I’ll Just Live As A Villain Chapter 2

*Gerette was changed to Zerette (It was the surname of the two princes) 

Chapter 2 

The royal family was a bunch of people that I can’t really understand. 

‘Why make a big deal out of it?’ 

If you’re angry, you should be angry at me, but you just broke the deal so that I could get in trouble on Erell because I stayed there. 

In fact, it didn’t matter to me that Erell and Ocall were out of business. 

But as a result, it was also important that the wood that would keep me warm disappeared. 

Restoring a broken deal was a real hassle, but if it were to stay the same, I would freeze to death. 

‘It’s a countryside with nothing here, so I thought I’d be fine as if I was a dead person.’ 

The quiet and comfortable Erell life I had imagined was far removed from my mind. 

Leaving society, I was really going to stay quiet. 

To not interrupt the flow of the original? 

It was not for such a good reason. 

I had no desire to fix what I had not done, nor was I willing to make great achievements in this world of books. 

I possessed a noble lady who was wealthy and didn’t have to live tired. 

‘It’s too much of a hassle to live hard.’ 

But now it was not a matter of mood, it was a matter of survival. 

Wouldn’t it be nice to live first? 

I jumped up from my seat with a blanket tightly wrapped. 

“I can’t help it. I’m going to use cheat key.” 

“……Cheat key?” 

Emma frowned at the unfamiliar word she had never heard. 

The cheat key was a device that turned a complex game that requires a high level of strategy into a simple game at once, such as mine-hunting. 

No matter how difficult the game was, there was no problem if there’s a cheat key. 

“Emma, why can’t I light a fireplace in this cold weather?” 

“Of course it’s because the Ocall Corporation has cut off the deal—-?” 

“No, you’re wrong.” 


“Erell’s black iron tree. There’s a lot, isn’t it?” 

“Yes, but it doesn’t burn very well and can’t be used to light fire. “ 

“I’m sure that’s usually with fire. But what if there was a very, very, very strong fire?” 

Emma couldn’t answer back any more. 

She seemed to be wondering if I was finally out of my mind because of the strangeness of the conversation. 

“Emma knows, right? The legend of blue fire, the wizard that was so powerful that he burned all his enemies.” 

“Of course. Everyone in the kingdom knows it.” 

The founding myth of Zerette begins with the Blue Wizard. 

An invincible wizard who helped his grandfather, Efron Zerette to wipe out his enemies. 

He was the strongest ally that guard the king’s side, but with the death of Efron Zerette, he completely disappeared from the history of the kingdom. 

In a state of smoke as if he didn’t exist in the first place. 

In the history books, the people of the Kingdom considered the existence of the Archmage in myths, a kind of exaggeration. 

“Wouldn’t a fire as strong as that Archmage’s blue flame burn a black iron tree? Then I can have a warm night. “ 

“But the Blue Wizard is a myth. And so do the blue flames.” 

Emma didn’t believe in the existence of the Blue Wizard because she was an inevitable kingdom person. 

But I knew because I read this world in a book. 

Of course the existence of the Archmage is real, even his hidden stories. 

It was going to be my cheat key now. 

“Emma. Fill the fireplace with black iron wood.” 

“But, Lady the black iron wood really doesn’t burn. It’s no use bringing it.” 

“I’ll take care of it, so fill the black wood in the fireplace. Come on.” 

My firm attitude has stopped Emma from preventing me. 

She nodded in a voice that seemed to have given up everything. 

“Yes, I’ll bring the black iron wood as you wish.” 

As a result, the fireplace in my room was filled with black iron wood. 

I kicked out Emma as I sniffed near at the fireplace with a suspicious look and then I remained alone in the room. 

‘It’s because I can’t call out the wizard in front of Emma.’ 

I knew the name of the Archmage, who had been adopted by Caesar Efron Zerette of the kingdom. 

Of course, a normal person in ‘this world’ can never know his name. 

‘Because that guy is a demon.’ 

A demon in the founding myth of the sacred kingdom. It was ridiculous. 

‘If this is known, the whole kingdom will be turned upside down.’ 

That is why the name of the Archmage was not left in history. 

Efron Zerette tried to conceal the fact that he had borrowed the power of the demon to the founding of the country. 

So he didn’t give any information to anyone about the Blue Wizard. Even of it’s name. 

Come to think of it, it was natural. 

‘It seems more plausible that a king gained the loyalty of a powerful wizard rather than the king who signed a contract with a demon to establish the country.’ 

There were two ways to sign a contract with the demon. 

To call the demon’s name, or to pay the price for which the demon will be interested. 

Efron Zerette chose the latter, and in return for the contract, he dedicated the soul of his first child to the demon. 

But the method I chose was, of course, the former. To call the demon’s name. 

I can summon the demon for free if I know his name.

‘If this is not a cheat key, what would it be?’ 

“Theo Haris.” 

I called out the name of the demon I read in the novel.

It’s not a very common name, but it wasn’t even a very unusual name.

What happens if someone accidentally calls this name? You might think so. 

But that name didn’t seem to have been erased from the minds of people around the world. 

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