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Chapter 490 Breaking the Loss

All the generals?

Gao Yu and Li Feng couldn't help but look at each other. The deep meaning of the eyes was clear to each other. Half a ring, both of them also tacitly bowed toward the cloud dance.

"Yes! Miss Nine!"

Seeing this, the cloud dance was satisfied with the slightly raised mouth and looked at them; "Come on, let me go out."

Gao Yu and Li Feng were not talking about this time.

Yunwu just walked to the door, like suddenly thinking of something, turned his head; "Yes, one thing I forgot to tell you, the army is in my hands, then I will train according to what I ordered, including You generals lead the way, because what I need is a strong army, not a leftless army with no fighting spirit."

"Okay, I have to say so much for the time being. You pass the news down, and after you have assembled the people, you will go to the square and wait."

After the speech, Yun Wu did not go to see what Gao Yu and Li Feng picked up, and went out with the room.

Gao Yu and Li Feng, who stayed in the room, couldn’t help but look at each other and the expression on their faces was a bit complicated.

What does this nine lady mean?

She said that their current army is a sand army?

Is she insulting them?

still is……


After leaving the Gaoyu room, the cloud dance and the blue secluded directly went to the forest.

Deep in the forest, in the forest.

As soon as the cloud dance approached, it became clear that the forest seemed to be somewhat different than it was a month ago.

It feels like the locusts on the surrounding leaves are dense.

Moreover, I do not know that it is a leaf, and even the branches and the roots of the tree are covered. If you step into the forest, it is estimated that it will be attacked by the locusts.

"How much is this black scorpion so much?"

At this moment, the voice of Bai Laowei was heard in his mind.

Cloud dance swept around, although the sunset has now fallen, in the dim light of the evening, but it does not affect the view of the cloud dance.

"I also feel weird. This is only a month. How can there be so much black scorpion?"

"So dense, you probably can't get in." White old vacated from the necklace and floated on the side of the cloud dance.

Lan You looked at the white old man who suddenly appeared, and the blue dragon was cold and calm.

The bottom of the cloud dance was dull, but it quickly evoked the corner of his mouth. "If it was like this a month ago, I might not be able to get in, but it is not too difficult now."

When I spoke, the cloud dance looked slightly over the blue secluded; "Blue secluded!"

The voice of the cloud dance, the blue secluded understanding of what she wants to do.

In a pickpocket, under a blue light, the temperature of the ultimate drop is lowered in the air, and the faint blue light suddenly rushes through the forest and shrouds away.

In a twinkling of an eye, I saw that the surrounding forest was covered by a layer of light blue cold ice.

The cold is full of this space.

I saw that under the ice, all living bodies seemed to have been frozen and stopped.

At this moment, the cloud dance did not hesitate, the wind element wrapped around the body, and quickly went deep into the forest.

Ice, can temporarily suppress the black scorpion, but can not completely freeze them for a long time, this point, when the black mites were taken out from the soldiers, the bottom of the cloud dance has a bottom.

Therefore, at the moment of being frozen, the cloud dance did not hesitate.

White old and blue secluded to see this, naturally, immediately followed.

Through the dense forest, the cloud dance once again came to the last Shilin line.

"Do you know how to break this stone forest?" Bai Lao looked at the cloud dance and asked.

After waking up from her awakening, only a few days later, although she went to the third grade class to listen to a few courses of law, it is a matter of course.

"Can try!" For the formation method, the cloud dance is not really well understood.

However, Shilin array is not a high-level method, so she should be able to try.

"You are not afraid of disturbing the people inside?" Bai Lao is also aware of the cloud dance. She did not intend to sneak in at the beginning, and did not want to disturb the people inside.

She tried this, I am afraid I can't do it without thinking.

Yunwu heard the words, looked up and looked at the white old smile! "White old, after just that thing, do you think people inside will be afraid of being disturbed?"

Today, this soldier is fighting against the beast door. If the cloud dance is not wrong, I am afraid that the people inside are doing the tricks.

The people inside are trying to use the soldiers in the military camp to deal with those who have driven away those who are looking for the beasts.

White old glimpse, and then, the deep scorpion flashed a touch of color.

"You are a gimmick, thinking is really smart."

For the praise of the white old, the cloud dance said that it was very calm, and after a light laugh, the blue secluded temporarily took back the contract.

Immediately afterwards, the body shape moved, and when it was time, it flashed into the stone forest.

As soon as you enter the stone forest, the surrounding scene is completely changed.

All the green plants disappeared, leaving only the mountainous mountains like mountains, one after the other, and the endless and invisible.

It is like falling into a place, in the ridiculous stone sea, can't go out, and can't walk in.

The cloud dance sweeps around and steps forward.

It was soon discovered that no matter how she walked, it seemed to be in the same place, just like stepping into the maze.

It seems that Shilin array is really just a prisoner's battle, not a battle.

There are thousands of arrays, some of which are used for prisoners, and some are used for attacks, defenses, dead battles, etc...

This Shilin array for prisoners is not very advanced, but it is also difficult to break.

Just after half a ring.

The cloud dance changed slightly, and stopped the pace of progress.

"Taro, know how to break it?" Seeing that the cloud dance has been turned around in this stone forest for several times, finally stopped, and the old man could not help but ask.

Because, he suddenly had a strange feeling, but he couldn’t say it.

Anyway, it’s not right.

The cloud dance looked around, and couldn’t help but frown and shook his head; "No, but this seems to be a bit wrong."

It seems that the Stone Forest, which was originally a prisoner's way, suddenly changed.

Yes, it is a change.

Even if the scene at this time is the same as before, there is no change, but the feeling has completely changed.

what happened?

This kind of array method can not be transformed?

However, just as the cloud dance meditation sweeps around, suddenly there is a subtle movement that looms from somewhere.

- Be careful with the sky.

The sound of black arrogance in my mind rang.

The cloud dance suddenly raised her head, but only at the moment she looked up, she sank when her face was stunned.

I saw that the sky was full of dark fog, almost covering the entire sky above her head.

It’s black!

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