Epoch of Twilight

Chapter 546 Feelings

In the giant spacecraft manufacturing factory on the edge of the space city, six spaceship docks are lined up. The towering gantry wields a large number of mechanical arms, like giants with infinite strength, exquisiteness and sensitivity, quickly assembling the spacecraft.

At the No. 1 dock, with blue flames, a super-giant spaceship slowly left the space dock and flew into the depths of space, starting its first test voyage.


Hundreds of millions of kilometers away from here, the hatch of a remote-controlled cargo spacecraft opened, and engineering robots tens of meters high pushed the weapon modules one by one, separated from the spacecraft, and flew into space.

A few days later, a weapon launch platform with a diameter of more than 200 meters appeared in space.

Weapon platforms like this are arranged almost every hundreds of thousands of kilometers. At a glance, they are densely packed and intertwined like a giant three-dimensional network. From time to time, a dazzling light shoots into space and disappears in an infinite distance. place.


It has been nearly three years in the blink of an eye.

The mining area on Planet 4 has expanded hundreds of times compared to three years ago. The area with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers has been occupied by hundreds of millions of mining machines. Looking down from space, the entire planet has been sunken out of thin air. On the shallower level, the massive loss of mass caused the originally dead and silent planet No. 4 to vibrate frequently and turbulently.

As the war approached, the atmosphere in the space city became increasingly anxious and depressing.


war command center.

"Has the specific location not been detected yet?"

Bi Jianping walked into the building of the War Command Center and said in a hoarse voice,

In the past two years, the tremendous pressure has made his body worse and worse, and the life extension technology does not seem to work on him. In just three years, he seems to have aged ten years, and he looks like An old man in his sixties or seventies.

"Their speed has not stopped, and they have been flying faster than the speed of light. Our brains can't lock the specific position." A middle-aged man with the rank of major general who accompanied them said solemnly.

Since the army was first established, there is no military exploits or seniority at all. These soldiers generally have low military ranks, and major general is already the highest military rank in human beings today.

A group of people walked into the command hall, where countless staff members were busy. With the hastily launched the space defense system, it is still intensively debugging.

Bi Jianping looked at the large central screen, where a cursor-like light source was flickering and approaching Barnard's star system.

"How far is it from us now?"

"About 0.3 light years!" The major general said after a moment of silence,

Bi Jianping's heart felt heavy when he heard it, as if he was pressing down on a boulder. If the other party kept maintaining this speed, there would be only one month left for human beings to go to war.

"Our time is running out!" Bi Jianping sighed.

The atmosphere was unspeakably oppressive.

Flying faster than the speed of light is an unsolvable speed, which is faster than light, which means that it is already in front of your eyes before you see it. Now the only way to judge its approximate location is to roughly locate the wave source through multiple spatial wave values.

But this kind of calculation, due to the interference of stars in the star system and other space waves in the universe, has serious errors. If it is slightly deflected by a small angle, the difference will be tens of thousands of kilometers, or even tens of millions of kilometers. If you want to use space waves to locate and attack, hit The probability of winning is hundreds of millions of times lower than winning the lottery.

However, this is already the only means of detection for human beings. Now he can only pray that these Bossian invaders will lift the curvature and fly, and fight head-to-head with human beings, but the hope is slim.

Although the human curvature engine technology is still in the experimental state, the theory and data are close to perfection. The No. 1 machine has also made several short-distance flights. With the gravity of the star system, unless it is close to the star, it is basically difficult to interfere.

They are likely to fly all the way to the space city. At that time, the entire huge space defense system will be useless.

"The evacuation plan, it's time to start!" Bi Jianping thought to himself.


"Madam, you can go." In the manor, beside a luxury shuttle, a guard said respectfully.

"Then let's go!" Huang Jiahui glanced at the manor with nostalgia, wondering if she could come back after leaving.

Several people got on the shuttle, and soon, the shuttle rose into the air and flew towards the distance.

Wang Shishi lay on the window, staring blankly at the scenery outside the window. Countless shuttles shuttled in the sky like fish. Humans have already started to evacuate. Most of the civilians will leave this space city and enter the miniature universe.

In these three years, a new space city has already been rebuilt there.

In fact, as early as one and a half years ago, human beings had been building and transferring materials in the miniature universe. Now, there has already initially possessed the ability to be self-sufficient, and the huge amount of materials in reserve is enough to meet the development of human beings within a hundred years. and survive.

"Wait, I'm going down." At this time, Wang Shishi shouted.

The guard was a little confused: "But there is only half an hour left for the next flight."

"Go down." Huang Jiahui looked at the eye-catching manor in the distance, and sighed faintly. It was Luo Yuan's mansion, an empty and deserted place.

The shuttle quickly lowered the space and stopped in front of Luo Yuan's mansion, and the guard opened the door.

"I'm going to see Brother Luo, are you going?" Wang Shishi asked after walking out of the shuttle.

"You go, go and come back quickly." Huang Jiahui looked calm and shook her head.

"I'm not going either, he's not the same as before." Zhao Yali wiped her eyes with reddened eyes.

Wang Xiaguang turned his head away and did not speak.

"I... I'm not going either." Chen Jiayi said, Luo Yuan now made her feel only fear, without that kind of intimacy like a brother or a father, she didn't want to go at all.

Wang Shishi looked at a person without any intention of going in to see him. She felt uncomfortable and depressed in her heart.

"Then I'm leaving." She turned around, tears streaming down her face.

She ran all the way into the manor, and she didn't slow down until she approached the hall. She hadn't been here for a whole year, but it didn't seem to have changed at all, it was still cold, and there was no sign of life. He wiped his eyes, covered himself up, and then walked in.

It's a pity that Luo Yuan saw through it at a glance:

"Have you ever cried?"

"No, I got wind and sand in my eyes."

"The fine dust in the air of the space city is smaller than a hundred nanometers, so it won't cause discomfort to the eyes of ordinary people!" Luo Yuan said, "So you lied!"

Wang Shishi looked at Luo Yuan in a daze, why did things become like this for him, is it really easy to forget feelings.

"I'm sorry!" Human memory made Luo Yuan react quickly, his tone did not fluctuate, and he apologized without any sincerity: "I shouldn't have said that, what do you want from me?"

Wang Shishi came back to her senses, feeling a sense of sadness in her heart, just like Sister Zhao said, this is no longer Luo Yuan in her heart, she raised her head holding back her tears, and said: "Brother Luo, we are leaving, we are going to the micro universe gone."

"I see, you have fourteen minutes and thirty-five seconds left before the next flight, you shouldn't have come to see me, now you can only wait for the next flight." Luo Yuan suppressed the impatience in his heart , Said expressionlessly.

"But Brother Luo, do you still remember me?" Wang Shishi looked at him disappointedly and said.

"Remember, every second since I saw you is clearly in my mind." Luo Yuan quickly replied, still expressionless and without fluctuation in tone.

"But why did you become so indifferent? Is it true that your feelings are gone? If I die here, will you be indifferent?" Wang Shishi finally couldn't help crying, she really had enough all these years She tried hard to redeem her again and again, but was treated indifferently by the other party. Thinking of the grievance in her heart, she finally lost her mind and cried bitterly.

Seeing the clear tears falling to the ground one by one, Luo Yuan seemed to be a little distracted, and abnormally did not reply in time.

emotion! Luo Yuan chewed the two words silently in his heart, and he suddenly found that these two words seemed so strange, as if it was the first time he heard them.

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