The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 229: ABO plane 1.27

The wedding ceremony is scheduled to be held at nine in the morning. After the wedding is over, a banquet will be held at Lambert's ancestral home that evening to entertain guests.

The Heine family, the Yackel family, partners, Lambert sidekicks, friends, all those who have some friendship, are all on the list of Mr. Lambert.

On the wedding day, the two came from a distance wearing intricate and luxurious golden robes, stunning the audience. The wedding didn't take long, and it was over in about an hour and a half. According to Mr. Lambert, how many people can remember Mitchell on the spot at the wedding. Only at the banquet and walking among these people with Mitchell, will they really know Mitchell.

Fortunately, the living room of the Lambert family is very spacious. Although many people were invited, it did not feel crowded, and the size of the living room was just right.

When Baelishin walked down the stairs with the help of Halliwitt, he saw the hall that was already full of people. There were faint smiles on everyone's faces, goblets in their hands, and it was very harmonious when you came and went.

When Bailishin walked down, the originally noisy hall became quiet in an instant, and Mr. Lambert walked slowly to Bailishin and formally introduced Bailishin's identity.

When Mr. Lambert introduced himself, Bai Lixin was not idle. He raised his eyes and scanned the hall, and found a few familiar characters.

Without his own intervention, it seems that everything continues to proceed according to the established trajectory.

Jonas's companion is Mr. Borg, and Arkel's eldest son is also standing beside Hezitz.

Introducing Bai Lixin to everyone, Mr. Lambert raised his glass to everyone again and sat down in the hall.

Jonas remembered the internet sound wave, and remembered the warning from Father Lambert before, bit his lip and finally forcibly turned his head to the side, no longer looking this way.

After the introduction, Heiziz walked over to Bai Lixin aside from Acker, and looked up and down Bai Lixin, "Darling, long time no see. I never thought that you would be the wife of the future successor of the Lambert family. "

Bai Lixin smiled lightly and said in a low voice: "It's like I never thought that Nigeles is the sixth son of the Heine family."

Heiziz's eyes flickered: "When did you know?"

"Earlier than you think, but not too soon."

Hai Shizi was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed and gave Bai Lixin a big hug.

Jonas seemed to be hanging out in the hall, occasionally toasting and clinking glasses with some dignitaries. Jonas is known as the voice of the Empire, he often travels in the upper society, and is also loved by the upper society. It's just that today Jonas held up his wine glass and walked on the dance floor again, and people looked at him with a bit of scrutiny in his eyes.

After walking around, Jonas couldn't stand the scrutiny, and then sat down at the resting place.

Sitting in the rest area, although Jonas was cut off from the sight of others, he was still sitting on pins and needles.

The more he thought about that slowly fermenting thing, the more he felt that something was wrong. He always felt that from the beginning of the show a month ago, that person came prepared and made a special trip to set himself up.

Jonas glanced at the radiant Balisin surrounded by the crowd. At this banquet tonight, all eyes are on the protagonist, who is wearing the most luxurious clothes, drinking the most expensive wine, and has the most confident smile on his face.

But this guy, a few months ago, was still a newcomer who couldn't raise his head in front of him. However, today, feng shui turns around, and he hides in a corner silently to reduce his sense of existence, and this newcomer, who was not even worthy of carrying his own shoes, has stepped into the upstream society that he is infinitely longing for.

Jonas lowered his head to cover his twisted expression of jealousy.

If someone on that website is really hurting him and doesn't think of others, it must be Bailishin.

That website not only stepped down on itself, but also promoted Bai Lixin. Glancing at Bailishing again with jealous eyes, Jonas slowly stood up.

Since it involves Bai Lixin, it is still necessary to let Mr. Lambert know about this matter.

He stood up with the most perfect smile on his face, traversing freely in the crowd, and soon came to the old man Lambert. Raising the glass to him, Jonas smiled respectfully, "Dear Mr. Lambert, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Old Man Lambert narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled, "Nice to meet you."

Jonas glanced behind him and made sure that there was no one within three meters. Then he took a slight step forward and lowered his voice, "Sir, I have something to tell you."

The old man Lambert already had a slight unpleasant expression on his face. He glanced at Bai Lixin in the distance, and only said coldly when he found that the other party was getting to know other people under the guidance of Halliwitt: "What's the matter."

"I've been attacked a lot lately in the internet, and I suspect Mitchell did it."

"Doubt? What evidence do you have?"

"No, no evidence, just... intuition."

"Heh, intuition." Old Man Lambert smiled and snorted coldly, "Jonas, your intuition has always been wrong, otherwise how could you not know that Ou Yaxi gave the token to Mitchell. You received it on the Internet. I have heard the news of the attack for a long time, and this incident is very sensational, and I don't think there are many people who don't know."

The old man Lambert paused, looked at Bai Lixin in the distance, and continued: "Jonas, you have made too many enemies. Not only Jonas, but also few people who have formed hatred for selling songs in those years. Is it? My game with Mitchell has just started, don't let me down. I once said that you need to clean up your mess. I don't care about your mess, I'll find a way to end it myself ."

Jonas originally came to report to the old man Lambert with great interest, but he did not expect to receive a lot of scolding instead of praise. He pursed the corners of his lips and listened to the old man Lambert whispering: "Leave soon, and don't show such an expression, what if someone finds out? You don't want to look for me in this public place in the future, just leave. ."

After the old man Lambert finished speaking, he raised a smile and walked towards the direction of Bai Lixin with a glass of wine.

Jonas looked at the scene in front of him, only to feel that Mitchell was more annoying than before.


Borg did what he said. After the banquet, when Jonas searched the Internet for reports about himself again, he found that the reports about his negative news had long since vanished.

With a slight sigh of relief, Jonas fell asleep with confidence.

But the next morning, before seven o'clock, Jonas received a call from Borg.

Borg's voice was urgent and nervous, and he could hear Borg's irritable voice over the phone: "Jonas, you stay at home today, don't go anywhere, no matter who knocks on the door, don't open the door!"

After hearing Borg's words, Jonas, who had been drowsy, suddenly woke up.

He quickly lifted the quilt and stood up from the bed, a bad premonition flashed in his heart, "What happened?"

"Yesterday, as usual, I found someone to slowly clear your negative news, but I didn't expect that this time it didn't gradually disappear as usual, but caused a bigger reaction."

Jonas was even more disturbed, "What's the reaction?"

"Ou Yaxi's death was pulled out." After a long time, Borg said solemnly.

Jonas groaned in his heart, "How did it come out, how could it be involved in Oyahi's death? Hasn't he been dead for a long time?"

Borg frowned and bit his lip, "Jonas, you are paying too much attention to this matter. Originally, if the other party was an ordinary person, everything could slowly dissipate, but the other party is the future owner and wife of the Lambert family. Hey, in short You don't have to worry about anything, take a good rest at home, I will help you temporarily postpone your work during this time, and I will tell you when you can come out, and when you will come out again."

"Don't worry about anything?!" A flame rose from Jonas' chest, "I'm in this field because I didn't care about anything! You don't tell me what happened, right? You don't tell me I can't see it myself?!"

Jonas hung up the phone angrily and rushed to the computer to open the browser. No need to search, everything about myself, Mitchell and Oyahi is on the homepage.

The real reason for Mitchell Lambert's depression was not just because he was surrounded by countless false and negative news, but also because his agent died suddenly and violently. Two days before Mitchell's game, Oyahi's car was killed in a traffic accident with a giant transportation vehicle traveling in the opposite direction. And this vicious incident that was supposed to be a sensation was not exposed through the media.

Isn't this cover-up just like the negative news about Jonas that disappeared overnight last night?

Was Oyahi's death man-made or accidental? If it was an accident, why did the media not mention a word about the vicious traffic accident that should have been reported normally?

And how can bad news about Jonas disappear overnight?

The way Jonas' negative news disappeared was the same as the previous big conjecture that the host's videos disappeared after all the videos were hacked. What is blocking our citizens' right to know the truth?

Did Jonas have anything to do with Oyahi's death?

If the host didn't finish what he said at the beginning, did he want to reveal Mr. Ou Yaxi's information? But before the news broke, it was intercepted by someone with a heart.

Behind the network media, is there always a pair of hands controlling the transmission of information? Is the information we have today the real information? Has anyone ever deliberately screened information so that we only receive what they want us to know and what they don't want us to see? !

There are thousands of words long, and several photos are attached, including photos of Mr. Ou Yaxi before his death, as well as photos of the scene of the car accident, photos of Bai Lixin's skinny bones, and screenshots of the live broadcast platform.

When Jonas saw this report, he clung to the corner of the table, someone must be behind this incident!

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