After the little spectacle in the courtyard, I decided it would be best for me to hurry to class. Eventually, I found myself at the classroom door. I took a deep breath as I separated from Anna and walked through the door. This classroom was designed for the Higher ranking nobility and the royal family. Each desk was organized by the nobility ranking position, so of course, naturally, I would be sitting next to Prince Cecil.

But something strange was occurring. Angel was sitting next to the prince. Why? Why was she here? Isn’t she supposed to be in the commoner’s class? It’s not like I want to sit next to the prince, but I couldn’t help but feel uneasy that she was here.

I stood there dumbfounded on what I should do next. However, a teacher soon came into the classroom.

“Miss, what are you doing standing there? Please be seated.”

I recognized his voice from the previous day. He was the Teacher with indigo hair who had lectured Angel. I figured he was one of the more important teachers as he spoke in a calm and dignified manner. However, I thought he was much older at the time as I only saw him at a distance. Still, he’s actually pretty young compared to my original observation.

“I… Uhm… Don’t have a seat, Sir…”

“That’s impossible, especially if you belong here. Did you come to the wrong classroom?”

As he said this, I relooked at the class, searching for an empty seat; however, before I could correct the Teacher, he spoke.

“Well, then what is your name, miss?”

“M-My name is… Renaria Sheridan…”

“Ah, the marquess daughter… That means your seat is here…?”

I watched the Teacher walk over to the desk that Angel was sitting at.

“Uhm… Miss, what is your name?”

“I’m Angel Parker!”

“First of all, Miss Parker, please do not raise your voice in class. Secondly, this is not your seat. It belongs to Miss Sheridan, who has been shown discourtesy by you. That seat belongs to the Sheridan family. Lastly, you don’t belong in this classroom in the first place. Only the highest-ranking families belong here. Your class is the next one over. Please head over there now.”

The Teacher pointed to the class to the left with a stern look in his eye. However, Angel gave him a confused look and tilted her head. I glanced at Prince Cecil to see his facial expression on the situation. He remained quiet with a smirk on his face as if he was finding this entertaining.

“Teacher, may I interject. Angel is a candidate for the sainthood position, so I think she deserves to be here.”

A voice I’ve never heard before broke the tension between the teacher and Angel. However, right away, you could see the Teacher was getting more upset as time went on.

“Lloyd Craft, what do you think you’re doing in the first year’s section of the academy.”

“ You see, the Pope asked me to stay close to Angel while she goes through the sainthood process.”

Lloyd was standing proudly showing off his church’s insignia towards the Teacher as if it was saying, my word is the law. The Teacher sneered towards Lloyd.

“While that may be true, I’m not exactly sure what to make of this situation. Personally, I disapprove of her acceptance in the class until she has passed her sainthood trials.”

“But Marcus, she’s going to be a saint no matter her position now. Please make an exception.”

“But she is just a candidate, so how can we be sure she will even pass the trials.”

“Oh, Marcus, why must you be like this? You’ve seen her guardian spirit, haven’t you? I’ve never seen one with such pure radiance before! She is destined to become a saint, and one we’ve never seen before and ~~~~~~~~~~.”

I couldn’t continue to look at the nonsense between the teacher and Lloyd, so I decided it would be best to look away to not draw attention to myself. However, I couldn’t help but think back to what Aria had said the day before. Angel doesn’t have enough power to actually sustain her spirit and really only did it to make me jealous or upset. But it’s not like I could just openly say that to everyone…

I also don’t want to hurt Angel’s feelings while she’s eccentric and loud. This is actually to my benefit as she will undoubtedly be the center of attention. Also… It’s not like she’d believe me if I told her I could actually easily handle not only Aria but the Light spirit as well… Aria did say I could even handle all the spirits at once except for the darkness spirit…

I got lost in my own thoughts for several minutes before returning to reality and noticed the two were still arguing with each other. I was starting to get tired of standing around. When will these two end their confrontation…

I started to look around, and then it happened. Staring at me with his identical tanzanite eyes with an intense and interested smirk on his face. Prince Cecil, the one I want to avoid most of all, was now putting all of his attention into every fiber of my being.

“Oh no… Why are you looking at me…” I thought to myself.

I abruptly turn my head away, trying to avoid his gaze, but even after turning away, I can feel it. I can feel him carefully observing every single move I make. It’s as if I’m the only thing left in his world. It made me so uncomfortable. While it wasn’t like I was his prey locked in a trap, but more like observing something, you’re interested in.

“Hey, Renaria.”

“I’m sorry, Aria, I can’t talk right now. I’m trying to avoid a situation I really don’t want to be a part of.”

I used my thoughts to communicate with Aria to explain the situation.’

“Hey! Rena, listen to me!”

“I’m sorry, Aria, not right now, please!”

“B-But, Aria, Talk to me what’s bothering you so much!”

“Look, Aria, Just now Prince Cecil is staring me down. I can’t draw attention to myself. Please go back to hiding for now.”

“Are you talking about this boy right here?”

I turned around and saw that Aria had landed on Prince Cecil’s fingertip, flapping her wings excitedly, But then I noticed something…

“Sir… C-Can you see me?” Aria asked, tilting her head.

“Ah, Renaria Sheridan, my second cousin, if I remember correctly.”

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