Let's go tell them first and make them happy too!"

Ah Wei was very happy to see how happy they were, "Okay, I will check the nearby villages, but you guys, old Uncle Zou, don't go there."

Old Zoutou couldn't hide his excitement and rubbed his hands, "Hey! We're not going. Let's go back and quickly build the shack and build the fence."

Ah Wei watched the two of them leave happily, and also walked towards Yangjiacun.

After entering the village, I visited several houses in the village but couldn't get any information. I thought that the relationship between the village and the Tian family was unusual, and the Tian Zhong family, who was so domineering in Yangjia Village, lived a house away from Mrs. Yang's house. Awei strolled towards Yang's house.

When we arrived at Yang's house, we stood outside the fence and saw Yang's grandma drying vegetables in the yard. Ah Wei smiled and called out, "Grandma Yang, are your feet feeling better?"

Grandma Yang looked up and saw Awei. She smiled and went over to open the fence door. "Awei is here! Come in and sit for a while. My feet are much better. I can sleep peacefully even after it rained two days ago. Thank you for me when you go back." Dr. Wen."

Ah Wei walked into the yard and helped Grandma Yang spread the dried vegetables to dry in the dustpan, "Grandma Yang, it seemed like someone ran past our village last night in the middle of the night. Did you hear any unusual noises in your village?"

Grandma Yang smiled and said, "I didn't hear any noise last night, but Chang Gui's mother next door complained to me this morning that she was woken up by the barking of Tian Zhong's dog next door just after she fell asleep last night. She was half-asleep and half-awake all night. She drifted off at dawn and was woken up by Tian Zhong's dog. She sat here for a while and went back to catch up on her sleep. What happened? Something was stolen from Zhuangzi. Already?"

Ah Wei thought for a moment and said, "Nothing was lost, it's just that the crops in the field were damaged."

After hearing this, Grandma Yang pulled Awei to the verandah and said in a low voice: "Awei, Changgui's mother said that Tian Zhong's family carried a basket on their backs last night, and they didn't know what to do without sleeping in the middle of the night. Are you here? I won’t come back until dawn today.”

It seems that those corn seedlings were probably stolen by the Tian Zhong family, but where can I find the stolen corn and everyone will get the stolen goods?

"Grandma Yang, how many dogs does Tian Zhong's family have?"

"I raised one. I heard it was picked up from Mr. Tian's farm. It's extremely ferocious."

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