Strongest Abandoned Son

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Tears like Milan, white hair silver sand

The desert at night is still relatively cool, and the gentle breeze almost makes Ye Mo forget that it is still in the desert. However, because of the sāo disturbance of many unknown insects, it is not very good for Ye Mo to sleep. Despite this, the spirit of the next day when the leaves are silent, the spirit is good.

But the sun in the day was shining on Ye Mo's body, so Ye Mo almost doubted whether he was here last night. The rolling heat wave hit Ye Mo, which is still not in June. When the weather is still relatively cool, it is so hot in this desert.

Look at this temperature is almost close to forty or fifty degrees, if it comes in June, this temperature is not directly to Baidu. Ye Mo did not dare to stay, although the injury has nothing to do,

But if you stay in the desert for a day, you will have more than one day of danger. Since you are here, you can do it quickly.

Although Ye Mo got a map with the word Rob, but Ye Mo did not intend to go to Lop Nur at first, because the line on the sheepskin map he got did not point to Lop Nur, but to another place in the desert. .

However, when Ye Mo rushed down one day, he discovered that his current position was actually a Gobi desert, and the yellow sand was stirring. Ye Mo consulted the situation of Taklimakan and immediately knew that it was Lop Nur.

Nearly 50 degrees of high temperature during the day, Ye Mo can still persist, and the impact is not big, after all, he is a comprehension. However, the water is only nine bottles left. It seems that he needs to find a water source as soon as possible. Otherwise, he will fall into a crisis of water shortage.

Ye Mo had no intention of coming to Lop Nur, but since he came, he could go in and see it. After all, the map that was obtained also had "Robs, two words.

Although it was the first time to come to Lop Nur, Ye Mo knew that this might be the most mysterious place in the Taklimakan Desert. A lot of weird events have happened here, and Ye Mo has also checked it briefly. There have been countless people missing here, and there have been many incomprehensible events. (Friends who are interested can check out the weird events in Lop Nur.)

But there is also a well-known legend here, because Lop Nur Lake was called Xianhu before it disappeared.

Legend has it that in order to prevent her daughter Milan and the mortal Robuel from falling in love, I have dug up Rob's eyes and broke Milan's double tu, and then blow them to the desert on both sides of the east and west, so that they can never see each other.

Two people are on each side and cannot see each other. It is just thinking of a knife, a knife and a urging old man, and hurting the liver and intestines every day. Beautiful girl Milan, I miss my heart every day. Overnight, the blue silk turned white, and the tears gathered into the river. They are brought together into a crystal clear lake, forming the legendary Lop Nur.

Later, the Milan girl missed into a disease, hún returned to the sky. That night, the heavens and the earth changed, the lake dried up, and the beautiful Lop Nur disappeared from here, leaving only the silver sand. Legend has it that this is all over the world, and it is the white hair of the girl. This is the story of tears like Milan and white hair.

Ye Mo stood in Lop Nur and suddenly remembered the story. When he saw this story, he didn’t have much feeling. Now he stood in the place where the story happened, only to find that this tear is like Milan and the white hair silver sand is so beautiful. .

Everyone on the day, missing like a knife, is this saying that he and Master Luo Ying? I didn't know the thoughts of Luo Ying at the beginning. When Ye Mo understood it now, he realized what was the day and the thoughts were like a knife.

When he was next to Luo Ying every day, he didn't care, but once he left, he found what he really lost. Now that he reborn the earth, he realized that his emotional intelligence was so low that even Luo Ying’s mind could not see it, but he could only feel like staying with Luo Ying.

However, when the danger came, Luo Ying first thought of taking him away. When the singer was sent, he seemed to remember that there was a warm sweep of his neck. At this time, Ye Mo suddenly remembered the original thing, only to understand what the warmth of the group was. It was definitely when Luo Ying launched the scorpion, it was discovered and then attacked. In order to take him away as soon as possible, Master used his body to block this sneak attack. The warmth of the group should be the blood that she vomited after her injury. Ye Mo suddenly hated herself and even realized it until now. However, even if he came here to understand it, how? Can you see Luo Ying?

If Luo Ying is still in the original place, will she still think about herself? Just like the tears of Milan, the white hair and silver sand?

Ye Mo stood on a raised weathered mound, thinking about the bit by bit with Luo Ying, even a bit of a fool.

I don't know how long it took. Ye Mo suddenly felt that there was a crisis. He let go at the fastest speed, but there was nothing in the surroundings. It seems that his feelings were wrong.

Ye Mo wrinkled his brows. His thoughts clearly felt that something was going to sneak up on him. Now he used his knowledge to search the place more than ten meters nearby, and nothing was found.

Look at the sky is almost 11 o'clock in the evening, he just stood there a few small

Time. Ye Mo decided to take a rest for a night, look for a fresh water source nearby during the day, and then thoroughly investigate it. However, because of the feeling just now, Ye Mo was careful.

Lop Nur at night seems quiet and somewhat mysterious. Ye Mo is a self-cultivator. Don't say that a single person is sleeping in a desert, or sleeping in a cemetery. He will not have any mood.

Because he once saw the real ghost repair, just on earth he still doesn't believe in ghosts.

Because it is not a self-cultivator, after a person dies, the spirit hún will disappear and cannot exist. Most of the ghost repairs are repaired as relatively high monks. After death, they don't want to enter the reincarnation. They use Tiancaodibao to force the spiritual hún to stay in the realm of cultivation. Although the ghost cultivation is the highest, it can still be promoted to a fairy, but there is basically no way to achieve this.

Silence did not last long, and there was a sharp scream in the distance. Ye Mo knows that there are some animals with extremely strong vitality in the desert, of course, they will not care.

Only the aura in the desert is scarce. Ye Mo can't cultivate. He can only rest on a salty wind.

However, Ye Mo rested for less than an hour, and the feeling of being sneaked to attack him once again came to his mind. Ye Mo secretly took out a few nails, and the gods closely watched the thing that wanted to attack him. Although he could not scan it, he already felt it.

It seems that I feel the cautiousness of Ye Mo. This thing that wants to sneak attack has not been moved for a long time, just paying attention to Ye Mo.

At this time, Ye Mo already knew that his feelings did not have any mistakes. He was really pinned by something, and this thing was very patient. It’s just that this thing is outside his consciousness, he can only be inductive.

But than patience, Ye Moo will not lose to anyone and things. He does not say that he is sitting for a few hours, that is, there is also a year of retreat.

Sure enough, after an hour has passed, the things hiding in the wind and the darkness seem to feel a bit more hearty. Who can find it in the desert?

This thing did not escape, but leaped quickly, went straight to Ye Mo's head, the speed can be comparable to the speed of sound. But Ye Molian's bullets for the general guns are easy to avoid, and he has been paying attention to this thing, how could it be caught by the head.

Almost at that moment, the smack was shunned, and several nails were hit.

A shrill squeak is like a rat's voice. Knowing that his nails have worked, Ye Mo has punched the shadows while the sound is coming.

The sound of the fist breaking the wind sounded, and Ye Mo found that his fist that had to be killed actually smashed, and the shadow of the roots of the old Populus tree disappeared and fled.

They have already caught the trajectory of the black shadow. Ye Mo will let this black shadow escape, and he does not want to chase it up quickly, but Ye Mo actually found that after ten minutes of chasing, he still could not catch up with the shadow. Seeing that the shadow of this shadow is even faster than him, Ye Mo is just two fireballs.

After the sound of "嘭, 嘭", the fireball hit the sand and the sand splashed. But the shadow disappeared without a trace.

Ye Mo only felt that the scalp was a little numb. He would never believe in ghosts, but this strange thing happened to his eyes. He clearly saw his fireball falling on the shadow, and then the shadow disappeared. Ye Mo will not believe that his own fireball can turn black shadow into nothingness. He has not yet had such a big skill.

The silence around it was terrible. It seems that there was still a scream that disappeared without a trace. The surrounding area except the Gobi was yellow sand. There was no difference, but Ye Mo did not find anything he had wanted.

Ye Mo calmed down. This time is too late. Even if you want to find something, you have to wait until tomorrow. When Ye Mo returned to look forward to seeing it tomorrow, he suddenly found that he had no sense of direction, only ten minutes, he had completely lost his way.

At this time, Ye Mowei felt the seriousness of the When he just chased this black shadow, he did not think that he would lose direction, so his bag was not back. All his things are in the bag. If the package is lost, even if he successfully leaves here, it will fail. Because there are still a few "silver grass, seeds and purple heart vines in the bag."

Moreover, even without these things, there is no water in the desert, even if he is a self-cultivator, it will not last long.

I have to go back and find the package immediately. This is Ye Mo’s first thought, but immediately Ye Mo overthrew his own thoughts. If he finds it back at this time, he is likely to find the farther and farther, and he will never find it again. Own package.

(Thank you for your monthly pass, the old five-way road bursts, now is the thirteenth new book, and the top ten is not far from each other, this is really a surprise, this surprise is what you give, thank you, thank you!!!

Many of my friends subscribed to the old five and voted for the monthly vote, and there were a lot of friends who won the reward yesterday. The wading Hou and Tianshan Qingxue friends even smashed the million coins to become the rudder. The rest of the friends will be listed at the end of the month, thank you! ! ! )

Yesterday we occupied a lot of highlands and left one fortress behind. Today we can not fight again. The first one comes first. We have a monthly ticket and we will start! ! ! ! .

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