Two men, side by side without a word, gazing at the stars in a daze.

It was a meaningless and completely useless time.

However, such a time also seemed quite nice.

[Ahh, come to think of it……]


It’s just, while I was gazing at the stars, I remembered that there was something I wanted to ask Ain.

[That time when we met back earlier in the day, why did you immediately believe it when we told you that I’d lost my memory?]

It may sound strange for me to say this, but claiming amnesia is so absurd that it wouldn’t have been strange if he laughed it off.

The fact that he believed it so easily was something that stuck in my mind for a long time.

[When you ask that question, that’s kinda equivalent to telling me you really did lose your memory though.]

[What do you mean?]

I asked again, to which Ain shook his head.

[That isn’t something I can explain to you. Your sweet little sister is going to get mad at me.]

[Sweet huh.]

Hearing his description that didn’t match the Resilia I knew, I just nodded.

However, Ain didn’t seem to have any intention of getting into this topic any further.

Looking at me with eyes that seemed to be looking at a younger brother who failed in school, he spoke, seemingly admonishing me……

[You have to take good care of girls, okay? The other day, Roserette also……]

After saying that much, he pauses and shakes his head.

[Ahh, that’s right. You’d forget who she is too. Roserette is my……]

[Fiancee, right?]

I said, to which Ain shyly smiled.

[What? So you knew of her huh.]

[Of course, this story is well-known after all.]



Even back in the game, it’s well-known that Ain has a fiance named Roserette, the daughter of a Duke.

You would think that having a fiancee character would decrease their popularity, but on the contrary, it was the opposite case for <Prince of Light, Ain>.

Many women thought that Ain was cute when he talked about his fiancee, apparently liking how he takes good care of his lover.

Well, I can guess why Ain’s popularity didn’t drop much even though he had a fiancee.

For one thing, it’s not like you could choose a female Hero in B&B.

And as for the other reason, depending on how events unfolded, Roserette……

[Now then, unfortunate it may be, but I’ve got to go. I have a busy morning tomorrow.]

While I was absorbed in my thoughts, Ain took his back off the railings.

It seems that the time for chit-chat is over.

[Being a prince must be rough huh?]

Hearing the words I said, still leaning against the railings, Ain calmly laughed.

[I’m not usually that busy. However, the <Trial of the King> will occur soon. I have to prepare for it.]

[<Trial of the King>…..]

My heart skipped a beat at those words.

[The <Trial of the King> is a rite of passage that the royalty of Brightis must undertake. We are to challenge a designated dungeon with only the prescribed equipment and perform the ritual in the deepest part of this dungeon. It’s said that if one overcomes this trial, you will inherit the “power” that has been passed down through the royal family.]

I know that.

I know it better than anyone else.

—————After all, it’s the trigger for the <Trial of the Soul>.

Hereafter, Ain will challenge the <Trial of the King>, and having been caught in the trap of a <Demon Lord>, he will go missing.

It will be a few weeks later after Ain disappears that he escapes the trap by himself.

That is the only period during which the “Hero” can challenge the <Trial of the Soul>.

Thinking of this though, I feel like my throat is parched.

I’m going to use the <Trial of the Soul> to become stronger than Ain.

I had just vowed to do this earlier.

That’s why, he would need to undertake the <Trial of the King>.

That is something I can’t stop him from doing, nor was it something that I must stop.

And yet……

[Is it something you absolutely have to do?]

I found myself asking that in a muffled voice.

At my words, the prince gives me a carefree smile.

[Ahaha, do you also think that such a trial is old-fashioned? It’s true that a king doesn’t necessarily need the strength of an individual. However……]

With a calm expression on his face, Ain turned around and looked at the lights of the city visible from the royal palace.

[The current era requires it. If I had the power, I might be able to protect that many people. That’s why, I’m going. Even if anyone tries to stop me.]

[……I see.]

I answered, gently moving my gaze up to the heavens.

In the game……

The <Trial of the King> is an Event that creates no risk for the player.

Even if you go to Ain’s rescue and bring upon the <Trial of the Soul>, or even if you don’t, there’s no disadvantage for you in the game.

Even if you disregard this event, Ain will not die and will just come back stronger on his own.


If we’re talking of non-game related disadvantages, then it does occur.

As is the case with the <Trial of the Soul>, the <Trial of the King>, which is the basis of the <Trial of the Soul>, is conducted in pairs.

For this reason, Ain challenges the <Trial of the King> with “the woman who is to become future royalty”, his beloved fiancee, Roserette.

And if the “Hero” neglects this event and doesn’t take the <Trial of the Soul> or fails to successfully complete the <Trial of the Soul>…..

(————-Ain’s fiancee, Roserette, gives her life to break through the enemy’s trap.)

The stars in the sky spin round and round.

The weight of life, the harshness of this world that I had almost forgotten, almost crushes me.



As Ain walked away, I called out to his back.

[No matter what happens, don’t give up. Until the last moment, don’t give up and fight. If you do that……]

[If I do that?]

As I curiously turned to me, I arrogantly declared.

[————-I’m gonna help you.]

Ain, who received the words I seriously said with a dumbfounded look on his face, gave me a genuinely amused smile……

[I’ll be counting on you then, buddy.]

And with a clear smile on his lips, he went back to his room.

[Haahhh…… This isn’t like me but……]

On that deserted balcony, I looked up to the heavens once again.

(I just gained one more reason why I can’t lose here. That’s all there is to it.)

I am a selfish and self-indulgent person.

As long as it involves matters related to my own selfishness, I’m not going to let anyone die.

With this determination in my heart, I reached for the skies.

————–Within the starry skies visible through the gap between my fingers, stars twinkled and shone, looking as if they were artificially created.

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