That night.

Since the recording of the second episode of the program has come to an end, the seven guests finally gathered again.

But this time, everyone works in the same company, and their positions are high and low. There is almost no need to compare wages, because if you think about it with your toes, you can guess that Song Qingyou, the secretary to the president, earns the most.

Not counting Zhao Yingnan, Shu Ling and Jiang Xuyan, the other three people have similar positions.

Among them, the one with the highest salary is Yu Muhuai.

It's not that his department's salary is more, but that Yu Muhuai is appreciated by the head of the planning department, and part of his salary is a bonus.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Yu Muhuai's name appearing below Song Qingyou, and then looked at the amount behind it.

"How did Brother Yu do it?" Tang Zinian asked aloud.

Yu Muhuai met the eyes of several people and smiled slightly:

"When I went to the department to report, I happened to help the supervisor."

Others spoke one after another, saying that he was the luckiest among them, except Song Qingyou.

After a few people exchanged ideas, Wei Zhengrong asked them one by one to share their thoughts over the past few days.

When it was Yu Muhuai's turn, he didn't know whether he meant it or not, but he suddenly mentioned Luo Zhen and said something unclear:

"My biggest feeling... is probably that, if possible, I hope fans and viewers can cherish life more. No matter how difficult it is, don't regard working and making money as everything in life."

As the assistant director of the planning department, Yu Muhuai should know that the department's work should not be so overwhelming that it would overwhelm people.

Did he suddenly say this out of emotion, or did he want to further intensify the conflict?

Yu Muhuai is just an artist. There is no reason to have trouble with Jiang Yuan Group. It is most likely the reason mentioned above.

But Song Qingyou's intuition was not right, and she glanced over with a slightly suspicious look.

Yu Muhuai looked sideways at the same time, and when his eyes met hers, he curved his lips gently.

It must be illusion, right?

Song Qingyou thought this way, and it was Jiang Xuyan's turn to talk about his thoughts.

"After working as a security guard for five days, what I think about the most is that netizens are very unreliable."

Zhao Yingnan said in a condescending manner: "Why are you so unreliable?"

"They say that being a security guard means you will avoid decades of detours. Most of the time it is easy, but in fact it is not easy at all..."

Jiang Xuyan joked a few words, which incidentally confirmed that the security of Jiangyuan Group was in place.

"Actually, there is something I want to complain about." Jiang Xuyan paused and looked at Song Qingyou, "Qingyou, can I say it?"

Song Qingyou nodded, she probably knew what the other party was going to say.

Jiang Xuyan did not "live up" to her expectations and said directly:

"When someone makes trouble in the company, our security guards have to go up and take the person away... I heard from the seniors in the department that in a few years there may not be anyone who dares to make trouble within the company."

"As soon as I said this, I was called upstairs. The cause seemed to be Qingyou. At that time, I thought it was just a coincidence."

"Unexpectedly, the second time I was called up, it was because of Qingyou! I was shocked at the time."

Jiang Xuyan's expression was exaggerated, making the others laugh.

After saying that, he joked, "If the show team keeps recording for a while longer, I think everyone in the company will have to avoid her when they see her."

Otherwise, you will end up being thrown out by the security guard.

Several people burst into laughter.

The seven of them talked about their feelings and then came to the punishment session set by Wei Zhengrong.

"Because the salary this time is fixed, our ranking will be based on the scores given by your superiors when you work. The full score is one hundred."

This time the ranking is much more subjective and idealistic.

But compared to sorting by salary, everyone accepts this ranking method.

The director did not hesitate to follow up and directly announced the rankings.

The people with the lowest scores are Tang Zinian, Xu Xingzhou and Zhao Yingnan.

As the scores were announced, there were also comments from superior leaders on several people.

"Tang Zinian, who scored the lowest this time, also got 80 points. The superior who rated you is the director of the marketing department. She said that you are very diligent and studious, but you are not suitable for the marketing department."

It means that the talent points are not in this area.

Xu Xingzhou's evaluation is not so specific. The main reason is that the warehouse management department only has so much work. No one can perform particularly well, and no one can perform too poorly.

As for Zhao Yingnan, her work is worthy of recognition. The problem is that she will not refuse others, so that sometimes she takes on too much work, causing mistakes.

The ratings of three people are above 80 and below 90.

The one in front of them was Shu Ling.

Compared to growing vegetables in the fields in the previous period, the work at the front desk is quite easy.

Then there is Jiang Xuyan.

He was quite surprised to learn that he was ranked third.

Then he sighed: "I thought I could counterattack this time!"

"Next, announce the first and second place."

Just when a few people thought that the director was trying to whet their appetites and they themselves were arguing about who was the first and the second, Wei Zhengrong tore off two notes at once.

The names of Yu Muhuai and Song Qingyou appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

The former is second and the latter is first.

However, the scores are all "100".

Wei Zhengrong explained: "Originally, the two should be tied for first place."

"But Qingyou's situation is quite special. The superior of the secretarial department is Assistant Fang. As a result, the program team invited Assistant Fang to give scores, and Assistant Fang also included Mr. Jiang's scores..."

Since Jiang Zhihan is the boss of the company, his rating weight should naturally be the highest.

What made the program team even more unexpected was that Jiang Zhihan also gave Song Qingyou perfect marks.

"What about the evaluation?" Jiang Xuyan asked.

Wei Zhengrong unhurriedly read his boss's evaluation of Yu Muhuai.

The content is very official and basically contains words of praise.

"As for Qingyou." The director paused, "Mr. Jiang's assessment is that the performance was good."

Tang Zinian asked in surprise: "Only five words?"

The director hummed, but took out another card from the envelope where the evaluation was taken.

"Although there are only five words to evaluate Qingyou, Qingyou got an offer from Jiangyuan Group."

This means that as long as Song Qingyou is willing, she can stay in the secretarial department.

Jiang Xuyan wowed, "Last time Qingyou got an offer as a kindergarten teacher, and this time I got it again... Is this the treatment you get from a big boss?"

Song Qingyou took the card, which had Fang Yan's contact information.

She already had this.

But getting it on this occasion means that if she wants to stay in the company as a secretary, she can contact Fang Yan at any time, which has a different meaning.

After the rankings are announced, the show will enter the punishment phase.

The punishment for this episode is the same as the previous one, blind selection of ingredients and juicing.

It's just that the program team provided more ingredients than last time, and there were even fried dishes...

When I think about the oil in that dish, it has to be mixed with other foods...

Tang Zinian and others couldn't wait to call the emergency call immediately.

If the punishment link is the same, I will skip it and not write about it again.

I’ll change the punishment content later.

The content of the third episode has not been decided yet

...I finished the update and I didn’t save the manuscript again.


hollowed out

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