
Chapter 201 - -202

Chapter 201: My, Chen Qingfeng’s Methods

“Just now was a misunderstanding?” Huang Xiaolong’s icy gaze swept over their faces like a blizzard, not slowing his pace as he continued walking closer to the Guo Brothers.

“Yes, yes, of course it was a misunderstanding!” Guo Zhi tried his best to keep the smile on his face.

Guo Zhi had a portly stature to begin with. Adding the forceful smile on his face, his appearance was a sight to behold.

“That’s right Xiaolong Bro, when your sister marries into our Guo Family, we’re all brothers.” Guo Fei laughed, “We’re one family.”

“Right, right, one family!” Guo Zhi nodded his head with vigor.

By this point, Huang Xiaolong stood about three meters from them, watching the panic and fear written all over the brothers’ faces, he snickered but it did not reach his eyes, “What were the words you used earlier? A paltry little Huang Family smelly pissant wants to enter our Guo Family… Or did I have a problem with my ears and heard wrongly?”

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s faces clouded over like dark skies.

Before the onlooking crowd, Guo Zhi suddenly raised his hand and struck hard at his own face. Then he smiled amiably at Huang Xiaolong, “It is my mouth that has a problem, I put my foot in my mouth. Xiaolong Bro, I hope that you do not bear any ill feelings because of this!”

Guo Fei followed Guo Zhi’s action, steeling himself, he raised a hand and executed a merciless slap on his own face. After that, he forced himself to smile at Huang Xiaolong, “That’s true Xiaolong Bro, you’re generous and magnanimous, surely you won’t mind these small matters with us right?”

When the people around saw the two Guo Brothers, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei slapping themselves in the face, there was a feeling of absurd irony.

But Huang Xiaolong shook his head at them, “Unfortunately, being magnanimous is not something I practice, therefore-” until here, Huang Xiaolong softly raised both his hands, and a frightening fluctuation of battle qi energy pooled in the center of Huang Xiaolong’s palms.

The Guo Brothers faces turned ashen, quickly retreating backward in a flustered manner.

In that precise moment, a dignified voice thundered, “Who dares harm my Young Lord?!” followed by the sound of whistling wind as two figures flew over at rapid speed.

When the Guo Brothers saw the new arrivals, their faces lit up.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved the battle qi rotating in his palms.

Then, everyone’s vision blurred as two old men dressed in black robes appeared in the street: one had very long, striking white eyebrows whereas the other actually had white-colored irises!

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei rushed to their safety at the sides of these two old men, “Steward Chen, Steward Lu!”

The two of them were the Duanren Empire, Guo Family Manor’s stewards. The Guo Manor has four main stewards, and also four big experts!

The one with the long white brows was Steward Chen, Chen Qingfeng, and the old man with the white irises was Steward Lu, Lu Yifan.

“Young Lords, are you alright?” Chen Qingfeng nodded at Guo Zhi and Guo Fei as he asked.

The Guo Family’s four main stewards held a high position, hence they did not need to salute like the others guards and servants when encountering Guo Zhi and Guo Fei.

Hearing this, Guo Zhi snapped back in an instant. A finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong with eyes that spewed venom, he roared, “Luckily both Stewards rushed here in time, otherwise, we would have been killed by this mongrel bastard!”   

“This mongrel bastard nearly crushed our throats just now. Two Stewards, you absolutely must end him here!” Guo Fei quickly added.

“No, don’t kill them. Capture him and those two old dogs, leave the rest to us!” Guo Zhi suddenly interjected, pointing at Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Fei Hou.

If Huang Xiaolong simply died, it wouldn’t be enough to calm the hatred burning in his heart.

Thinking of the previous scene where he was lifted into the air by his neck in public, that humiliation made the cold gleam of Guo Zhi’s eyes peak. His eyes fixed a deadly stare on Huang Xiaolong, wishing he could gnaw on his raw flesh.

Not to mention when he and his brother pleaded for mercy from Huang Xiaolong, they even went as far as slapping their own face!

Guo Zhi touched his cheek where a stinging pain pulsed under the skin. To ensure his life, he exerted full power on that slap earlier.

Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan observed the three people on the other side, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Fei Hou.

“Rest assured Young Lords, none of them will be able to escape!” Lu Yifan looked at Huang Xiaolong’s group and said with full confidence and coldness.

Chen Qingfeng smirked as he looked at Huang Xiaolong, “Little brat, this is the first time someone has dared to hurt my Guo Family’s Young Lords in Duanren Imperial City! Are you going to surrender yourselves or do you want me to make a move?”At this point, Cheng Qingfeng boasted, “Frankly, I hope you choose to surrender because if I were to act, you would suffer greatly!”

The crowd also stirred, whispering amongst themselves.

“I didn’t expect the Guo Manor’s Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan to come personally. Huang Xiaolong has come to a dead end now! Steward Chen Qingfeng is a Xiantian Ninth Order warrior!”

“This Huang Xiaolong is really too proud and reckless. I heard some rumors saying that not too long ago in Duanren Institute, he actually ordered Heartless Young Noble to kneel down and apologize! How many days has it been, yet he already provoked the Guo Family!”

“Offending the Guo and Yao Family… no matter how good his talent is, it’s all in vain!”

The majority of the experts in the crowd shook their heads, while those younger generation people who were jealous of Huang Xiaolong’s talent gloated in their hearts.

Huang Xiaolong stood unmoving, the air rang with his cold words as he stared at Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan, “If all of you act like a dog, kneel down like a dog, and bark like a dog a couple of times, then scram off, I can spare your lives!”

In the split second Huang Xiaolong’s words rang in the street, the crowd broke out in a riot. Loud gasps of shock could be heard and warriors shook their heads even more obviously as they showered Huang Xiaolong with gazes of pity. In their opinion, they had seen many proud and arrogant youngsters, yet they hadn’t seen someone as reckless and arrogant as this. He truly didn’t know the immensity of the heavens.

However, this delighted Guo Zhi and Guo Fei who were watching from the side.

They were very well aware of Steward Chen Qingfeng’s methods, he was extremely cruel. One time, the brothers with their own eyes as Chen Qingfeng tortured an enemy till he was an inch from death but not dying. Recalling that scene, cold shivers ran down their spine.

Huang Xiaolong’s words definitely angered Chen Qingfeng, and once Chen Qinfeng was angered, Huang Xiaolong would die a miserable death!

It was exactly like the brothers predicted. A horrible pressure exploded from Chen Qingfeng, increasing immensely. An icy killing intent burst forth from his body. The clear sky above suddenly darkened, then pieces of black-colored snow floated down.

The onlookers in all four directions immediately withdrew further back.

“Little punk, it seems you do not understand my, Chen Qingfeng’s, methods!” he said with a voice matching the falling black snow, “I will let you know what you’re in for!”

But, before he could make good on his words, a giant palm print descended from the void above, covering the entire sky akin to a mighty ancient mountain, slamming down on top of Chen Qingfeng’s head.

A booming sound reverberated in the air which caused the entire street to shake. The durable Bright Marble Stone cracked and crumbled.

A curtain of dust and sand covered the street.

When the thick dust cloud dissipated, what entered their vision was Chen Qingfeng, flat as a pancake, imbedded several meters deep into the street floor. A giant human-shaped crater was created!

Everyone looked at that human-shaped crater with awe, as well as Chen Qingfeng within that crater.

In the next moment, everyone sucked in a cold breath of air as they looked at Zhao Shu. Just now, it was Zhao Shu who attacked.

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei who were waiting to watch a good show around how Chen Qingfeng would torture Huang Xiaolong, were now dumbstruck staring at the huge hole in the street. The ‘cool, exuding dominance in all eight directions’ Chen Qingfeng didn’t even have the energy to fart. Both of the Guo brothers were stupefied on the spot.  

Chapter 202: What Exactly Happened?

Chen Qingfeng, a Xiantian Ninth Order expert, was flattened like a pancake on the street.

The one standing next to Chen Qingfeng, and the same person who arrived together with Chen Qingfeng, Lu Yifan, felt as if baleful cold winds were howling in the air. His back felt chilly from the cold wind. He, with his domineering peak late-Xiantian Eighth Order strength, actually felt a layer of goosebumps rise on his skin!

At this time, Zhao Shu’s gaze shifted over.

The goose-bumped Lu Yifan felt as if his legs were kicked by a powerful bull. Both of his legs trembled, nearly causing him to fall to his knees.

“Se, Se, Se!” Lu Yifan’s tongue was in a knot. After saying ‘se’ over and over again for a long time, he still couldn’t muster up enough courage to say the word ‘Senior’ to its completion.

When Lu Yifan was about to cry out the latter part of the word, Zhao Shu suddenly raised his hand and struck out with his palm. A giant palm print so powerful that it seemed to cover half the sky appeared above Lu Yifan’s head.

Lu Yifan looked at the humongous palm print hovering above him, his face turning ashen. Before he could do anything else, his vision darkened, followed by a resounding blast.

Lu Yifan only felt his body shake violently for a second before the impact hit him like an ancient divine mountain. The sounds of bones breaking could be heard as a crushing sound surrounded his body.

He lost consciousness almost instantly.

In the final seconds before Lu Yifan lost control of his consciousness, he suddenly thought of the scene where Chen Qingfeng was smashed into a pancake before him, branded on the street pavement.

When Lu Yifan met the same fate as Chen Qingfeng, being flattened into a pancake and kissing the street, the surrounding crowd once again drew in cold breaths.

The Guo Family’s two main stewards had just been easily flattened by someone who looked as though he was simply swatting flies?

Dead silence filled the normally prosperous and bustling street.

The way the crowd looked at Zhao Shu was filled with astonishment and amazement.

This unassuming and robust middle-aged man behind Huang Xiaolong was this strong!

He easily dealt with Chen Qingfeng, and Lu Yifan, half of the Guo Family’s main stewards. Only a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert that was extremely close to that next level of terrifying existence could accomplish a feat like this!

Huang Xiaolong looked at the two huge human-shaped craters and the unconscious Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan inside, his expression showing the same level of indifference as it had before. Turning around, he did not forget to deal with the Guo Zhi and Guo Fei brothers.

However, both Guo Zhi and Guo Fei were staring at the two human-shaped craters in the street with a dumb look on their faces. While staring at Cheng Qingfeng and Lu Yifan, neither of them noticed Huang Xiaolong approaching.

It wasn’t until he moved to within two meters of them that they felt the frigid cold killing intent emanating from Huang Xiaolong’s body, jarring them out of their stupor.

Both of them abruptly turned their necks, and when they saw that Huang Xiaolong was within two meters of reaching them, their hearts felt like they were pierced with a poisonous needle. Guo Zhi and Guo Fei jumped back in reflex.

“Xiao, Xiaolong bro!” Guo Zhi’s face turned so ashen that it looked like it was covered by a thick layer of dust. His tongue seemed to stick to the roof of his mouth, no proper words could come out.

“Xiaolong bro?” Huang Xiaolong smirked as he stepped closer to the brothers, “Are you sure you don’t mean… mongrel bastard?”

When Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan had just arrived, every sentence that came from the brothers mouths included the words ‘mongrel bastard’.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong words, their expressions grew even more unsightly.

“No, we, just now, us!” Guo Zhi opened his mouth wanting to provide an excuse, but he was lost on where he should start. Could he use the same excuse and claim his mouth had a problem, that it was misspoken?!

Guo Fei smiled the best he could, “We were too excited at that time, confused and unhinged for a moment. That’s why inappropriate words came out, it was just some nonsense. That’s right, nonsense. Xiaolong bro, we’re one family, how could we call you a mongrel bastard.”

At this point, Guo Fei’s face tightened and he quickly slapped his own mouth, “No no no, Xiaolong bro, I didn’t mean that!”

Huang Xiaolong had already walked up to them and stopped, standing very still. In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong’s hand swung out and slapped the two across from him. A five finger handprint burned red on both brothers’ faces.

“We’re one family?” Huang Xiaolong repeated, his voice was icy cold.

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei felt burning pain coming from their faces, but hearing Huang Xiaolong’s question, they squeezed a smile, agreeing: “Yes, yes, we’re one family!”

But, the instant the answer spilled out from their lips, Huang Xiaolong raised his right hand and sent another slap over. Another red five-finger handprint marked Guo Zhi and Gui Fei’s faces.

“We’re one family?” Huang Xiaolong coldly asked again.

After being slapped twice by Huang Xiaolong, the left and right side of the brothers faces became so swollen that their heads grew to a size similar to that of a mythical beast’s!

“N- no, we’re not family!” The pronunciation that jumped out of their mouths was lacking accuracy.

As soon as they finished saying that, Huang Xiaolong’s palms turned, hitting the two squarely in the chest and sending them flying.

A dark black palm print emerged on Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s chests. Shrill shrieks of wraiths could be heard coming from the palm print itself.

“Scram!” Huang Xiaolong spat.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong say the word ‘scram’ was like Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s ears had heard a melody playing from heaven itself. After scrambling and clawing their way on all fours to get up from the ground, they ran for their lives. Neither of them had time to think of Chen Qingfeng, Lu Yifan, or the strange black palm print on their chests.

The crowd’s jaws dropped as they watched the gaffe ways the brothers got up and ran.

Not until the two fleeing silhouettes disappeared did the crowd shift their focus. Reverence filled their eyes as they looked at Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the people in the crowd, and his gaze made those from the noble and big families younger generation that were gloating earlier step back unconsciously in fear. In the next second, all of them ran away on their own accord.

“Young Lord, do you…?” Zhao Shu came over and inquired.

“No need.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. He understood what Zhao Shu meant, but people who gloated at others’ misfortune were never short in supply. Huang Xiaolong couldn’t possibly punish every single one of them.

“Let’s leave.” Huang Xiaolong said as he took a last look at Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan lying on the street.

“Yes, Young Lord!”

Huang Xiaolong’s group of three left the scene, sent off by the fear in the crowd’s eyes.

When Huang Xiaolong’s group disappeared from view, only then did the street break out in a commotion.

After that, Huang Xiaolong no longer had the mood to walk around, thus they went back to Southern Hill Estate.

Shortly after Huang Xiaolong returned to Southern Hill Estate, the Guo Zhi and Guo Fei brothers who ran back the entire way in a panic had also reached the Guo Mansion. The moment their feet crossed over the doorway, cries of ‘Dad, save us!’ reverberated in the mansion grounds.

“Dad, save us!”

Their deafening cries alerted the mansion’s experts.

At this time, Guo Shiwen was discussing with the Guo Family’s Chief Steward, Zhang Yue, about Imperial City’s Million Treasures Auction slated to take place in the upcoming month. When he heard his sons, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s voices, his concentration was broken. Jumping to his feet from his chair, he headed straight to the manor’s main entrance.

Chief Steward Zhang Yue quickly stood up as well and followed behind Guo Shiwen.

When Guo Shiwen reached the main hall’s door, he saw that their faces were swollen to the size of a pig’s head and the dark black palm prints on their chests.

Seeing their miserable state, Guo Shiwen rushed out and snapped angrily: “What exactly happened?!”

This was the first time someone dared to hit his, Guo Shiwen’s, sons. And on top of that, with such grave injuries!

“Dad, Dad!” Seeing their Dad, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei cried out even more miserably, dashing over to their father.

“Speak, what happened?!” Guo Shiwen snapped.

“It’s Huang Xiaolong, it was Huang Xiaolong! That mongrel bastard hit us!” Guo Zhi said, “Dad, you cannot let that mongrel bastard Huang Xiaolong get away with this!”

“Huang Xiaolong?” Guo Shiwen was taken aback.

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