Angel Parker is the offspring of Henry and Bella Parker, the acting mayor of a town on the Marquisate De Sheridan’s outskirts. The two met during one of Henry’s escapades at a local brothel. Just like Bella, her mother was also a working prostitute at the same establishment. A lot of the prostitutes that give birth to daughters have been raised within the brothel themselves. Over time as they age, they will gradually be integrated into working there, starting from storeroom girls to becoming prostitutes themselves. Bella never learned who her father was, just like several other girls raised within the brothel.

However, when Henry participated in the festivities and noticed Bella, who was not old enough to legally be a prostitute, believed she looked like a noble, took her in and claimed her as a distant relative. The latter had been separated by her family. Later down the line, he eventually married Bella.

Bella’s father is likely a nobleman. She has a relatively small amount of magical power running through her, so she couldn’t summon a spirit herself. However, the magic device did detect magic power within her.

It’s uncommon for commoners to actually possess any magical power. If they do, it’s because there was a noble involved at some point in their bloodline. So, of course, when the device reacted towards Bella, Henry started to take extra care of her. Since Bella grew up in such a hostile environment in the brothel, she naturally learned from the others how to manipulate men to her every whim. When given a chance, she abused Henry’s skills, who was more than ecstatic to listen to her every wish.

While Henry did provide the best he could, it was never enough to meet Bella’s luxurious desires. To Bella, Henry was a mere stepping stone towards a more affluent and powerful man. But since Bella was nothing more than a prostitute’s daughter, in reality, Henry was the only man in the world who would treat her properly as a woman as compared to a special doll they can abuse to their heart’s content and be treated as nothing more than a mistress.

Bella had seen how cruel the world really was and witnessed first hand many beautiful women age overtime just to be thrown out onto the curb the minute their beauty faded. So she decided it would be best to settle down with Henry, however whenever she hears of the love story of the Marquis De Sheridan, she would have frequent thoughts of “What If”

The Marquis of Sheridan was an incredibly famous man for his beauty alone; however that wasn’t his only unique feature. He was also a man of immense strength. The tale of him falling in love with a princess that had been abandoned by the royal family stretched far and wide.

Bella would have constant frivolous encounters where the Marquis would visit her brothel. She would be in Elizabeth’s position instead. She believed that no matter who the Marquis loved, he would go to extreme lengths to protect them, even if that person was the daughter of a prostitute. She allowed these thoughts to smolder in the back of her mind, to the point of an acute obsession. However, there was no connection between the wife of the mayor of a backward village in the middle of nowhere and the Marquis De Sheridan. However, once she found out the Marquis had a daughter roughly the same age as her own, she believed this was her chance to make that connection.

When children partake in their rituals, they do it in the territorial capital no matter their social status. She told herself it would be possible to run into the Marquis if she planned things properly.

Her daughter was born with Bella’s good looks and was always doted on by her parents. To Bella, Angel was her best bet to meet with the Marquis. She is expecting him to praise Angel for her good looks and possibly, her magical power.

While Angel’s ritual day was approaching fast, Bella pulled out every dirty trick in the book to refresh her own appearance for the Marquis. She begged Henry for the best creams and beauty products that she could get a hold of. Henry reluctantly listened to his wife’s wishes, oblivious to her motives.

When the day had finally arrived, Bella envisioned that the event would play out like this: The Marquis would be captivated by her astonishing good looks that puts his current wife’s appearance to shame. Then Bella would gradually steal him away from her, ultimately capturing Marquis’s heart.

However, on the day of ritual, the Marquis De Sheridan is more dignified than she could ever imagine. A man with a majestic appearance that radiated the hearts of all those around him. Someone who felt so unreachable is within her grasp, she believed.

“If only… you’d just take a single glance… I know you’ll fall in love with me…” She whispered to herself.

The Marquis looked around the church; as if her wish was being granted by an otherworld existence. At that moment, the Marquis seemed to be glowing within the light illuminating through the stained glass windows. His gaze finally met hers. Her gorgeous blonde hair, her piercing blue eyes, and the glittering jewels all shined with anticipation at this moment.

She thought to herself: “I’m here… Please find me… I was born for you… Every fiber of my being belongs to you…”

Bella seductively looked at the Marquis with all of her heart in an attempt to sway him. But… the Marquis’s gaze passed over Bella nonchalantly and displayed no interest whatsoever.

Her disappointment soon turned into resentment towards his wife and daughter. To her, they are the only reason why he displayed no interest. However, her delusions did not stop there. Once her daughter’s guardian spirit had been announced, she jumped for joy as it overshadowed the Marquis daughter’s spirit.

She told herself that Elizebeth was nothing more than a useless woman abandoned by the royal family since her mother was nothing more than a maid of honor. She thought that Elizebeth was a worthless woman of a lowly birth and created an equally useless daughter who could only summon an Aerial.

In her own mind, she gloated that her daughter was superior in every way. Since her daughters’ success was considered her own, she believed her noble blood to be the catalyst that drew out shine to pick Angel. If Angel successfully becomes a saint, she will more than likely be selected to become the queen of the kingdom. To be the mother of a nation’s queen is considered a higher standing than a noble, or at least… that’s what she believed.

“I’ll ditch Henry and turn the Marquis De Sheridan into my paramour… Yes… That’s what i’ll do… In the meantime, I must teach Angel all the tricks I’ve learned over the years…” She thought to herself.

She made it her plan to educate her daughter in the ways of seduction and manipulation so she can win over the high ranking nobility to use as her stepping stone. She gave Henry a “fairy-like” smile and with her goals set, she turned her gaze towards Angel.

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