The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 213: ABO Plane 1.11

"Shhh, be quiet. Don't let people hear you. You can't say it like that. To be a signed singer of Yake's company must have passed a difficult test in the first place. You should also know that, Yake's The music company is the best music company in the world, and very few people can enter this entertainment company. I think the outcome of this competition may be produced among these six contestants, there is no doubt.”

The two of them were about to say something else when they heard Bailishin coughing from the side beside them, and the two of them froze for a while, got up with a look and walked to another corner to continue chatting.

Bai Lixin stretched and took out the constantly vibrating mobile phone from his pocket, "Hello."

"Baby, it's me."

"Well, I know." Bai Lixin's expression softened a lot and smiled slightly, "Tell me, are you watching TV with admiration right now, waiting to see my glorious image."

On the other end of the phone came Harvest's low laugh, accompanied by low laughter and deafening cheers. The voice was extremely high-pitched, and it really didn't look like a live broadcast environment at home.

Bai Lixin paused for a while, and then asked: "Don't tell me you came to the scene?"

"Hahahaha, baby is really clever. Since following me, I've gotten smarter and smarter. Baby, it's been five minutes since the judges introduced why they were so inked, and the judges haven't finished yet. Baby, when will you wait until you appear? "

Bai Lixin was still in disbelief: "You really came to the scene? Didn't you say that you have a dinner party tonight?"

"Hehe, what contract can be compared to my baby's debut. Isn't it very touching and surprising? Would you like to go home with me tonight?"

Bai Lixin grinned lightly, and the two beautiful obsidian pupils curved into two beautiful moons, "Okay, we will leave secretly after I finish the comparison."


About five minutes later, some staff started to come to the backstage and shouted "No. 1, please wait to play, No. 2, please prepare." But when the game really starts, no matter who it is, it will show varying degrees of tension.

Bai Lixin took off his earphones, put his mobile phone and earphones in his backpack and locked it in a cabinet. Then he came to the staff, stuck the No. 1 card on his chest, and said with a smile, "I am the No. 1 player. "

Today, Bai Lixin wore a loose-fitting, ethnic-style clothes, and the huge sleeves swayed with his footsteps, very elegant.

The staff's eyes flashed with amazement, and they couldn't help but look at him more, and their voices were softer: "Don't be too nervous, you have to wait ten minutes before you appear on the stage, and these judges will have a song after they appear on the stage. Solo show, when the solo show is over, you can go on stage."

When the players present heard this sentence, they all turned to Bailishin with a sigh.

The first player to play can be said to be good or bad. In most variety shows, in order to make a good start, the first contestant will not be too harsh, as long as the performance is not satisfactory, they can pass the selection.

But on another level, the three world-class singers just finished showing their voices, and all the audience were still immersed in the visual feast that was just before, and they couldn't get out so quickly to listen to an unknown singer. sing.

Therefore, although the first player to appear will be selected, the attention is often only a few tenths.

Bai Lixin didn't care much, he smiled at the bete service staff, "Thank you for your reminder, I can just stand for a while."

Seeing Bai Lixin's appearance as a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers, the staff repeatedly asked, "Remember, when you come up, don't sing first. Introduce yourself, and then the judges may ask a few questions when they see your resume. Answer seriously, after answering, the judges said that you can perform, you greeted the sound engineer and started to perform, remember?"

Bai Lixin still maintains the most perfect smile: "Thank you, you are so kind, I remember it."

The staff member's face flushed slightly, and he quickly turned his head to the other side, but out of the corner of his eyes, he still put it on Bailishin's chest badge.

Mitchell, what a nice name, and good luck to you.

There was a distance of fifty meters between the stage and the lounge at the back, and the short distance of fifty meters could not stop the excited shouts of the fans in the slightest. But the louder the fans shouted, the more nervous the singers who were preparing for the battle in the back became.

The judges are their teachers and the three mountains standing in front of them. The three mountains pressed them down, and they would always be shorter by these people.

Dafan has gone from talent shows to an artist in the public eye. Dafan's destiny is to become famous, but he can only become a seventh- or eight-tier artist who is neither popular nor purple. Even if they are talented, the first and foremost imprint on them is the debut of "So-and-so entertainment show".

Artists from this background often need to struggle for nearly ten years to completely get rid of this label and complete the next level of degeneration. But if they can't stand the test and annihilate in these ten years, it will be difficult to reach the previous heights.

But why do so many people choose to debut on talent shows? Because compared with other well-established channels, talent shows can definitely be called a shortcut.

Either fire or sink. In three minutes, no one may know you in the first three minutes, and there will be countless fans in the next three minutes. This is the charm of talent shows.

Seeing that it was almost ten minutes, the staff signaled to Bai Lixin, which brought Bai Lixin to the edge of the stage.

At this time, the three judges also finished their solo show and sat on their thrones. Geoffrey, the oldest, naturally sat in the middle, while Jonas and Quark sat on both sides.

The host added a few more words, and then smiled: "Then, let's invite our first contestant to appear!"

The audience was still immersed in the performance of their idol who had just done their best. For the first time, a contestant appeared, clapped their hands perfunctory, and then began to focus on their idol again.

Bai Lixin was naturally not stage fright. He walked slowly to the center of the stage, glanced around the audience, and saw the pair of bright golden pupils in a dark corner. With a slight smile, Bai Lixin turned his gaze back to the three judges.

The appearance of the three judges is also very different. As an idol, Jonas is naturally well-dressed and brightly dressed. He has a golden shawl and curly hair, and his fair face is inlaid with two pairs of brush-like eyelashes.

And Geoffrey, sitting in the middle, was as solemn and rigorous as his singing, dressed in a black suit, with a serious expression and a stern expression. Only the quark on the far right is dressed in punk clothes, with exaggerated smoky makeup on his face, his mouth painted a dark red almost black, and his body exudes a sickness, but it is very translucent. A super explosive force.

Geoffrey, who was sitting in the middle, was unsmiling, and Quark, who was sitting on the right, had to shrug, "Contestant No. 1 seems to be very curious about the scene, and has been scanning his eyes since he came up."

Bai Lixin copied his hand up and placed it on his lower abdomen, with his sleeves hanging down naturally. Because of this song, he did not tie his hair today, but chose to let Mitchell's waist-length hair loose to his waist.

With a slight smile, Bai Lixin said: "This is the first time I stand on a huge stage with thousands of people. I think anyone will be excited and can't help remembering every audience who is willing to listen to my music." He said again. Look around the audience.

Behind the stage, there is a huge playback screen, with five cameras constantly replacing and playing, which will definitely show the contestants in front of the audience in all aspects. When Bai Lixin said this, the display just switched to a close-up of his face.

The audience looked at Zhong Bailishin's sincere expression on the screen, and they all stopped pressing the shutter in their hands and the realization of their idols, and all looked at the slightly insignificant figure on the stage.

Bai Lixin smiled and bowed to the audience, "Then I thought, since everyone is willing to listen to my music, as a singer, I should thank everyone in my own way."

Jonas frowned without a trace, glanced at Jeffrey, who was sitting in the middle as steady as a mountain, and coughed: "Contestant No. 1, please introduce yourself."

Bai Lixin nodded and explained himself in a few words. Jonas was about to start him singing, when Quark spoke again, "Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Mitchell, your words are beautiful, but I hope your singing is more beautiful than your words."

Bai Lixin smiled, "Mr. Quark, the reason why you think my words are good is because they are sincere enough. As for whether the songs I sing will be more beautiful than my words, it depends on whether I can use my singing voices to make them sound again. I convey my sincerity to everyone here. May I perform?"

Quark smiled wickedly, he nodded, "It's alright."

Only then did Bai Lixin nodded to the teachers of the Chong band, indicating that he could play.

The first song that Blissin chose was the one that Mitchell left unfinished. Because of Mitchell's hurried walk, the song didn't even have time to name it. Bailishing thought for a long time afterwards, and finally named the song "Calling" at the suggestion of Halliwitt.

who is calling

take me far away

whose voice

lead me to keep going

walk through mountains and rivers

swim across the lake

over the ravine

i never stopped

The call of that voice is still resounding

I asked the owner of the oriole voice

Orioles only sing loudly, flap their wings and fly high into the sky

I asked the owner of the dolphin sound

Dolphins only chirped happily, flapped their tails and swam into the distance


The voice that haunts me, where did you come from?

I keep, keep, keep looking

climb over thorns

step into the desert

passing by death

Finally, I met the owner of the voice

he is me

That's mine, it's my dream

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