"Is there really anyone in this school?"

"Why do you feel so deserted?"

Before entering, Jiang Xuyan muttered a few words.

As soon as they stepped into the school gate, several people looked around in unison.

In order not to be judged as a drama, it is better to speak less at this time.

After passing through the security room and the small woods on both sides of the door, the group finally saw the NPC that Wei Zhengrong was talking about.

On the left side of the main road are several neatly arranged teaching buildings, and on the right is the flag-raising platform. Below the flag-raising platform is a huge playground. The NPC group performers on the playground are just like students in ordinary schools. Some play ball and some do various things. Some exercise, some take a walk and chat.

Seven people appeared above the flag-raising platform, and many people looked over.

"It's quite real." Jiang Xuyan looked around and sighed, "I miss... my old life a little bit."

He originally wanted to say that he missed his student days, but when the words came to his lips, he thought that he was playing the role of a student now, and it sounded very OOC when he said it.

"Me too." Tang Zinian nodded in agreement.

Several people smiled tacitly.

Song Qingyou stared at the playground for a long time and suddenly said: "Look at the people over there who keep looking over here. Are they discussing us?"

Others followed her gaze and saw, as expected, several girls not far away looking at them from time to time.

Other NPCs on the playground would look away after just one glance, playing the role of ordinary students very respectfully.

Among them, the group of people who have been looking here stand out.

If we use a game analogy, it's probably like those people have golden exclamation marks on their heads. If you poke them, you can receive tasks or obtain certain information.

Shu Ling reacted quickly and immediately stepped off the podium and walked towards those people.

Others follow suit consciously.

"Hello." Shu Ling asked directly, "What were you talking about just now?"

Several girls suddenly looked away with guilty conscience and took two steps back.

Two of them even glanced at Zhao Yingnan from time to time, and their meaning was obvious.

Zhao Yingnan stepped forward: "Were you looking at me just now?"

The girl in the middle nodded, "Yes, if I remember correctly, you are Zhao Yingnan, Senior Sister Zhao, right?"


Zhao Yingnan was a little uncomfortable with being called junior school girl.

The girl didn't seem to notice, and immediately exclaimed, "Wow, she is really the new school beauty. I must say I saw it right!"

"School girl, it's like this. We are members of the cheerleading team and want to invite you to join the school's cheerleading team. If you join, we will definitely be even more powerful!"

Before Zhao Yingnan could respond, the person next to her continued:

"Captain, our school can only join three clubs at the same time. I heard that Xuemei Zhao has joined the badminton club and the literary club..."

Girl: "Isn't there still a quota? What do you think, Xuemei Zhao?"

Zhao Yingnan pursed her lips. She was not very good at rejecting others.

Shu Ling on the side reminded: "Yingnan, didn't you join the reasoning club?"

Zhao Yingnan suddenly realized that she had almost forgotten her character setting and hurriedly said:

"Yes, I have already joined the reasoning club, so I'm sorry!"

"Mystery Club?!"

Upon hearing this keyword, the NPCs who had been silent around them suddenly came over.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yingnan looked at the crowd surrounding him in confusion.

"I heard that the Mystery Club has been studying the school's mysteries recently."

"What a mystery, it's simply a supernatural incident! If we really continue to investigate, people may die!"

"But isn't that a legend? Legends can't be taken as true, right?"

"You are so ignorant." Someone in the middle lowered his voice, as if telling a horror story, and whispered:

"Do you know the rooftop of teaching building B? The rooftops of other teaching buildings are generally allowed to enter, right? But building B is not allowed because many people have heard the cries of children on it..."

"I know this. Some time ago, a senior sister was frightened and had a heart attack. She hasn't been to school for a long time. I heard from her classmates that she might have gone crazy!"

Hearing this, some people's expressions became a little stiff.

Shu Ling pushed up her glasses: "Could it be the wind? For example, there are any pipes or vents on the rooftop."

As for crying, the whine of the wind is very similar.

The NPC who spoke shook his head: "No, the rooftops of every teaching building are the same. There is no crying in other teaching buildings, and Building B is in the middle."

Jiang Xuyan frowned, "So, the campus mystery is actually about this?"

"Of course it's more than that," someone replied.

"There are also the eyes behind the bookshelf in the library, the corpse hanging from the red maple tree, the biochemical laboratory with strange noises, the strange piano in the musical instrument club, and the murderous sculpture."

Tang Zinian clasped his hands and counted, "Are there six in total?"

"No, it's seven." The girl who spoke to Zhao Yingnan at the beginning said, "There are seven campus legends."

"What's the seventh one?"

“He who solves a mystery becomes a new mystery.”

Jiang Xuyan blinked: "What do you mean?"

Tang Zinian: "I mean, I know how to die."

"Uh - is this why we do a physical examination, focusing on heart examination? Could there be a ghost arranged to scare us?"

Jiang Xuyan glanced around very vigilantly.

At this moment, several more people came over.

"What are you gathering here to talk about? I seem to have heard a campus mystery?"

"I've already said that it's all lies and rumors. You can't believe it! Why are there still people here talking nonsense?"

"You must make the school panic and close its doors?"

As soon as those people arrived, the students who were still chattering suddenly shut up.

Afterwards, the group of people who had finished talking about "campus mysteries" looked around as if they had just seen Jiang Xuyan and his party, and finally landed on Song Qingyou.

"Are you Senior Sister Song?" Someone showed a surprised expression.

The few people who had stopped these people from talking about campus legends also looked at Song Qingyou:

"It turns out that Senior Sister Song is here too."

After that, he reminded the others, "You dare to mention such rumors in front of Senior Sister Song, do you not want to stay in school anymore?"

It sounds like these people obviously know that Song Qingyou is the daughter of the school director.

Song Qingyou spoke tentatively: "I asked them to say it. It's better to block it than to block it. The more you don't let them say it, the more they want to say it in private."

"Senior, what you said makes sense." The leading boy nodded, "I will remind other members of the student council to let them be a little more relaxed about this matter."

"Are you the president of the student union?" Song Qingyou asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, senior, what do you need me to do?"

"Do you have the key to the rooftop of teaching building B?"

"This - Senior Sister, entry is generally not allowed there." The boy whispered, "As far as I know, the key is only available from the security guard."

Seven incredible things about campus

Just made it up

No supernatural elements

Only the show crew deliberately scares people

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