The Queen of Everything

Chapter 367: Chacha just wants his life

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

They are still normal draft players in essence, and the combination will come out later. Now the program team will not force them to maintain close interaction with the audience.

However, incomplete interaction is impossible. The program team urged Su Cha and posted a selfie on Weibo.

The selfie was simple. She looked towards the camera. Her eyes were as clear as a spring, with bright light. The eyes are just like talking.

Looking at the camera, it seems that even human souls can be taken away.

She did not deliberately P, just added a filter automatically, and took the photo out to PO.

Sucha V: Good afternoon everyone! 【photo】

This picture was taken by the program group after she ate at noon, and the room was taken at will. She was not very good at technology, and it was a self-portrait on the mobile phone. However, after all, she was self-willed.

——Aoao, Aoao, Aoao, my tea girl is really beautiful!

——Su Cha Mei Yan Sheng Shi understand! ! !

——CALL Crazy for you, singing like an elf, why are you so rare?

——Provincial champion, super-student, singing sturdy, looks so beautiful, is God sent to anger our group of mortals / dog head

——A style of routine tasks for old cadres...


Su Cha took pictures here, and she came to the mirror.

She took photos and posted on Weibo that Bo Mu would also know that he would explode and Su Cha deliberately took a dynamic video.

She was dressed in a casual and simple style. At this time, the upper body was a large T-shirt, and the lower body was super shorts. The slender legs were amazing. The legs were amazingly straight, and they were called very beautiful legs.

Couples sometimes have a little fun, and Su tea is not particularly rigid. At this time, he deliberately pulled his wide T-shirt side off his shoulders and blinked at the camera.

It didn't show any temptations. She smiled very cleanly and clearly, making people feel better with her, but with her movements, there was an indescribable and tempting taste.

Su Cha sent this video with only a few seconds to Bo Muyi.


Bo Muyi was working alone in the office at this time. When he saw a message on his mobile phone and saw that the sender was a tea baby, he opened it without hesitation.

The result opens and explains a dynamic video. After the video is loaded, it starts to move in a moment.

The girl in the camera, with a delicate and unmatched face, long hair is simply draped behind her, and her shoulders are exposed, like a cat, like a grind, when she winks at the camera In an instant, Bo Mu also breathed tightly.

He felt that this video could kill him.

The brain-filled work was thrown out of the brain, only the video of blinking movements repeated.

Like a magic door was opened, the man was deeply trapped in it, only feeling dry, he pulled his collar and his beautiful cheeks collapsed.

Chacha is really naughty because he is not in the country now.

Sending such a video to him does not want his life, what does he want to do?

Bo Mu also suddenly thanked that he did not hand over his cell phone to Bai Kun today, otherwise let others see the charm of Chacha. No matter who it is, Bo Mu also estimates that there is an urge to stab each other.

Starting today, mobile phones can no longer be handed over to others.

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