The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 298: True God Realm Doomsday 1.4

The news that the two brothers Zhou Ping and Zhou An became alien corpses with self-awareness quickly spread throughout the base, and Bailishin, the performer, aroused great interest from the base leader.

Because Bai Lixin's ability was spread through the video, it spread all over the base within two days.

The high-level wanted to see him, but Bailishin asked that no one would see him except the leader of the base. After ten days, Bailishin soaked in the laboratory every day, locked the alien corpse in a room and observed it.

After saving this ability user who was extremely reliable as an opponent and extremely troublesome as an enemy, his subordinates did not dare to neglect, and quickly informed the leader who led the abilities to kill the alien corpse in the distance.

Ten days later, the leader led the power user to kill the alien corpse's lair and returned home. On the day he came back, he watched everything that happened in the laboratory through video.

This leader is twenty-eight years old this year, and he is already one of the earliest groups of androids.

Among the superpowers, the five superpowers closely related to the five elements are the most powerful. There are also five superpowers in the base. For example, the man in leather clothes I saw yesterday is a metallic superpower. Zhou Anze It is a wood attribute ability, and as for this leader, it is a fire attribute ability.

In the past ten days, Bai Lixin has not been busy. These alien corpses were originally brought back by Zhou An in different batches each time he went on a mission, and they were considered strangers to each other. At first they were on guard against each other, but after only three days, a leader appeared among the alien corpses.

It's a biological instinct.

After the leader was born, the disputes among the corpses gradually settled down and disappeared.

Not only that, Bai Lixin found that there are also male and female corpses, and males are attracted by females and crawl under their feet.

Zhou Ping and Zhou An were placed in glass rooms separately. In the past ten days, they have fully recognized the facts. Not only from fear of the sun or from the heartbeat that no longer beats, they have completely turned into alien corpses.

However, Zhou Ping and Zhou An also discovered that although they had become alien corpses, their abilities could still be used.

Seeing that Bai Lixin was busy in the laboratory for the past ten days, the leader was puzzled, "Xiao Chen, what is he doing in the laboratory?"

"Probably doing a zombie experiment."

"Looking at the corpse...mating? Call it a human experiment?"

"Uh... this subordinate doesn't understand either."

The corpse tends to instinct and has already started mating.

Bai Lixin rubbed his chin and watched the mating of male and female corpses. The natural group formed by the same creatures that reproduced with each other was called a species. If the alien corpses could naturally breed the next generation through reproduction, then these corpses formed by occupying the human body. The alien corpse has become a brand new species.

And the ancestors of humans 30 years ago gradually died and were replaced by later artificial humans. Isn’t this also a species change?

Unconsciously, human beings split into two separate groups, androids and aliens.

The leader couldn't understand what Bai Lixin was tinkering with in the laboratory, but he could understand his supernatural power.

Bai Lixin's ability is far above his own.

If such a person cannot be used by him, his position will surely be shaken.

The leader's name is Wang Yi, and the name is really simple, but because the scientist who created him is surnamed Wang, and he is the first successful psychic.

Although Wang Yi is simple, he likes it very much.

The only one in Wang Zhong, the most domineering, this name has not changed since he became the leader of the base, but continued to use it.

Wang Yi watched this young man spend all day in the laboratory and had a strange obsession with alien corpses. He guessed that this guy was also an experimental madman like Zhou Ping. As long as you provide them with enough resources and materials, let them have sufficient experimental conditions, and make them obedient, they will stay in that white room quietly, with no door to the door, and when necessary , he can even use the experimental results as a threat, only his use.

And when Bai Lixin's experimental results are completed, it will be their base who will enjoy the fruits of labor.

However, this kind of paranoid scientist is the most arrogant, and has always just eaten soft and not hard.

If you let him be obedient, the first thing to do is to treat each other with courtesy, so that he will not think about Shu and get used to it.

But it seems that Bai Lixin seems to like this laboratory very much, otherwise he would not have stayed in it for so long.

When you think about it this way, all problems are not problems.

No matter how powerful he is, he doesn't understand human nature. In the end, isn't he still a sharp blade in his hand?

"Since this young man wants to see me," the unshaven Wang Yi wiped his face, turning into a warm and kind expression, "then I'll go meet him for a while."

Wang Yi brought a mighty group of people to the laboratory. Just as he was about to push the door, he saw Bai Lixin opening the door from the inside. He smiled and said, "Boss Wang, I finally see you, I respect you."

Wang Yi giggled and laughed: "To each other, how is your husband living in my laboratory?"

"The equipment is old, and it really can't be called a first-class advanced laboratory. It can barely be used as a preliminary test area."

"If you have any needs, feel free to ask Mr. Wang, and Mr. Wang will definitely prepare everything for you. From the video, I saw the rapid progress of the alien corpse experiment. Thanks to your help, Mr., I really appreciate that you don't dislike this small place like me."

"It's not necessary to talk about it. Leader Wang doesn't mind if I use your laboratory?"

"Sir is a sensible person. Since you said that, Wang will say something. If you are one of us, let alone use the laboratory, what if you use the entire base? But if you are not from our base, the name is not right. If it doesn't go well, you will naturally be criticized for using this laboratory. Do you intend to be your own man, or an outsider?"

"Of course it's my own." Bai Lixin glanced at the alien corpse in the laboratory, and hesitated for a moment, "Since it's about demand, I hope the leader can promise me a few things."

"But it doesn't matter."

"First, within two months, prepare three thousand alien corpses for me. It doesn't matter if they are alive or not. It doesn't matter if they are dying, but they must be alive."

"Second, I need a large enough laboratory and training venue, and give me enough independent space, you can place the camera, but without my consent, no one is allowed to set foot on the training venue for half a step, even you Can't."

"Thirdly, these two alien corpses are my gifts to the leader. Although they have been alienated, they still retain their own consciousness. I think as long as you trust them enough and they are loyal enough, they will definitely not become What threat. I am already developing a zombie vaccine, and I hope to get the cooperation of these two zombies."

The two alien corpses that Bai Lixin said were nothing but Zhou Ping and Zhou An.

Zhou Ping and Zhou An shrank when they heard Bailishin's words, and looked at Wang Yi with shock and fear.

Wang Yi glanced at the two of them and was amazed, "I also saw this in the video. It's really amazing, but I don't know what the master wants so many corpses for?"

"Do you want to be the leader of the world and become the master of all living things?"

Wang's eyes suddenly burst into a cold light, "Naturally willing."

"Then do you have the capital to dominate the world now?"

"There's still something to be missed."

"I'm trying to make a zombie team that is not afraid of life and death. Once the team is built, it will be invincible. At that time, as long as there are as many alien corpses, I can create as many alien corpses. Enough to give the world a drink."

Although Wang Yi was a little moved, he was still very hesitant.

Bai Lixin said again, "I think the leader of the king should know better than me what kind of personality an android is. The general trend of the world is that it will be united for a long time, and if it is united for a long time, it will be divided. It will be swallowed up by others. If you want to stand in the world, you have to do what ordinary people can't do. Either die or become a king and overlord."

Wang Yi was completely persuaded. Although three thousand alien corpses were a lot, they were not too many. If Bailishing's experiment succeeds, it will be a once-and-for-all thing.

Three thousand alien corpses, even if they run wild in the future, their ability users can easily deal with them, and they will not reach the level of runaway. A small effort can bring a huge reward, why not do it?


Wang Yi returned to his room contentedly, and the next day ordered people to search for alien corpses, and renovated the abandoned training ground of the base into a training ground for alien corpses.

Seeing that the number of alien corpses in the base is increasing day by day, Bai Lixin is running on both sides of the training ground and the laboratory all day.

Those female corpses after mating are pregnant.

After two months of training, the results of the Zombies have begun to bear fruit. In order to adapt humans to alien corpses, Bai Lixin persuaded Wang Yi to let him take the alien corpse team to hunt alien corpses.

The results are gratifying, these alien corpses are invincible, not afraid of death, more loyal than the most obedient dog, and beat those alien corpses to the ground.

However, Bai Lixin still left these alien corpses alive, and ordered the team to carry the alien corpse back to the base for treatment and expand his team.

After that, every two or three days, Bai Lixin took the alien corpse team to attack the alien corpses. Two months later, under Wang Yi's air and unconsciously, the alien corpse team doubled. Growth has grown to more than 20,000.

The female corpse's abdomen is as large as a ball, and it is about to give birth.

Wang saw the alien corpse team getting bigger and bigger at a glance, and remembered the base next door that was about to move recently, and suddenly proposed to Bai Lixin that the alien corpse team should be organized as a guard team to patrol outside the city. The casualties are only those alien corpses, and if you can get good on your side, you can also abduct the humans from the opponent's base back to expand the team.

Bai Lixin agreed without saying a word.

After the initial implementation, the effect was very good. Seeing that the alien corpse team became more and more obedient, and the area of ​​his base was getting bigger and bigger, Bai Lixin proposed to replace the patrolmen in the base with alien corpses.

Wang Yiyi thought, this is also very good.

Although there are power users on his base, some people do not accept him. But since the formation of this zombie team, everyone has at least respected him on the face.

Intimidating these subordinates with the Zombie team is not bad.

In this way, one year after Bai Lixin came to the base, the base has been quietly replaced by the alien corpse team.

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