With full of malice, Shen Xiyan brought An Sui directly to Song Qingyou.

Ye Guiwan stood in front of Song Qingyou calmly and looked at An Sui knowingly: "This is..."

"This is Director An Sui." Shen Xiyan raised her voice a little, "Director An wanted to get to know Song Qingyou, so I brought him here. I also asked Ye Yinghou to step aside a little and not block the way."

Ye Guiwan turned a deaf ear and said, "So this is the famous Director An."

Her appraising eyes fell on An Sui, her smile not reaching her eyes.

Shen Xiyan brought An Sui over to introduce Song Qingyou to him, obviously because she wanted to "drain trouble", which made her even more disgusted with An Sui, who was originally indifferent.

An Sui was very shameless when it came to soliciting investment. He didn't care whether Ye Guiwan hated him or not, he just stretched out his hand towards her with a smile on his face:

"Hello, Teacher Ye."

Shen Xiyan's voice attracted the attention of many people, and Ye Guiwan had no choice but to ignore him and could only shake his hand in return.

An Sui looked at Song Qingyou calmly and said hello with a smile:

"President Song, I have long admired your name."

"Don't dare to take it seriously."

Song Qingyou raised her eyebrows slightly and had no intention of continuing the conversation.

An Sui turned around and looked at Shen Xiyan, then walked around Ye Guiwan and said in a voice that only four people could hear clearly:

"I have something to ask Miss Song. Can you speak to me alone?"

"Is there anything you can't say directly here?"

Ye Guiwan's eyes were like seeing a rabbit about to be snatched away by a wolf and wanting to pull the rabbit back.

However, before she could respond, Shen Xiyan stepped forward and cooperated with An Sui to stop the person.

"Song Qingyou is an adult, and Ye Yinghou insists on treating people like children. She really -"

She chuckled lightly, "I don't know what to say."

"Look at Zhao Yingnan, she stood by and said nothing. This is a normal reaction."

Zhao Yingnan pursed her lips, not knowing how to respond.

Ye Guiwan: "I only want to protect Qingyou because I have a crush on her. Does Miss Shen feel envious?"

"Envy?" Shen Xiyan seemed to have heard a joke, "I have always known that others envy me. How could I need to envy others?"

"Really? Miss Shen is really lucky."

The two of them were quarreling, going back and forth, but their voices became quieter and quieter to avoid being laughed at.

On the other side, Song Qingyou and An Sui were also talking quietly in front of everyone.

Song Qingyou didn't have any bad feelings towards An Sui for the time being, so she waited quietly for him to speak.

An Sui looked surprised when she didn't express anything: "I thought you would think that I was with Shen Xiyan."

"I heard people say that your relationship is very bad."

He agreed to make a bet with Shen Xiyan, but he just wanted to get to know Song Qingyou.

As for letting the other party invest... he didn't think Song Qingyou was a fool.

Song Qingyou: "That's what I think."

"Aren't you angry?" An Sui was a little curious, "Looking at Ms. Ye's reaction, she must know me. You should also know who I am. Shen Xiyan clearly asked me to bring you down. You really don't angry?"

Song Qingyou smiled: "Wait until you really bring me down."

An Sui's eyes widened: "What do you mean, Mr. Song? Do you really have the idea of ​​cooperating with me?"

Without waiting for Song Qingyou to respond, he shook his head:

"Shen Xiyan really wants me to invest in you, but let it go."

"Why?" Song Qingyou asked, "Isn't it just for movie investment that you are pestering Shen Xiyan?"

"I don't want to do what she wants." An Sui sneered.

"I thought you had a good relationship, otherwise why would you find me?"

"That's because we made a bet—"

An Sui had long seen what kind of person Shen Xiyan was.

Even when facing Song Qingyou, whom he had just met, he did not hesitate to tell him about the bet.

"Ten million." Song Qingyou thought for a moment, "Maybe we have a chance to get half of it."

An Sui:?

"When I go back, I want to see the content you shot before, as well as your movie script."

An Sui pointed at himself, "You want to cooperate with me?"

Song Qingyou corrected: "I just have this intention."

Even if it is just an intention to cooperate, it means that An Sui has another opportunity to attract investment!

He asked in surprise: "Are you really not kidding?"


"Do you know who I am? Do you know that people in the industry now call me the broom star?"


"I know you still want to discuss cooperation with me?"



An Sui looked at Song Qingyou in disbelief.

The latter remained calm and smiled slightly: "Because our company happens to be short of a director."

Some directors in the industry have been greeted by Times Media and the Shen family, and there is basically no possibility of cooperation with Shengshi Entertainment.

Song Qingyou happens to want to train directors, just like Xu Mingrui.

"How could anyone make such a hasty decision?"

An Sui complained, showing disgust on his face, but his good impression of Song Qingyou was slowly growing in his heart.

"Reckless?" Song Qingyou raised her eyebrows, "I just gave Director An a chance. Doesn't Director An even have this little confidence?"

"I'm certainly confident in my ability to direct."

After An Sui finished speaking, he hesitated again, "But -"

If there were only one or two accidents during the filming of a movie, he might not believe that he was destined to fail, but now, he had to take those "accidents" into account.

"There are no buts." Song Qingyou said firmly, "My luck is quite good. If you don't believe in yourself, you can try to believe in me."

An Sui thought about Song Qingyou's success in all the dramas she had participated in since her debut, and began to feel some hope in her heart.

He thought for a while, took out a few folded papers from his large pocket, and gave them to Song Qingyou.

"This is?"

"The script for my new movie."

Song Qingyou took the script and read it, "You actually still carry it with you?"

"I only brought part of it." An Sui said, "I originally wanted to show it to Shen Xiyan."

However, Shen Xiyan was not only unwilling to read his script, but also looked down upon his directing skills and wanted to get rid of him.

Song Qingyou carefully looked at the plots of the previous scenes.

When she looked up, she met An Sui's expectant eyes and shook her head slowly, "The script is too bad. If it were this script, I wouldn't have invested in it."

These words made An Sui's heart instantly fall to the bottom.

But he wasn't angry either, and managed a smile.

"Is that so? There's nothing we can do about it. Anyway, I'm still very grateful to Miss Song..."

After all, Song Qingyou was willing to read his script, and she didn't refuse it directly because of his reputation. This was a chance given to him, and it was him who failed to live up to his expectations.

Song Qingyou looked at the other party's sudden look of confusion and knew that he had misunderstood.

So he coughed twice and said, "I just said I won't invest in this script. I didn't say I wasn't willing to invest in you."

An Sui was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Finally came out of the house

Still feeling a little motion sick today

Will resume normal updates tomorrow

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