Chapter 71


Chen Rao threw a big thunderbolt, expecting it to explode to the sky, but to her surprise, the other party still looked as if she was at ease and unchanged, as if she had just let out a painless and boring fart.

Chen Rao was a bit stunned.

Did Chen Qixi already know about it?

It shouldn’t be ……

Every look and movement of Chen Qiqi’s eyes indicated that she had just found out about it.

In Chen Rao’s opinion, Chen Qixi should be surprised, shocked, and even paralyzed. Followed by her refusal to believe it that Xia Qingshu was pregnant with their Chen family’s cub. After accepting the truth, she would make an effort to flatter her as her future in-laws in order to make Xia Qing Shu’s life better in the future.

Not as calm and collected as she is now ……still sneering at her ……

Chen Rao’s scalp began to tingle.

Chen Qixi raised an eyebrow and snorted once again, “Just this?!”

She had a light hearted look, as if she heard that Qing Shu had gone out shopping for a cup of milk tea.

“Finished, right? You can leave when you’re done.”

Chen Rao: “……”

What is this? If it wasn’t for the ladylike way she was dressed today, she would have grabbed Chen Qixi and given her a violent shake!

He’s pregnant… pregnant!!!

She seriously doubted whether Chen Qixi was actually Xia Qingshu’s mother, how could she not respond when she heard the news?!

Chen Rao was a little flustered. She had issued a military order at the Chen family mansion today. That no matter the case, she would take Xia Qingshu away today. But it had only been less than an hour since she entered the Chen family home, she hadn’t even seen Xia Qing Shu, and she was already being driven away?

This is not in line with her usual style.

Chen Rao sat back on the sofa, cleared her throat and repeated calmly, “Qi Xi, listen carefully, Qing Shu is pregnant, and he is carrying Zhiyu’s child.”

“Just say it once, I’m not deaf, I heard you very clearly.” Chen Qixi crossed her orchid fingers and pointed her nose to the air.

Chen Rao: “You’re not surprised?”

Chen Qixi: “Not surprised.”

Chen Rao: “You, you don’t have anything to say to me?”

Chen Qixi: “No, just leave when you’re done.”

Chen Rao: “……”

Xia Qing Shu’s mouth was already choking enough, but she didn’t expect Chen Qi Xi to be even better.

Chen Rao’s thoughts went flying , wondering if this choking tongue would be passed down to her big fat grandson?

Seeing that the other party was in a daze, Chen Qixi urged: “Hurry up, hurry up, I have something to do in a while.”

Chen Rao refused to leave, and said, “This is how your Xia family treats guests? I haven’t even had my tea yet. But you started chasing me, your guest before even the seat was warmed?”

Chen Qixi: “Yes, this is how our family is like.”

Chen Rao: “……”

When faced with such a person, the tens of thousands of word drafts that Chen Rao had prepared before she came could not be of any use. Since the other party did not play by the rules, she also gave up, “Xia Qing Shu is pregnant with Zhi Yu’s child, now the two children are in love, why not get it done? This man, is pregnant with a child, which other men would dare to want him?”

“Didn’t you watch the live broadcast? Shen Xunyi likes our Qing Shu, and Wen Sheng, the movie star, also praises our Qing Shu, there are many people lining up to like our Qing Shu. I’m thinking that Xunyi and Sheng are no worse than your ZhiYu.” Chen Qixi rolled her eyes, “Your family Zhiyu, has enough issues….one has to line up to France for him!”

Chen Rao coldly snorted and said firmly, “That’s because others don’t know he’s pregnant, if they knew Xia Qingshu was pregnant, they’d run faster than rabbits!”

Chen Qixi smiled gently and took out the phone, “Then do you want me to make a phone call to try Shen Xunyi or Wen Sheng, oh there is also He Chen, you choose one. If they know that Qing Shu is pregnant and still like Qing Shu, from now on, you will never set foot in my house again! From now on, you won’t interfere with whoever our Qing Shu likes and whoever he marries!”

“Just ask if you dare to gamble!”

Her look was serious, not like she was joking.

Chen Rao was stunned by the other party’s certainty, she had seen the live broadcast, how could a character like Shen Xunyi compete with Zhiyu on camera without care, if he didn’t like Qinshu very much.

Wen Sheng she didn’t know much about either, but she heard that he created a movie specifically for Xia Qing Shu, and the two of them even went to a painting exhibition.  Not to mention that idiot He Chen, who was being used as a stand-in and still looks obsessed.

Maybe they will really agree, and there is more than one person who can agree, these people are not as good as Zhiyu though, but they are okay.

Chen Rao did not open her mouth and murmured, “No gamble, I don’t want to bet.”

Chen Qixi served tea to send off the guests, “Since you won’t gamble, then please leave!”

Chen Rao made a special trip, but she didn’t even see anyone, and was disliked to the point of being dumbfounded.

At this moment, Chen Rao’s prestige was almost doused, when she came, she looked like a mighty rooster, now she was like a poodle that had fallen into the water.

“Please – take your time and don’t see me off!”

Chen Qixi was completely bluffing Chen Rao, she would never divulge this matter without Qing Shu’s consent, it was Qing Shu’s secret,  she was not qualified to make decisions without his permission.

Chen Qixi turned the big diamond ring on her finger and laughed, “Chen Rao, as a human being, sometimes don’t be too confident, even if there is no man, Qingshu still has a family. You must know Qingshu’s life experience, it was hard to find him. The baby who came back, the baby that our whole family holds in the palm of our hands, how could it be so easy to marry him off and let him suffer?”

“Our Xia family is not as good as your Chen family, but even if Qing Shu had ten or eight children, we could afford to raise them.”

“Your Zhiyu is indeed good, barely worthy of my Qing Shu, but marriage is not something where two people like each other and accommodate each other for a hundred years. Marriage looks like two people together, but in reality it’s the union of two families.”

“Chen Rao, I’ll make it clear to you today, I just can’t stand you, what era is it now, and you still have hound your son to get kids just for the sake of inheriting the family business? With your thinking, how can I feel comfortable handing Qing Shu over?!”

“We can’t let go of Qing Shu, in the future, if Qing Shu doesn’t marry and our family is recruiting, you can go back and tell Chen Zhiyu that if he really likes Qing Shu, please let him come ready to be here as our son-in-law!”

Chen Qixi’s aura was in full swing, emitting a queenly glow that was unstoppable.

Although these words were meant to anger Chen Rao, they were pretty much what she really thought. She had searched for years for her precious son, but before he had even warmed up in her arms, she had to give him away?! No way! She could not let him go, and neither could Xia Jing.

When she heard of Qing Shu’s pregnancy, she was shocked at first, but she was not angry, but rather worried about Qing Shu. Hearing from Chen Rao, Qing Shu had been with Chen Zhiyu before he was found by the Xia family. Qing Shu found out he was pregnant after he returned to the Xia family and held back from telling anyone about it, something even Chen Zhiyu didn’t know.

Chen Rao followed Qing Shu to the hospital and found out that Qing Shu wanted to abort the baby and she stopped it in time.

In her eyes, Qing Shu was still a small child. This child had suffered so much, how hard it must have been for him to keep it bottled up inside!

She didn’t like Chen Rao, and by extension, she didn’t like Chen Zhiyu either.

Didn’t Chen Zhiyu claim to be single for life? Now he’s openly confessing his love for their Qing Shu, chasing after him and getting him pregnant, what the hell does that mean?

Their boy not like Chen Zhiyu, was he forced by Chen Zhiyu?!

The more Chen Qi Xi thought about it, the angrier she became, she didn’t look at Chen Rao in a good light and just about drove her away with a big stick.

When Chen Rao refused to leave, Chen Qi Xi squeezed her wrist and dragged her out.

Chen Rao hugged the back of the sofa, but she wouldn’t leave.  The two of them were locked in a stalemate, neither one of them willing to let go.

Although Chen Rao didn’t deal with Chen Qixi, they knew each other very well. Knowing that the other party was always elegant and noble, and would never do such a rude thing to pull people in person. Unexpectedly, Chen Qixi was small in stature but strong, pulling Chen Rao, and even the sofa was dragged out of place.

Chen Rao was being dragged out by Chen Qixi desperately, and was a little scared. She got on all fours, hugged the sofa, and finally lowered her noble head in humiliation for the sake of her big fat grandson, “Qixi, calm down, let’s talk properly, what kind of talk is this tugging?”

“Qi Xi, I was wrong, I was wrong!”

Chen Qixi took a few ragged breaths and finally calmed down, letting go of Chen Rao’s hand, sitting down on the sofa at once and filling two cups of herbal tea.

Now that it had happened, she didn’t want to bother with Chen Rao any more and began to think about what to do next with this matter.

Qing Shu was still so young and good-looking, there was no rush to get married. The Xia family was already a medical family, and they were perfectly capable of making sure that Qing Shu gave birth safely.

When the baby is born, they will help to raise it. The baby born to Qing Shu must be as beautiful as him, right?

What would be a good name for such a lovely baby?

It’s time to give the baby a nickname.

Qingshu can marry someone if he wants to, but if he doesn’t want to marry someone, it would be a good idea to hire a son-in-law.

After thinking clearly, Chen Qixi was more confident, she put her hands together with a happy face, “Aiya, it’s more than four months, it’s time to prepare for the baby’s birth, I’m going to be a grandmother, this is the first child of our Xia family.”

Chen Rao: “……”

“That’s our Chen family’s child!”

Chen Qixi: “The one in Qing Shu’s belly is our Xia family’s!”

Chen Rao’s face turned red, “Why do you think I pretended to be pregnant at that time, because Xia Qingshu and I negotiated that my family would give him 5 billion and he would give birth to the child! That son is our Chen family’s!”

Chen Qixi: “Five billion?! Such a small amount of money and you want to buy my family Qing Shu’s baby, I tell you, no way!”

Chen Rao: “We signed a contract! There was a lawyer present and it was notarized!!!”

Chen Qixi coldly questioned, “Are you sure this kind of contract will be valid?!”

Chen Rao: “…… I think so ……”

Chen Qi Xi and Chen Rao’s argument was so loud that it soon alerted the Xia family.

Xia Qing Shu knew that Chen Rao grabbed the horse and also knew that Chen Rao and Chen Qi Xi did not deal with each other, he had always hidden his pregnancy in his heart and had never told anyone in the Xia family, hearing the sound of their argument, he knew that he could not hide his pregnancy anymore.

Xia Qing Shu rushed to the meeting room and saw Chen Qi Xi pushing Chen Rao against the wall with a fierce face, “I’m telling you, we have the 5 billion too, and we want the baby too!!!”


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