White-Robed Chief

: Persistent return

PS: This is a manuscript sent to WeChat subscription number writer assistant.

I have been writing for ten years. From "The Taoist in the World of Jinyong" to "The Monk in Another World" to "The City of the Holy Rider", the results are getting worse and worse, and I wonder if I can eat this bowl. Rice, do you want to put qì.

Last year, the monthly income even dropped to several hundred yuan.

The wife was pregnant and left home to take care of her. However, when the child was born, hospitalized, spent money, and cared for her mother and daughter, it was the time when money was most needed, but she had no money, and her savings quickly reached the bottom. Or find a job to support my family.

At the annual meeting of ww.iluke.nfo, I took hold of a group of editor-in-chief Wu Dao at that time, and asked him to give pointers, what should I write.

Wudao said at the time that I started from martial arts and was also suitable for writing martial arts, and that martial arts thinking ~ road ~ guest ww.iluke.nfo is being supported, and it is slowly rising, you can write and read.

I decided to listen to him and write martial arts.

It took three months to elaborate and concoct the elements of fantasy, knowing that we cannot hold the old martial arts, otherwise it will be miserable, we must make innovations and try to suit the appetite of readers.

The idea of ​​bringing fantasy elements into it was unexpectedly the same as that of the editor-in-chief of Zenk. The editor-in-chief zenk found me and said that my metaphysical upgrade system is very good, and he conceived and promoted the new era martial arts. It was a coincidence, and he was the leader in the transformation of the new era martial arts.

According to the editor-in-chief of zenk, the martial arts have been stagnated for too long, and it is impossible to keep up with the times. I also hope that my success will lead to more martial arts innovation. However, this was all later. At the time, he wrote the outline and 100,000 words, and submitted it to the then incumbent editor Fan Fan. Fan Fan pointed out the shortcomings of the outline and the lack of the beginning. Therefore, he rewritten seven times the beginning and was hit decently and incompletely.

The collection and response during the new book is very common. After it was put on the shelves, there were only more than 2,000 subscriptions. It may be good for a novice, but it is very bad for an old hand like me who has been writing for ten years.

At the beginning of the shelves, I was full of energy. I wrote ten more a day, but later, when I saw that all orders were not rising, and I tried hard as if in vain, I was slowly disappointed, desperate, and felt that I was a servant again. I really Not suitable for writing again, can not continue to write web articles because I like, I have to find a job to support my family.

Under discouragement, from the original ten changes every day, to six changes, three changes.

However, at this time, two turning points appeared. A new martial arts editor-in-chief zenk and the responsible editor of ink painting helped arrange recommendation as a boost. By the end of the month, it rose to more than 5,000.

The other was already very discouraged. At this time, an lord suddenly appeared, called a gentle gangster.

It's like a light falling in the dark. In the first three books of my book, only a few two or three leaders, only in the middle and late periods, appeared.

Chat with the leader. He likes this book very much. He wants to help me win readers, send a lot of thoughts ~ road ~ guest ww.iluke.nfo red envelope, and promote it to other author groups.

With such support, I can only desperately, so regain my spirit, unplug the network cable, write hard, write six changes a day.

However, there are more things to be happy. The editor-in-chief zenk and the editor-in-chief ink and wash, in addition to rushing to the average book of three thousand, but hòu rose all the way, the reader's support by the third month of the new book, has reached more than six thousand average book.

I have always loved writing, even when the 24-hour subscription of "The Taoist in the World of Jin Yong" fell to three or four hundred, I still insisted on writing because I like it, even if the monthly income is only three or four thousand, which is far lower than the income of peers I have also been writing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ because I like it, but I only have three or four hundred incomes. When I have a child, I can only give up my likes.

My dream has always been a monthly income of 10,000 yuan, but hòu can write my book happily, no longer have to worry about life, even if the talent is not enough, can not soar like other authors, and is very content, Because I like writing.

For ten years, I have not been able to achieve it. Persistence till now, when I was about to put qì, suddenly gave me a return far beyond what I wanted.

I ca n’t be considered a success, but it ’s better than before. The road to web writing is easy and difficult. If you are not talented, you need to persist and wait for your chance.

Thanks for reading, thanks to my new and old editor, responsible editor, and QQ for reading. Thanks to my allies, if there wasn't the first gentleman of the first allies to appear, I might have published this book, I might have posted a web article, and I have no chance to write these words at this time.

Thank you to everyone who supports me and subscribes to my genuine subscription! (To be continued.)

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