The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 149 Food Tonic

After Pang Kongqing took his pulse, he looked at Xiao Bowen and asked softly, "What did you eat this morning? Do you usually eat like this? What did you eat last night? What about lunch yesterday?"

Xiao Bowen answered one by one, in a clear manner, Pang Kongqing couldn't help but look at him twice, then nodded slightly, glanced at their clothes and brothers and feet, already knew it in his heart, pondered for a while, Pang Kongqing picked up the pen and pointed at Mu Yang. Lingdao: "I'll prescribe some warming and tonic prescriptions for him, and his usual diet should be lighter, but he must not lose his nutrition. Although he is congenitally deficient, he has been recuperated well the day after tomorrow. If this continues, in another three or four years, he should be fine. I can completely stop the medicine."

Mu Yangling frowned. Although traditional Chinese medicine is relatively peaceful, Bowen also takes warming and tonic prescriptions, but after taking it for seven or eight years, the poison will definitely be left in the body.

Pang Kongqing knew what Mu Yangling was thinking at a glance, and sighed: "It's not that there is no better way, but that kind of care is too detailed, I'm afraid your family can't afford it, and your ability and energy are not enough."

"Sir, why don't you tell me, maybe my family has a way. Even if we can't do it now, we can change it when we have the ability." Mu Yangling looked at Pang Kongqing with piercing eyes when he heard that there was a safer way. .

"It's difficult to say, but it's not difficult. You need to know that food and medicine come from the same source. The "Huangdi Neijing" has "five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, five animals for benefit, five vegetables for filling, and the smell is harmonious. Supplementing leanness and nourishing qi." The idea is just to achieve a better food tonic effect, and the ingredients and preparation are not affordable by ordinary families." Pang Kongqing paused and said: "Not to mention, this culinary skill The fineness requirements are very strict. After cooking, most of the nutrition of the ingredients should be retained, so that after people take it, they will act from the inside out. Over time, the cycle will recur, and the essence will naturally fill up. After conditioning, the body will be fine."

Seeing that Mu Yangling understood, Pang Kongqing smiled and said: "I see that you and your brothers and sisters have calluses in your hands, and except for the new calluses in your brother's palm, the others are all calluses. I want to see that the family is not rich. If your younger brother chooses to stop taking medicine and food supplements, this cannot be stopped. He needs to take it for many years. Although this warming and tonic prescription is medicine, it also has its own benefits. At least when your family is in trouble, you can bring it in twos and twos It doesn't matter if you take it for a month, it will be fine if you take it for three or four years, but the food supplement will definitely take longer and cost more."

Mu Yangling lowered his head and thought about it, then raised his head and said seriously: "Sir, please give us a prescription for food supplements. It's best to write clearly how the ingredients should be made, and whether there are any things that need to be avoided."

Pang Kongqing looked at her suspiciously, "Someone in your family can make it? This tonic is very delicate."

"Don't worry, sir, my mother is a good cook, so it shouldn't be a problem for her."

Hearing what she said, Pang Kongqing turned around and went into the inner room to take out a booklet, and said: "This is the food supplement recipe I wrote, and there is a method of making it below, of course it is just a rough idea, if your mother is good at cooking It can be improved a lot, but we must try our best to ensure the preservation of nutrition, and I have also recorded the suitable cooking methods of various foods in it.”

Mu Yangling didn't expect Pang Kongqing to be so kind to them, so he couldn't help but decline: "This thing is very expensive, how can I take it away? How about I copy it?"

"...You take it, I still have it here, but I also have a condition, your brother must come over every half a month to give me a pulse, and if you improve the food preparation method, you must copy it for me , " and said: "In return, your brother doesn't need money to see a doctor here, and some simple medicinal materials, as long as they are used by your brother, I will also give them away for free, how about it?"

Mu Yangling stared at him with wide eyes, and couldn't help but ask, "Sir, are you using my brother as an experiment?"

Pang Kongqing shook his hand and said: "No, no, this food tonic is indeed better than the prescription of warm tonic, but I don't know how good it is. After all, no one can persist for many years. I just want to try my booklet. How does the food taste..." Pang Kongqing had to confess under Mu Yangling's gaze: "The dishes in the brochure do have food tonic effects, but the taste is a bit strange. Although it is strange, it is at least better than bitter medicine. , and going there can be 100% guaranteed that there will be no poison and no future troubles..."

Mu Yangling took the booklet and flipped through it, and found that it was just a simple single-course ingredient cooking method. There are special points that need to be paid attention to. The whole article is to ensure nutrition. Therefore, some dishes are not cooked at all. Yes, because overcooking will cause the loss of nutrition of the ingredients, and the amount of oil and salt is also strictly regulated. Mu Yangling feels that he has no appetite at all just by looking at the brochure.

She looked down at her younger brother and began to hesitate.

One of the great joys in life is "eating". With this booklet, the ingredients are fine, but the deliciousness of the food will undoubtedly be lost according to his cooking method. My brother is still so young, how can he lose such an important thing?

Mu Yangling put away the booklet and said to Pang Kongqing, "Sir, I think I have to go back and discuss it with my parents."

Pang Kongqing is also a foodie himself, he has tried all the food tonic prescriptions here, and he knows the pain, so he nodded and said: "You can go back first and ask your parents what they think, I will wait for you here."

Pang Kongqing saw that they were turning to leave, and hurriedly stopped them and said: "Why don't I prescribe a few food supplement prescriptions for your brother first, and you can make them for your brother to taste after you go back." Pang Kongqing coughed lightly, and said: "I Although the recipe is a bit unpalatable, it is a real food tonic, without any medicine, unlike the medicine recipe, which also needs medicine when stewing."

Speaking of medicated diet, Mu Yangling's eyes lit up, "Sir, there is also a doctor who prescribed medicated diet for my brother, and he has eaten it for a while. Although it smells like medicine, it is not particularly unpleasant. What do you think about switching to medicated diet?" ?”

Pang Kongqing was stunned, and said: "It's not impossible. There are medicines in the medicated diet, and the effect is actually faster than the food tonic, but after all, there are medicines in it, which are more or less poisonous. For ordinary people, the medicated diet is naturally better than the food tonic. , but your younger brother has been taking medicine since he was born, and it’s been almost a year now. The poison accumulated in his body is already enough. It’s best not to add some more at this time, and it can be slowed down with food supplements. Slowly eliminate the poison that has been deposited in the body."

That is to say, complete food supplement is the best policy.

Mu Yangling could only take his brother home first.

Today is the day when Mu Shi Xun rests, and Mu Yangling is squatting at the entrance of the village waiting for him.

Let's ask Dad's opinion on this matter.

Mu Yangling felt that it would be a terrible thing to lose the taste of delicious food, but Mu Shi and Shu Wanniang agreed without thinking about it. Shu Wanniang even blamed Mu Yangling, "You are the same child, what can you refuse such a good thing? ?”

"But mother, Mrs. Da Da said that those dishes are terrible. My brother eats that kind of food three times a day. He can't even eat the most delicious venison and rabbit meat I baked. Isn't it sad?"

Xiuhong nodded fiercely, "If my cousin and the others are eating barbecue while I can only stand and watch, I would be very pitiful."

Mu Yangling looked at his parents with an expression of "Yes, yes, I didn't lie to you", and said: "So we have to ask Bowen what he means, and see if he is willing to eat something with that strange taste And give up eating all kinds of delicacies with us."

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