Trafford’s Trading Club

Volume 2 Chapter 77 Seeds

Everything can be even the shop itself can be sold, so as the owner of this shop, he is naturally within the scope of selling.

no problem.

In fact, Boss Luo acquired this club inexplicably from his predecessor.

But the previous one didn’t hold Boss Luo’s chin like this last time, right?

"Why don't you say anything?" Nero seemed to be getting more and more unscrupulous, "Or are you saying that when it comes to yourself, you have countless excuses?"


Boss Luo shook his head at this time and said calmly: "I'm just thinking about the plan I can provide to Miss Nero about buying me."

At this moment, it was Nero's turn to be stunned and said subconsciously: "What? Isn't there an abd package?"

"Because you didn't explain how long you would buy me for. Is it permanent or a short period of time?" Luo Qiu said calmly: "Since the customer's request is not specified, we will naturally calculate various plans."

Nero frowned... She didn't really intend to buy the boss, it was just a sudden move in her heart, something similar to a prank. Of course, another thing is that she wanted to see what the boss looked like when he was angry. .

There is so much mystery behind this club, and it is impossible to know what kind of power it has... Naturally, we need to explore the bottom line here from all aspects.

But hearing the boss talk in such a tone that he even treated himself as a commodity immediately disrupted her original rhythm.

Here, not only is it the boss, but there is also the maid next to him... There is a strange atmosphere everywhere.

"Are there many plans?" Nero held Luo Qiu's face with both hands. Even through the mask, he seemed to be able to feel the breath of both parties. "I don't mind listening slowly."

"It takes too much time to explain each one."

Luo Qiu's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange brilliance... This gleam of brilliance suddenly looked into Nero's eyes.

Nero shivered violently at this moment... It felt like something had quietly sneaked into his body... and was hiding somewhere all of a sudden.

A place that was deeper than her thoughts... just attached to it, and then disappeared without a trace...

She didn't know what it was even hard to tell if it had ever happened.

Because, at the same time, a large amount of explosive information began to explode in her mind.

From the price of purchasing one second of time to purchasing one hour of time... it continues indefinitely, with price information for every second!

Not only that, it even includes additional transaction fees required for different value-added services.

In other words, the boss now calculated the price required to buy him down to every second, and used his theoretically almost endless life as the length, and exploded all this information in Nero's mind.

This is only a matter of seconds, and it is already challenging the limits of information processing in the human brain.

At this time, Nero, whose head seemed to be about to explode, could he still care about flirting with the owner of this shop? She grabbed her hair with both hands and groaned in pain, "Stop...stop! Stop..."

"Guest, I'm doing this for your own good." Luo Qiu said calmly: "The price is clearly marked. For the guest, of course, the clearer the better, right? What's more, this is only information for exactly three years..."

"I don't buy it! I don't buy it! Stop! Stop!"

Nero's head felt like it was about to explode.

Then she heard the snapping sound of the boss's fingers as they intertwined, and she suddenly felt that time had become pure.

Nero lay limply on the table, breathing heavily and spreading his legs casually... In a short period of time, he was already sweating profusely.

After a long time, Nero felt that her head became clearer, and the feeling of dizziness and almost nausea gradually faded away, but she was still extremely tired... extremely mentally tired.

She didn't even have the strength to move her fingers, just lying there.

...just lying on a table in front of a man who was technically a stranger.

"It's enough to just quote a total price. He is indeed a very bad-hearted person." Nero shook his head, "If you want to buy, buy the whole thing. If you use your time to buy, what's the difference between renting?"

With that said, Nero didn't wait for Luo Qiu's answer, fearing that the other party would make his head explode again, so he quickly threw out the bag containing the 'coins' again.

"Send me to Jeju Island...let me come back in two weeks. See if it's enough for the travel expenses back. If not, I'll walk back by myself...If there are more, I'll leave them here for you first, and I'll come back to get them."

"Right away?"

"As fast as possible!"

"As you wish, distinguished guest."

The moment Boss Luo stood up and waved, the sweating woman on the table had disappeared...but there were still traces of the pressure from the body on the table.

Traces of sweat.

Youye wiped it clean without saying a word, and the speed of the action even surprised Luo Qiu.

"Well, it seems that this guest just said that he would send it to Jeju Island, and he didn't specify where he would send it. If it falls in some strange place, it shouldn't be out of range, right?"

The boss suddenly said this.

The maid's cleaning of the table slowed down.

Luo Qiu had never seen any angry expression on Youye's face...but these subtle movements seemed to indicate that she had these things.

Of course, maybe it was so slight that even she couldn't notice it.

"Master, judging by Miss Nero's behavior, she may be able to become a real regular customer." Youye said after putting away the small bag left by Nero.

Cook’s information was bought, and the time required for Cook to recover his memory was also bought. Even going to Jeju Island was bought with mobile... Listening to Youye saying this, Boss Luo suddenly thought of something similar to this strangely. Another situation.

Why do I look like an NPC merchant in the game, dedicated to serving these earthly OL players?

"I can only say that Miss Nero knows how to play this game."

Luo Qiu smiled slightly and closed his eyes... He was waiting for another pair of eyes to open.

Because the boss quietly sowed a seed on Nero, and he intuitively did not let the club notice such behavior.

In other words, the club turned a blind eye to this.

The other pair of eyes had just opened at this time.

Nero, who had just opened her eyes, realized that her situation was a bit bad, but she obviously didn't mind much as she was generous by nature.

Nero simply took out a piece of candy and stuffed it into his mouth, because waiting for the fishing boat to pass by was always boring.

She was on a rock at the moment, and it was visually... four or five nautical miles away from the shore, right?

At night, Cheese was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep...but his brothers and sisters slept soundly.

The reason why Cheese felt like he couldn't sleep might be because the huge gymnasium next to him kept banging on.

Have you heard that a grand TV show or concert will be held there in a few days?

The mouse demon who has been working hard for a living has not paid attention to these things in the human world at all...but disturbing people's dreams is wrong!

Cheese then went out and quickly climbed to the roof of the old house. He took out the whistle hanging around his neck and blew it gently.

Soon after, a black shadow quickly climbed up the roof of the old house from the other side and came to Cheese's side.

It's an iron whistle.

I saw the iron whistle with its limbs pressed to the ground and its tail swaying, looking quite tame.

Cheese reached out and patted Tie Shao's head gently, then looked at the lights of the gymnasium that were still on, thinking that he couldn't sleep anyway, he smiled and said: "Tie Shao! Let's go there to play. Come on! These guys stay up late at night and are noisy... let’s go catch them!"

Iron Whistle just rubbed his head against Cheese's body, seeming to agree.

So the cheese immediately climbed up the back of the iron whistle

The iron whistle suddenly jumped down from the roof, but it did not fall to the ground. Instead, two pairs of cicada-like wings suddenly appeared from under its armpits.

Tsk tsk, tsk tsk.

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