Chapter 55:


Chen Zhiyu had never felt so aggrieved before.

Hide, why did he have to hide?

He is the “national boyfriend”, the number one in the richest cantaloupe list, and the top three in the world’s most wanted men list, what reason does he need to hide? Is it because he’s not a good-looking man or his background is shameful?

His mind was in denial. But the body was honest. Especially when a thin, cold little hand squeezed his wrist, his mind was stimulated, filled with thoughts: why was the other’s hand so cold, why were there such small hands in the world that couldn’t even hold his wrist, was he really nineteen years old?

Chen Zhiyu hardly put up any resistance and followed behind Xia Qingshu very obediently.

The room was decorated in a minimalist style and appeared somewhat empty. Xia Qing Shu had just moved in not long ago and has not yet had time to buy new items, so it is not easy to find a place to hide.

Xia Qing Shu wrinkled his pretty eyebrows, looked around and finally pointed to the bottom of the bed. His pretty eyes blinked as if to say: “Please hide there, hurry up.

Very politely, he invited the president to hide under the bed.

Chen Zhiyu’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he didn’t move for awhile.

The voice outside the door rang out again, “Qing Shu?”

“Second brother, I’ll be right there.”

Thinking that Zhiyu didn’t understand him, Xia Qingshu tugged on his wrist and moved to his ear, whispering in an airy voice, “Brother Zhiyu, go under the bed and hide.”

Although his voice was small, the air he blew out was like a feather with fire, touching the pinna of the ear, blowing up in a puff, and igniting a large area in an instant.

Chen Zhiyu was a little shaken.

Seeing that the other party didn’t move, Xia Qing Shu leaned a few more points closer and deliberately got aggressive, “My father will kill you if he knows you ran into my room in the middle of the night.”

Just now, Mr. Wu had been beaten by the three of them, Xia Jing, Xia Shan and Xia Ji, to the point where he was foaming at the mouth, and left with a limp, which he had seen with his own eyes. Although Chen Zhiyu and he were not in that kind of relationship, he was afraid that Xia Jing would misunderstand, and since Xia Jing was in a fit of rage, Chen Zhiyu would definitely not be able to get a good deal if he was found out.

His tone was a little worried and a little pushy. It was just a soft bite, with no intimidation.

“Brother Zhiyu, hurry up.”

Chen Zhiyu understood every word of the other side, and he subconsciously wanted to argue a couple of things, such as if Xia Jing knew he was here, not only would he not beat him, he would probably be so surprised that he would betroth you to me overnight. He could bet all the glory of his life that he would certainly receive the warmest welcome from the Xia family.

But he said nothing, did nothing, ghosted to the floor and slowly made his way under the bed at Xia Qing Shu’s direction.

As he crawled he was thinking, if Xia Qing Shu was lying on the bed and he was lying under it, would that be considered sleeping together?

This child is so clever and resourceful. There were so many places to hide but he chose under the bed.

He went down slowly and the tip of his nose almost touched a pair of worn socks.

In the end, he didn’t make it. Chen Zhiyu was too tall and the bottom of the bed was too narrow for him to get into. So he hid in the wardrobe.

Xia Qing Shu threw in two pieces of clothing to cover him up for insurance purposes.

When he hid in the wardrobe, Chen Zhiyu was still making excuses for hiding. He was open and honest and wasn’t afraid of anyone, he just didn’t want to meet the parents too early. After all, if Xia Ji found out, he would definitely be forced to meet the parents.

With Xia Qing Shu’s clothes covering his face and the smell of him surrounding him, it smelled so good. Would it smell this good if he burrowed under the bed?



Because the security system had gone off today and there was that incident with Xia Yubin, the men of the Xia family were worried a burglar had tumbled into the house and were very alert. Although they didn’t find the burglar, everyone didn’t sleep too soundly. Xia Ji’s room was directly above Xia Qing Shu’s room, and when he heard him call out, he immediately came down.

“Second brother, I had already fallen asleep.” Xia Qingshu was guilty and hid behind the door after opening it, revealing only a small head.

“Why did you just shout out now?” Xia Ji stood in the doorway and gave him a look.

“Nothing …… I just accidentally stepped on a something and bumped myself.” Xia Qing Shu held the door frame and had no intention of letting Xia Ji in.

He really didn’t know Xia Ji very well, so he said a few more words when he received gifts today, he thought that Xia Ji had only come downstairs to ask out of courtesy or on Xia Jing’s behalf.

But Xia Ji didn’t look very calm, he was really worried about the other side.

Xia Ji’s eyebrows knitted up slightly as he asked worriedly, “Has anyone entered your room?”

“No.” Xia Qing Shu lowered his head, not daring to meet Xia Ji’s eyes, and shook his head wholeheartedly.

“Mum was worried that you’d have a headache the next day after drinking, so she asked me to bring you an antidote to the drink, but I was too busy just now and forgot.” Xia Ji handed over a bottle of medicine.

Xia Qing Shu rubbed his eyes, reached out to take the antidote, whispered “thank you” and was about to close the door when Xia Ji suddenly stretched out his hand and put it against the door frame, asking, “Won’t you let me in?”

Xia Ji stood in the back light, his light blue pupils half narrowed as he stared intently at the pretty little face. He was so tall that he blocked out the light behind him, and Xia Qing Shu’s whole face was shrouded in shadows, with only one pair of eyes shining brightly, like an elf hiding in the grass.

Xia Ji took a step forward.

“Huh?” Xia Qing Shu didn’t react.

It was early in the morning, why did he want to sit inside his room.

His entire body was hidden behind the door, revealing only a small white face. He was a little uncomfortable being watched by the other party, and hid his body behind the door again, as if he was hiding some secret.

“I …… I want to go to sleep.”

Instead of leaving at this seemingly reasonable answer, Xia Ji frowned and continued to pursue the question, “Why did it take so long to open the door just now?”

Xia Ji, who was tall and had the strong build of a westerner, leaned on the door with one hand and with a gentle push, he almost staggered Xia Qing Shu,

Xia Qing Shu was stunned by his sudden movement, he steadied himself and leaned over the door to use his body weight against it, asking in a thin voice, “Does something have to be said now?”

Xia Qingshu was thin and light, and that little weight was nothing to Xia Ji, who used a little force to push the door halfway open. The whole room was neat and tidy, except for the signs that someone had slept on the bed. It did not look like it was hiding a secret.

At that moment, Xia Qing Shu was still behind the door, and seeing that Xia Ji was about to enter, his eyes were red and he was about to cry with anxiety. Flustered and anxious, he stopped him, saying, “…… I wasn’t dressed just now.”

The small face was flushed red from panic and lying. His lips were slightly parted and his lips trembled lightly, not knowing if it was because he was cold without clothes or simply because he was scared. He pressed his body against the door, helpless and weak.

“I’m your brother.” Xia Ji’s body paused slightly, his eyes lingering on his face for half a second before moving away in an instant. He wanted to say that it was no big deal for two brothers to be slightly unclothed. But on second thought, he didn’t any wear clothes when he slept either. So the person hiding behind the door now was most likely ……

The tips of Xia Ji’s ears reddened instantly. His hair was thick, covering his ears so densely that when he got close, one couldn’t see any change in color. Only the gradually rising, hot body temperature reminded him that his ears were red and hot.

The hand that rested on the door dropped, and Xia Ji’s leg that had stepped into the door’s edge retracted. No wonder Xia Qing Shu only showed his head, he thought. Just now he thought the other party was rude, but now when he thinks about it carefully, he should have a special place in Xia Qing Shu’s heart, otherwise he wouldn’t have come to open the door for him like this.

Seeing that the other party was stunned, Xia Qing Shu continued to explain in a low voice, “I was just looking for clothes …… So the door was opened a little late.”

“Oh, I know.” Xia Ji replied in a seemingly calm manner.

He cast a careless glance at the other party. He seemed to be dressed, but not completely, probably just a T-shirt that barely covered the upper half of his body.

When Xia Qingshu saw that the other party had been fooled by him and had no plans to come in, he breathed a sigh of relief and slowly closed the door while Xia Ji was not paying attention. He hoped that Xia Ji would leave quickly.

When he had just stuffed Chen Zhiyu into the wardrobe, Chen Zhiyu’s expression was reluctant. If he made any noise and Xia Ji found out that there was a big live person hiding in the wardrobe, it would be a real shame to jump into the Yellow River.

When he was afraid, his body shook a little. His thin, white fingers squeezed the door frame, and a hint of red hovered at the end of his eyes.

He pushed the door tremblingly, and when it was about to close, he rubbed his eyes and hummed in a thin voice, “Brother, I’m so sleepy.”

The soft tone seemed to be coquettish.

Instead of calling him second brother, he called him brother bluntly, as if he was more intimate with the other person.

Xia Ji took the initiative to take a step back. He didn’t leave right away, but said, “I have two more words, I’ll leave after I finish.”

“Brother, you say it ……”

Xia Ji took a deep breath, the expression on his face was somewhat complicated, as if he had made a great determination, and only after a few seconds did he speak, “What do you think of Shen Xunyi?”

“Shen Xunyi……??” Xia Qing Shu really couldn’t understand why Second Brother would ask such a stray question when he wouldn’t let him sleep in the middle of the night. He thought that Second Brother would be like his father and elder brother and admonish him not to follow Xia Yubin’s example and do such a corrupting thing to the family, but he didn’t expect him to ask such a question.

“Yes, Shen Xunyi.”

“He ah ……” Xia Qing Shu wanted to say that he didn’t know this person either, he had just met him for the first time today, so it really wasn’t very good to give a detailed evaluation of the other person, and Xia Ji was like he wouldn’t leave as long as he didn’t say anything.

He said politely, “He’s quite good.”

Xia Ji gave him a look and tried to ask another question. Xia Qingshu narrowed his eyes and yawned. Fragrant, warm breath blew out of his lips and puffed onto the other man’s face.

Xia Ji held his breath and his whole body stiffened. He thought to himself, “Why is this younger brother of his like this, he doesn’t even know to cover his mouth with his hand when he yawns.” Before he could react, Xia Qing Shu hurriedly closed the door, “Brother, I’m going to bed, let’s talk about it tomorrow.”

After closing the door, Xia Qing Shu deliberately walked hard and made a loud noise as he lay down on the bed. He lay in bed for two minutes before creeping up again, lying on the floor and looking through the door to see if Xia Ji had left.

Xia Ji was still standing outside the door, and he didn’t know what he was going to do, he had obviously come here to care for his brother, but it was only after a couple of words that he started to wandering around, and even brought up Shen Xunyi for no reason. He may have lost his mind a little.

He stood outside the door for several minutes before leaving.

After making sure that Xia Ji left, Xia Qing Shu finally breathed a long sigh of relief. He opened the wardrobe and hurriedly let Chen Zhiyu out. The moment he lifted the clothes covering the other man’s body, Xia Qing Shu suddenly had a feeling that the other man didn’t quite want to come out.

“Brother Zhiyu, my brother is gone.”

“Oh.” Chen Zhiyu responded indifferently and didn’t move.

“What’s wrong with you?” Xia Qingshu reached out to pull him, “Are your legs numb?”

Chen Zhiyu was tall and curled up in the wardrobe, it was easy for his legs to go numb when he held one position for too long.

“No.” Chen Zhiyu held his hand and got out of the wardrobe.

Only after he came out did Xia Qingshu realize that there were blood marks on Chen Zhiyu’s nose, he seemed to have had a nosebleed.

Was he smothered in the wardrobe?

Or had he accidentally bumped into it? But he didn’t hear any strange noises?

He felt that he might really fight against Brother Zhiyu in the five elements, every time he met him, Chen Zhiyu had to get hurt. The first time was when his leg was hit by an electric pole, the last time his neck was so bloody that he almost died from his own bite, and today he had a nosebleed after just ten minutes or so of being bored in the wardrobe.

The wardrobe door was not soundproof, and Chen Zhiyu could hear the conversation between Xia Qing Shu and Xia Ji clearly. The nosebleed came out when Xia Qing Shu said he was “not wearing any clothes”.

He had been in the room the whole time, so he knew best whether Xia Qing Shu was wearing clothes or not. This little guy was clearly wearing clothes, but the only thing is that he was not wearing trousers. Why would he lie.

Chen Zhiyu looked up and saw that Xia Qingshu was wearing a wide little raccoon pajama top that was just the right length in the middle of his thighs, with a pair of thin, straight legs exposed in full view.

Faced with Chen Zhiyu’s direct gaze, Xia Qing Shu was a little uncomfortable and pulled down the hem of the top with both hands, trying to cover his knees with the lower edge of the hem.

The top was a little stretchy, so the front was stretched out and the back was shortened.

Although he couldn’t see the back, Chen Zhiyu’s mind was in turmoil and he couldn’t stop imagining Xia Qing Shu’s clothes being pulled up at the back.

“Brother Zhiyu, your nosebleed is getting worse!”


The autumn evening was a bit cool, Xia Qing Shu found a pair of trousers to put on and a jacket, Chen Zhiyu’s nosebleed was finally stopped.

The electronic clock on his desk showed that it was now 1.30am. Xia Qingshu was so sleepy that he cupped his hands around his small mouth and yawned several times. His eyes were red with sleep, and the corners of his eyes were misted with teardrops.

Because of Xia Ji’s sudden visit, what Xia Qing Shu just wanted to ask could not come to his mind at all, he just wanted to tell Brother Zhiyu to hurry up and leave, then he could lock the doors and windows and lay down on his bed to sleep.

“Brother Zhiyu, can you go first? My house was burgled today and dad and brothers are very alert.” Xia Qing Shu tilted his head in a daze, looking as if he could fall back to sleep at any moment.

Chen Zhiyu said indifferently, “The security alarm was tripped by me.”

Xia Qingshu dozed off dazedly, his little head a little, “The thief turned out to be you …… Ah, no, I didn’t say you were a thief.”

“Why don’t you go through the front door?” Xia Qing Shu was a little puzzled.

If he didn’t use the main entrance, but had to climb over the wall to come in…..Xia Qinshu thought carefully, so if Chen Zhiyu had not triggered the security alarm, the family would have been busy today, and maybe they would not know about Xia Yubin now.

Chen Zhiyu had ruined Xia Yubin’s good time by mistake. When Xia Qing Shu looked at Chen Zhiyu again, his eyes softened a lot.

Chen Zhiyu didn’t answer his words, instead he asked, “Did you invite Shen Xunyi?”

Xia Qingshu answered seriously, “I didn’t invite him, it was Mom and second brother who invited him, and it was the first time I met him.”

Remembering Xia Ji’s abrupt question, Chen Zhiyu said naively, “What do you think …. about Shen Xunyi?”

Xia Qing Shu: “……”

What? Why are they asking him this question one after the other. Is this Shen Xunyi a very important person?

Xia Qingshu suddenly thought of when Chen Qixi introduced the guest list to him before the banquet started, and focused on Shen Xunyi.

Shen Xunyi was from the north, his family was well-off and he was personally very capable, but he had some minor flaws in his temper.

Chen Qixi pulled him in and talked a lot about how family conditions are not the main focus, the most important thing is to look at the person, the person is the most important, and then asked him to pay attention to it, if there is one he likes, he must tell them, and also stressed to him several times which guests are single.

At the time, he thought Chen Qixi was simply trying to get him to integrate better into the circle of the gentry, but he never expected ……this banquet appeared to be a welcome party on the surface, but it was actually a large matchmaking venue that Chen Qixi had organized specifically for him.

This, this is too exaggerated.

He was suddenly a little shy, his face flushed, and when he lowered his head, his long curly eyelashes couldn’t stop fluttering about. In Chen Zhiyu’s eyes, it was as if Xia Qingshu had gotten nostalgic at the mention of “Shen Xunyi”. Chen Zhiyu’s face was instantly covered with frost and he asked in a stern voice, “Why are you blushing?

Xia Qingshu was so stunned by the other party’s violent reaction that he forgot to even say a retort, and just stared blankly over.

“Do you have a crush on Shen Xunyi?!”

Chen Zhiyu was completely unaware of what kind of position he was standing in to ask this question. He asked it in a righteous and vocal manner.

It was as if Xia Qingshu had committed a monstrous mistake as long as he nodded his head and admitted it.

What, what?

Xia Qing Shu’s eyes widened, was the spirit of Zhi Yu the class leader of the male virtue class in charge again, such a harsh tone, was he criticizing him for being easily moved at the first meeting?

“No, no ……” Xia Qing Shu hurriedly explained in a small voice.

The look on Chen Zhiyu’s face eased up quite a bit, he coldly snorted and asked indifferently, “I just heard it, but you think Shen Xunyi ……is good, right?!”

“……” Xia Qing Shu didn’t expect Chen Zhi Yu to have the leisure to listen to him and Xia Ji while he was hiding in the wardrobe. Not only did he listen, but now he came to ask him about it.

He replied in a small voice, “Just polite words.”

“You still know how to say polite words?” What Chen Zhiyu didn’t notice was that the smell of vinegar in his mouth was close to opening an international chain of vinegar factories.

Xia Qingshu was a bit angry, what was wrong with this person, running inside someone’s room in the middle of the night and staying there, and saying some inexplicable things.

He grunted, “Why can’t I say polite words, I know how to be polite.”

His little mouth puckered up, a little impatient, his head tilted to the side. But it was this stubborn look that made it all the more adorable.

Chen Zhiyu’s heart softened for a moment, “Then whom would you say is better, me or Shen Xunyi?”

Xia Qingshu was convinced that Chen Zhiyu was drunk eight times out of ten. Otherwise, why would he ask such a childish question?

He replied politely, “Of course you are better.”

Chen Zhiyu half tilted his head, the corners of his lips slightly curled up, obviously pleased by this answer.


After entering bed at some point, Xia Qingshu suddenly felt refreshed, and he didn’t rush Chen Zhiyu to go, asking, “Brother Zhiyu, did you come to see me today, is there something urgent?”

It was so urgent that he didn’t even go through the main gate and went straight over the wall.

Only then did Chen Zhiyu remember the purpose of his trip. The little one had liked him for so long and had given so much unilaterally, so he guessed it must have been hard.

What about his visit today, well his main purpose was to accept the little one’s liking.

However, there is a very important premise, his relationship with the little one is not easy to disclose for the time being. Because he is a public figure and has so many fans, he is worried about the negative impact on the child if it is made public.

Moreover, he is naturally cold-hearted and is definitely not as deeply involved in this relationship as Xia Qing Shu. He will accept the little one in a serious manner, but he is not sure of himself, if the relationship ends up with no success, it will inevitably affect the other party’s future journey to choose a spouse.

He thinks he is mature, wisely considering the future of his little friend.

Before he even opened his mouth, Chen Zhiyu seemed to be anticipating what kind of surprised face the child would have when he spoke his mind.

That pretty little face will be red, right? He will call him “brother” in a small voice, right? He will definitely take his hand, shyly forbid him to leave, let him stay tonight, and if he squeals with joy, he must cover his mouth so as not to alert Xia Ji again.

If he is so proactive, will the kid get his way and ask for a hug or something ……

No, he must not indulge the kid, at most… a kiss.

“Zhiyu brother, what are you thinking about, you talk?” Seeing the other party dazed, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth, Xia Qingshu gently touched the other party.

“Qing Shu,” Chen Zhiyu snapped back to his senses and took a deep breath.

He fished a light blue stone out of his shirt and handed it to Xia Qingshu. There was a small night light on in the room, and in the dim light, the blue stone reflected countless white specks of light. It was a blue diamond, visually estimated to be at least ten carats.

Flawless and translucent.

Xia Qingshu looked over in awe.

Chen Zhiyu stretched out his index finger and nudged him lightly on the forehead. Perhaps to prevent the other party from overthinking it, Chen Zhiyu deliberately curbed his smile and said somewhat seriously, “I’ve given it some thought, and for your liking, I say yes.”

His tone was smooth, not like he was confessing, but a bit like he was in a meeting, or a recruitment conference. After several rounds of written tests and interviews, the person was simply informed – “You’re accepted.”

Only he knew what kind of waves were in the depths of that seemingly calm sea level.

The blue diamond was in the hands of Xia Qing Shu, and his hands shook for a moment, and his heart was as if shaken by a magnitude 10 earthquake, which dispersed all the sleep he had left.

What, what do you mean?

He was a bit confused, what did he promise?

When did he like him?


He seemed to have confessed to Chen Zhiyu, at that time to make Chen Zhiyu hate him and stay away from him, Chen Zhiyu rejected it on the spot and he didn’t take it to heart. Xia Qing Shu desperately turned his small brain, opened his mouth, and did not know what to say. He didn’t even understand what Chen Zhiyu meant.

Chen Zhiyu stood still and found that Xia Qingshu was not as excited and elated as he thought he would be, instead he was a little frightened and still a little confused.

“What? Silly?” Chen Zhiyu ruffled his bangs, not forgetting to spread his ubiquitous charm at this time, “I allow you to be my boyfriend.”

Xia Qing Shu was completely dumbfounded, “What, what boyfriend? When did I want to be your boyfriend?”

“Don’t you like me?” Chen Zhiyu looked like he deserved it, and his tone was the same kind of unquestionable tone.

His heart was beating fast, a hundred times more excited than the first time he broke/virginity.

“I agree to be with you.”



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