The Queen of Everything

Chapter 391: Play big

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The fact that came through the back door is the fact that the chance of audition is the back door.

No matter what the people around Su Su was talking about, the crowd was noisy, she took a number plate to find a place to sit down, and continued to read the script she had read yesterday.

"Your name is Su Cha?"

Suddenly, a low voice came, Su Cha looked up, and in front of him was a man who looked like Feng Shen Junlang, and his appearance was sufficient for entertainment.

The man gave birth to a pair of peach blossom eyes, and unexpectedly Su Cha thought of Tan Yezhu, who also had peach blossom eyes.

Even if it was just a meeting, Tan Yezhu's style can instantly kill the man in front of him.

The other party was just okay in appearance, but the temperament was not good. Like the original Ziyou, it gave Su Cha a greasy feeling. Hearing him hello, Su Cha's eyelids really lifted up slightly: "Huh?"

She responded so lazily, and the aftertone tail gave a lazy and sultry taste, at least I heard this in the man's ear.

He didn't notice that Su Cha didn't even introduce himself, but he felt that Damei's attitude was more polite.

But beauty, this is the case.

The other party is also participating in the program, and has huge popularity at a young age, and it should be appropriate to have capital pride.

He came to be interested, standing across from Sucha, and introducing himself directly: "I am Zhong Xiangyang, who once played the King of Nine Guns in the big drama "Mongolian"..."

He directly said a long list, Su Cha waited for him to finish, and his eyelids did not lift up: "I haven't seen it and I don't know."

Zhong Xiangyang: "..."

He was a little embarrassed.

He walked towards Sucha under the eyes of many people, and many people saw it.

Many people couldn't help snickering when they saw Zhong Xiangyang eating deflated and Su tea not giving face.

Zhong Xiangyang is not well-known in the circle, but some people in the circle know it, and there is not much fame in front of the audience. He just plays a bunch of supporting roles of N, and he can’t say that he is a capital.

This kind of capital can be used as your experience when you are red. You are not red, but just a bunch of soy sauce.

Who cares?

"I think acting is still good. I don't know what role Sucha did in your audition. If you don't understand something, you can come and ask me. I can be your predecessor in the acting industry. I can give you some advice."

Zhong Xiangyang found a topic to continue to speak, Su Cha finally lifted his eyes and swept at him again, that glance made Zhong Xiangyang's spine cool: "I don't know you."

With a large audience, Sucha has already been polite enough.

If it was changed to usual, she would have let the person in front roll away.

This is so obvious that those who are interested should walk away.

Zhong Xiangyang heard Su Cha's implication, his face stiffened.

Others are pretty good. Girls who are rarely talked about are so straightforward that they don’t give face.

What's more, the other party hasn't entered the entertainment industry, and he has no respect for his predecessor.

However, in this circle, speaking of seniority is also based on the fact that two people are in the same position. If they are not popular, no one cares.

Zhong Xiangyang had no choice but to retreat. He secretly must release some material at that time, saying that Su Cha's temper is really bad and does not respect the seniors in the circle.

Others saw Zhong Xiangyang's deflated eating and couldn't help laughing.

Some people think that Su tea has a personality, but some people think that Su tea is rude, does not respect the seniors in the circle, and is not red yet. Now it starts playing big names, and I don’t know how many people will be offended.

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