<[Agna] i a movie that' in the making for a few year already and from a movie that' been in pre production hell for a long time, you would epect that the chance of thing going wrong would be ignificantly higher but fortunately, it' not the cae with [Agna] at all. The movie i like fine wine and Aiden Silvereye might get an Ocar nomination for thi role. He' jut very effortle in the kin of Agna. The clima i the heart.

-Hollywood Reporter.>

<For bipoc, you can go a lot of way. Either howing the peron' high or the thing that he achieved but [Agna] focue more on the mental apect of a upertar. Something that' rarely done in cinema and at the end of the movie, omewhere in my heart, I wa glad I have decided to review movie not make them. The final ong would probably make people cry. A mut watch!

-Vanity Magazine.>

<Agna ha a lot of drawback a omewhere, you would epect it to be more of an etravaganza but it' not that type of a movie. Still, it achieve what it want to and that i the mot important thing in the movie. The muic and the cat overhadow the cinematography and editing clearly. Epect the Ocar jury to take keen attention to thi movie in the nomination.

-LA Time.>

Review were oon out for the movie and the pre booking wa alo going well. Though, a lot of people were trying to ave up for [Judgment] that wa going to be releaed net week. 

But till, with good review, the hype wa made. More people who were older were intereted in the movie a they were the one who have eperienced Agna' tardom and were very intereted in knowing about hi life tory. 

At the ame time, a lot of people were alo going to watch it jut becaue of the muic in the trailer and promo. The ound deign wa omething that wa better than mot of the movie that have come out thi year. 

Dicuion online about it were rampant due to thi. 

[Hollywood remake factory: I anyone going to watch [Agna] tomorrow?]

[Naming my kid Boy: My grandpa i uper ecited to watch for ome reaon. She told me that Agna wa omeone who every girl ha a cruh on back in the 70. I'm taking her to watch it. From the trailer, I'm intereted too.]

[Superhero conundrum: I'm aving money for [Judgment]. It' etremely epenive to go to movie thee day and I can't mi a uperhero movie. [Agna] in't really intereting to me a I don't enjoy movie with no action.]

[American gun pecialit: Very ecited for [Agna]. Jut becaue of Aiden and [Action Hero]. I had a lot of fun in that movie with my friend. Thi eem like a very different eperience but I'm pretty ure it' going to be a good one. I believe Aiden' cript choice a lot.]

[My dog i a dawg: Thi movie hould have been releaed on Zetfli. No interet in it. Me and my boy are gonna watch [Judgment].]

Like that, there were a lot of opinion on the movie but now that it wa releaing, the reult were going to come out. 


"How do thee reporter even get an interview with omeone who lived in Tea?"

Aiden aked Wade who jut hrugged hi houlder. On the backeat, Tom wa looking up online review and rating for [Agna]. Beide him, Saha, hi PR manager wa itting. She wa from Tea, o he accompanied them on the trip. 

"Reporter will even go to Mar if it mean picy new. I'm pretty ure a few of them would be crawling around here too."

Wade looked outide the window, looking for anyone upiciou at Saha' word. They were currently in a reidential area of Tea where Anna Bathe uppoedly lived. 

A Aiden wa getting curiou about why he hated Agna o much, he had decided to meet her. One of the reaon wa alo to top her from giving venomou interview. 

"Anyway, it' that houe, right?"

Aiden pointed at a houe and Wade nodded. 

"Thi hould be it."

"Okay, I will go and ring the doorbell. Though, I feel like I will be chaed out."

"Want me to come with you?"

Wade aked but Aiden hook hi head in rejection. He needed to talk to the woman alone. 

‘I hould have been viiting theatre to ee public reaction but whatever. Here goe nothing.'

He thought before getting out of the car. 

Aiden took a deep breath and walked toward the door. Looking around, he aw no one and rang the doorbell. 

There wa no anwer. It wa an old type of doorbell without any video creen to check who it wa. Aiden rang it again and thi type, he heard foottep. 

In the net few econd, the door opened and a woman appeared. 

"I told you all I'm not giving any more inter—"

The woman began to peak but when he aw who wa tanding in front of her, he froze. She opened and cloed her mouth before a frown appeared on her face. 

‘She look very old. Probably he' the one I'm looking for.'

Aiden thought in hi mind. 

The woman looked to be in her 70 with white hair. There were wrinkle on her face which were highlighted more becaue of her frowning. She wa a head horter than Aiden but depite her age, he looked fit. 

He felt like he had een her omewhere before. At leat, her face looked familiar. Probably from the memorie of Agna he had een. 

Before Aiden could open hi mouth, the woman poke. 

"Why are you here? Trying to ue me for my interview? I'm telling you right now if you try, I'm going to ue firt."

"I'm not here for that. Even if we have uch intention, you won't ee me but a lawyer."

Aiden countered and the old woman who he had already aumed a Anna Bathe blinked her eye. 

"Why are you here then?"

"I want to talk to you."

"About what."


They talked like that for a minute before the woman looked around, noticing a car in which Wade wa itting in the front row. Frowning again, he getured for him to come in. 

Aiden walked in with her and noticed that the houe wa pretty old fahioned. There weren't many acceorie and Anna eemed to be living alone.

No family picture on the wall either. When they reached the living room, he getured for him to it down. 

"What do you mean you are here to talk about Agna? I don't want anything to do with him."

"If you don't want anything to do with him, then why are you pewing venom againt him o much? Why do you even hate Agna o much?"</o>

Aiden looked at her and for a moment, Anna didn't know what to ay. She ighed and cloed her eye. 

A complicated epreion appeared on her face before he opened her mouth again. 

"Agna and I were friend. Probably more than that. It wa a pretty good time in my life. At leat when it tarted, my relationhip with him. But I wan't able to handle hi tardom. Too many people ued to meet him everyday. New face everyday. I didn't even know them. Never did. The contant media around him and… me. I wan't able to handle it. We had fight. It got over. He wa devatated but it wa better than waiting for thing to go beyond a line. I moved out of town, away from the article and he… roe more and more to godhood."

Anna tarted peaking. Aiden litened to each of her word with attention, trying not to mi anything and at the ame time, he wa trying to remember if he had een thi in the memorie of Agna. 

"What happened then?"

"I got married to a normal guy. He wan't really pecial but it wa enough. My married life wa good. Normal. Year went by and one day, Agna approached me on the treet. I didn't know if it wa a coincidence or not but he found out. I wa happy becaue I felt like we both have matured. He wanted to meet and talk, and hear about how I'm doing. I already knew what he wa doing. He wa everywhere."

Aiden uddenly blinked hi eye a he realied omething. 

Something clicked inide hi head. 

‘Wait, I know who Anna i…'

He thought and the net word from Anna confirmed hi thought. 

"We met a friend thi time. It wa good. He ued to ing me ong. Wa happy to know that I wa good. Then one day, he aked me out, aying that he wanted to get thing better thi time and wa thinking of leaving muic. I told him off, aying I have a huband. He left without aying anything but jut the net day, there wa an article on a major newpaper with a photo of me and him."

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