It actually took a very short time. After a minute, the blond lady clapped her hands, reminding Mugen and others that the robot had been cleaned up. Pointing to the robot that came out of the instrument, the blond lady said: Now, you can give it a name. "

When she found that Mu Gen and others were silent, she smiled: Of course, you can go back and get it. "

With his heart pounding, Mugen returned to the car with the robot missing a right arm.

Prince and Tatarin both sat in the front seat, while the Mugens sat in the back. Looking at the robot sitting in the corner of the hovercar, Mu Gen asked softly:

Can I return that stone to you? "

Then, Mu Gen saw the blue light curve flashing on the robot's ghost screen.

Can. "

Robot z2093 is back in full.

The author has something to say: Regarding the relationship between robots and humans, there have been many disputes.

I always feel that there will be a day in the future when a relationship between the two is really needed.

☆、189|Chapter 189

The round stone returned to the hands of robot z2093 again. As a robot without any property, he could only hold the stone in his hand every day as before. After discovering this, Mugen bought him the most common one from a nearby jewelry shop. The long chain uses the adsorption method to fix the stone on the chain without damaging the stone. From then on, the robot z2093 can hang the stone wherever it goes.

After wiping off all the mildew and rust on the metal shell, the robot z2093 looks exactly like the nanny robot from the same batch, but with the addition of the metal chain around its neck, it looks different.

It stands to reason that a robot that changes its owner needs to change its name. However, since the robot z2093 originally had no name at all, Mugen asked him to think of a name. This question stumped the all-powerful real nanny robot. He originally planned to call the robot z2093, but Sigma denied the name and borrowed a book from Mugen: The Detailed Explanation of the Personality of Heaven and Earth in the Encyclopedia of Ancient Earth Names. (Sigma’s baby belly has a small area dedicated to keeping important items for Mugen. After Alpha and the others groped their bodies, he once expressed his intention to help Alpha and other robots keep it, but was rejected ̄▽ ̄), the two robots every day As soon as he returned to the hotel, he began to focus on studying nomenclature. However, after a week of tinkering, Mugen still couldn't hear the name they had come up with. Before a new name was decided, people still called him robot z2093.

Robot z2093 is a bit stuck: he is used to following human orders and doing things, but it is difficult for him to get instructions from his new owner."

On the first day of entering a new family, Mugen went out early in the morning. The person who went out with him today was Doug. Tatarin and Prince both knew that Mugen had a classmate whose ancestral home was Pandera. This classmate even ran back to his hometown specifically for Mugen. They tacitly agreed that this old classmate who was eager to help others would take Mugen all over the world. After all, since they were public officials, it was impossible for them to take Mu Gen to such a place.

Doug knows quite a lot about the black market, even more than Tatarin and the others know. When Prince was chatting with Mugen, he accidentally mentioned that Mugen, an old classmate, should be well-educated. As a rule, many channels are only in the hands of a small number of people. Some of them are even older than the founding of the empire. According to the speed of going to one or two markets in a morning, Prince was looking for it as early as four days ago. "Mugen has already walked through all the markets he knows under the leadership of his old classmates," but in fact, in the past four days, Mugen will still follow his classmates to visit the markets every day. These markets are the ones that Prince doesn't know at all and only A place that only certain people will know about.

Prince thought Mugen had been looking for materials, but he didn't know that Mugen was only following Doug half the time to find materials. The other half of the time, he was trying to figure out how to melt the Fabia book that Sigma had obtained before.

Mr. Sisser told him that the matter had been resolved and that he could use the Fabia. However, in view of the publicity with which the matter had been spread, Sisser suggested that he had better melt the book into an ordinary metal ball and then take it out.

This matter must not be left to Tatarin and the others, nor to Master Kenda. Mugen thought that the only person who could help him was Doug. He asked Doug to help him find a worker with a furnace that met the melting temperature of Fabia. There should be no one around.

At that time, Mugen was already ready to explain to Doug how the piece of Fabia came from. Who knew that Doug didn't ask at all, but actually took him to such a workshop the next morning. .

But Doug also didn't introduce the workshop to Mugen.

Then Doug walked out of the room with the furnace and locked the door, leaving the private space to Mugen.

After three consecutive days of high-temperature dissolution, the book-shaped Fabia finally turned into a liquid in the furnace. The liquid was poured out carefully. The moment it came out of the furnace and came into contact with the air, all the Fabia molten material quickly gathered into a natural spherical shape.

The furnace of the workshop introduced by Doug was particularly good, and there was basically no loss during the dissolution process. The Fabia Mugen received was basically still 22 kg.

Putting the piece of Fabia in his bag, Mugen went out and nodded to Doug who was in a daze outside, and then Doug sealed the entire workshop again.

I'm going back tomorrow. "Sitting on the public hovercar with Mu Gen, Doug suddenly said.

ah? \u0026rdquo


I only have these few days of vacation, and I have to go back to work tomorrow. " Thinking that Mu Gen didn't hear clearly, Doug repeated it again.

By the way, it is indeed tomorrow. "As soon as Doug came back, he told Mu Gen how many days his vacation was. Mu Gen just didn't expect that time passed so quickly.

Thank you, Doug. "Looking sideways at the young man with glasses on the side, Mu Gen thanked him very sincerely.

I haven't found the materials for you yet. "Doug pushed up his glasses: We are going to the last market in a while, which is also similar to the stone gambling market you mentioned."

There are several types of black market in Pandera. One is the stone gambling market, which can only try your luck; one is the exchange market, where you can only exchange metal for metal, and the other is the buying and selling market.

Mu Gen has been to all the markets in Pandra these days. He doesn’t believe in luck, so he has never participated in stone gambling. He only led Doug to look for local snakes and asked about the situation of Fabia and Mika. Unfortunately, Fabia Fabia and Mika are very rare metals, and the development rights are basically in the hands of the military. Fabia and Mika produced in a small amount of private mines are basically sold out as soon as they come out.

As before, Doug and Mugen were familiar with the road and ran to a small stall. The stall owner was an old man from the Trista tribe. He was wearing ordinary national clothes and the goods on the stall were also similar. It's very ordinary, but Doug would bring him here, which shows that this inconspicuous old man is the leader of this market.

It's already the second half of the year, and Mika mines are mined in the second month of the year. There are very few fish that slip through the net at this time, and there are none here. "This is very confidential information. After all, this old man has a few stones in his stall with the words "excavated in the Mika Mine" written on them.

The last hope was gone.

If it doesn't work, just change the material. "Doug said.

..." Mu Gen sighed.

Over the years, even though the design concept has been advanced, Uncle and his friends have fallen behind in many materials. What was once a top-notch robot has now become inferior to ordinary robots. Uncle and the others have actually wanted a new body for a long time, but they need it to go to school and to join Ollie in the army. Qian, Uncle and their new bodies have been delayed. This time it was a blessing in disguise that they could finally change their bodies. Sigma immediately drew a design. The design that Master Kenda finally saw was actually the result of the robots secretly discussing it for a long time. Especially the heart made of Mika material. Uncle Alpha and the others have wanted this high-grade material for a long time. Uncle Alpha hid a poster torn from a magazine in his drawer, and that page was a piece of Mika ore.

Mugen was eager to grant their wishes.

That's all. "The other parts are easy to talk about, but the heart part cannot be disassembled repeatedly. Once assembled this time, the uncle and the others will have to wait for the next material change to replace the heart made of Mika.

But after all, Mu Gen was not one to let his low mood affect others. He quickly regained his composure and started walking around the stall with interest.

Although he went to many gambling stone markets, he never bought anything!

The chance of being able to gamble is less than 0.01%. "Doug warned him from the side.

But these stones are very beautiful~" Mu Gen squatted next to one of the stalls. There was no one else in this stall except the stall owner. The reason was very simple. There were really few stones here, and they were very small.

Due to the stones brought by robot z2093, Sigma has been discussing the collection of stones with him these days. Mugen, who has not played with stones for several years, couldn't help but get interested.

These stones are nothing at first glance. "Doug also squatted down. His voice was so loud that the stall owner opposite became anxious when he heard it.

Don't look too small, the stones here come from the Mika mine! Maybe there's Mika in there~ I heard that yellow golden eyes were dug out in that mine, maybe there's that kind of stone among these rocks! "

"Huang golden eye" is the popular name for the Terenmesu diamond. It is also the most expensive gemstone in the empire today. The top-grade Terenmesu diamond is golden-colored, just like the eyes of the Kantas royal family, so it used to be It's called the Cantas stone. Inlaid on the top of Louis I's scepter is a twenty-carat Trenmeisu diamond. However, after so many years, the Cantas with golden eyes have almost disappeared, and people have forgotten the Cantas stone. With the name Si Shi, more and more people call it "Golden Eyes".

There is such a precious stone, why don't you cut it yourself? "Doug said coldly, and Mu Gen quickly pulled him away.

It just looks familiar to me. This stone is a bit similar to the stone my brother likes. That stone is similar to the one in the hand of my new robot. Aren't they always playing with rocks a while ago? I just thought it would be a good idea to buy a few pieces for them to play with. "

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