Trafford’s Trading Club

Chapter 40: There are many things to do

The police car stopped in front of an old building.

Of course, the two police officers who drove up were no longer there. They were currently in the second-floor unit of this building, and they were accompanied by several forensic witnesses.

There is no doubt that this was a homicide. According to common sense, the number of manpower that should be deployed at this kind of murder scene should be at least several times that of the current one.

But obviously this time, there were more forensic officers searching for evidence than police officers maintaining order and looking for clues. As for the so-called maintenance of order, in fact, they just set up a cordon downstairs, and there was even no one to guard it.

The reason for this is not that the police officers who maintain order in the city are slacking off or inactive. Although this city has always been civilized with poor public security, the fact is: not only did a major hostage-taking incident occur last night, but even the Senate President On his way home, he was assassinated. At the same time, the local Chief Jose was also shot dead by gangsters in the theater. Now the entire police system has become extremely chaotic, and a large number of manpower have also been mobilized.

Various reasons resulted in the arrival of only two police officers.

"Mrs. Riley, please repeat, you are the owner of this house, right?" A police officer was facing Mrs. Riley with a recording pen.

Mrs. Riley said: "Yes, this house was left to me by my husband. There are currently four tenants."

On the other side, the second police officer is questioning Arnold, the tenant of the unit where a murder occurred.

Of course, the questioning here must be much more careful. The police not only opened the voice recorder, but also took a small notebook to write down the clues they thought were important.

"Are you sure you didn't know the deceased?" the police officer asked.

"I don't know, I have never seen this woman." Arnold shook his head.

The police officer snorted coldly: "You said you didn't know the deceased, then why did she appear in your house? We have checked the door you entered, and there is no sign of damage. Although it is not high here, from the outside You can also crawl in. We even assume that the deceased woman is a thief... But the most valuable thing in your house is probably the only air conditioner in the bedroom, right? "

"Officer, listen to me, I really don't know this woman, and I don't know how she got into my house." Arnold said hurriedly: "I was at school all night, and I just left this morning... …The doorman, the doorman can vouch for me!”

"Did I ask you this?" the police officer snorted, "Why are you so anxious to explain?"

"I..." Arnold swallowed, subconsciously adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, and did not dare to speak.

From the outside, Arnold looked like a nerd rather than a college student with a strong personality and keeping up with the latest trends.

At this time, the communicator worn by the police officer on his shoulder rang.

After listening quietly for a moment, he looked at Arnold again and said: "Through the ID card left by the deceased, we found the personal information of the deceased. Who do you think this woman is?"

Arnold asked curiously: "Who is he?"

"Her name is Livia. She used to be a prostitute. She has been arrested. I think she may still be in this profession now." The police officer stared into Arnold's eyes and suddenly said: "Sir, do you have the habit of soliciting prostitutes?"

Arnold was stunned, and then said with a rather excited expression: "What on earth do you mean? Do you suspect that I killed someone? Mrs. Riley was also present at the time, and we all saw with our own eyes that someone climbed downstairs from my house and escaped. It’s a woman!”

"Quiet!" The police officer snorted coldly. "You only need to answer the questions I asked. Don't say anything else! Answer me, do you have the habit of soliciting prostitutes?"

Perhaps the opponent's momentum was too strong. Arnold's face turned pale and he quickly said: "No."

At this time, another police officer who was taking notes with Mrs. Riley came over, and the two began to talk quietly.

Then the latecomer looked at Arnold and narrowed his eyes, "You said you didn't know the deceased? Then why did your landlord, Mrs. Riley, tell me that she had seen women walking out of your house several times?"

"Impossible!" Arnold shook his head, "I really don't know this woman..."

"Really?" the police officer sneered: "Actually, it is very simple to prove whether this woman has been here before. There are surveillance videos in the nearby streets, and we can investigate the previous records. At the same time, there are many people downstairs. There are so many people in the shop, if this woman really comes here several times, she will always find someone who has an impression of her...don't you think so?"

Arnold's face changed slightly at this time.

"You're lying!" the police officer shouted coldly.

Arnold's face turned pale, and then he hesitated and said: "Officer... I do have something to hide, but can we just talk about it alone?"

After the two police officers exchanged a look, they brought Arnold out, "Okay, if you are smart, you should know that you have to tell us the truth!"

"Officer, I swear, I really don't know this woman." Arnold swallowed at this time, and then hesitated: "But I think... I may know why she appeared in my house."

"You don't know? Maybe you know?" The police officer listened and said angrily: "Boy, are you kidding us?"

Arnold quickly shook his palms, "No, no, no, please listen to me. I... I actually have an older brother. Maybe he knows this woman?"

"Your brother?" The two police officers suddenly frowned.

Arnold sighed and said: "Yes, my brother... we are twin brothers. This is true. You should be able to check the records in this regard. My brother's name is Hailey..."

The police quickly conducted an investigation, and because of the information provided by Arnold, the information about Haley was quickly verified.

Looking at the simple information about Haili on the phone and the ID photo of Haili sent from the headquarters, the police compared Arnold's appearance at this time and frowned: "They are really twins... …You mean, this deceased person was brought back by your brother?”

"Maybe, I'm just guessing." Arnold sighed: "My brother and I don't have a good relationship. The last time he came to my house was two months ago. But a strange thing happened at that time. That was that a spare key to my house was missing. I didn’t think much about it at the time...but now that I think about it, I’m afraid my brother took it away secretly.”

The police officer wondered: "Even if he took it away, why did he bring this woman? Also, why did you and Mrs. Riley see another woman running away?"

Arnold shook his head: "How do I know this? I have already said that I just came back from school early in the morning, and I have no idea what happened here! But..."

"But what?" the police officer asked.

Arnold frowned and said: "After hearing you tell me the identity of the deceased, I remembered things from the past. When my parents were still alive, our family of four still lived in everything. My brother... Hailey already liked him very much at that time. He likes to find young ladies, and would even bring them home directly in order to save the cost of part-time accommodation. And the deceased happened to be a ****, so I have reason to believe that Haili secretly took the young lady with him when I was not at home. Come up and do those things..."

The police officer snorted coldly: "Since there is such an important clue, why didn't you tell us at the beginning? Instead, you waited until we found out you were lying before you revealed your true feelings?"

Arnold seemed to be driven into panic. At this time, he grabbed his hair in pain and squatted on the ground.

"Because... because I don't want people to know that I have such a brother. Officer, if you have found his information, you should know what kind of person my brother... this scumbag Hailey is, right? ?Theft, drug use, fighting, hurting others, illegal traffic jams, jail time... I think his file should be as thick as a dictionary! And what about me? Since I was a child, I have studied seriously and had excellent academic performance. Later I I worked hard to get into this prestigious university. In the eyes of others, I am a promising person... I don't want people to know that I have such a twin brother..."

Seemingly unable to control his inner emotions, Arnold suddenly raised his head and roared: "Can you feel that feeling? There is a person in this world who looks exactly like you, but he does all kinds of bad things. !Every day, I don’t know how many people hate this face behind my back! Every day, I don’t know how many people are looking for revenge on this face! You...can you feel that kind of fear, can you understand the hatred in my heart? ?!”

"Recently, the department gave me an additional scholarship because of my good grades, and my supervisor also recommended a very good internship company to me..." Arnold took off his glasses, covered his eyes, and said with a little Er's cry: "If...if others know that Hailey is my brother and know that he may be related to the murder case, then all my...all my hard work will be...all..."

With his shoulders twitching, this young man in his early twenties squatted in front of the two police officers and cried silently.

The police officer who first questioned Arnold shook his head, took out a pack of tissues, and patted Arnold on the shoulder: "Okay, we will carefully verify what you said when we get back. Of course, you started It is also true that they have not cooperated with us...but forget it, we will not pursue this matter for the time being."

"So, you know your brother... I said it's Hailey, do you know where he is? Or how to find him?" Another police officer asked at this time.

Arnold wiped his eyes, took back his glasses, shook his head and said, "I don't know where he is. He has always taken the initiative to find me. Sometimes even if I avoid him, he will You can always find me. To be honest, where can’t a person like him stay? Today at this woman’s house, tomorrow at another woman’s house, maybe the day after tomorrow at the casino, and the day after tomorrow, maybe in prison.”

The police officer took notes and then asked: "Then when was the last time he came to see you? You said two years ago, do you remember the exact time? Did he say anything to you at that time? Who did he mention? some type of?"

"It should have been late October, around the 25th and the 6th." Arnold frowned: "I don't quite remember what I said. At that time, I didn't want to talk to this guy at all, and I was just trying to deal with him. "

"No more? I want to be careful, anything I can remember." The police officer asked.

Arnold rubbed his forehead, then hesitantly said: "By the way, he seemed to have said that day that he would have money in two days and buy me a big house by then."

Arnold shook his head and sneered: "How much money can a person like him have? Even if he does, I don't know where it came from or was robbed. I don't want this kind of money!"

The two police officers later continued to ask Arnold a lot of questions, and then told him to keep in touch and be able to find him at any time. They did not drive away until it was getting late.

Mrs. Riley didn't know what the police said after taking Arnold away. At this time, she asked with concern: "Arnold, are you okay? They didn't do anything to you, right? Don't say nothing, if they bully you If you say so, I will sue them! These freeloaders know how to bully us!"

"No, no, they just asked me some details." Arnold shook his head and comforted: "They were very polite to me, they were just curious about why the deceased could come in."

"Yes, how could these two women come in? How strange is it?" Mrs. Riley suddenly looked at Arnold strangely, " really don't know?"

Arnold smiled bitterly and said: "If I could know, I wouldn't have such a headache... Now they have sealed off the scene. I don't know where I live today."

Mrs. Riley nodded and suddenly said: "It's a pity. The sewer pipe in my house just broke today, and it stinks! Otherwise, I would definitely let you stay for a few nights... How about you stay outside for a while? It doesn't matter. Yes, I can reimburse you."

"No, I'll go back to school. There's a resting place over there." Arnold watched Mrs. Riley suddenly pull away a little, and without saying anything more, he lowered his head: "I...I'll go first. Back to school.”

"Then...well, be careful." Mrs. Riley nodded without holding back.

"Sir, do we really believe what this guy says?"

In the far away police car, a conversation began between the two police officers.

"There is nothing to believe or not." The person being asked said casually: "We will go to the university to ask questions later, and then check Hailey's detailed information. In addition, the deceased's mobile phone is still there, go back Unlock it and take a look at the final communication record... Also, let the forensics provide the results as soon as possible, and then we can just follow the book."

"All right."

The companion didn't say much. Now the system is in chaos, and several factions have begun to take action, all trying to seize the empty position left by Jose's death.

At this time, the police officer who was being questioned suddenly said: "There will be, right?"


"Two brothers like this. The elder brother is a bad guy, and the younger brother is a future social elite."

"There are many." He responded calmly. 19

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