Seeing that he had taken it to heart, Li Yu nodded happily, "Okay, live a good life with Huanwan. Your brother-in-law is very busy at the household department and can't take care of the house. Yue'er and Xing'er are at home. I don't feel relieved to see that you are okay. , I feel relieved, I will set off back in two days."

Li Qing looked at Li Yu reluctantly, "I knew you would leave after staying for two days at most."

Li Yu laughed after hearing this, "Yes! I didn't trust you until I saw you, and I didn't trust your brother-in-law and Yang'er before I saw them. They are born with hard work."

"Sister, I remember you said before that you like to look around. When Yang'er and the others are older and my brother-in-law is no longer busy, you and your brother-in-law can go out and play around."

Li Yu smiled and said: "Come on! Who knows how long it will take when he is not busy. I remember you mentioned last time that your aunt asked you to go back and move your parents' graves to Fengming Village. It seems that in the past few years, You don’t have time to go.”

"Well! I can only wait until my term in Le County is up before I can go back and move my parents' graves."

Fan Mingfang coaxed Dongdong to sleep, and came over and said to Li Qing: "You are the same, Ah Qing. My sister is tired from the journey. If you have anything to say, wait until she has rested."

Li Qing smiled and nodded, "Okay, go and rest with your sister!"


Chu Sihai led people to wipe out all the bandits in the caves, and also had people seal the caves and regarded them as the burial place of those bandits.

The group of people walked back with the two little leaders they had captured alive, and arrived at Liangjia Village at dusk.

Yang Liu and Sanqiao came out of the yard carrying a load of rice. When they saw the two young leaders being held down by the officers and soldiers led by Chu Sihai, they shouted angrily: "Beasts, I'll beat you to death..."

The two of them dropped the basket and started beating them with poles. Chu Sihai let them beat them a few times and then had someone stop them.

Chu Sihai said to the two of them: "Sister-in-law, all the gangsters who walked out of Liangjiacun have been killed. From now on, you can live in peace."

"Thank you, sir, and all the military lords." Yang Liu and Sanqiao saluted Chu Sihai and the officers and soldiers, then turned around and ran back, "Let's go back and tell the second sister-in-law and the others the good news."

After Ah Lian and the women heard the news, they happily cooked food and sent it to Zhuangzi to reward Chu Sihai and the others.

After returning home, I went to the tomb where the victims of Liangjia Village were buried, to worship them and ask them to rest in peace.

Chu Sihai rested for the night in Liangjiacun and took those people back to Kyoto early the next morning.


The day after Li Yu arrived in Le County, the people sent by the imperial court arrived in Le County.

There were more than twenty people in the group, and the leader was Prince Fujun.

Li Qing gave the list of people captured by Mr. Cheng's family and Wenchang Pavilion to Prince Fujun.

After seeing it, Prince Fujun said to Li Qing: "Master Li, why is that man not on the list?"

Li Qing looked at him with a sad face and said distressedly: "Master, I have searched all their hiding places, but I can't find that person. According to Mr. Cheng from his family, he said that a few days ago He left Le County with his escort, without saying hello to him where he was going before leaving? I am also very worried! What if he is still in Le County, what will he do if he becomes a lower official? Please bring someone with you. Stay here for a while and make a thorough investigation."

After hearing this, the Prince of Fu County also understood Li Qing's feelings. Having such a person in his jurisdiction would be a troublesome matter whether he lived or died.

I also had bad luck, so I took on such a job.

But the best thing is that he is not here. It is not a good thing for anyone to bring a dead person back to Kyoto alive.

"Master Li, I want to interrogate Mr. Cheng first and see if he can remember anything?"

Li Qing was eager to throw these hot potatoes to Prince Fu County immediately, "Okay, I will take you to the county prison and hand over the person to you."

The Prince of Fu County interrogated Mr. Cheng for a long time, and the conclusion was the same as what was written in Li Qing's file.

The prince and the people accompanying him all breathed a sigh of relief.

The leaders discussed it in low voices and decided that they had to go look for the living people who had gone out on horseback to feel at ease.

Prince Fujun greeted Li Qing and took his people to the surrounding counties to quietly search for him.

Li Yu started to walk back under the reluctant eyes of Li Qing's family.

Ten days later in the afternoon, the three of them finally appeared at the door of their house.

After learning the news, Zhou Jia took his three sons to the second gate.

The two little ones happily ran over and held Li Yu's hand, "Mom, we miss you so much."

"Mom misses you too." Li Yu looked at the father and son and narrowed his eyes.

Father and son surrounded Li Yu and entered the house. Li Yu gave them the gifts prepared by Li Qing and his wife for their children. There are wooden toys, pens, inks, paper and inkstones, and clothes prepared by Fan Mingfang.

The family had a meal happily. Li Yu looked at Yangyang, who had not been very active since he came back, and said, "My eldest son, are you worried about something?"

Zhou Jia smiled and glanced at him, "It's normal for children to have their own worries when they are older."

"No way," Yang Yang looked at Li Yu, "Mom, Pan Sheng said that he is going to take the county examination next year, and asked me if I can go? Qi Dingbang also said that we have grace and don't need to take those exams. Mom, what do you say? Do I need to take the county exam?"

Li Yu thought for a moment and said softly: "Just do whatever you think. If you want to test what you have learned over the years, participating in the imperial examination is the best way to test it."

Yangyang looked at Zhou Jia and said, "Dad, do you think I should go?"

Zhou Jia looked at him and said without hesitation: "As a scholar, of course you should go. Once you experience it, you will understand that kindness and the achievements you have made with all your efforts are two completely different feelings. "

Yangyang looked at the two of them tangledly, "But I don't want to be a civil servant, I want to be a general."

"Then you take the literary test first, and then the martial arts test." Zhou Jia looked at him, "A man, don't be coy, just do it when you think about it."

Li Yu looked at his frowning expression, smiled and rubbed his head, "Son, taking the imperial examination does not conflict with your becoming a general! Isn't there a Confucian general?"

After hearing this, Yangyang lowered his head and thought for a while, "Okay, I decided to take part in next year's county examination."

Zhou Jia glanced at him and decided to provoke him again, "I think you should think about it carefully tonight and think it over clearly, and tell us tomorrow morning."

Yangyang looked at his parents and said loudly: "Dad, you just said that a man cannot be coy. I have been thinking about it for two days, and this is my decision."

Li Yu looked at Zhou Jia and nodded. Zhou Jia said, "Okay, we respect your decision. Your mother is also tired. You go to the garden and take your brother to wash up and rest."

After Yangyang agreed, he went to the back garden to find his brother. Li Yu and Zhou Jia returned to the house.

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