Chapter 49


After Xia Qing Shu left, Wen Sheng stood still, and only after five minutes did he lift his feet. There was a broken wooden door in the corner. Wen Sheng walked silently to the door, pulled it open and quickly stepped through.

Chen Zhiyu crouched in the corner, looked up to see Wen Sheng standing next to him, looking down at him from above.

Wen Sheng smiled gently, “Zhiyu, what are you doing here?”

Chen Zhiyu was a little embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping, but he had been through thick and thin, and such things were nothing. He stood up calmly, flicked the dust off his trousers, and slowly removed the folds from his clothes before raising his eyes and looking at Wen Sheng carelessly.

“I heard that this land is going to be demolished, so I came here in advance to take a look.”

Wen Sheng didn’t expose him, and kept a proper smile on his face, “Since when does Mr. Chen need to do things so personally?”

“There are some things that must be done personally.” Chen Zhiyu fished out a cigarette case from his jacket pocket, tapped out a cigarette from it, and handed it over, “Emperor Wen, want to smoke?”

Wen Sheng slowly walked over and extended his hand, “Thanks.”

When he was about to get the cigarette, Chen Zhiyu took a step back, withdrew his hand, put the cigarette in his mouth and crumpled the box again, “Sorry, there’s only one left, it’s mine.”

His words were a little rude and hid a hint of hostility that he didn’t even notice himself.

Wen Sheng also just smiled, “Zhiyu, you still act like you haven’t grown up yet.”

“Great Film Emperor Wen, since you’re older than me, then I’d like to ask you not to covet your little brother’s things.” Chen Zhiyu took out his lighter, lit it and took a puff, exhaling a thin smoke.

Wen Sheng always kept a spring-like smile on his face, even the corners of his mouth hooked up without changing, “Sometimes, you really don’t know who is who when you are fighting hard.”

Chen Zhiyu sneered, “Xia Qing Shu likes me, I’m trying to persuade you in a good way.”

Wen Sheng walked over and patted him on the shoulder, “Zhiyu, you’re still so confident.”


A wise man does not fall in love.

This is Chen Zhiyu’s motto. Although Wen Sheng was two years older than him, he was in the same grade as him, and the two were always in competition even when they were studying.

When he was a student, he had never heard of Wen Sheng having a relationship. He always thought that, like him, Wen Sheng was committed to his career and that love was a nebulous thing that had nothing to do with him.

He never thought that at this age, he would fall in love.

It could not be said that Wen Sheng was also very good, but compared to him, he was still a little bit inferior. It’s just as well, let him taste the bitterness of love.  He is the man at the top of the emotional food chain.


Chen Zhiyu came out of the alleyway and saw Xia Qingshu waiting for him in the car. He curled his lips and gracefully walked over with his long legs, opened the car door and sat inside.

Sure enough, when Xia Qing Shu saw him, his eyes lit up and a little shimmer flashed in his pretty eyes. His cherry-like mouth pursed up, and the pear nest around his mouth was shallow.

“Waiting for me?” Chen Zhiyu asked before he remembered afterwards that this was not a knowing question.

Sure enough, Xia Qingshu nodded his head.

It was really time for Wen Sheng to see how well behaved Xia Qingshu was in front of him. He would never see Xia Qingshu like this.

Forget it, there is no reason to show off. If Wen Sheng doesn’t listen to advice, he will eventually taste the bitterness of love.

Chen Zhiyu closed the car door and looked at the time. He had been delayed for over an hour at the police station, and now it was almost seven o’clock, time for dinner.

The kid was scared today, as a reward, Qunshu can have dinner with him, the food at LanTong tasted good, so the kid could try it again.

Chen Zhiyu instructed his driver, “Call LanTong and ask them to reserve a large private room, and ask again what fresh fish they have.”

“Okay, Mr Chen.” The driver was very sensible and got out of the car to make the call, leaving the space for the two of them.

After the driver left, Xia Qingshu pinched his fingers and squirmed a little, “Brother Zhiyu, I won’t be going to dinner.”

Chen Zhiyu lifted his eyelids, “Hmm?” He let out a cry, “Where are you going?”

What kind of urgency was waiting for him that made him willingly give up such a great opportunity to have dinner with him?

It suddenly occurred to Chen Zhiyu that Wen Sheng was waiting for the nanny car and hadn’t left yet.

Could it be that ……

Good, very good, this little guy, I can’t tell, he has quite a lot of ideas.

Chen Zhiyu’s gaze was awe-inspired, and his circumference went cold.

Xia Qing Shu saw the other party’s face suddenly gloomy and whispered, “I still have to go to the police station, I think ……”

Chen Zhiyu interrupted in a cold voice, “To see Wen Sheng?”

Xia Qing Shu hurriedly shook his head, “No, I just got a call, something happened to my dad, he’s at the police station.”

He had just finished talking to Wen Sheng when he received a call from Xia Lao Er. Xia Lao Er didn’t make it clear, he only said that he had beaten someone up and was at the police station, telling him not to worry.

Xia Lao Er was honest and simple, Xia Qing Shu really couldn’t imagine that he would do such a thing as beating someone up, but still decided to go over and take a look.

Chen Zhiyu grunted, and when he learned that the other party was not for Wen Sheng, his face looked slightly better, “I’ll send you there.”

Xia Qingshu shook his head again, “No, no.”

Chen Zhiyu: “Then what do you mean?”

Xia Qingshu: “I want to borrow a lawyer.”

Chen Zhiyu was a bit dissatisfied, so he was waiting for him here just to borrow a lawyer from him. He didn’t say borrow, nor did he say no, he just looked at him with a cold face and a smirk.

Xia Qing Shu knew that his request was a bit excessive, how could a lawyer from a large company specializing in economic disputes handle such trivial matters for him.

He explained in a delicate voice, “The lawyer doesn’t need to go over there, I just want a lawyer’s phone number, in case I encounter a problem, I can just consult over the phone.”

The last incident with Zhou Qian had made him realize the importance of a lawyer, and just putting up the name “I hired a lawyer” was enough to bluff people.

This was too easy for Chen Zhiyu, and the matter was arranged in a minute. After arranging for the lawyer, Chen Zhiyu put down the phone and said in a cold and deep voice, “Why don’t you let me send you back?”

Xia Qing Shu whispered, “My dad is in a branch over in Shawan District, a bit far from here, I’ll  trouble you.”

The driver came back at this time, and Chen Zhiyu ordered to drive and go to Shawan. The driver didn’t dare to ask why he wasn’t going to Lantong, raised the fender in the car and drove straight away.

Because of his childhood acting, Xia Qingshu could easily sense other people’s emotions. He could see that Chen Zhiyu was in an irritable mood, so he sat down obediently and did not say a word.

I don’t know what brother Zhiyu has encountered today, he’s a little moody, not at all like a domineering president that is decisive, but a bit like those in romance films who get angry at every turn… like a hypocritical heroine.

But he didn’t dare to say anything, he just looked down and squeezed his fingers.

The Bentley is a four seater, There is a storage compartment in the middle of the rear seat. After driving for five minutes, Chen Zhiyu put away the storage compartment and pointed to the slightly convex position in the middle, “Sit here.”

That position is right on the engine, which is uncomfortable to sit on, but the vehicle is so spacious and there are no other people, so it’s good for one person to sit on one side.

Xia Qing Shu was a little hesitant, pursing his lips and looking over with big beautiful eyes.

Seeing that the other party didn’t move for awhile, Chen Zhiyu hooked his lips and teased, “Do you want me to hug you?”

The resemblance is getting stronger ……

Xia Qing Shu squirmed and moved over.

Seeing that the other party obeyed, Chen Zhiyu’s tone softened a lot, and explained, “I wanted you to do it because I have something to tell you.”

Xia Qingshu gave a small “mmm” and put his legs together, his hands resting on his knees in a disciplined manner, as good as can be expected.

Chen Zhiyu unconsciously curled his lips, “You and Wen Sheng …… How do you know each other?”

Xia Qing Shu blinked and replied in a moderate manner, “Last time at your house, Auntie Chen was pregnant and invited guests, that’s where met for the first time.”

Chen Zhiyu secretly clenched his teeth, so the two had just met not long ago. He grunted coldly and asked again, “Just met less than a month ago, and you’ve made a date to see a painting exhibition?”

He seemed to have forgotten again that he was in no position to ask this question. And the acidity in his words was seriously over the top.

Of course, Xia Qingshu was dumbfounded and didn’t understand what he was asking this for, and thought it was because of Zhou Qian’s business.

Xia Qingshu nodded, “Yes.”

Chen Zhiyu felt some tightness in his chest, he was quite a bit taller than Xia Qingshu and turned his head to look straight at him, “Wen Sheng took the initiative?”


“Did you even meet before the painting exhibition?”

“Heard a concert together.”

Chen Zhiyu felt his head buzzing, no wonder he lied for Wen Sheng. He didn’t know that Wen Sheng was quite romantic. Even if he was romantic, he was still just a defeated man under him.

However, by treating Wen Sheng as a defeated man, Chen Zhiyu did not feel better, instead, his chest felt even more stuffy.

“If you don’t like him, why do you often go out with him?”

Xia Qing Shu was a little dumbfounded. The two of them hadn’t gotten to the point where they could ask such questions naturally, and Brother Zhiyu was looking stranger and stranger.

Not knowing how the other man had concluded that he didn’t like Wen Sheng, he cocked his head and thought about it, he really didn’t thinking of going with Wen Sheng beyond the boundaries at the moment, so he explained in a small voice, “Not often either, just went out twice.”

“Just?” His hands squeezed tightly, Chen Zhiyu’s voice unconsciously plucked up two degrees, “Not liking him and still going out with someone twice, you’re acting very, casually, like that!”

Xia Qingshu stared at him with wide eyes, somewhat at a loss, he wrinkled his small brow and mumbled, “So that’s …… casual?”

Chen Zhiyu said in a cold voice, “Yes.”

Xia Qingshu lowered his head and gently fiddled with his nails. He knew that Chen Zhiyu was conservative and ascetic, and was known as the head of the male virtue class. He just didn’t expect that one day, he would meet the head of the male virtue class to teach him live.

Being called casual, Xia Qingshu was a little angry, he and Wen Sheng were obviously just having a normal relationship, not doing anything unseemly, how could it be so bad coming from Chen Zhiyu’s mouth.

He felt that he and Chen Zhiyu had some misconceptions.

Xia Qingshu beamed and mumbled in a small voice, “I’m not being casual.”

Chen Zhiyu only felt blue veins on his head.

Knowing his mistake but not changing it, he still dared to talk back. He was nearly ten centimetres taller than Xia Qing Shu and leaned down to grab Xia Qing Shu’s arms and pushed him against the sofa.

He slowly moved closer.

Xia Qing Shu’s face was white and his long raven-like eyelashes trembled gently. His tender red lips were slightly open, exhaling a sweet scent.

Chen Zhiyu only wanted to scare him, but the closer he got, the stronger he smelled the scent of his body. A light and faint milk fragrance …..when you get closer, it seems to be a little sweet

That luscious color between his lips…..Was it milky?

The words of criticism were swallowed and the adam’s apple rolled, Chen Zhiyu said seemingly calmly, “Do you know what an old man like Wen Sheng thinks?”

Wen Sheng is not old at all, isn’t he similar to you.

But Xia Qing Shu didn’t dare to argue. Brother Zhiyu had been a bit moody when he rubbed his medicine this afternoon, and the way he was acting now was not like a normal relationship between friends . Instead, he looks a bit like a new wife who is jealous in a drama.

Although there was no way to retreat behind him, Xia Qing Shu struggled to inhale and keep his back tightly pressed against the leather seat.

“I don’t know ……”

“You are bound not to know.” Chen Zhiyu’s face was already close to his eyes, his features were deep and his nose was high, he could touch the other party’s forehead if he moved a little further forward. The warm breath carried the man’s hormones, blowing the long, curly eyelashes to flutter more noticeably.

Xia Qing Shu thought to himself, are all old men so rough when they are angry?

“I tell you, he wants it …… like this.”

Xia Qingshu originally wanted to say that he didn’t want to know at all, but before he could react, Chen Zhiyu had already hugged him.

Chen Zhiyu’s chin had some short, shallow stubble that rubbed against the nape of Xia Qingshu’s neck and tickled. Not only did it tickle, Chen Zhiyu looked like he had just run a marathon, and his heavy breathing kept spraying into his ears.

What was he…what was he up to? Was this something that a male virtue class leader could do? Even if it’s a demonstration, it doesn’t need to look like this.

Xia Qing Shu clenched his small fist against his chest and frowned as he pushed him away, “You, you go away.”

His voice was still so soft and his tone not too high, not like he was pushing back, but rather with a welcome meaning.

Chen Zhiyu only wanted to scare Xia Qing Shu, but Xia Qing Shu’s body smelled so good and the skin was so tender, like something addictive, once he was on it, he didn’t want to leave.

Chen Zhiyu paused, feeling his heart beating hard.

“Do you know an old man like Wen Sheng …… how bad he is?” Chen Zhiyu arched forward, the tip of his nose was swept by the hair on the back of Qinshu’s neck and it tickled a little. Xia Qingshu’s hair was dark, as soft as the person, and the short, dark hair set off the snowy white skin at the nape of his neck.

The small earlobes were fleshy, like big white pears hanging on the branches in autumn, fat and juicy ……

Xia Qing Shu was a little scared, so Wen Sheng was so bad.

“I …. know now….”

A muffled laugh escaped the head buried in the nape of his neck, Chen Zhiyu opened his lips and a sticky exhale blew out, “You know what, that’s not the worst, he can be worse ……”

Chen Zhiyu moved a little closer and the snow-white skin flushed all of a sudden. The tips of the ears were also red. Not the pure kind of red, pink, like a kind of rose called “pink beauty”.

Why was he so delicate?

Xia Qingshu was shocked, his stiff body trembled gently. According to reason, at this time, Chen Zhiyu should have left and said a few words about etiquette, righteousness and integrity to deepen his status as a moral standard bearer and the head of the male virtue class.

But instead, it was as if he had been enchanted and couldn’t move, instead further demonstrating a worse plot.

“If he does this to you …..what should you do ……”

“I ……” Xia Qing Shu’s body shook uncontrollably, and the small hand that was tightly protecting his chest loosened a little. He lowered his small hand, allowing the other to lean in closer.

Then, slightly tilting his head sideways, he leaned close to the nape of the other party’s neck and opened his small mouth….

“Click” and bit down hard.

The two cute, sharp little tiger teeth don’t need much force to bite a line of blood out of the person.

The “bad guy” who was demonstrating the drama let out a muffled grunt.

One wouldn’t know if it was from the pain or some other unspeakable reason.


Chen Zhiyu was a little angry at first.

Wen Sheng treated him so badly, how could he be like this? Instead of resisting, he was responding positively?

Thinking about it, although he said, “This is the bad thing that Wen Sheng, that old man, did”, in fact, it was him who operated, and it was him who Xia Qinshu responded to.

If he was to blame anyone, it was his own charm that was to blame. The two of them are in this state, so why don’t they just do it and set the relationship in motion?

The kid should be happy and crazy. But there’s no telling what this “casual” kid might do after the relationship is finalized ……he had to stop it, somethings would have to wait until after the wedding!

The moment the smooth lips with the sharp little tiger teeth came up, Chen Zhiyu realized that Xia Qing Shu’s mouth was really small. So small that even when he opened his mouth, he could only bite into a little bit of skin and flesh.

It hurts a little ……a bit itchy.

They are still in the car, it’s not even dark yet. How can this kid do this?

Chen Zhiyu only felt that he had fallen into the clouds, his whole body was light and limp, as if his arms and legs were out of order, so much so that he did not stop this very inappropriate behavior of the boy in time as he had planned. It was only when a sharp pain came from the nape of his neck that Chen Zhiyu dropped from the clouds and landed on his feet.

The sharp little tiger teeth took a tiny bit of skin//flesh and bit down hard, with the kind of stinging and scratching pain that hurt more than being bitten into a chunk of flesh.

It hurt and itched at the same time. Yet, he still didn’t want to leave. He even felt that the other side wasn’t ruthless enough and could have bitten a little harder.

Until the warm, bright red liquid slowly flowed down from his neck, and he looked sideways, his neck was full of blood.

Xia Qingshu’s face was miserably white, like a little vampire that ambles around day and night, staring at him with a dull expression. The long eyelashes were stuck with tears, lots of them, and a slight shake could shake out countless water stars.

Xia Qingshu was dumbfounded, but Chen Zhiyu was even more dumbfounded than him.

The two of them just looked at each other.

The car weaved through the endless flow of streets, the neon outside the window shifted frame by frame, the colourful light hitting his face, but only reflected a pale white.

“Brother Zhiyu, do you want to, like, stop the bleeding?” Xia Qing Shu looked stunned. He had been frail since he was a child, and his parents had taught him that when facing bad guys, don’t fight hard, run if you can, gouge each other’s eyes if you can’t, and kick for your life. However, if none of these work, bite the other person hard, use all your strength, bite and don’t let go.

In that position just now, there was no way to carry out any other measures, but to bite with the mouth. He had never bitten anyone before and didn’t know how lightly to bite, so he accidentally bit Brother Zhiyu and made his neck bleed.

He panicked a little and scrambled backwards, pressing the middle rear seat shelf block down, quickly drawing a few sheets of paper and pressing them onto Chen Zhiyu’s wound.

Chen Zhiyu let out a breath, drew a few sheets of paper and handed them over, “Wipe your mouth.”

The pink lips were stained with blood, and a drop of it went down the corner of his mouth, leaving a bloody trail.

His eyes were dumbfounded, like a little vampire enjoying a blood meal for the first time, unable to even wipe his mouth. A pair of beautiful eyes pitiful, as if to say, “Can I have another bite?”

Chen Zhiyu reached out and pressed his hand to the injury before Xia Qing Shu retracted his hand and wiped his mouth with a tissue.

The neck is rich in blood vessels, and he should have just been bitten off a piece of skin. After Chen Zhiyu pressed it for a while, the bleeding stopped temporarily.

As if he had done something bad, Xia Qingshu shrank back and sat against the door, using the corner of his eyes to look at Chen Zhiyu.

Observing that Chen Zhiyu’s face did not show any discontent, he only asked in a weak voice.

“Brother Zhiyu, is it okay for me to deal with the bad guys like this?”

Chen Zhiyu’s ears were a little red, and if you looked closely, you would see that his entire neck was also red, but the car was dimly lit and his neck was pressed down by a large piece of tissue paper, so one couldn’t see it clearly.

He was a little stunned, not responding at first, and it took him a while to come around and figure out what was going on. He was demonstrating how bad “Old Man Wen Sheng” could be, and then Xia Qing Shu bit him.

“…… Yes.”

Xia Qing Shu was relieved when Zhi Yu finally became more normal. He lifted his head, his beautiful eyes shimmering in the darkness, “Did I do a good job?”

Still begging for praise with an innocent face.

Chen Zhiyu took a deep breath, adjusted his sitting posture and said indifferently, “Very good.”

Xia Qingshu shook his head, somewhat smug. After a while, as if remembering something, he cocked his head again and looked over.

“Brother Zhiyu, how did you know that Brother Sheng would be that bad?”

He had not had much contact with Wen Sheng, only three times, but Wen Sheng did not look like a bad person at all. On the contrary, Wen Sheng was very gentle, understanding and caring, and he was very relaxed to be around. If he had to choose only one person when he was stranded on an island, he would consider Wen Sheng first.

As a Chinese film star, Wen Sheng had almost no negative news, his relationship history was clean, and he didn’t even have a CP. Such a person, Xia Qing Shu could not imagine what it would be like for him to do bad things.

Chen Zhiyu snorted coldly and crumpled the tissue paper in his hand into a ball, “He and I were classmates.”

His head was tilted up slightly, the blood-red circle of teeth marks on his neck, particularly conspicuous.

“Was he this bad when he was at school?” Xia Qing Shu asked suspiciously.

“No.” Chen Zhiyu said, “There were a lot of people chasing him when he was in school, and he never responded.”

Xia Qingshu:?

“Sounds like a very nice guy.”

“What do you know?” Chen Zhiyu inclined his head, exposing the teeth marks to Xia Qing Shu’s eyes, and said in a low, mysterious tone, “He’s been abstinent for so long, once he lets go, he’s bound to do lots and lots of perverted/normative things.”

“Can you handle it?”



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