The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 577: Then I saw that the ink seems to have also passed in that direction.

Chapter 577 then saw that the ink seems to have also passed in that direction.

She stared at him: "Just sitting and talking and talking, but it’s not so good when you touch your hand? Is it so rude to others?"

The man ignored her and went directly to the security guard outside the parking lot to pick up the electronic car key. He asked coldly: "Where is it?"

The security guard respectfully said: "Sir, your car was just parked in the underground parking lot No. 208 on the B2 floor."

Mo Jingshen went straight through the stairs of the parking lot.

The warmth of the season and then the eyes of Xiaohu, who is also coming out, Xiaohu, although there is no clear situation, but there is always a feeling of self-protection, has not been able to say anything, and quickly with the season warm up on the line of sight Keeping up with the back of Mo Jingshen, he shouted loudly: "Mr...."

As soon as he got into the car, Mo Jingshen sat behind, and he didn't take care of him or look at her in the warm season.

He looked down and picked up a few pieces of information on the back seat of the car, and his face was cold and smelly.

He didn't talk, the seasons didn't talk, and the man's slender fingers turned the information in his hand when she didn't exist.

Xiaohu looked at the time while driving, and then boldly opened his mouth in the atmosphere of the car too quiet: "Mr., this morning's exhibition ended very early, will your afternoon trip continue? Going back to the hotel directly? It’s already more than 12 o'clock. You and the season haven’t had lunch yet. Would you like to find a place to eat first?”

"Okay." The season warmed up and promised that she was just hungry.

The man didn't have a sly look, and she looked at her face as soon as she heard that she was going to eat, and said coldly: "No matter."

Seeing that he was willing to talk, the season warmed and looked at him: "Would you like to eat Chinese food or Western food?"

Ink darkly looked at her silently as if nothing had happened, and her eyes were cool and she did not say a word.

The warm season was very consciously turned around and stopped looking at him. He made a decision: "I have been eating Chinese food for a few days ago. I have not seen any particularly delicious Chinese food here. I am going to eat Western food today."

Xiao Hu Jianmo has never spoken, and he continues to drive and look for a western restaurant that looks good nearby.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they gave the menu a la carte, and Mo Jingshen threw the menu to Xiaohu, let him come.

Xiaohu continued to tremble: "That, Mr. Me, although I know your taste, but I don't really understand the taste of the season, or else you will come to the place?"

There is no plan to pick up the menu in the warm season. Anyway, just eat it. She gave Xiao Hu a look and asked him to give the menu to Mo Jingshen.

And Mo Jingshen has no plans to pick up.

The man underestimated: "Want to eat what you want, I don't even understand the man's vision and taste now, and how can you know what you like to eat."

Seasonal warmth: "..."

What do you mean? It is said that she is now slightly better at Mr. Vinse. Satire that she can't see the man's vision and taste now?

Xiao Hu: "..."

Is this ink jealous?

"Today's position is arranged after the arrangement, the distance is closer. In the past few years, Mr. Vinse has taken care of me too. There is nothing wrong with saying a few words with him. In addition, Mr. Vinse pursued me for more than three years. Everyone is an adult. I haven’t had a problem with him. It’s nothing more than touching my hand and talking. I’m so upset?”

Ink deep looked at her silently, his eyes cool.

Xiaohu has slowly stood up and felt that this topic is really unsuitable for listening. He whispered: "I am going to the bathroom..."

After the end, the oil on the soles of the feet flashed first.

Some waiters waiting for the waiter, politely asked: "Miss, what do you want?"

Generally, in this case, men will let women, so I am accustomed to asking the woman directly.

The warm season looked at the menu, did not want to continue to take up the waiter's time, so I just ordered a few, and then the waiter took the menu back and turned away.

Look down on the phone during the warm season.

He does not speak, she will not take the initiative to speak.

Anyway, this is something that she was not angry with, and she was so angry that she was so angry that even if she had been glued with him before, she didn’t know how to go, not to mention that she didn’t plan to go now. coax.

She was too lazy to manage her anger.

Although she has always maintained a friend's attitude towards Mr. Vinse, she has not agreed to it for three years, and she has never been able to overcome it. She has always adhered to her own principles.

However, in the past three years, Mr. Vinse has been helping a lot of himself, and he has taken care of himself many times. This is true. In the past three years, she has never had the appearance of Mo Jingshen when she encountered problems. He is basically stocking her. The state, even if it follows her trajectory of life, some things he has to let go, have to let her go.

In the past three years when he did not care, she was still strong and supportive and helpful. During the time when he was not with her, she was grateful to everyone who had helped her. So she can't hold a cold attitude towards Mr. Vinse.

Concerned about Mr. Vinse's body, there is nothing wrong with it. If it is the summer body that is not comfortable, she will only take a tough attitude that is more concerned about even taking Xia Tian directly to the hospital.

How can you not care about your friends?

When Xiao Hu came out of the bathroom, he looked at the atmosphere on the table far away, as if he was still cold.

I hesitated for a long time before I went back, but I tried to reduce my sense of existence. I didn’t dare to say that the warmth of the season and the seat of the general manager of BGY was arranged by him. I thought that I would like to arrange the warmth of the season next to the partner, but the result was This kind of thing comes.

When Xiaohu came back, the warmth of the season suddenly rose: "I also go to a bathroom."

Xiao Hu coughed and coughed. In this atmosphere, urinary sputum is indeed the best way.

He was busy pointing to the direction of the bathroom: "The lady is there, it seems to be on the second floor, and the first floor is for men."

Nodded warmly in the season, pick up your bag and mobile phone and turn around.

Less than a minute after the warm season left, Mo Jingshen also got up, Xiao Hu eyelids jumped, did not dare to speak, only quietly looked at the ink, and then saw that the ink seems to have also gone in that direction.

Just now he reminded the warm season that the ink should have been heard, but when Xiao Hu’s eyes looked in that direction, he saw his own president, BOSS, passing straight in front of the men’s special toilet, and the long legs were straight. Stepped onto the stairs leading to the second floor.



(Hey, I’ve seen everyone’s comments. I’ll apply to the editor for the explosion, but a lot of the manuscripts are really hurt. My book exploded in May and July, and I need to adjust the status. Time, and now during the summer vacation, my baby's kindergarten is also on holiday, the code is very slow in the case of children at home. Then a few days is the anniversary of my husband and I, and I plan to go out to play for the whole family. I did it at least 6,000 words a day, and I promised that I have never been in arrears. I will compare my heart. I write a text, you read the text, but there are individual readers who speak, please don’t be so arrogant, as if I wrote The text is owed to you, or the sentence, hi is not happy, then go.)

(End of this chapter)

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