Chapter 44


The Chen family’s villa was very large, and although it only had four floors, the design was complex, so Xia Qing Shu got lost after coming out of the conference room without anyone to guide him. He turned around and came to a room that looked like a recreation room, where two men were playing chess.

He was about to ask for directions when he took two steps and found the two men were playing blind chess. Yes, that’s right, two big men with a piece of cloth wrapped around their eyes, twirling the pieces and putting them on the chessboard.

Wasn’t this the evergreen plot of a Mary Sue costume drama? What a stroke of luck that he had stumbled upon it.

The BGM of “The Go-Go Boys” automatically rang in his heart: “The Go-Go Boys have gone through trials and tribulations, tasted all the sufferings of the world, survived the long night….. Through trials and tribulations…”

Xia Qing Shu, afraid of disturbing the two Go-Go Boys, moved forward silently with admiration.

He stood on his tiptoes and moved forward in slow motion without making a sound. He was afraid of disturbing the two players, but he also wanted to know if the two blind players were playing blindly.

The first time he saw a blind go player in a costume drama, he was amazed. How could they know where their opponents had played when their eyes were covered? How could they know where to play next?

When he looked closer, he was amazed, it was like a heifer was stepping on the wire, it was awesome!

The two of them were playing in a fluid manner, dropping their pieces onto the chessboard, the flat, round pieces placed in the centre of the chessboard grid in a regular manner, just like normal people playing chess.

Xia Qing Shu: These two had attended a quantum fluctuation reading course when they were children, right?

After staring at the game for half a minute, Xia Qing Shu looked up and suddenly realized that one of the players was an old acquaintance, He Chen, and the other looked familiar, but he was sure he didn’t know him.

As the game drew to a close, Xia Qing Shu mischievously stretched out his paw and shook it between the two. Just as his hand reached out, it was caught by one of the blind chess players.

Xia Qing Shu: “What?”

Is this the legendary “catching a fly by hearing a sound”?

The blind chess player pulled off the cloth covering his eyes and was amused to see his surprised look.

He Chen also took off the cloth and, with one corner of his mouth curled up, snorted, “Silly.”

“Please accept me, high master!” Xia Qingshu clasped his hands in a fist and bowed to the blind chess player. He was already tender-faced, and this action was done in a somewhat mischievous manner.

He Chen flicked him on the head, “What high master, this is Brother Sheng.”

Only then did Xia Qing Shu raise his head and look at the Brother Sheng that He Chen had mentioned. Brother Sheng had a face like a crown of jade and long hair. He wore a big Chinese robe, which had the appearance of an ancient warrior, but because he was handsome, he had less of a Martial hero aura and more of a gentle and jade-like appearance.

Xia Qing Shu was dumbfounded and said, “I think I’ve seen you somewhere before?”

He Chen snorted, “Of course you’ve seen you before, Brother Sheng’s movie has just been released and his advertisements are everywhere.”

Xia Qing Shu scratched his hair twice and whispered, “Oh, I remember, you’re the …… The movie star Wen Sheng.”

Wen Sheng ah, he was too familiar with him, one of Xia Yubin’s affectionate old attackers in the book. He is handsome and wealthy, with a successful career, the kind that can go home to inherit the family business if he is not popular, a typical male protagonist of a danmei.

In contrast to Chen Zhiyu’s cold and crazy, Wen Sheng is as gentle as water. Since he is one of the main male attackers, it is not surprising that he knows a little bit of blind chess and other talents.

“Hello, I’m Wen Sheng.” Wen Sheng extended his hand to him.

His voice was gentle and soothing, without the arrogance of top artists in the entertainment industry, instead, he gave people a sense of approach-ability and closeness, like a warm brother next door.

Xia Qing Shu froze and extended his hand. Wen Sheng took his hand and shook it twice before he came back to his senses, blinking his big eyes twice and saying dumbly, “Hello, I’m Xia Qing Shu.”

Wen Sheng’s hand was hard, with thin calluses on his palm, and when he held it, there was a sense of security of being enveloped.

“I know, senior sister has mentioned you in front of me.” Wen Sheng smiled, like a spring breeze. The senior sister he was talking about was Chen Qixi.

Speaking of the woman, Chen Qi Xi walked in, with Xia Yubin behind her, “Wen Sheng, Qing Shu, I was just about to introduce you to each other, but I didn’t expect you to be chatting already.”

Chen Qixi was not only Wen Sheng’s senior sister, she was also his predecessor, and this Wen Sheng was also the quality young man that Chen Qixi and Xia Jing were talking about. Ever since learning that Xia Qingshu liked Chen Zhiyu, Xia Jing and Chen Qixi had put their heads together and felt that something was greatly wrong.

Chen Rao has a gripping personality and is narcissistic to the point of madness, believing that the whole world revolves around the Chen family. When screening for Chen Zhiyu’s blind dates, she often favoured the kind of person who would work hard and be a horse, and they could not let Qing Shu suffer in the Chen family.

The two sides of the family are considered a good match, but if Xia Qingshu and Chen Zhiyu really become a good match, the husband can not be relied on, and Qinshu will face the mother-in-law Chen Rao’s oppression. Thinking about the day after the marriage of Qingshu, Chen Qixi is a heartache.

They are not the kind of unenlightened parents who would meddle in their children’s relationships, but they could introduce Qing Shu to a few more quality offspring while he is still in the mud. Maybe when Qing Shu has seen more good men, he’ll think Chen Zhiyu doesn’t smell so good anymore.

The refined Wen Sheng is good, and the youthful and flamboyant He Chen is also one of Chen Qi Xi’s candidates. The He and Xia families had a marriage contract in the previous generation, and although it was not clear which two juniors the marriage contract would specifically fall to, they could arrange it if Xia Qingshu had his eye on He Chen.

Chen Qixi formally introduced Xia Qingshu to Wen Sheng and He Chen, “It’s Qing Shu’s first time out, so please take him with you and don’t let him get bullied.”

“Qing Shu is so like-able, who dares to bully him?” Xia Yubin smiled sweetly and took a step towards Chen Qixi, hugging her arm and leaning his face up acting like a spoiled child.

Chen Qixi gave him a look and pulled him behind her, “Yu Bin, you’re so old, go out and play by yourself.”

Xia Yubin had a lump in his throat. In his previous life, Chen Qixi introduced Wen Sheng to him because there was no Xia Qingshu. He and Wen Sheng met at first sight and talked all night long, and their relationship slowly warmed up and became a success. With Wen Sheng as his escort, he was able to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry.

This time, Chen Qixi introduced Xia Qingshu and Wen Sheng to each other first. But he was not worried, Wen Sheng is not a superficial person who cares about appearances, he attaches great importance to how souls fit and advocates spiritual love. When he encounters a topic of interest, he could talk to the other person all night long, not about the sex.

Does Xia Qing Shu, a fool, know anything about art? Does he know anything about music? What else could he do but eat? Even if he met Wen Sheng before him, Wen Sheng would only dislike him for not having a good conversation.

When Xia Yubin thought of this, he didn’t complain about Chen Qixi’s bias, so he stood aside and waited to see Xia Qingshu being left out.

Instead of showing dissatisfaction, Xia Yubin smiled more gently and said, “Mom, I love Emperor Wen’s work so much, I want to stay here and play too.”

Chen Qixi thought simply, Xia Yubin had grown up in a luxurious family and the Chen family had visited several times, he knew a lot of friends and was completely self-sufficient. Xia Yubin has social bull syndrome and seems to know everyone, Xia Qingshu is a lot shyer than him and is new to the scene, so it’s normal for her to look after him a little more. Moreover, these two people were the best candidates she had deliberately used to get Xia Qing Shu to move on, so she had ignored Xia Yubin.

When reminded by Xia Yubin, Chen Qixi also realized her mistake and let him stay.

From the moment Xia Yubin entered the door, the melon eating soul in Xia Qing Shu’s heart began to burn, his eyes darting from time to time to Wen Sheng, Xia Yubin and He Chen.

He Chen and Wen Sheng were both fish in Xia Yubin’s pond, and now that they were both present at the same time, Xia Qing Shu was curious as to what kind of husband-regulating techniques Xia Yubin would use to make the two of them live in harmony and run together to their ultimate happiness.

Unfortunately, Wen Sheng looked at Xia Yubin with unfamiliar eyes.

I guess a big dish of Wen Sheng’s calibre had not yet had the chance to be raided by Xia Yubin.

Strangely enough, He Chen, the senior licking dog, had averted his eyes and did not look deeply into Xia Yubin’s eyes either. Eating melons is lonely.

“Qing Shu, weren’t you very interested in the entertainment industry before? You can consult Wen Sheng if you have any questions.” Chen Qixi encouraged.

Xia Qing Shu looked at the other party and smiled sweetly, “Hello Brother Wen.”

Xia Qing Shu rarely grinned, his pink little mouth opened to reveal a row of neat white teeth. Especially the two small tiger teeth, nestled at the edge of his lips, were pretty and cute.

“Qing Shu doesn’t need to be formal,” Wen Sheng said in a soft voice, “you can just call me Brother Sheng.”

His voice was gentle, like the clouds in the sky, each bite was just right, and he was well cultivated at first hearing.

“Brother Sheng.” Xia Qing Shu whispered, “I do have a question….” He said, tilting his head and pausing as if he was thinking, his pair of dark eyes as hazy as the mists of the green hills.

Knowing that everyone was looking at him, he didn’t panic. The only thing is that the tips of his ears are red and his head is slightly lowered, and his cheeks are tinged with a bit of shyness.

Chen Qixi thought he was embarrassed and was afraid of being ridiculed for asking too childish questions, “Don’t be afraid, ask if you don’t understand.”

Amidst the glaring stares of the crowd, Xia Qingshu smiled and said, “I want to know, how did you guys just play chess? Do you know where you will be putting the pieces?”

“Of course I know.” He Chen, who had been unable to interject, was now finally able to speak and spoke in a bit of a hurry. As he said this, he directly handed the cloth covering his eyes to Xia Qing Shu.

Xia Qing Shu took the cloth and discovered the trick. The cloth was black, and because of the light, to the eyes of onlookers, the cloth, when folded, looked opaque. But the fabric is very thin and the cotton threads are so widely spaced apart that when put over the eyes you can vaguely see out. With good acting skills, not only can you play blind chess with the cloth on, but you can also fly a plane if you are brave enough.

Ayoo, I’m sure Quantum Flux reading courses would wholesale these cloth strips in bulk if they found out about them.

“Why didn’t you warn me when I first came in?” Xia Qing Shu elbowed He Chen. The way he was tiptoeing around his comically padded feet must have been seen by them.

What a shame.

He Chen’s body lurched at the bump, but didn’t get angry and said in a small voice, “Brother Sheng wouldn’t let me say anything.”

Xia Qing Shu glanced at him, “Did you guys just act like a worldly expert just now?”

“Yes.” Wen Sheng looked down and smiled lightly, “Qing Shu, shall I try to blindfold you?”

Xia Qingshu nodded, “Sure, I’ll play a game of blind chess too.”

Wen Sheng walked behind Xia Qing Shu, the cloth folded and pressed close to his eyes. He came close in a measured manner, being careful not to touch the skin of Xia Qing Shu’s face when blindfolding him, except for the inevitable touch of his hair as he tied the knot behind his head. It was soft and had a nice shampoo scent.

After the blindfold, Xia Qingshu remembered the old costume dramas he used to watch, imitated the protagonist by twirling a black piece and landing it steadily on the chessboard, and it looked quite like that.

“You have style!” Chen Qixi turned into a little fan in situ and took out her mobile phone to take pictures.

Xia Qingshu finished playing the chess master, covering his chest and mischievously showing an expression of a blind guest spitting blood from an injury.

He himself is well-built, with delicate and sharp features, especially those peach blossom eyes, which seduce people.

Now with his eyes covered and his brow lightly furrowed, his previous bright beauty was replaced by a poignant beauty, which was something else. Wen Sheng had a smile on his face and his body trembled slightly.

He Chen also took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the two.

Xia Qing Shu simply danced twice and surprisingly got everyone’s attention again, Xia Yubin’s heart choked and he almost collapsed.

Removing the cloth, Wen Sheng looked at the photo taken by He Chen: “Qing Shu, I heard that you are interested in music, I see that you are more photogenic, do you want to try acting?”

“Acting?” Xia Qingshu said, “I haven’t thought about it.”

In his previous life, because of his mother, acting was as simple as eating for him, but in a new world, Xia Qing Shu wanted to try something different.

Wen Sheng added, “What about playing opposite me?”

Wen Sheng is as elegant and soft as his name suggests, and if Sheng was a representative instrument with perfect sound quality, then Wen Sheng should be called a representative of positive image in the entertainment industry, as well as the top small part of the entertainment industry where acting skills are in the pyramid.

If he could act with the movie star, Xia Qing Shu was excited.

Wen Sheng could see his hesitation and continued, “Recently, a movie is being prepared and I think you are very close to the temperament of one of the characters.”

When Chen Qixi heard this, her eyes lit up. Wen Sheng invited Xia Qing Shu, which was a surprise that she had not expected. Chen Qixi knew that the portrayal of a character depended not only on acting skills, but also on how well the looks fit the character, the director’s direction and various other factors, and it was impossible for an excellent actor to produce a masterpiece.

Whatever the reason, Xia Qing Shu’s image fits Wen Sheng’s imagination of the role, and this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Wen Sheng is 28 years old, the youngest film star in China, and his own studio is backed by big capital, with most of its resources focused on film and television. He is also very interested in directing and has just won an award for one of his works abroad, so he can direct and act. With Wen Sheng’s promotion, Qing Shu will have a very high starting point when he enters the entertainment industry.

Xia Yubin was also stunned. In his last life, it took him a little over half a year to get Wen Sheng, and before he died, Wen Sheng didn’t even give him a role.

Xia Qing Shu had just said a few words to Wen Sheng, and already, he was going to be asked to act in a movie?

Xia Yubin could only feel a cold feeling running up from the bottom of his feet. There was a flash of a thought in his head: the men who used to be deadly loyal to him have all changed .

He Chen was a bit sour, “Brother Sheng, we have known each other for so many years, how come you didn’t arrange a role for me, Xia Qing Shu …… I didn’t say Xia Qing Shu couldn’t…..anyway, I also want to act.”

Xia Qing Shu ignored He Chen’s primary school chicken-like remarks and asked, “Brother Sheng, what movie, tell me.”

Wen Sheng watched them bicker, a warm smile always on his face.


Seeing that they were getting along well, Chen Qi Xi stayed for a while and left of her own accord.

Only Xia Yubin, Xia Qing Shu, Wen Sheng and He Chen were left in the room.

He Chen was a little uncomfortable when he saw Xia Yubin.

He and Chen Zhiyu were cousins and there wasn’t much of an age difference, but Brother Zhiyu talked little and was aloof, resented him for being a brat and never played with him. It wasn’t until he met Brother Yu Bin, who was a year older than him, that he realized that an older brother could still be so understanding and not look at people coldly.

From the day he found out that the He and Xia families had a marriage contract, he decided that he would marry Brother Yu Bin.

He had never responded positively to his confession, but he had never refused it either. He had always thought that Brother Yu Bin was thin-skinned and embarrassed. Only recently did he realize that Brother Yu Bin didn’t like him at all. If he did, he would have been like Xia Qing Shu, who pestered him all day long, expressing his desire to sleep with him in an open flame. Since he didn’t like him, he won’t force it.

He Chen glanced at Xia Qing Shu. His skin was white, his smile was sweet, and when he wasn’t talking nonsense, he was quite cute. When he imitated playing chess, his head was slightly tilted up, revealing a neck that looked like beautiful jade, and his glistening skin was as pure as mountain tripod snow.

Damn, how could I not have noticed that he looked like this before!

It was Xia Qing Shu’s fault, he used to dress up in weird clothes and pester him so much that he overlooked his looks.

Recently, Xia Qing Shu had stopped pestering him and he was a bit uncomfortable.

After being rejected by Xia Qing Shu a few times, He Chen thought carefully about the fact that Xia Qing Shu had drawn a line in the sand with him because of Xia Yubin. If he took the initiative to stay away from Xia Yubin, Xia Qing Shu would definitely change his mind.

When he saw Xia Yubin approaching him, he bounced away and leapt away from him in three or two steps.

Xia Yubin: Am I a virus? What are you hiding for?

Xia Qing Shu was almost hit by him and was shocked.

“Brother Sheng, sorry to interrupt.” He Chen winked at Xia Qing, “Xia Qing Shu, I have something to say to you.”

“What is it?”

He Chen winked at him.

Xia Qingshu remembered that it was the matter of the family’s marriage contract, he had promised He Chen a face-to-face meeting that day, but as a result, his black material appeared on Weibo that night and Chen Qixi confiscated his phone, so he didn’t receive He Chen’s call.

“Brother Sheng, sorry, excuse me for a moment.”

He Chen called Xia Qingshu aside, somewhat dissatisfied, “Xia Qingshu, I promised to pick you up that night, why did you turn off your phone?”

After Xia Qing Shu’s simple explanation, He Chen’s face looked slightly better.

“Say what you have to say now.”

He Chen pursed his lips and thought for a moment, “You come with me.”

Xia Qing Shu followed him and walked for about ten minutes, he was not familiar with the route, after turning two corners, he was completely unsure where he was, he was a bit annoyed and did not want to walk.

“Where are you taking me?”

He Chen stopped and pointed to a room in front of him, “Here it is.”

Xia Qing Shu followed him in, it was a small banquet room with an open kitchen, and projector, and dining table. He Chen opened the fridge and checked the ingredients inside, “You play with your phone for a while.”

He said, tied an apron around his waist and took out a steak from the fridge. Xia Qing Shu was a little surprised, “You know how to cook?”

He Chen looked down and rubbed oil and seasoning on the steak, “I know a little.”

He Chen’s heart was full of joy, he knew more than a little, frying steak was his specialty. He is a man of extraordinary birth and good looks, but he is also an excellent cook. He would use his strength to make Xia Qing Shu fall in love with him again. Thinking of this, He Chen picked up the rolling pin, slapped on the steak and said, as if unintentionally, “Brother Zhiyu can’t even pick rice.”

Xia Qingshu: “……”

It was the first time he saw a steak being fried with a hard slap to it.

Twenty minutes later, the steak was done.

Xia Qing Shu cut the steak open, forked a small piece into his mouth, and was a little surprised. The texture was tender and the taste was surprisingly quite good. “Let’s talk while we eat.”

The room was dimly lit and He Chen found two candles from somewhere and lit them, taking out two more red wine glasses.

“I’ll just have a soft drink.” Xia Qing Shu thought of his body and refused the other party’s suggestion to drink red wine.

He Chen poured the Sprite into the red wine glasses and then sat opposite Xia Qing Shu. After the two clinked their glasses, they started eating. The steak was large and thick, with a texture somewhat like a thick-cut sirloin. Apart from the steak, He Chen had also fried broccoli and white mushrooms as a side dish, which tasted good too.

Xia Qing Shu kept eating without stopping, “Say what you have to say, I’m listening.”

Xia Qingshu thought to himself that He Chen must be simply expressing his love for Xia Yubin and telling him to stay out of it. All he had to do was nod his head, he didn’t even have to say anything. He must really like Xia Yubin, to have even made a decent steak to seal his mouth.

He didn’t expect He Chen to ramble on and on and then conclude, “Xia Qing Shu, for the sake of a smooth engagement, let’s both try dating first.”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

He Chen took a tissue and stretched his hand to wipe the oil from his mouth, “Idiot, what are you standing there for?”

Xia Qing Shu took his knife and fork, stepped back to avoid his hand and asked in a small voice, “Wait, what did you just say?”

He Chen grunted coldly and repeated while blushing, “I said …… We’ll date first, then get married.”

Xia Qing Shu took a long breath and refused in a small voice, “No.”

He Chen was a little dumbfounded, “Why?!”

Xia Qingshu chewed the beef twice and explained in a thin voice, “I… don’t like you.”

He Chen: “……..”

“I’ve even drawn the line with Xia Yubin for you?!”

Xia Qing Shu tilted his head, “What does it matter to Xia Yubin if I like you or not?”

He just simply didn’t like He Chen.

He Chen: “…….”

Xia Qing Shu looked at his steak and suddenly realized that this might not be hush money. Although the venue was a little spartan, there were only two people in the entire room, and apart from the lack of flowers and gifts, the meal did resemble a candlelit dinner on a date. By refusing the other party, this “candlelight dinner” should also come to an abrupt end.

Xia Qing Shu, who had no experience in this area, opened his mouth in a daze and the meat fell out of his mouth.

But the pregnant man was hungry, and he was not full yet.

“That …… Can I still eat?”

He was a little dazed, looking blankly at He Chen, moving sluggishly, with the dumb look of someone who had finally figured out the present situation and was still at a loss for words. His cheeks welled up with a touch of pink, his nose also pink, and when he looked up, it was a charming sight, his pretty features not half diminished by the sluggish expression, but rather allowed that sense of bewilderment to pass through.

He Chen: “……”

He Chen was confused.

Was this the time to say this?

“You …… Can you say something else?”

He sighed, afraid that Xia Qing Shu would say something else to clog his heart even more, so he helplessly propped his hand on his forehead, “Eat eat eat.”

“Oh.” Xia Qing Shu stuffed the fallen beef back into his mouth, cutting it while secretly observing He Chen’s expression.

He Chen looked very hurt.

Xia Qing Shu suddenly remembered the strange behavior of He Chen when he came to him earlier, and combined with today’s inexplicable confession, he had a kind of hindsight dawning on him.

Ah, so He Chen liked him. When did that start? Didn’t he like Xia Yubin? Didn’t he hate it when he pestered him? When he had first arrived, he would give that look of disgust when he passed him by. He looked up at He Chen, and the other man’s eyes were malevolent, but with the kind of vicious ferocity, as if he could poke through his a strong coat with just a pin.

At this time, He Chen was still pretending to be cool as he explained, “I just don’t want to upset my parents, who have arranged the marriage, and since we enjoy the benefits of the family, we should sacrifice our personal feelings.”

Xia Qing Shu chewed several times, swallowed the beef in his mouth and explained to him seriously, “I’ve just been adopted back home, I’ve never enjoyed the family benefits.”

In short, the person who should sacrifice his personal feelings was not him.

Xia Qingshu pursed his lips and rested his cheek with one hand. This world, it seemed, was a little different. Not only would he not die miserably, but he was also pregnant.

Xia Qing Shu couldn’t help but start thinking, if he met the right person, would he be able to try to fall in love?

Before, when he first came here, he was so preoccupied with the big issues of life that he was thinking about whether he would survive. Now that he is not afraid of dying a miserable death and living a carefree life, it is time to think about personal relationships.

He can’t be single for two lifetimes, can he?

But he’s pregnant with a cub, not a good time to fall in love. If he was ready to fall in love, he wouldn’t lie and would definitely tell the other person about his pregnancy, just to find out if they would accept it.

Alas, it was too hard for him.

He and He Chen sighed at the same time.

He Chen was rejected for the first time, his handsome face was a bit embarrassed, he put down his knife and fork, a bit open-minded, “Xia Qing Shu, then I’m going to start chasing you, is that okay?!”

Xia Qing Shu looked at the other party dumbly, his big beautiful eyes half closed, not knowing what to think.

He Chen added meat to his plate and whispered to himself, “If you don’t say anything, I’ll assume you agreed.”


“Emperor Wen, I love that ‘Prisoner Bird’ film you starred in so much.” After Xia Qing Shu was called away by He Chen, Xia Yubin instead felt it was an opportunity to carefully approach, “I’ve watched ‘Prisoner Bird’ so many times, my favorite character scene…..”

‘The Prisoner Bird’ is a lesser-known production from Wen Sheng’s student days. He played a rebellious high school student in it. Wen Sheng’s performance in it was very youthful, and although there were many flaws, what people didn’t know was that he himself really liked that production.

Wen Sheng responded with a gentle smile and a patient response, “Really?”

Xia Yubin: “I think that’s the real art.”

The two of them discussed the plot of Prisoner Bird, the casting, and the setting of the characters in the play. In fact, Xia Yubin was doing most of the talking, and Wen Sheng just looked at him and smiled, nodding his head every now and then. Xia Yubin slowly leaned over, “Brother Sheng, you have a feather on your face, let me take it off for you.”

The lighting was ambiguous and the atmosphere was thick with soothing piano music coming from afar. Wen Sheng did not dodge Xia Yubin’s hand, but only looked at him and smiled. Just as Xia Yubin was about to touch him, Wen Sheng let go of his hand and the water cup fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, he stepped on it carelessly, the water cup rubbing against the floor with a sour tooth sound.

“Stop it, your hands are dirty.”

The hurtful words were spat out of his mouth, but his voice remained gentle.

Xia Yubin raised his hand and froze in mid-air.

The harsh sound of glass squeezing was seeping, but Wen Sheng enjoyed it very much. He narrowed his eyes and pushed his feet hard, keeping a warm smile on his face and a smooth tone of voice, “Sorry, I seem to be sick again.”

He took out a pair of silver-rimmed glasses from his pocket and put them on before smiling gently at Xia Yubin.


The glass beneath his feet was shattered as he stepped on it, splashing glass everywhere.

“Where did they go and why haven’t they come back yet?”

Wen Sheng was obviously so elegant and modest, but Xia Yubin was like falling into a cold snow cave, his hands were shivering with cold.

Wen Sheng picked up a pill box at his hand and dry swallowed a red pill. From the beginning to the end, he looked like a modest gentleman, unable to find a single fault.

“Speaking of art,” Wen Sheng smiled gently again, “your brother, he really looks like a perfect work of art.”


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