Womanizing Mage

Chapter 664 Breakthrough, Kexin

Long Yi raised his head and looked, his heart tightened slightly, and there was an indescribable feeling. Angela, this Goddess who almost had a relationship with him, this Goddess who is so awesome that people don't deserve her name, this Goddess who was involved in the turmoil of seal power in the God Realm, she left such a deep impression on Long Yi that Long Yi actually felt so deeply in his heart. There is a feeling similar to hatred. If there is no love and appreciation, how can there be such a complicated psychology?

Angela floated to the ground, her plain robe fluttering, and she glanced at Long Yi with her bewitching eyes, dodging as if evading, and turned around to look at the desolation, with a very bitter expression on her face, if it wasn't for her, all of this would not have happened.

Seven ancient gods of war approached, and Angela stood motionless between them and Long Yi.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but for a split second, Long Yi felt the determination in Angela's eyes. Could it be that the seven ancient war gods and the eight-winged angel were not with her?

Angela slowly opened her arms, raised her head high, and stopped in front of the seven ancient war gods.

A bad thought came into Long Yi's mind, and he shouted: "Angela, you are crazy!

Angela turned her head and smiled at Long Yi. She bears most of the responsibility for this matter. Since her partner Uzig released it, then it is up to her to eliminate the God of War, who is already moving towards Angie who is close at hand. Pulling the attack, at such a short distance, and the ancient god of war possesses destructive energy, there is absolutely no possibility for Angela to survive.

Just when Long Yi was about to burst into tears, Angela's figure suddenly became blurred, and a vortex was faintly formed around her body. The ancient spell spread in the air with mysterious power.

The seven ancient war gods also became blurred, appearing and disappearing. It was extremely weird, and all the surviving gods stared at this scene dumbfounded. What kind of magical skill is this? It was able to withstand the attacks of seven ancient gods of war.

The vortex became clearer and clearer, and the figures of Angela and the seven ancient war gods could no longer be seen clearly. Indistinctly, Long Yi seemed to see a pair of beautiful talking eyes protruding from the vortex, with affection and apology, his heart couldn't help but ache. It seemed to have been stabbed severely by something.

In the ruins in the distance, only one head of the dying Wu Geqi was left. He looked at Angela, who was already blurred, with love-hate eyes, and roared in his heart: "Why? Why? Why did you die for this man? But you are stingy with giving me even a little bit of affection."

Wu Geqi wanted to see Long Yi killed with his own eyes. Who would have seen such a scene. His eyes slowly straightened. Eventually it turned gray and white. Lost in the torment of love and hate.

suddenly. A beam of misty light shot straight at the dragon. The pure and primitive power of chaos frantically surged towards him. Straight to burst his whole body.

But Long Yi didn't seem to feel any pain in his body.

He just kept staring at the looming pair of beautiful eyes in the vortex. There was a little moisture in his eyes. Sadly impulsive. It seems to have fallen into a sad dream.

"The ancient war gods were forged by the ancient gods with the power of chaos. I will transfer all the power of chaos from them to you. As long as you calm down and absorb it completely, the magic power of chaos will definitely improve. This is the only thing I can do. If there is an afterlife. Please hold my hand. Never let go." Angela's sleeves fluttered. Looking back at Long Yi, he said softly. There are two lines of You Xin's tears on the delicate face.

Long Yi held out his hand. Want to grab something. It was empty to start with.

Suddenly. There was a loud noise in Long Yi's mind. Instantly turned into a blank. Wait for all the perceptions to gradually return to the body. Long Yi slowly opened his eyes. Feel his right arm stretched out to grab the air. But Angela and the seven ancient war gods who were fighting in front of him disappeared out of thin air. In the distance, thousands of gods paralyzed on the ground are still there. All of them looked shocked and complicated.

Long Yi's arm fell, only to find that his already depleted Chaos Divine Power was extremely abundant, and there was a qualitative leap. The Chaos Divine Art broke through to the fourth floor in one fell swoop, but he didn't feel the slightest joy. Angela's apologetic eyes appeared, and the words that seemed real and unreal echoed in his ears.

"The afterlife is too far away..." After a long time, Long Yi lowered his head and whispered in a voice that only he could hear.

Canglan Continent Tenglong City.

On a night with a bright moon and few stars, the cold wind is piercing. It is now the deep winter season, and the climate is much colder than in previous years. Therefore, at night, there are no people on the street, only the endless magic street lights winding forward , Occasionally a fully armed patrol walked by in neat steps.

The elf queen was wearing a luxurious royal robe, with light green silk falling down like a waterfall, and her long ears poking out playfully. She was sitting on the edge of the window, looking at the desolate garden outside with a single lamp. A few days ago, she and her daughter Lucia personally sent a batch of special products from the Elf Forest to visit the Emperor, Empress and Long Yi's wives.

Unconsciously, the dazed elf queen suddenly showed a smile, her expression was no different from that of a woman who misses her when she is in love. But soon, the elf queen came back to her senses, with a layer of sadness on her brows, what was that man doing at this time? How many goddesses have you hooked up with again? Back in the elf forest, he knew that this guy was not a good person. He crawled into her yard in the middle of the night, his face was like a city wall. But she was also nervous, and even though she drank with him that month, she couldn't help but let him kiss her.

Lucia came back from Nangong Xiangyun's bedroom at this time, she saw Nangong Xiangyun's swollen belly, she felt indescribably envious. Now among Long Yi's women, not only Nangong Xiangyun is pregnant, but Nalan Ruyue and Sibi are also found to have babies. It is obvious that Hu Tianhei planted the seeds when he left, but why didn't he have one? ? Lucia is very disturbed, the elf clocks the aura of heaven and earth, collects the essence of the four directions, not only has a long life, but also is handsome and beautiful, but it is not easy to conceive like dragons. Especially in interracial unions, it is very difficult to have a child.

"Mother, what are you thinking?" Lucia entered the room, and happened to see the lonely back of the Elf Queen.

The elf queen turned her head. A trace of melancholy quickly disappeared, she chuckled and said, "I didn't think about it, but I'm not used to the climate here, and our elf forest is more comfortable."

"That's true, but the elf forest is too lonely. There are many sisters here, and..." Lucia walked to the side of the elf queen and sat down, her whole body lying in the elf queen's arms like a cat.

"Silly girl, do you miss Long Yi?" The Elf Queen asked softly as she caressed her daughter.

Xi Ya nodded, and suddenly smiled slyly: "Mother was thinking about him just now, wasn't she?"

The elf queen blushed, and her slender hands on Lucia's show froze immediately.

"Mother, don't lie to yourself, you like him, and he likes you too. I don't mind." Lucia put her hands around the waist of the elf queen, feeling heartbroken for her mother who was struggling with ethics. She couldn't accept it before, but now she accepts it. Just as Long Yi said, go to the ethics and morals. Let go of all shackles and love as much as you want.

Yes, love as much as you want, even if you know it's moths to the flame. Lucia's arms around the Elf Queen became tighter and tighter.

"Silly girl, I...it's impossible for me and him." The elf queen said in a panic, which she always did whenever this question was brought up.

"Mother, he won't let you go, just accept your fate." Lucia sat up straight and said with a straight face.

The elf queen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but her mood relaxed a lot, and the line of defense that had already been cracked in her heart loosened a little. Accept your fate, accept your fate, there is always such a voice echoing repeatedly in your heart.

The area of ​​the main god closest to the sacred place is the area of ​​the God of Light. After Long Yi used the power of chaos to recover the physical strength of the gods, he arrived at the Fort of Light, the capital of light, surrounded by them.

In Bright Fort, Long Yi, with the assistance of Wilbera and others, seized the power of the God Realm and officially launched the God Realm Level 1 combat readiness, calling on all capable God Races to join the God Realm Legion and fight a life-and-death decisive battle with the Demon Realm army . He ordered all the seven existing legions in the God Realm to gather in the City of Light so that they can be dispatched at any time. Due to the war preparation period, all the military teleportation arrays in various cities in the God Realm are activated. As long as the armaments are ready in two or three days, they can directly reach the City of Light through the teleportation array.

The milky white Sun of Earth's Glory hangs in the sky, and the City of Light has become the most densely populated city of the Protoss, because the leader of the new land of the God Realm is in it at this time.

But Tyrannical Dragon One was alone on the top of the mountain in the south, looking at the still messy ruins, not moving for a long time.

"Hey, Angela, why are you bothering?" Long Yi sighed desolately, he couldn't let go of Angela's death.

"She deserves to die!" A soft shout sounded from behind Long Yi, and Mixi Ni appeared here at some point.

But Long Yi didn't realize it, he was still staring at the front in a daze.

Mixini spread her wings and flew in front of Long Yi, blocking his sight with a look of grief and indignation.

"I know you have big breasts, I can see it without getting close to my eyes." Long Yi said indifferently, as if telling a very cold joke.

Mixini gritted her teeth and kicked Long Yi.

Long Yi frowned, and as soon as his divine power dissipated, Mixini was sent flying hundreds of meters away.

"What kind of descendant from the father and god, you are not worthy at all, Angela killed my father, but you are still here to miss her, you...you are shameless." Mixi Ni flew back again, pointing at Long Yi and yelling.

"One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. If your father had no ambitions, how could he collude with her to plot the entire God Realm?" There was a faint sarcasm on the corner of Long Yi's mouth, hitting the nail on the head, in fact, the winner decides whether to be right or wrong. Well, Didn't Dibia also conspire to seize the entire God Realm before, but he has become the father god among all the gods, and his status is unparalleled. If Angela succeeds, then she will be right.

Mixini's face turned pale for a while, and she was powerless to explain. Since she was a child, she has always admired Angela and has always followed her as an example. The relationship between the two may be comparable to that of a mother and daughter. When she learned the truth from others, it was like a thunderbolt, and it was difficult for her to accept this fact.

With a sound of "Wow", Mixini suddenly burst into tears, and the four wings trembled, which was very affectionate.

Get up together. Touching Mixini's show, she sighed, "Grow up quickly. You are no longer a child." But he didn't expect that he was not even thirty years old. But Mixini has spent ten thousand years, so the comparison seems a bit ridiculous.

Mixini hugged Long Yidi's neck and nestled into his arms, crying until it was dark.

I don't know how long it took, Mixini cried and fell asleep in Long Yi's arms.

Long Yi looked at this pale and pretty face with pear blossoms and rain. Shaking his head slightly, he carried her into the Fort of Light. I wanted to ask a protoss maid to settle her down, but I didn't want this girl to die and refused to let go. She still held on to his clothes tightly in her sleep, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Seeing Mixini's pitiful appearance, Long Yi couldn't help but think of his wives far away in Canglan Continent. His heart softened, so he personally hugged her and put her on the bed, lying quietly next to her. In his heart, he missed his beautiful wife more and more. Thinking about it, Nangong Xiangyun must have a big belly. His first bloodline was about to be born, which made him a little excited.

unconsciously. Long Yi suddenly missed the beautiful breasts and seductive postures of his wives, during which the scenes were replayed like a movie. Long Yi's desire was unbearable until Jiu Mo vented his desire.

Long Yi shook his head, but suddenly found that Mixini's skirt was opened at some point, and half of her smooth, tender and full snow-white breasts were exposed in front of his eyes.

With a "Gudong", Long Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, took two deep breaths to suppress his Qi Nian, and hurriedly wanted to exit the room. It's just that Mixini's grip is too tight, and it may be difficult to let her go. After Long Yi tugged, he found that this action made Mixini's skirt open further, and he could even vaguely see that pink breast, so he simply took off his coat, ran out of the room as if fleeing, and stayed there again. He might do something outrageous.

After rushing out of the room, Long Yi was blown by the cool wind outside, and his desire dissipated a lot. He found a quiet hall in Bright Fort, and began to browse through the classics left by Dibia from the space ring, intending to make some of them public, so as to raise the strength of the God Realm to a higher level.

Long Yi found a Chronicle of the God Realm, flipped through it casually, and was suddenly taken aback, his heart filled with ecstasy, it actually recorded the space node to enter the Demon Realm and the Canglan Continent.

Today, the Demon King of Heaven must be still trying his best to restore his skills. Wouldn't it be wonderful if he led the God Realm Legion to the Demon Realm for a counterattack at this time.

"Hahaha, his grandma, Heavenly Demon King, if you want to slaughter our God Realm and Canglan Continent, young master, I will slaughter your Demon Realm first." Long laughed.

At this time, a slender figure came in from the entrance of the hall, it was Wilbella, the former ruler of the Fengshen area.

"Master Tyrant God, why are you so happy?" Wilbella asked with a light smile.

"Of course it's a good thing, a big good thing." Long Yi shook his head, and threw the Chronicle of the God Realm in his hand to Wilbera, who never had the majesty that a Tyrannical God should have.

Wellbella turned over, her calm expression became excited like Long Yi, if she didn't know what the discovery of these spatial nodes meant to the God Realm, then she was not worthy to be the manager of the Fengshen area. In the past, because they didn't know where the Demon Realm was, the God Realm could only be beaten passively, but the discovery of the space nodes leading to the Demon Realm completely changed the God Realm from passive to active. At this moment, the thought in her heart coincided with that of Long Yi.

"Are you looking for me?" Long Yi asked after Wilbella calmed down.

"Yes, Lord Tyrannical God, the 500,000 soldiers of the Fengshen Legion in our Fengshen region have arrived in the City of Light." Wilbera said.

Long Yi nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, it came very quickly."

Looking into Long Yi's shining black eyes, Wilbella's heart beat suddenly for some reason, she hastily turned her head and pretended to look at the shining sun outside the window to cover it up.

Seeing the faint blush on Wilbella's face, Long Yi couldn't help but start to move his lustful heart that was suppressed by force. Compared to Mixini, Verbella is not inferior, the cool and elegant taste even reminded Long Yi of Wushuang. And thinking of Wushuang, Long Yi's eyes became extremely gentle, thinking about all kinds of life in Canglan Continent, and the current situation, it is even more legendary than legend.

Wilbella's heart was beating, to be honest, Long Yi was the first man who made her feel for so many years. In fact, the people of the Protoss and the intelligent animals in the Canglan Continent generally also have love and desire. The difference is that the lifespan of the Protoss is abnormally long.

Protoss adores the strong, and Wellbella is not the same. It's just that she is at the pinnacle of the current God Realm, and who can get into her eyes. But when Long Yi was born out of nowhere, everything became different. Perhaps it is because of years of emotional emptiness. Let Weier Bella's understanding of feelings is extremely simple, if you like it, then you will like it, and if you miss it, you don't know how long it will be until you meet another favorite one.

In fact, it's not just Wilbella who has such an idea, Angela and Misini are not the same.

Wilbella took two deep breaths and turned around, her usual coldness was thrown into nowhere. But she plucked up her courage, only to find that Long Yi's incomparably gentle gaze passed her straight through, and she didn't know where in the world it stopped.

He is still thinking about Angela? Wilbella felt a little lost in her heart.

"Master Tyrant God, if there is nothing else, I will go down." Wilbera snorted and passed Long Yi straight away, leaving a faint fragrance still lingering in the hall.

Long Yi came back to his senses. Shrugging, it turns out that no matter which world the female creatures are, they are creatures that men cannot understand. The goddess is the same, and she doesn't know what kind of temper this woman has for no reason. Did you mess with her?

The day of brilliance was set far away in the west, and it was already late at night in the God Realm.

Long Yi sat cross-legged. Consolidating the divine power of chaos in the body, although Angela forcibly transferred the power of chaos from the seven ancient gods of war into his body at the cost of her life. Let his Chaos Divine Skill jump three levels in a row, but these Chaos Divine Powers are not obtained by him after all, and the foundation is not very solid.

At this moment, Long Yi suddenly felt a slight fluctuation in the God of Light card in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he shot out the God of Light card with a flick of his heart. In the Creation Temple of Sunset Peak, the soul of the Great Elder of the God Realm told him that there were three divine senses living in the Guangming God Card, but at that time his spiritual power could not penetrate and communicate with the divine senses in it. After reaching the fourth floor, the mental strength has also increased by a large amount, maybe it can break the restriction inside.

"Long Yi, you bastard, scoundrel." Misini's yell outside caused Long Yi to withdraw the mental power and chaotic power that had just infiltrated into the God of Light card. He frowned, and threw Misini like a chicken. into the room.

"Stinky girl, why are you crazy?" Long Yi said angrily.

"You... what did you do to me?" Misini asked angrily.

Long Yi was startled, with a blank expression on his face, what did he do to her? How could he not remember.

"You're still pretending to be stupid. Did you take off my clothes? As soon as I woke up, I found...you bastard." Mixini jumped up and beat Long Yi violently.

"Hey, hey, don't wrong me, I'm not interested in your flat breasts." Long Yi snorted, the genius knew that he almost couldn't hold back for a moment to do her, of course, take off your clothes He didn't do anything.

"You...I know, you just like Angela's big breasts and big tits, do you want me to find you a cow." Misini said angrily.

Long Yi's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Stop teasing Angela, if you don't want to stay here, you can get out."

Mixini's expression froze, and then her face was aggrieved, and her tears flowed out again. She choked up and said, "You villain, it's not enough to bully others, you have to drive them away."

As soon as he saw Mixini's tears, Long Yi's head began to ache, what kind of goddess, why did he just cry like the dreamy little Lolita at home, crying whenever he wanted to.

Crying and crying, Mixini walked up to Long Yi, grabbed his clothes and rubbed them on her face.

Long Yi rolled his eyes and said weakly: "Mixini, I really didn't take off your clothes."

"I... I know, it was the maid who helped me take it off." Misini sniffled and said.

Long Yi couldn't help but get furious, you fucking know that you still come to wrong me, I'm a fool when I'm a young master, right?

Just when Long Yi was about to throw Mixini out, Mixini suddenly grabbed Long Yi's big hand and pressed it on her towering chest, only to hear her whisper: "Touch and see for yourself, my No matter how flat the chest is, it’s only a little smaller than Angela’s

Long Yi's expression became a little strange, could it be that Mixini couldn't bear the blow of losing her father and lost her mind?

In fact, Long Yi didn't know Mixini's feelings for him. From the very beginning of contact, Mixini had an unusual affection for Long Yi. However, the death of her father, Alpha, caused the pillar of her world to collapse, and Long Yi, who had transformed himself into the descendant of the father god, took the place of Alpha, and it was difficult to explain what happened. However, Long Yi had an ambiguous relationship with Angela who caused his father's death. She couldn't see that Long Yi missed Angela, and creating so many troubles was nothing more than wanting Long Yi to notice her.

"Long Yi, don't drive me away." Mixini hugged Long Yi tightly, stroking his back carelessly with a pair of small hands.

Long Yi's suppressed lust came up unstoppably, he gritted his teeth and said: "Stinky girl, you are playing with fire."

Mixini turned around and grabbed the thick thing on her lower abdomen with her little hand.

Day, do you think the young master dare not do you? Long Yi lifted Mixini's chin, pointed at her red lips and kissed her, with one arm around her small waist, the other hand had already grabbed the full and tender breasts of her chest and kneaded vigorously. . That's right, he said something against his will. This girl's breasts are so tender and straight that she can't hold them with one hand. How could they be flat and flat?

"Hmm..." Misini let out a few ecstasy moans, and when she got agitated, she exerted great force on her hands.

"Smelly girl, do you want the eunuch of the god?" Long Yi gritted his teeth and pulled Mixini's little hand away from his genitals, and then pushed her down, pressing her strong body on top.

The broken pieces of clothing were scattered, and Myshine was completely naked. And Long Yi left some cloth strips hanging on his body, which was the masterpiece of Mixini not to be outdone.

Long Yi caressed Mixini's silky smooth skin and the four white wings behind her, and kissed her small earlobes with his big mouth. Using words and hands together, Mixini was already paralyzed, how could she be a match for a veteran like Long Yi who was still a rookie in this field?

When the spring dew was a little bit, Long Yi straightened his waist, the two merged into one, and a charming moan flowed out immediately.

After the love affair, Long Yi was refreshed, and the energy that had been pent up for several months was finally released, but the little angel Mixi Ni was tossed and fell into a deep sleep.

Adding one more person in the harem, Long Yi despised him, but he didn't have much concern. When his strength improved like a rocket, the number of beauties in the harem also increased steadily. Although sometimes he doesn't want to provoke too many girls, it doesn't mean that the number of his wives must be stopped. According to his logic, having a friendship relationship with every girl at a certain time and place, that is fate, wouldn't you eat the stunning angel delivered to your door? That's too sorry for myself, as long as I take on the responsibility of a man after eating, and I have the ability to take on such a responsibility, even if I marry 10,000 wives, that's a matter of course.

Long Yi put on his clothes, got up and stretched his muscles and bones, and began to think carefully about how to develop the God Realm in the future? What plan should I take after knowing the space node leading to the demon world? How can God Realm and Canglan Continent be well united? There are too many things on his mind.

Suddenly, Long Yi thought about who the three divine senses in the God of Light card were, and they hadn't found out yet, so he took out the God of Light card again, and carefully drilled into the card of Light with huge spiritual power and divine power of chaos. . As he estimated, his mental power and chaotic power soon encountered a barrier, but this barrier was no longer a big one for him. Chaos magic opened a small hole, and his mental power quickly entered.

"Cousin!" A familiar voice sounded in Long Yi's consciousness, Long Yi's body was shaken suddenly, and his whole body fell into a sluggish state.

(Tomorrow’s update will be crazy. Are you ready? There are still tens of thousands of words left. If you have the ability to subscribe, please subscribe as much as possible. If you recommend something, throw it to the new book. If you don’t have a collection, please help me to collect it.) (To be continued , if you want to know what will happen next, please read Chapter 6 for more,

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