‘5 Kills! 6 Kills!’

Man, the encounter rate was crazy.

Was everyone avoiding the flatlands and running to the mountains, where there were more buildings and obstacles?

We were all thinking the same thing then.

However, a lot of players seemed to move away once they found me.

But this seemed less to do with any perception of Archers, and more about a natural instinct to avoid combat in general.

While normal battle royale games were all about players fighting each other, when it came to VR games, it really felt like you were there in person.

And so there was more of a resistance against going out and attacking others.

Well, as for me… I was shooting such players in the back one after another, and racking up kills…

“Phew. There is no mercy in war… I always wanted to say that.”

And like that, I managed to survive and reach the top of the mountain.

Here, there was a stone tower.

The entrance was closed.

And there were also chips scattered around it.

That meant I was the first one to arrive.

“I guess I’ll use this as my sniping spot…”

And so I opened the door and went inside. But this time, I closed it behind me.

The interior of the tower was also scattered with chips.

I gathered them while making my way up the spiral staircase.

The top of the tower offered you a beautiful view of the entire mountain.

And it also offered you an amazing spot to snipe at people.

“But first, I should check these chips.”

I had gathered 47 chips in all.

30 of them were status boosters, 13 were for recovery, and 4 were special.

Among the status boosters, there were some rare +20 and +30 ones, aside from the usual +10.

And when all added together…

Attack +70

Defense +30

Magic Attack +40

Magic Defense +10

Speed +80

Range +200

Apparently, I had a lot of luck when it came to Range.

After adding the status chips to my base stats, and then activating ‘Immobile Sniping Stance,’ my Range would exceed 1,000 meters.

In other words, I could shoot someone who was a kilometer away.

Well, it would be very difficult to actually hit my target at that distance, but I would do my best.

Unfortunately, I didn’t pick up any chips for status effect recovery.

But there were a lot for MP recovery, which was nice.

Because most of my skills depleted my MP.

As for the special action chips, there were 2 ‘High Speed Dash,’ and 1 ‘Short Warp,’ which allowed you to warp a short distance, and then there was ‘Magic Mine,’ which let you place invisible mines on the ground.

I actually had two ‘Magic Mines,’ but one exploded when I tested it.

What I learned was that while it was rather weak, it made a terribly loud sound.

In order to make use of that, I set it down by the entrance.

It wouldn’t kill anyone, but it would act as an alarm, letting me know if someone came in.

The last thing I needed was for someone to sneak inside while I was shooting.

“Now, I’m all prepared. It’s the start of my killing show…I hope.”

I looked down at the mountain from the top of the tower.

I saw a player who was foolishly moving in an area with few trees.


I couldn’t hear the sound of the arrow hitting my target.

However, the player soundlessly fell to the ground and burst into light before vanishing.

Only the ‘Kill!’ notification rang in my head as I looked for my next target.

Kiririri…shu! Shu! Shu!

I would often miss, because of the distance. But the players just became frantic, not knowing who was attacking them, and so it wasn’t hard to take them down with the next shot.

The problem was players with high defense and players who could remain calm.

There were some who were quite sharp, and immediately determined where the arrow was coming from and were able to hide.

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