Chu Yuhao smiled and waved his hand, "Jiahe, don't be like those old youtiaos who only know how to compliment me all day long. No one in Dayong knows about sweet potatoes. Without Mrs. Li's discerning eye, sweet potatoes would still be raised as flowers. .”

Hearing Chu Yuhao praise Li Yu, Zhou Jia was also very happy, "Madam, she is very lucky."

Chu Yuhao glanced at Zhou Jia with a smile, "Jiahe's luck is also very good."

"That's what you said." Zhou Jia glanced at Li Yu who was following behind to pick up sweet potatoes, and smiled proudly.

Chu Yuhao asked Li Yu who was following behind to pick up sweet potatoes, "Mrs. Li, after digging the spring sweet potatoes, when will you start digging the winter sweet potatoes?"

Li Yu said with a smile: "We can dig winter sweet potatoes in two months. The yield of winter sweet potatoes is slightly lower than that of spring sweet potatoes."

Chu Yuhao said with satisfaction: "It's good to have half of this harvest. I wonder if there are other ways to eat these sweet potatoes?"

Li Yu smiled and said, "Master said that sweet potatoes can also be used to make dried sweet potatoes, sweet potato flour... and the sweet potato flour produced tastes good when heated in a pot."

Hearing Li Yu mention her master, Chu Yuhao was very curious about Li Yu's master who had never seen the beginning and end of the dragon, and thought it would be nice to meet him.

"When they are planted in large quantities, I will definitely ask you to teach them how to make some and try them out."

"Okay, when the production is large, I will make it for you to try."

Zhou Jia dug with Chu Yuhao for a while, and when he saw that he was sweating, he hurriedly said to him: "Third Master, would you like to go for a walk up Zhuangzi and see the golden osmanthus beside the lotus pond?"

The sun was so hot that it was really unbearable. Chu Yuhao responded readily: "Okay, let's go shopping."

After Zhou Jia followed Chu Yuhao out of the sweet potato field, Li Yu asked Han San to take several tenants to the field to start working.

Li Yu looked at the sweet potatoes dug up by Chu Yuhao, shook his head with a smile, took some sweet potatoes back, and went to the kitchen. Aunt He smiled and said to Li Yu: "Madam, I bought two seabass. Steamed and cooked pepper and sesame chicken, taro-roasted duck, and crispy pork...all have home-cooked flavors, do you think it's okay?"

Li Yu took a look at the dishes they prepared, thinking that Chu Yuhao and his son were in the palace, eating shark fins and sea cucumbers, and occasionally eating these for a change, maybe they would have a different flavor.

Pointing to the sweet potatoes in the bamboo basket, she said to the two of them: "Aunt He, grab some millet, add the sweet potatoes and old pumpkin, use a clay pot to make a pot of sweet potato and pumpkin porridge, steam some more, and add some fried rapeseed. become."

Sister-in-law Zhang took the bamboo basket with a smile, "It's best to cook porridge on a briquette stove."

"Okay, you figure it out! I'll go to the yard to pick some grapes and bring them back."

Li Yu took the fruit basket and went under the grape trellis to pick up a basket of shiny dark purple grapes. He looked at the two grape trellises full of grapes and thought of wine. He carried the bamboo basket back to the house and looked for He picked up a basket, carried it back to the grape trellis, and started cutting grapes to make wine.

Chu Yao, wearing a coarse cloth gown, stood on the edge of the field and watched a few edamame fishing in the ditch for a while. He then followed Yangyang to chase dragonflies and fetch water to feed beetles. They had a great time.

The two chamberlains stood behind, looking at the white and tender His Royal Highness, wearing a coarse cloth gown, like a peasant child, cheering for joy, and worried about how he would explain to the Queen Mother when he returned to the palace later.

A few people played under a big locust tree and sat on a stone bench to rest. Chu Yao said to Yang Yang, "Yang Yang, are you willing to come into the palace and study with me?"

"I'm already studying at the Lin Clan School! I have two very close classmates there. Don't you have anyone to play with? Why don't you come to the Lin Clan School and study with us!"

"My grandmother and mother will not allow me to study outside. Besides, I have to learn a lot of things." Chu Yao looked at Yang Yang and said bewilderedly, "There is a master in the palace who teaches us how to study. The master is the most knowledgeable person in the world. General Shen and the King’s Chamberlain also taught me how to ride and shoot. We can go to the school to ride horses and do archery, and we can also make our own bows, arrows and weapons.”

Yangyang's eyes lit up when he heard that he could ride horses, shoot arrows, and make bow and arrow weapons. He couldn't bear to leave Lin Haoran and Lin Sen. He looked at Chu Yao and said, "Can you talk to your father and agree with Lin Haoran and Lin Sen?" Lin Sen will go to your house to study together?"

Chu Yao thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I can't reply to you until I go back and discuss it with dad."

Zhou Jia and Chu Yuhao searched around and found a few people sitting under the locust tree to enjoy the shade.

Chu Yuhao laughed when he saw his son wearing a coarse cloth coat and sitting against the locust tree, "Yao'er, is it fun to play with Chen Xi?"

"It's fun," Chu Yao pointed to the small fish and shrimps in the wooden basin, "Dad, these are the little loaches and the others who picked them up in the ditch with a flute bag. We also caught dragonflies and stuffed them with dung beetles."

Chu Yuhao looked at the little loaches standing by respectfully, "Jiahe, are these children brought here by you in Yunzhou?"

Zhou Jia nodded, "Yes, the other children are at Zhuangzi. We hired Mr. Liu and left a steward there to manage Zhuangzi and the old people and children."

Chu Yuhao nodded and said: "The people who manage Zhuangzi must be chosen well. I am afraid that the village leaders will use the little power in their hands to abuse the old people and children."

"Yes, that's why I hired Mr. Liu and Yang Wei to manage Zhuangzi in Yunzhou together so that they could restrict each other. I also hired steward Chu Feng to help supervise."

Chu Yuhao nodded, looked at the sky and stretched out his hand to Chu Yao, "Come on, it's time for us to go back."

A group of people returned to Zhuangzi. Aunt He and the others had prepared meals. Chu Yao and Yang Yang ate sweet potatoes and drank thick sweet potato, pumpkin and millet porridge. Both children thought it tasted good.

Chu Yuhao also ate some. Seeing that Chu Yao ate two bowls of porridge, two pancakes and some vegetables without being persuaded, he felt that the child should move more to have an appetite for food.

After resting for a while after the meal, Li Yu was about to set off back to the city. Li Yu asked Zhaocai to move the grapes in the basket to the car, and they walked back together.

Chu Yuhao and Chu Yao sat down in the car. Chu Yuhao looked at his sunburned little face and asked with a smile: "Have you had fun today?"

Chu Yao nodded happily, "Yeah! Daddy, the countryside is more fun than the palace, and the things they play are also very interesting. I like to play with Yangyang with me. Daddy, can I still come out to play in the future?"

"Yao'er, you know it's not easy for us to come out once. You are the crown prince of Dayong, and you have your responsibilities."

"Oh!" Chu Yao responded with his head lowered.

At dusk, a group of people entered the city. Chu Yuhao asked the guards to inform Li Yu and his wife that they did not need to follow them and went straight back to their home.

The two teams separated on East Street and walked back. Chu Yao returned to the palace and told the Queen Mother what he saw and heard today.

The Queen Mother looked at her grandson who was much more lively, and happily said to Chu Yuhao: "It seems that Yao'er likes to play with Mr. Zhou, so let's order him to come to the palace to study with him!"

Chu Yuhao smiled and said: "My son has already mentioned it to Jiahe and asked him to discuss it with Mrs. Li."

The Queen Mother nodded, "Okay, go see your wife! She is sick, let her come out to bask in the sun and ground herself."

Chu Yuhao bowed and said, "Yes, I'll spare you the trouble."

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