Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 101: Battle of the desert

The African Hanna Peninsula is located between the Somali Peninsula and the Benadir Plain. It is the camp of the Qianlong garrison. Moreover, it is close to the Arabian Sea and can be retired to the sea at any time. It is indeed a good place for the army. The place chosen by Qianlong is not only beautiful but also hidden in the mountains. Even if it is not concealed, no one will come to control these mercenaries.

At this time, the thousand dragons roared inside a luxurious hall, and his only son was killed in the mainland, and now the murderer has no news at all. He has already issued an order. If there are no more than three days to find the hiding place of the murderer, the boss responsible for this piece of China will hold his head to see him.

However, just as the thousand dragons became more and more impatient, today a communications soldier rushed in and reported: "The message of the murderer has already been there." The favorite of Qianlong is that others call him a seat, and He also likes the American blockbuster "The Godfather". He often hangs on his lips to be more powerful than the godfather, so others call him a seat.

"Who is it?" The most annoying thing about Qianlong is that the murderer who killed his son has not yet found it. Now that the hand he has heard has been found, even if he is calm, he can't help but immediately ask the voice. If it is something else, he will sit still and wait until the communications officer finishes reporting. But when it comes to killing his son, he can't calm down.

"The name of the murderer is still unknown, but the figure and the teacher's shadow are very similar. We have three brothers killed by this person. And the means of killing are the same, all of them are nailed into the eyebrows.

It can be seen that this person and the murderer in Ninghai are the same person. At that time, our people should find something special, want to ask, and the result is killed. The communications officer said all of the current knowledge.

The face of the thousand dragons changed, but did not continue to speak. He knew that there must be something to be reported in this communication.

Sure enough, the communications soldier took a breath and continued: "When the person killed the person and prepared to destroy the traces, the local policeman was inspected. But this person does not seem to want to check with the police. The motorcycle entered the Taklamakan from Huyanggou, and our people have already followed the past..."

"Immediately mobilize all the young people who can be mobilized. At all costs, even if the Taklimakan Desert is turned over, he will be caught, or he will be left in the Taklimakan Desert, and his head will be taken back to pay homage to Shi Ping. "Thousands of dragons interrupted the communications forces and immediately said.

Ye Mo saw that the three men searched for him through his own photos, and knew that if the three were let go, his identity was immediately exposed. Now that they have to take two photos, it shows that these people are still not 100% sure that the teacher is Ye Mo, that is, the people who killed Song Shaotan and Qian Shiping.

There is nothing exposed to identity, but now it can't be exposed. Now he has only practiced the second floor. At this time, exposing his identity has no benefit to him. Once he is promoted to the three-layered spells that can be used, it doesn't matter if he is exposed.

So I knew that the three men came to check him, and they began to doubt him. He immediately killed three people, and there was no soft hand. Although I know that these three people are not Song family, they are "green people, but Ye Mo can't confirm it. But according to the strength of the Song family to trace him, these three people should not be Song family. Song family should not have been like this. The great energy of this trio of eight achievements is "Nan Qing, the people.

When I thought of "Nanqing, Ye Mo also secretly sighed, and when they just showed up, these people chased them. Fortunately, when he was in Luocang, he was rarely seen in the real residence. Otherwise, he may be found in Luocang. It is.

Killing the three, Ye Mo did not have the slightest pressure. If he wanted his life, he would use his life to compensate.

However, in the broad daylight, killing Ye Mo still has to be a good one. It is not Luoyue mainland here, killing people is fine. Whether you kill a white road or a gangster is a bad thing.

Just as Ye Mo was preparing to bury the three people in cremitation, he came to a police car. Ye Moxin screamed badly. There was definitely a fourth person, but he did not find out that he was ran away by this person and reported to the police. At this time, it was already exposed. Ye Mo also refused to destroy the scene. Instead, he rode directly into the desert and rode into the desert.

Although Ye Moe killed "Nan Qing, the people did not have the slightest pressure, but he was still unwilling to do it for the police. When there was no threat to life, killing the police was a big deal. Ye Mo would still stay here. Going on, I don't want to do this kind of thing, unless there is a threat to life, he doesn't have to do this kind of thing. And he finds that he killed the three people and there is also a person who fled, killing the police. Nor can it be extinguished.

Before Ye Mo came in, he consulted a large amount of information about the Taklimakan Desert. He originally did not intend to enter from here, but only because he was targeted, this changed direction.

He knows that the most dangerous part of Taklimakan is Lop Nur, the edge of the area, where many explorers have died. It is a place where the temperature difference between day and night is very large. The average explorer will not come here to explore alone. It is also the team coming together.

And Ye Mo got the words of shore coral..., Rob, and the holy gate in the mother's nose. He was not sure. Rob... is it Loppo? The point on the picture at the time was not the position of Lop Nur. However, according to the information he has consulted, the Taklimakan Desert has buried a large number of ancient cities, and the famous Loulan Ancient City disappeared here.

The ancient city of Niya, Jingmen, Xiaowan, Lulu, Qibi, Qule and Loulan on the southern road of the Silk Road was inundated by the Great Desert in many years of history.

Ye Mo did not know if the holy gate he was looking for was one of these ancient cities.

Ye Mo, who entered the desert, rushed in without rushing. Although he was a self-cultivator, the realm was still very low. Now that he has no storage equipment, the second walking route has shifted its original direction. So after he entered the desert, he did not move on, but took out the map and wanted to carefully confirm the walking route.

Many of the people who came to explore were escorted by the team and finally lost to Lop Nur, or died in the Taklimakan Desert. Ye Mo is now alone. All the water is just in the bag. It is one car than the ones who explored. The water in the car is simply too far apart.

Ye Moyuan thought that he has now entered the desert, and even far away from the nearest road. Those who are "Nanqing, should not chase the desert. But Ye Mo still underestimates the "Nanqing," People, he built a tent for only an hour or two, he found himself already surrounded.

These people are really sincere, and they actually came to the desert. Ye Molai couldn’t get the tent, just put the bag on his body and ready to escape immediately.

There is no cover in this place in the desert. There are at least a dozen guns in this place. Although there are no powerful guns, most of them are cottages, but this is enough.

It seems that knowing Ye Mo’s power and seeing Ye Mo, these people did not hesitate to shoot Ye Mo. There is even a guy who has thrown a grenade. Obviously these people get the order to live or not, just take him back.

In this large desert, in addition to killing the other party, Ye Mo has no choice. While he is avoiding the bullets, the nails in his hand have been withdrawn as if they were scattered.

This is not the stone house where the snake was originally flown. It is enough to block the door, and the direction of the attack is only one side. In this vast desert, there are bullets in almost every direction. Ye Mo has already confirmed that these people are not Song family. The Song family cannot get so many guns. These people are absolutely "Nanqing."

"Nanqing, under the rush, in a short period of time, even more than 20 people have been entangled, and there are more than a dozen guns. It can be seen that "Nanqing, the strength of strength is so strong." If in their base camp, how come the people coming in? Ye Mo is thinking that even if he is promoted to the third level of training, he is not qualified to go directly to "Nanqing, the base camp dialogue."

However, Ye Mo has not had time to consider it because there are two more off-road vehicles.

The roar of a car sounded, and Ye Mo knew that there would be more and more people coming. There was a pain in the lower back. Ye Mo knew that he was shot. After all, his distance is too small. He has no way to completely escape. However, this person who hit Ye Mo was also killed by Ye Mo.

When the off-road vehicle was getting closer, Ye Mo had killed everyone who surrounded him, but he also shot a gun and the tent has been hit by a lot of holes, basically There is no value for reuse. Ye Mo was afraid of another accident. His real yuan was very expensive in this battle. After all, he had to avoid bullets. When the tent broke, he didn't want to, and he didn't dare to stop again. He turned and quickly swept deep into the desert.

Ye Mo, who was flying in the desert, knew that he was a little careless. He did not expect that "Nan Qing, who dared to be so crazy, actually entered the desert to intercept him. So that he had not acted as planned, he took a shot first.

Two hours later, Ye Mo has completely lost his way, although he knows that it is dangerous to lose his way in the desert, but it is much better than dozens of people who are surrounded by guns.

Ye Mo stopped and treated his wounds. Only to find out that the 20 bottles of mineral water he had brought had been penetrated by at least six bottles. The direction of the bullet was also very weird, running straight through a row of mineral water bottles.

Ye Mo looked up and looked at the four sides, all of which were endless yellow sand, and occasionally one or two poplars who didn't know how long they died. There was a sigh in my heart, and now even the tent is gone.

It would be nice to have a PS, but Ye Mo simply had no money to buy this stuff.

Seeing that the sky was already dark, Ye Mo looked around and could only take out a sleeping bag from the bag and barely hang it on the root of a huge Populus tree. He had to rest for one night. He had just been shot wounded. He had not completely healed, and now there is not much water. He needs to save his strength and he must heal first.

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