Ch41 - The reason for betrayal

The simulated mecha did not require the operator to use real mental power to control the mecha. At the moment the operator sat in the mecha cabin of the simulation training room, the mecha cabin would scan the operator’s data. According to the data at that time, the virtual operator will be projected into the simulation, controlling the mecha in the training room. 

Although it is clear that testing this simulated mecha will not cost him a lot of mental energy or cause other problems, Gu Huan was still not ready to accept his “good” intentions.

The other party obviously dug a hole for him, and it would be too stupid to just jump in like this.

“Thank you, Engineer Fang, for your love.” 

Gu Huan looked at Fang Yuanqi coldly.

“But I can’t test the mecha yet.”

Fang Yuanqi who was happy to see Gu Huan make a fool of himself, after hearing such a sentence, his baby face collapsed completely.


“Because the mecha designed for me must pass the review of the engineer team in the regiment before it is eligible for me to test.”

Review? There is such a thing? Fang Yuanqi didn’t want to pass that test at all.

No matter how low the level of those engineers, they must be people who understand mecha. 

If they saw the parameters of this simulated mecha, wouldn’t they find that its value was set high?

“That…” Fang Yuanqi felt guilty because he was afraid of being discovered. His ostentatious behavior suddenly shrank, and he dared not sit cross legged on the chair, putting down his feet.

Gu Huan ignored his hesitation and directly contacted his mecha engineer team through the optical brain.

To show his “respect” for this talented person, he asked them to drop everything else and come to his office immediately. 

So a few minutes later, several engineers showed up in his office and asked,

“General, where is Engineer Fang?”

Gu Huan gestured with his eyes to make them look aside.

The mecha engineers turned their heads and saw the little dirty boy sitting on the chair and their mouths twitched. 

I never thought it was to that extent

Although they had long know that Mecha engineers had no money, they didn’t know it was to the extent of living a vagrant’s life.

Poor child.

In just one meeting, they cast caring glances at Fang Yuanqi. 

Fang Yuanqi, who was stared awkwardly by these gentle and neatly dressed mecha engineers, felt that his current appearance might be funny, so he explained a little.

“I’m not an interstellar refugee.”

His mecha design draft is very popular on the interstellar black market, making a lot of money, how could he go homeless?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea ktfc tf fzqijlcfv la, atfs vlvc’a yfilfnf la flatfg. 

Mjcu Tejcdl afwqbgjglis ujnf eq tlr vfofcrf bc atlr wjaafg.

“Ktfc P’ii ub yjmx jcv alvs eq. Rfza alwf, la kbc’a yf abb ijaf ab afii sbe jybea atf cfk wfmtj.”

Bcbklcu atja rbwfbcf kjcar ab ibbx ja atf vjaj lc jvnjcmf, ktja firf mjc tf vb?


It’s better to change it early.

He was ready to leave, yet the others were not ready to let him go.

“The general doesn’t care about your appearance, he let you stay here for so long, don’t be embarrassed anymore. Quickly show your masterpiece to us. The general told us that the new mecha engineer is very good. We’ll learn from you.”



“I don’t have the simulation mecha chip with me.”

“It doesn’t matter, you are the official mecha engineer of the empire, and the smart brain will back up the chip information on your optical brain for you. Let’s have a look.”

Fang Yuanqi hemmed and hawed to evade with various reasons, but it was resolved one by one by the mecha engineers. 

In the end, there was really no way but to spread the data out for them to see.

“This is it.”

He spread it out first, if someone asks why the performance of the mecha is so high, he will say that he did not know the value of the general’s mental strength…

Fang Yuanqi finished breaking the cracked jars. 

When the new engineer was surrounded by the legion engineers, Gu Huan turned around and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, then walked in again.

He had just walked in—

The arrogant and rude boy looked at him with an almost silly gaze, which was different from the hostile, provocative and playful gaze just now. This time he looked at him as if he saw an alien.

Although Gu Huan was expressionless, he couldn’t help being a little puzzled. 

“What’s wrong?”

Super… SSS level mental power.

This is a living Super SSS-level mental power user! ! !

How could it be him?  Fang Yuanqi’s body surrounded by contradictive thoughts was about to split apart. 

Just now, he showed the parameters of the mecha he designed to these mecha engineers, and they found out that in order to control this mecha, at least the mental power must exceed SS level.

But they didn’t see it as a problem at all, and even seriously participated in the discussion.

After a long time, he also noticed something was wrong.

He asked them, “Don’t you think this performance is a bit too high?”          

Then their attitudes were all the same, ‘it’s okay, it would be better if it could be higher’, so he couldn’t help asking.

“That’s not enough? How high is your general Gu Huan’s mental strength?”

Several mecha engineers looked at each other and smiled, thinking that he was going to join their group of people to work soon, and he would know about this sooner or later, so they told him.


“Super sss level.”

However, Gu Huan had not publicized this matter. So far only those who have designed mechas for Gu Huan knew about it.

In the interstellar universe, even the SSS level psychics have not been reported. When it’s beyond the SSS level, I’m afraid that this kind of news will blow up half the sky when it is put outside. How dare Gu Huan never publish it?


Fang Yuanqi, who accidentally found out about this, felt extremely complicated.

As a mecha engineer, who would want to design the most common mecha? What excites them the most is to constantly challenge more complex mechas and more creative mechas. But the more complex mechas, the higher the requirements for the operator.

Although a genius engineer like him can design high-level mechas, he has to be limited by the actual level of the operator, simplifying his own design, and the limitations of the operator… make him unable to pursue more powerful mechas.

Now someone tells him… 

He doesn’t need to simplify anymore, he can imagine more wildly, because the manipulator’s ability is so high that even his design can’t keep up? ? ?

His worldview was cracked.

Several legion mecha engineers also saw Gu Huan coming in, and surrounded him excitedly.

“General, finally someone can design a mecha that suits you. Engineer Fang designed a SSS-level mecha!” 

The mecha they gave to Gu Huan has always been SS level and because it has not been worthy of Gu Huan’s own ability value, they have been troubled for too long.

Now someone can design a mecha that surpasses the SS level, which makes them extremely excited, feeling that they have found a powerful helper.

Gu Huan’s eyes flickered slightly, and he recognized the hidden mystery.

Fang Yuanqi couldn’t help touching his nose. He touched the gasoline on his nose, which made his face even worse. 

Gu Huan did not deliberately hide from Chu Xinglin this time.

When he came home, it happened that Chu Xinglin also returned to the house.

The flowers are being enjoyed.

The tall figure is quite a bit like a beast, and he was smelling the roses. 

Gu Huan stood at the edge of the garden, crossed his hands and his military uniform in his hands. His hair was brushed under the brim of his hat, his brows and eyes were aloof under his military cap, and his thin lips drew a faint curve reservedly.

“Today, your genius came to the military region.”

Gu Huan did not kneel to Chu Xinglin.

Because Chu Xinglin had already mentioned to him several times, at least in the house, there was no need to abide by this kind of rules. In the past, Gu Huan knelt down when he saw Chu Xinglin in order to stretch the distance between them. 

Just like in order to distance himself from Wen Shiyan, he always only called him Doctor Wen.

Chu Xinglin looked back and saw Gu Huan standing and talking to him indifferently. There was a hint nostalgia hidden in his blue eyes.

He finally didn’t hide those edges and corners in front of him, and became more real.

The dark hair swayed behind his head, and Chu Xinglin’s blue eyes fell into the shadows, as if his stars finally fell in within his gaze.

“Is his mecha good?”

Listening to his question, Gu Huan responded.

“It’s more than good.” 

“Much better than expected.”

Tilting his head slightly, he said flatly, “Probably he wanted to embarrass me.”

Chu Xinglin’s expression immediately became serious.

“What did he do?” 

“It’s okay, I should have solved it.”

I just came here to meet you today. I’m still an outsider, so I should be polite.

Starting tomorrow, if you enter their military region, you will be his subordinate.

According to the health management regulations of the military region, start from the beginning… punish and write an essay of more than 100,000 words. 

“He has been engaged in Mecha research and development under my command. And he’s still locked in an ivory tower. He usually doesn’t touch intrigues. So don’t take what he does to heart.” Especially don’t think he sent him to do this.

Gu Huan lowered his eyes, “Of course, I know he did this without your permission.”

Besides, it is impossible for him to let the prince write an punishment essay.

“Shang He or Fang Yuanqi, they all hate me because of my betrayal.” 

He can understand.

But he still couldn’t easily explain to them the omega identity of the original owner’s was the original owner’s secret, and incidentally, it became his secret as well.

“I don’t seem to have ever told you why I betrayed you.”

“Actually, that matter is not a particularly important reason. In the face of the marshal’s upbringing, it seems a bit worthless. That’s why I don’t think there is any need to say more.” 

“Everyone has secrets.”

“It’s just like when you didn’t tell me why you stretched out your hand again to hook me, and didn’t let me get lost in the sea of stars.”

Chu Xinglin was a little silent.

He watched Gu Huan nod slightly to him, then turned and left. Chu Xinglin’s gaze has been following the thin back. Gu Huan is a hedgehog, always carrying thorns and not allowing others to approach easily, Chu Xinglin has always understood. 

But this kind of character who wants to take care of everything by himself is too easy to make people feel distressed.

At this moment, his optical brain lit up.

“Your Highness, we have found out something about General Gu Huan, which probably has something to do with General Gu Huan’s betrayal of you.”

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