The Queen of Everything

Chapter 395: He is a pervert

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Bo Mu also didn't speak. The strange silence made Su Cha take a breath. "Tan Yezhu has no brothers and sisters, right?"

Although he was not very happy about Su Cha's attention to other men, but this thing did make Bo Mu also hesitant.

"Um... no."

Su Cha almost understood, she almost couldn't help but want to laugh out loud: "How could he have such... well, hobby?"

She has spoken enough implicitly.

Bo Muyi's disapproval made no secret: "He is just a pervert."

Su Cha: "..."

It can be described as abnormal by Bo Mu, and one can imagine how big a wonderful flower is.

After all, Su Cha has never seen a man like them have such a special hobby.

The key point is that Su Cha carefully recalled the Tan Yezhu that she saw just now, and all smiles are undisguised. Several directors looked at him with admiration. I really don’t know that these people know that they like What a man thinks.

"Where did you meet? At the audition?"


Su Cha didn't expect him to appear at the audition, still in such a wonderful identity. "I didn't expect him to be here, and it was...well, as a woman. But I don't know what his specific meaning is there."


Bo Mu also told Su Cha in a concise manner: "Tan Yezhu has a business company that invests in movies in the emperor."

Su tea suddenly: "No wonder."

This film is said to be very large, and it is normal for some investors to see it.

To talk about Ye Zhu's worth, it is normal for him to invest in such a crew, which is incredible.

Bo Muyi's voice was somewhat affirmed: "The tea audition must have passed."

Su Cha raised her eyebrows: "Are you so confident in me?"

"He won't let you pass, he just wants to die."

Su Cha: "..."

Then she, is it a walk in the back door in a sense?

The main reason is that she didn't expect to meet Tan Yezhu at this audition.

While talking on the phone with Bo Mu, she walked outside the door and was stopped by someone. A burly man wearing sunglasses came over and whispered, "Miss Su, Miss Tan, please wait for a while, she I want to discuss something with you."

Su Cha glanced at the big man and thought of Tan Yezhu's women's clothing.

Suddenly nodded silently.

Bo Mu also heard it on the phone and sighed helplessly: "Chacha now knows it, so he will get used to it sooner or later. He has had this hobby since he was a child and wanted to hold me together."

Su Cha couldn't help but think about the scene, and then felt that it was really terrible. She would rather the end of the world arrive than to see that scene.

"You can't follow him!"

The tone was a little anxious, fearing that Bo Mu would also go astray.

Bo Mu also smiled lowly: "No, he didn't mention these things after he was beaten a few times."

Su Cha was relieved to laugh.

Then she thought of talking about Ye Zhu's women's clothing, and said with emotion: "In fact, his women's clothing is really beautiful. As a woman, I... a little envious..."

"Nonsense, my tea is the best, and at least he will never have what you have."

Su Cha: "..."

It took her a few seconds to relive the taste, realizing what Bo Mu was also talking about.

She finally couldn't hold back, her lips twitched: "At least now that technology is well developed, nothing is impossible."

Bo Mu also thought about it, actually agreed with Su Cha's opinion: "Also, then you can give him this suggestion."

Su Cha: "..."

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