Chapter 76 


“Wash… feet?” Xia Qingshu thought he was hallucinating, his beautiful eyes opened wide, and the pupils almost trembled.

This, is this something a serious president can say?

Chen Zhiyu’s long arms stretched out and wrapped around his slender waist, a pair of large hands covered the other party’s knees and gently rubbed them, “Mmmmm, wash your feet.”

Xia Qingshu was frightened, “You, you don’t have to do this. ……”

“Qing Shu, did you just feel sorry for me?” Chen Zhiyu said with a smile, “It’s just a foot wash, no big deal.”

As Chen Zhiyu said that, he tapped Xia Qingshu’s leg, “Besides, I’m happy to wash your feet. I’ll go back and learn how a good husband washes his wife’s feet.”

Xia Qingshu pinned his head with one hand, his face flushed with shame. He also couldn’t understand why “washing feet” would be shameful but when the words came out of Chen Zhiyu’s mouth, they seemed to be given more meaning.

How could a serious president ask to wash someone’s feet?!

“No need to wash my feet…” Xia Qingshu refused directly.

“Then what can I wash?” Chen Zhiyu turned his head and stared intently at the pretty little face, trying not to miss any of the other’s expressions, “I can wash anywhere.”

Xia Qingshu: “… ”

“You don’t need to wash anything!”

Xia Qingshu was a little annoyed, his tone was urgent and sharp.

“If I don’t wash anything, I’m afraid you will think I’m lazy.” Chen Zhiyu said in a sad tone, “When the son-in-law enters a home, he always has to do some physical work. I can’t guarantee the rest but my physical strength is really good. If you don’t believe me, try it.”

Chen Zhiyu said, suddenly standing up and tried to pick Xia Qingshu to show his abundant energy, “Qingshu, relax, I will never hurt you!”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

He felt that he must have been crazy just now to not have stopped Chen Zhiyu from becoming a door to door son-in-law in time.

Before the other party picked him up, Xia Qingshu hurriedly promised, “I will never despise you for being lazy!”

“I believe you.” Chen Zhiyu hugged his sweet and soft wife and kissed him on the face.

Xia Qingshu: “…”

With such a delay from the two talking, the food on the table was almost cold. Xia Qingshu was so shocked that he didn’t have the heart to continue eating, he broke away from Chen Zhiyu’s embrace and stood up, “I’m leaving then.”

All year round, Xia Qingshu’s skin was so smooth and cool to the touch that even in the middle of summer, he didn’t sweat too much. On the contrary, Chen Zhiyu was as hot as a ball of fire, his palms sizzling and his body smouldering with heat. After being held by him for a short while, Xia Qing Shu felt like he was in a big furnace, and the tip of his nose was covered with fine sweat.

“What are you in a hurry for?” Chen Zhiyu took his hand and dragged him back to his seat. “Qingshu, wait a second, I haven’t finished asking my questions yet.”

Xia Qingshu became vigilant, his large black and white eyes glaring, “…… What’s else?”

“A matter as big as becoming a son- in-law, of course I have to ask clearly.” Chen Zhiyu smiled, “Don’t worry, it’s all serious questions.”

Serious questions ah..

Xia Qing Shu thought for a moment, “You ask.”

Chen Zhiyu didn’t delay, and asked directly, “Do you still have your first kiss?”

What kind of serious question is this? !

Hearing that he had more serious questions, Xia Qingshu thought he was going to ask about notarization of property, distribution of benefits, who would the child be named after, which home to go to for the New Year, and where would he live after arriving at Xia’s house.

In the eyes of this serious CEO, is this kind of question a serious one?

Xia Qingshu’s face was like a shrimp that had just been taken out of the pressure cooker, it was red as hell.

Chen Zhiyu drooped his brows and wondered, “This question.. is it difficult to answer?”

Xia Qingshu just felt uncomfortable, “…Not difficult.”

Chen Zhiyu whispered, “Miao cub, just tell me.”

Xia Qingshu: “What did you just call me?”

“Miao cub.” Chen Zhiyu said with a low smile, “I heard Uncle Xia call you that, why, don’t you like it? I  won’t call you that if you don’t like it.”

Xia Qingshu gave up struggling: “…You can call me that if you want.”

“Miao cub.” Chen Zhiyu said deliberately, “I called, you have to promise me.”

Xia Qingshu: “…Mmm.”

Chen Zhiyu deliberately got fierce and teased, “Miao cub, no digressing from the topic. You haven’t answered the question I just asked.”

Xia Miao cub: “…”

“I-I don’t remember.”

Chen Zhiyu insisted, “How can you not remember this kind of thing? Think about it carefully.”

Xia Miao cub: “…Can’t remember.”

“Then let me help you think about it?” Chen Zhiyu still kept a smile, but that smile, always looked wicked.

Xia Qingshu’s intuition felt a little danger, “You, how can you help?”

How can an outsider be helpful with something like memories? !

Chen Zhiyu cleared his throat, “There is a scenario recreation method to awaken memories, do you want to try it?”

Xia Qingshu pressed his head, “No!”

He felt suffocated just by hearing the name. Scenario reproduction…is this a method that normal people can come up with? !

Is Chen Zhiyu really an ascetic president? Why was he thinking about things like “washing his feet”? !

The author of this book has a deep misunderstanding of the word “abstinence”!

“Don’t be nervous, if you don’t want to try it’s okay,” Chen Zhiyu felt a little regretful, lowered his hand naturally, and assured, “Come and sit down, I’ll only move my mouth, not my hands!”

There was a lot of ambiguity about the words “move my mouth”, so Xia Qingshu gave him a look and made him promise, “Your mouth can only talk, not do anything else.”

“Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

Chen Zhiyu pretended to think for a moment, then smiled, “The last time we kissed, was it your first kiss?”

Xia Qingshu: “… ..”

When was the last time?

Seeing that Chen Zhiyu was about to speak again, Xia Qingshu hurriedly said, “Let me think about it…”

He was confused at the time, he didn’t remember anything, did they ever kiss?

Xia Qingshu turned his head sideways, recalling the scene at that time, his face turned so red that he could squeeze out juice.

It seems… there is.


Chen Zhiyu was very satisfied with this question, even if he deliberately tried making his face sullen, he couldn’t hide the smile on his face, “Then, holding hands,  was also the first time?.”

Xia Qing Shu broke the jar and said, “You don’t ask such questions, it’s all the first time, holding hands and kissing, and that.., it’s all the first time!”

He became anxious, not only his face was blushing, but also the roots of his neck, and the bare arms//The exposed skin also got some flush.

Chen Zhiyu smoothed his back twice, “Don’t worry, I believe you, I will believe whatever you say.”

Xia Qingshu drank a glass of plain water and finally felt a little better, “Are you done asking?”

“Mmm hmm.” Chen Zhiyu said with a smile, “The problem is gone for the time being. Now I will report my situation to you.”

Xia Qingshu: “…I don’t want to hear it.”

“I have to say it.” Chen Zhiyu said solemnly, “In case you turn over the old accounts in the future.”

Xia Qingshu: “…I won’t.”

Chen Zhiyu stretched out his index finger and pressed it on the other party’s lips, his tone light and soft, “It was also my first kiss, holding hands was also the first time, so everything was also the first time.”

Xia Qingshu: “…I know.”

The book was very clear about tba.

Chen Zhiyu asked reluctantly, “How do you know? Were you paying special attention to me?”

Xia Qingshu: “…”

He finally realized that Chen Zhiyu was particularly shameless.

“Qingshu, if you have any questions to ask me, I will definitely answer.” Chen Zhiyu continued, “Or if you have something to quiz me on, go ahead, I may have done it.”



Xia Shan was worried so he came to check, and found that his younger brother had all shrunken up from been bullied.

Xia Qingshu sat slumped in the corner, like a dumpling that was only rounded and flattened, blushing so red that he could burst into pulp.

Chen Zhiyu’s face was beaming with joy, and he looked like he had succeeded in his plot.

Seeing Xia Shan, he greeted him naturally, “Big brother.”

Xia Shan: “…Who is your big brother?”

Chen Zhiyu: “You.”

Xia Shan was speechless, how did this friend with few words and thin skin turn out to be this shameless!

He imagined many scenarios, including Chen Zhiyu would be angry and furious when he knew the truth, would leave without saying goodbye, holding back his fury. The only thing he did not imagine was this. Chen Zhiyu shamelessly calling him “big brother”, as if he wants to “join” the Xia family instantly.

Xia Shan looked at Xia Qingshu, Xia Qingshu was like a poor little milk cat with big watery eyes, pitiful, and was completely pinched by Chen Zhiyu.

How does this work? !

Xia Shan coughed twice and asked, “Qingshu, what did you say?”

Xia Qingshu said in a low voice, “Just told Brother Zhiyu that I am pregnant…”

Chen Zhiyu interjected, “Big brother, we’ve all agreed that I don’t have the slightest problem with the Xia family’s recruitment plan.”

Xia Shan: “……”

He looked at Xia Qingshu.

Xia Qingshu was a little helpless.

He didn’t know why the incident had developed in this direction of “recruiting”. He only said a few words, it was Chen Zhiyu who was doing all the talking, and as he talked, Chen Zhiyu had become a veritable “superfluous son-in-law” of the Xia family and couldn’t wait to “come to the door”.

Chen Zhiyu said with a smile: “Brother, when do you think I can move home. I have plenty of time, so I can it anytime.”

Xia Shan pressed Chen Zhiyu and said sternly, “Don’t panic, we have to go home and discuss.”

Chen Zhiyu argued, “Qing Shu has already agreed, what are you still discussing? I’ll bring the whole family fortune to the door and write the baby’s name on it.”

Xia Shan was very uncomfortable with his friend who suddenly became “lively” and pulled Xia Qingshu up, “Don’t do anything. I said you wait.”

Xia Shan was really reliable, no matter what Chen Zhiyu said, he was completely unmoved. Like an emotionless HR, he coldly announced, “We have to further examine your situation, you go back and wait for the notice.”

Chen Zhiyu pulled the hem of Xia Qing Shu’s shirt like a little wife and whispered to Qing Shu, “Big brother is so fierce.”

Seeing that the other party did not resist, his eyebrows dropped once again and he said pitifully, “Qing Shu, when I join the family, you must protect me oh.”

Xia Shan: “…”

You should at least save some fucking face.



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